Kathy Bradley

Kathy Bradley

Healing from the inner residue from the trauma of our past:

"Surely I have stilled and quieted my soul; Like a weaned child with his mother, Like a weaned child is my soul within me." - Psalm 131:2

An Introduction to Transformation Prayer Ministry - Transformation Prayer Ministry 03/06/2023

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Kathleen Bradley

I carried around the scars of abuse for many years longer than was necessary, but I did not know how to heal. I memorized Bible verses, went to group therapy, read one psychology book after another – some of them more than once. Yet, nothing helped to alleviate the grief from the intense trauma in my soul.

I used anger to protect myself whenever I felt that someone was ignoring my verbal requests to have a “say so” in the decisions made that affected me, as well as those who did not take me seriously or validate my innate human needs.

The physical, undemonstrative, and criticizing trauma I experienced during my childhood, and the emotional and invalidating neglect I suffered in my first marriage gave me a deficit in my soul that affected all my relationships. My former husband finally divorced me after 22 years, because he felt abused by my deficiencies and the resulting anger.

It was not until I was 48 years old that I learned the reason why these negative emotions debilitated me. First, God gave me a new husband who took my issues seriously with understanding and a lack of criticism. Then, He led both of us to a prayer warrior/counselor.

We trained under the tutelage of this man in the method of prayer he used to help people get totally and irrevocably freed from past trauma and the resulting negative emotions:
- https://www.transformationprayer.org/preparing-journey-introduction/

My soul finally allowed God to reveal to me the incidences that I repressed in my subconscious mind and disassociated from that formed my dependence on anger for protection, produced my feelings of guilt even when I was not even involved in some incident, and caused me to inundate myself with negative “self-talk” fueled by satanic lies that I believed as truth.

Through these dozens of hours of persevering prayer that my caring husband prayed with me, God taught me compassion for myself and others in my life, helped me to discern between the lies which I believed as truth from the reality of God’s Truth, and gave me a ministry to help others shake off the shackles of lies that they believed as truth and which crippled their life as well.

Father God, thank You for freeing me from a life of over-sensitivity, hyper-caution, fear, aggravation, and outbursts of explosive anger. I used to do and say things that I did not understand the reason behind them, but You answered prayer and showed me several incidences that I blocked from my conscious mind, but which none the less constantly fueled my words and behavior.

Thank You also for protecting me from addictions, which could have worsened the effect I had in my relationships. Thank You again for steering me away from chemical medications that mask the issues, and for bringing me to healing through persevering prayer times. I am so grateful that You taught me to find my worth in the saving regeneration of Your Spirit and in the resulting declarations of Your Word.

Thoughts for the Day:
The chasm of darkness that threatens to swallow people with soul-trauma, and many who actually suffer from PTSD – even those who never experienced a war zone except in their life’s circumstances, keeps us in emotional turmoil. It is hard for people in this place to admit faults because we believe that if we do, this chasm will certainly steal from us what little life we still possess. However, when we choose to come to Jesus with our pain, He sets us free indeed (John 8:36).

An Introduction to Transformation Prayer Ministry - Transformation Prayer Ministry An Introduction to TPM General Overview “I just want to feel better!” We’re glad that you have chosen to learn about Transformation Prayer Ministry (TPM) and how it may benefit your life. People typically seek out TPM because they feel bad about something and they want the bad feelings to go a...


We perpetuate being abused or continually abandoned or disappointed by allowing it to go on. lf influential people in our life will not take us seriously when we tell them their behavior grieves us, then when they make their decision, we can make ours that is helpful to us during these situations ... we do not need to continue to tolerate bad behavior. A period of separation for the purpose of reconciliation is even helpful in this situation. … kat


For all my friends and family who cut off their feelings:
I read and identify with this message: "Feelings were my enemy. They obstructed my goals. They embarrassed me. They were unreliable, unpredictable. They were bad. My life was built around trying to avoid feelings, aiming for some nirvana where I could smile serenely with the wisdom of non-feel.

"But feelings are meant to be felt. They are not meant always to be believed, or taken as the sole guide to action, or allowed to spit venom on people around us. They are just meant to be felt. Having been felt, they will pass. If they’re ignored or repelled, they will keep coming back, clamoring to be heard." ... kat


Fans for Jesus wrote: Pray this out loud over yourself! (kat)
I am DEEPLY loved,
DIVINELY appointed,
ABUNDANTLY equipped,
and PROFOUNDLY cherished by God!
No enemy plan, scheme or obstacle can keep me from God's HIGHEST and BEST will for me.
As I follow the voice of my Savior
Accomplish the IMPOSSIBLE
And love the UNLOVABLE!
I am a LIVING, BREATHING MIRACLE, because Jesus Christ lives in me! AMEN!