Dive-In Inquiry

Dive-In Inquiry

Dive-In and Explore the Ocean of your Inner World with Inquiry as practised in the Diamond Approach.

Pride in finding your inner truth (from Dive-In with Dom – June 2024) 24/06/2024

Given that June is Pride Month, in this month’s teaching, we explored taking pride in finding your inner truth.

Whether you’re exploring your gender identity or any other aspect of your being, inquiry cultivates your capacity to be in touch with yourself and discover your own deeply personal truths.

This teaching looks into the process of discovering who you really are... and the sheer joy, freedom and revelry you can experience when you're able to be yourself in the world.

Pride in finding your inner truth (from Dive-In with Dom – June 2024) Given that June is Pride Month, in this month’s teaching, we explored taking pride in finding your inner truth.Whether you’re exploring your gender identity ...

When is the Superego not the Superego? (from Dive-In with Dom – May 2024) 19/06/2024

In our May teaching, we explored the difference between an attack of the superego or inner critic, and other kinds of inner deficiency, rejection or even aggression that can arise in your experience.

This is an essential difference to recognise, because it will guide you on how to proceed in your inquiry. That recognition will guide you on how best to support the unfoldment of your experience.

Dom shares some of the signature traits of the superego that will help you spot a superego attack, and as always, you have the opportunity to explore this territory for yourself with a short exercise.

When is the Superego not the Superego? (from Dive-In with Dom – May 2024) In this teaching, we explore the difference between an attack of the superego or inner critic, and other kinds of inner deficiency, rejection or even aggress...

3D Inquiry: Part 2 (from Dive-In with Dom – April 2024) 02/05/2024

We first explored 3D Inquiry in the October 2022 teaching, and as you’ll see in our April teaching, bringing all three centres online is just the start of your encounter with 3D Inquiry.

From there, as you explore what’s arising, why it’s taking place, and how it affects you, you’ll also start to recognise the subtle interplay of your three centres, and how each of them is in fact connected and mutually conscious.

3D Inquiry: Part 2 (from Dive-In with Dom – April 2024) We first explored 3D Inquiry in October 2022, and as you’ll see in this month’s teaching, bringing all three centres online is just the start of your encount...

Diving out of your Depth: Part 2 (from Dive-In with Dom – February 2024) 26/02/2024

Last month, we looked at what happens when it seems that there’s nothing much to inquire into, and this month we went the other direction, considering what to do when it’s all just too much!

It’s the nature of inquiry to take you to places in your inner world where you feel things more intensely, and to places that may have been locked away and buried down deep in the inner ocean.

These experiences can be overwhelming and sometimes you may need specialised help and holding to navigate them. This teaching explores the intersection of therapy and inquiry, and how you can tap into the strengths of each modality.

Diving out of your Depth: Part 2 (from Dive-In with Dom – February 2024) It’s the nature of inquiry to take you to places in your inner world where you feel things more intensely, and to places that may have been locked away and b...

Exploring Equanimity (from Dive-In with Dom – January 2024) 20/02/2024

What do you do when you find that there’s nothing much to inquire into?

For many people and for a long time, the impulse to inquire arises to solve some kind of problem. There’s something loud and disturbing in your experience, and you want to get in there and find out what’s going on.

So what happens when you sit down to inquire and it seems like nothing much is happening? Maybe you were thinking of doing inquiry, or speaking up in a group session or with a teacher, but you just don’t seem to have anything significant to bring so you keep quiet or skip the class? No burning issue… nothing big or obvious to talk about…

It turns out to be a far more interesting – and indeed important – entry point for inquiry than you might at first think!

Exploring Equanimity (from Dive-In with Dom – January 2024) What do you do when you find that there’s nothing much to inquire into?For many people and for a long time, the impulse to inquire arises to solve some kind ...

Defending your Truth (from Dive-In with Dom – December 2023) 09/02/2024

In December's free monthly teaching, we turned to our attention to a particular barrier to mindfulness, an inner counterforce that tries to keep many of our truths hidden. The inner critic or superego shames, judges and attacks any truth it doesn’t approve of.

The inner critic can make your meditation practice a hellish time of beating yourself up over how badly you’re doing it.

