FC Wellness Company Ltd

FC Wellness Company Ltd

mary vicente- holistic health & wellness coach | lover of all things mind, body, spirit | whole foods | clean eating | active living | yogini | meditator

I am a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health & Wellness Coach, and RYT200 Yoga Instructor as well as being certified in Lakshmi Voelker Chair Yoga. My mission is to educate, inspire, motivate and support people to eat well, move well & live well. Health & Wellness begins with small daily improvements that build the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. I look forward to sharing tips, recipes, knowledge and motivation for whole health. Fostering Change ~ Food, Mind & Body!

Here’s Why You Must Add Strength Training to Your Fitness Mix - Frank Lipman MD 15/05/2023

….”But what many people overlook, even people who are really into exercise, is the importance of strength training. It is absolutely vital for maintaining health and well-being, particularly as we push into middle-age and beyond.”

Here’s Why You Must Add Strength Training to Your Fitness Mix - Frank Lipman MD Having a solid cardio routine is great for your cardiovascular system but, what many people overlook, even among those who are really into exercise, is the importance of strength training. It is absolutely vital for maintaining health and well-being, particularly as we push into middle-age and beyon...


The weather has been beautiful for walking! Have you gotten outside?

On Walking Regularly


Sometimes we need a little reminder, Enjoy the little things! 🌞



Love more, live more, spread more kindness.


Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2022!

WE Heart Local 06/06/2021

Check out the W.E. Heart Local Digital Passport. “There’s no better taste than local and there’s no better way to experience it then by visiting the many growers, producers, road side stands, farmers markets, and farm to table dining experiences.”

WE Heart Local Situated at the same latitude as northern California, we are one of the most agriculturally productive regions in Canada. Come explore and enjoy the bountiful cornucopia of our locally-produced fruits, vegetables, meats, crews, wines and more. Take one of our guided agri-tours or simply create your....


Visited Demarco's Fine Foods a local specialty market yesterday for the first time and picked up these new food finds. I had been in search of the Unbun Foods unbread for a while now, so I was excited to pick it up! Looks like French Toast for breakfast today!


“We don’t laugh because we are happy. We are happy because we laugh” - William James


Happy Friday all! Make it great!

Timeline photos 09/02/2021

When you consume these subpar fats, your cell walls also become subpar. Instead of being flexible and responsive to intercellular communication, cell walls become stiff and rigid. The more rigid the walls, the slower the cell functions and more vulnerable it becomes to inflammation.⁣⁣
Most people label all fats as bad and lump them all together in a box. The truth is that all fats are not created equal. There are good fats, questionable fats and bad fats. Our government, media, scientists and doctors have advised us to eat the wrong types of fats for too long.⁣⁣
You want to ensure your body has the fats it needs to construct high-quality cell walls. That means eating more omega-3 fats. Cell walls made from omega-3 fats are more flexible, which allows cells to respond more quickly to messages.⁣⁣
These “good” fats also help your body produce prostaglandins otherwise known as the hormones that cool off inflammation.⁣⁣
Optimal sources of omega-3 fats include small cold-water fish like wild-caught salmon, sardines and herring, organic flax and h**p seed oils, walnuts, Brazil nuts and sea vegetables.⁣⁣

Scientists suspect that early humans ate almost equal amounts of omega-6 and omega-3 fats. ⁣⁣
Our hunter-gatherer human ancestors got healthy omega-6 fats from seeds and nuts. They got their omega-3s from eating wild game and fish as well as foraging for wild plants.⁣⁣

As people began to refine oils from plants, the ratio became skewed more toward omega-6 fats. This created a drastic imbalance in the modern diet, making us more vulnerable to diseases such as cancer and heart disease.⁣⁣
The more omega-3 fats you eat, the easier your body can cool off, which means less inflammation that forms the root of nearly every chronic disease, especially those impacting the brain and the heart.⁣⁣
Besides eating plenty of wild, fatty fish, optimize your fat intake with nuts and seeds, grass-fed butter (or ghee if you’re dairy sensitive), avocados, grass-fed meats, extra-virgin olive oil and olives.⁣


To keep the body in good health eat cleanly, move freely, breath deeply, cultivate inner peace & happiness and silence the mind.

Timeline photos 01/02/2021

In fact, poor diet is responsible for almost 700,000 deaths in the US each year, and 11 million worldwide! And the average American consumes 55 pounds of added sugar each year, which we know is a major contributor towards the diabesity epidemic. ⁣⁣
The good news is that each step towards real, wholesome, delicious foods reduces your risk for chronic disease and increases your ability to feel great.⁣⁣
A few simple ways to eat healthy are:⁣⁣
Make sure your plate is 75% vegetables.⁣⁣
Eat an array of colorful veggies.⁣⁣
Include healthy fats in every meal.⁣⁣
Make sure to optimize protein.⁣⁣
Eat a low glycemic diet.⁣⁣
Avoid conventional dairy.⁣⁣
Reduce or cut out processed foods. ⁣


Started this morning with a vibrant, energy boosting homemade fresh pressed juice. I love the sweet, earthy taste of the carrots, beet, green apple and lemon with some serious kick from the ginger root. This healing juice is packed with nutrients and health promoting benefits such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immune supporting, with the beet being a stamina and exercise performance enhancer, blood purifier supporting the detoxifying process.


Be Kind whenever possible. It is always possible.