The Coven of the Green Moon

The Coven of the Green Moon

The public page for the Green Moon Coven. Check here for open houses, public rituals, and more. Check here for open houses, public rituals and other events.

This the public page for the Green Moon Coven located in King George, VA. Any who are interested in joining the coven PM! Old YouTube Channel:


The burden of the philosopher, according to Socrates and Plato, is the duty of sharing the wisdom attained even if it will be rejected by the masses.

Priest Kings: Treacherous Path to Illumination/Mystery Schools of Antiquity 21/06/2024

I like what's in this video. The journey to consciousness is explored through ancient initiation practices. It highlights how facing difficult and painful truths is essential for self-awareness and growth. The story follows a young aspirant who undergoes rigorous training and extreme trials to achieve enlightenment. It emphasizes the connection between pain and wisdom in the path to higher understanding.

Priest Kings: Treacherous Path to Illumination/Mystery Schools of Antiquity Ancient institutions called 'Secret Mystery Schools' shaped the spiritual and intellectual landscape of Egypt and influenced cultures and philosophies worldw...




β€œIn a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being.”
β€” Nikola Tesla

The Biophilia Effect 28/04/2024

Biophilia is defined as the innate human connection to nature. The video emphasizes that human beings need nature not just as an amenity but as a necessity. There is a strong scientific basis suggesting that regular contact with nature is essential for psychological and physiological health.

The Biophilia Effect We went to experience the Biophilic Leadership Summit at Serenbe, to talk to thought leaders and explore the latest concepts of biophilia to promote change a...

TIMELINE SPLIT - Humans Are Splitting into Different Dimensions - The Alchemist 27/04/2024

After Skool always has great content:

This video discusses the concept of a timeline split between a third-dimensional and a fifth-dimensional Earth, as explained through mysticism and spirituality. It describes two streams of consciousness: an ascending, regenerative stream and a descending, degenerative stream. This split mirrors natural processes like mitosis, where each timeline has distinct characteristics driven by either evolution and love or entropy and fear.

**Ascending and Descending Streams of Consciousness**
Ascending Stream: This represents an evolutionary path where consciousness expands, driven by love and syntropy (a force that creates order and reorganizes to align with higher consciousness). Those in this stream experience spiritual and personal growth, raising their vibration to match a higher, more coherent state of being.

Descending Stream: Characterized by entropy, which leads to chaos and disorder. It is marked by fear, which manifests as control and division. This stream reflects a resistance to growth and an embrace of lower vibrational states.

**Implications of the Splitz**
Coexistence and Interaction: The two timelines, although diverging, will appear to coexist and interact for some time. This coexistence allows for individual choice and the potential for beings to switch from one stream to another based on their personal growth and decisions.

Eventual Separation: Over time, these timelines will polarize further, leading to a phase where they no longer resonate or interact, solidifying into distinct realities. This phase lock occurs when the collective consciousness of each stream fully aligns with its respective curriculum.

**Personal and Collective Impact**
Frequency and Perception: Individuals' experiences and perceptions will increasingly reflect their chosen timeline. Higher frequency beings will align with experiences that support their continued evolution, while lower frequency beings may feel increasingly isolated or challenged by their environments.

Timeline Realization: The realization of which timeline one is on might not be immediate or obvious, as these shifts can be subtle and gradual, but they will increasingly influence personal realities and opportunities.

TIMELINE SPLIT - Humans Are Splitting into Different Dimensions - The Alchemist In this video we explore the timeline split that is currently happening to human consciousness. One stream of consciousness is on a descending timeline and w...

Forest bathing: what it is and where to do it 12/04/2024

Forest bathing: what it is and where to do it Visit these five destinations to practice the Japanese art of forest bathing.

Biophilic Design: Supporting People and Planet | Oliver Heath | TEDxUCL 11/04/2024

The biophilia hypothesis is the belief that humans are genetically predisposed to be attracted to nature, so we inherently love the natural world.

Biophilic Design: Supporting People and Planet | Oliver Heath | TEDxUCL Oliver talks about the importance of incorporating nature into our lives, revealing its many well-researched benefits and how biophilic design can help us co...


Happy eclipse, everyone!


Happy Spring Equinox!


We witches have only been able to legally practice witchcraft in America for the last 73 years. It was made illegal by law on June 24th, 1736, and repealed on June 22, 1951.


Who's feeling this potent full moon?

Photos from Mystic Visions's post 09/02/2024

I had to laugh...
(I'm from Jersey)πŸ˜‚πŸ€Œ


Lenticular Clouds over Mt. Rainier, Washington State, USA.πŸ—»πŸŒ«


"The doors of perception open; what was hidden has been revealed. It is myself I see and a thousand colors swirling in liquid light. I am where the sun sets below the mountains. I am in this body. I am that star rising above the clouds hung by a thread from its ocean moon. Hail myself traversing eternity walking among gods, a shuttle flying across the loom through the threads of time.

This is all one place, one cloth: a man’s life endures. On earth flowers grow, snakes crawl and wisdom lies in the palm of a hand. All that is will be - hawks and sparrows, the thousand lives within.

I have come home. I have entered humanhood, bound to rocks and plants, men and woman, rivers and sky. I shall be with you in this and other worlds. When the cat arches in the doorway, think of me.

I have sometimes been like that. When two men greet each other in the street, I am there speaking to you. When you look up, know that I am there - sun and moon pouring my love around you. All these things am I, portents, images, signs. Though apart, I am a part of you. One of the million things in the universe, I am the universe, too. You think I disguise myself as rivers and trees simply to confuse you? Whatever I am, woman, cat or lotus, the same god breathes in every body. You and I together are a single creation.

Neither death nor spite nor fear nor ignorance stops my love for you.

May we come and go in and out of heaven through the gates of starlight. As the houses of earth fill with dancing and song, so filled are the houses of heaven. I am come, in truth. I sail a long river and row back again. It is joy to breathe under the stars. I am the sojourner destined to walk a thousand years until I arrive at myself."

-The Egyptian Book of the Dead (the Book of Coming into the Light) Translated by Normandi Ellis in her book Awakening Osiris.


"Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart."

~ Kahlil Gibran


We are the fruit of the seeds that our Ancestors dreamed and planted.

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Happy Spring Equinox!