And as we'll see, both meditation and inquiry tend to stir the inner critic up more. So it’s essential to be prepared for this encounter!

Defending your Truth (from Dive-In with Dom – December 2023) In this recording, we turn to our attention to a particular barrier to mindfulness, an inner counterforce that tries to keep many of our truths hidden. The i...


I’ll be teaching a weekend workshop in person, in Cape Town, 9 - 11 February 2023. All information is included in the link below. The inner critic is a very powerful force in our psyche, and the workshop provides such great tools for working with it and becoming more free, in our spiritual, personal and professional lives.
It will be a very practical weekend, learning to use the profound transformational inquiry technology of the Diamond Approach to work with the inner critic. You will explore your own experience, in a personal and immediate way, to begin real transformation.

Early bird registration saving R1000 ends this Sunday!

All are welcome, no prior experience is required

*Workshop Schedule*
Friday 9 February 7-10pm
Saturday 10 February 9:30am to 5pm
Sunday 11 February 9:30am to 5pm
Includes five three-hour taught sessions, with personal inquiry exercises.

Full fee is R5000. Save R1000 with early bird registration of R4000 before 21 January.
I have some low cost bursary places available. Please enquire in the case of financial need.

Registration is now open here: https://www.domliber.com/course/daafrica-inner-critic-2024-02/
For more information contact Dominic on [email protected] or via WhatsApp on +447776222676

A Deeper Optimisation (from Dive-In with Dom – October 2023) 01/11/2023

For those looking for the complete recording – here's Dom's October teaching on how following the truth of your experience is the most potent thing you can do to optimise your life. 💥

A Deeper Optimisation (from Dive-In with Dom – October 2023) In October's Dive-In with Dom, we explored the key to a deeper optimisation.Our culture's obsessed by optimising everything from your appearance to your heal...

Not Knowing (from Dive-In with Dom – September 2023) 15/10/2023

In our September session of Dive-In with Dom we explored how to navigate not knowing, and the importance of not knowing.

We usually think that not knowing is a gap, a deficiency in our ordinary knowledge. We tend to judge ourselves or feel bad, threatened or scared when we realise that we don’t know something.

And yet, all inquiry begins with the recognition of not knowing. The moment you recognise that there’s something you don’t know, inquiry can proceed. If you take the position that you already know, then no inquiry is possible. Not knowing, even if uncomfortable, is the starting point of inquiry.

Not Knowing (from Dive-In with Dom – September 2023) In September's Dive-In with Dom, we explored how to navigate not knowing, and the importance of not knowing.We usually think that not knowing is a gap, a def...


In this month’s Dive-In with Dom, we’re exploring the key to a deeper optimisation.

Our culture's obsessed by optimising everything from appearance to health to lifespan. And that optimisation opens up the question, ‘What makes a longer, healthier life worth living?'

When you first learn inquiry, you encounter a vast, deep inner world. As you you stay with your practice, you start to develop a kind of inner compass – an accurate, intelligent and appropriate capacity that optimises and directs you towards the truth of your experience, giving you direction and support.

Each of us has *this natural optimising force* within us, and that's the focus of this month’s session.

As always, it's free and open to all, and it takes place this Wednesday 11 October from 7:30 to 9:00pm CET/SAST or 6:30 to 8pm U.K.

*Zoom Link:* https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88010499180?pwd=dEF1TFlTVTJhVlg5TjM0eFo3Q1lQdz09

Diving out of Your Depth (from Dive-In with Dom – August 2023) 07/10/2023

In our August session of Dive-In with Dom we explored what to do when you find yourself out of your depth.

As your inquiry expands, you could awaken all sorts of creatures from the deep. Some of these can be challenging!

Perhaps some very difficult traumatic event from your past comes bubbling into your consciousness... You might feel so joyful and free that you don’t care about carrying on with your work and your responsibilities... It might seem like a giant squid of depression has seized you in its arms and carried you down into the depths... Or perhaps your familiar sense of self disappears leaving you feeling disoriented and unsure of how to live your life.

In this session, we explored what makes the difference between getting dumped by the waves of your inner ocean in a way that can be scary and counterproductive, and engaging challenging experience in a way that brings growth and expansion.

