Onsite Dental

Onsite Dental

Onsite Dental is the national leader in full-service dental care in the workplace.

Onsite Dental started in 1997 with a vision of making state-of-the-art dental care more convenient for employees at leading technology companies in the Silicon Valley. Offering a complete range of dental services through multiple dental insurance plans, we developed a loyal patient following that continues to this day and is expanding across the country. In 2001 we began offering dental services t


Keep it fresh! Don't cap your toothbrush! Allowing it to air dry reduces bacteria growth. Let your smile shine bacteria-free!


It’s World Social Media Day! Let us know what your favorite social media platform is – Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter X?


Dental anxiety keeps millions of people from seeking dental treatment every year, and it affects kids too. Parents can help their kids develop a positive mindset about the dentist by following a few simple tips:

1. Start early. As soon as a child has their first tooth, they can benefit from seeing the dentist.

2. Play pretend. For young children, some imaginative play can help this new experience seem less intimidating. Take turns with them playing the role of the dentist and the patient.

3. Explain to older kids. Kids will be more comfortable when they understand the situation, so if they're old enough, simply explain what dental visits are like and why they're important for their teeth.

4. Prioritize dental hygiene. If kids already understand how brushing and flossing keep their smiles healthy, they are more likely to appreciate what the dentist can do for them.

5. Come meet the dentist ahead of time. Instead of diving straight into the dental exam and cleaning, schedule a meet-and-greet so that the dentist won't feel like such a stranger!

6. Be there for them. The easiest way to make the first few dental appointments less scary is by coming along and being present in the exam room to offer support and encouragement.


From detecting hidden cavities to assessing bone health, x-rays are essential for a precise, thorough dental check-up!


If you could teleport anywhere right now, where would you go out of these options?


Radiant days and smiles are ahead! We hope everyone has a great summer.


Crafting radiant smiles and building lasting connections, one appointment at a time.


To all the champion dads who are the best at what they do — Happy Father's Day!


No matter how you choose to floss, make sure you make it a daily habit!


Gum disease, tooth decay, and other oral health problems don't set in overnight. That's why it's so important to have regular checkups and to be diligent with daily oral hygiene habits. If it's been a while since the last trip to the dentist, here are the top 5 signs it's time to schedule a quick visit:

1. Persistent tooth pain or mouth sores: pain is the body's alarm system, so don't ignore it! Tooth pain rarely goes away on its own and can become much worse without treatment. A mouth sore that isn't healing on its own could also be a sign of infection or disease.

2. Bleeding gums could be the result of an overly aggressive flossing or brushing technique (this is why soft bristles are best), but it's rarely a sign of good gum health. Most likely, it's a symptom of gum disease and should be checked by a dentist.

3. If an old filling or crown becomes too worn out, damaged, or falls off, get to the dentist quickly so that it can be repaired before infection has a chance to set in.

4. A serious medical condition like diabetes or an eating disorder can impact oral health. So could a new prescription.

5. Chronic bad breath isn't just a source of embarrassment, it's often a sign of a more serious problem like gum disease or tooth decay. Bring that problem to the dentist for help!


Spread some joy! Share a reason that's lighting up your day with a smile.


Teeth are so cool! Different teeth have different functions. Here are what your incisors, canines, and molars help do.


Pause, breathe, and appreciate the goodness around you. It's the little things that matter most.


Summer dreams are calling! Share your bucket list destination you wish to visit this summer below.


Teething can be upsetting for babies and their parents alike! We're here to help with a few simple teething tips:

1. Learn to spot signs of teething. Typically around the six-month mark, the first teeth will begin to emerge. A teething baby may show behavioral changes that are actually teething symptoms, such as decreased interest in breastfeeding, excessive drooling, refusal of foods they normally like, difficulty sleeping, or general irritability. They might also become more interested in chewing or sucking on things.

2. Recognize what ISN'T a sign of teething. Sometimes parents misidentify other symptoms as having to do with teething, when it could be an unrelated illness. A runny nose, fever, or diarrhea could be signs of a viral infection. Consult a pediatrician if they get worse.

