Unofficial: Cannabis Sativa

Unofficial: Cannabis Sativa

Cannabis sativa gel caps,Marico. Salve and oil. A natural pain reliever which helps with pain and suffering.


Did you know Cannabis H**p contains 80% EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids) ) that's more than any other plant on the planet!! EFA's cannot be produced by the body and have to be supplemented. Seven time Nobel prize winner Dr. J. Budwig (love his name) pioneer of EFA research reported success in treating heart infraction, arthritis, cancer and other common diseases with massive dosages of EFA's.

Stephen Health Agency Inc. " Real People - Real Results " 15/11/2016

Stephen Health Agency Inc. " Real People - Real Results " Stephen Health Agency Inc. " Real People - Real Results " is a video commercial compilation of Real Life Testimonials collected from Real Life People. For mo...


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Untitled album 15/11/2016

cannabis sativa gelcaps !!!! great for auto immune diseases due to the effective omega 3 and 6 rich oil.


medipaws for cats, dogs and horses !!!! got a special member of the family thats getting older and suffers from joint pain ... medi paws is a great alternative to expencive medications .


cannabis sativa seed oil has helped with rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, crohns disease, cancer, seizers, joint and muscle pain and countless other health issues.


cannabis sativa comes in a wide range of forms ie gelcaps , seed oil both human and animal. red deer has distrubuters me being one . i work in markets in the area and sell from my house.