3. Try different soothing techniques. Continue breastfeeding if possible, and provide something safe to chew on like a teething toy, but be cautious when choosing teething toys. Make sure they do not contain PVC, BPA, or phthalates — all compounds that potentially cause harm if ingested by a child. Some toys can be chilled to provide extra relief, and some can be fastened to the child's clothing.


Honoring the brave souls who gave everything. This Memorial Day, we remember their sacrifice and the freedom they fought for.


Hats off to the graduates! Congratulations on all your hard work and your well-deserved success!


The great toothpaste debate! Are you Team Squeeze or Team Roll? Cast your vote in the comments below.


Trust us to light up your smile with top-notch dental care that makes a difference.


Seasons change and so do outdoor adventures! What's your go-to time of year for embracing the great outdoors? Comment below!


There’s a good reason dental health professionals warn their patients not to chew ice. This habit can cause serious and permanent damage to teeth and gums, so what makes it so addicting in spite of the dangers?

Compulsive ice eating is called pagophagia. Sometimes it's a symptom of pica, a psychological disorder in which a person feels compelled to eat large quantities of non-food items, such as dirt, clay, hair, or ice. A nutrition gap could be responsible.

Recent studies suggest a link between anemia and compulsive ice eating. The theory is that chewing ice makes up for the lack of iron (which we need to carry oxygen to the brain) by stimulating blood flow to the head. It's an interesting workaround but doesn't address the root cause. Iron supplements would be more effective, without the drawbacks to dental health.

What can ice do to our teeth and gums? The same thing it can do to pavement over repeated freezes and thaws. The problem isn't how hard ice is, but how cold it is. Tooth enamel is very brittle and can easily fracture due to so many dramatic temperature changes from the contact with ice. The gums are also in danger. The ice numbs them, so it's hard to notice if they're getting sliced and damaged.


Delicious delights for a dazzling smile! Here are some foods that promote good oral health and keep your smile shining bright. Eat well, smile often!


Celebrating the heart of the home! Happy Mother's Day to all the #1 moms out there. Tag your mom below to wish her a wonderful day!


Many people think the harder they brush, the cleaner their teeth are but that's simply not true! Too much pressure when brushing can negatively impact the enamel and gums so make sure to brush softly.


This is a reminder that your mental health matters not just this month but every month! Take care of yourself.


It’s time to party! How do you celebrate Cinco de Mayo?


Happy Star Wars Day! May the Force be with you, because Yoda Best Patient!


Your smile deserves the best! Remember to replace your toothbrush every 3 months and if it’s beginning to fray, throw it away.


Don't forget to give your teeth some love before you hit the hay!


Minimizing the risk of childhood tooth injuries starts with knowing the most common causes of those injuries. Babies and toddlers are most likely to injure themselves by slipping in the bathtub. Non-slip mats are a great precaution! Projectiles, like balls and frisbees, can easily cause injuries, so make sure to discuss safety and not aiming at anyone's head. Hard playground equipment can also be a hazard so extra care should be taken.

Sometimes accidents happen even when we're being careful, and having an emergency plan is a great way to prepare. Step one of any plan is not to panic. Make a calm assessment of the situation. If an adult tooth is knocked out, try to put it back in the socket. If that isn't possible, store it in cold milk. Either way, get straight to the dentist. That will give us the best chance of replanting the tooth. Make sure not to touch the root, and don't try to clean it or store it in ice.

Healthy teeth are harder to injure, which is one more reason to make good daily oral hygiene habits a big priority. That means daily flossing and twice-daily brushing!

Videos (show all)

🚨 NEW VIDEO ALERT! 🚨 Onsite Dental delivers convenient, comprehensive dental care at the workplace! Find out how your te...
👯A party bus, but for your smile!It's never been easier to get the best dental care on your schedule.
✨HAPPY MONDAY✨⁠☺️Our care teams are ready to help your achieve your best smile yet!⁠.⁠.⁠.⁠.⁠.⁠.⁠.⁠#dentist #dentalpracti...
🖐️Greetings from the city of brotherly love! Our team has partnered with corporate campuses, universities and residentia...
We are pleased to present our Onsite Dental Family Cookbook - a collection of recipes from our team members across the c...
Oral Health Tips for a Pandemic - with Dr. Dheri