Diving out of Your Depth (from Dive-In with Dom – August 2023) In this session, we explore what to do when you find that you’re diving out of your depth. As your inquiry expands, you could awaken all sorts of creatures f...

Real Support for Your Journey (From Dive-In with Dom – July 2023) 04/10/2023

In our July session of Dive-In with Dom we explored the practical ways you can support your own journey with inquiry.

There are many forms of support for you to draw on – from how to establish your own regular practice, to inquiring with others, to participating in courses and programmes, and inquiring with the support of a teacher. This applies when you first start learning the basics of inquiry, and extends over time as you refine and deepen your practice.

Real Support for Your Journey (From Dive-In with Dom – July 2023) In this session we explore the practical ways you can support your own journey with inquiry.There are so many forms of support for you to draw on – from how ...

Returning to the Surface (from Dive-In with Dom – June 2023) 02/10/2023

By being intimate with your experience, sensing and feeling it more deeply than usual, you gain insights and perspectives that probably weren’t available to you beforehand. And that’s where you may start to wonder, “Well ok, but so what? How does that help me?”

June's session of Dive-In with Dom was all about how to take the fruits of your deep diving from the depths of your inner world, back to the surface and out into your everyday life.

As always, the recording's divided into chapters, so you can more easily find the parts that are of interest to you, or simply enjoy the whole experience.

Returning to the Surface (from Dive-In with Dom – June 2023) By being intimate with your experience, sensing and feeling it more deeply than usual, you gain insights and perspectives that probably weren’t available to ...

Inquiry and Mindfulness: Part 2 (from Dive-In with Dom – April 2023) 29/05/2023

At the heart of inquiry is the ability to sense your body, to look and to listen. Becoming aware of the basic truth of what's happening – right now – is the first step to exploring and understanding your experience.

It sounds like a simple instruction – to sense whatever is arising – and yet it’s a practice that can take a lifetime to master and integrate into your everyday life.

In this special session with mindfulness and Diamond Approach teacher Gail Aylward, Dom and Gail share their perspectives on how mindfulness and other meditation practices are an essential part of inquiry.

They consider when to emphasise the content of your experience, and when it may be appropriate to 'put down the content' and simply be.

Inquiry and Mindfulness: Part 2 (from Dive-In with Dom – April 2023) In this month’s session, we deepen our exploration of mindfulness (which started in our January session - https://youtu.be/XjZE15v7Zlc).We're joined by our f...


London living daylight … feeling held in the arms of the sunshine despite a rather chilly April!

Inquiry and Psychology (from Dive-In with Dom – April 2023) 26/04/2023

At first glance, inquiry might seem similar to psychotherapy (and the various adjacent psychologically based modalities).

Like many forms of therapy, it's a 'talking approach'. And it traverses many of the psychological elements of our inner experience – from the superego and defence mechanisms, to object relations and the impressions from our formative years.

In April's Dive-In with Dom, we explored how inquiry complements and differs from conventional psychological approaches.

If you missed the session, you can watch it here, and as always, the recording is divided into chapters, so you can more easily find the parts that are of interest to you, or simply enjoy the whole experience.

Inquiry and Psychology (from Dive-In with Dom – April 2023) In this Dive-In with Dom, we look at psychology (and the many 'talking therapies' that have emerged from it). We see how inquiry complements many of the main...


Amazing bundle of Diamond Approach books on special from ! AH Almaas’s latest two on Love, his enneagram book, John Davis’s wonderful overview and my own on the practice of Inquiry 🤩


This golden calcite is like a living daylight crystal - on retreat in Johannesburg with the Diamond Approach Africa group

The Diving Buddy: Part 2 (from Dive-In with Dom – Mar 2023) 21/03/2023

In March's 'Dive-In with Dom', we took a deeper dive into the act of accompanying someone as they explore their truth, and how being a diving buddy can be a transformative experience for you, too. We also looked at how you can offer questions to support their process.

This recording follows on from our February session on The Diving Buddy, but it also makes sense as a stand-alone exploration, so there's no need to watch them in any particular order.

As always, the recording is divided into chapters, so you can more easily find the parts that are of interest to you, or simply enjoy the whole experience.

The Diving Buddy: Part 2 (from Dive-In with Dom – Mar 2023) In this Dive-In with Dom, we take a deeper dive into the act of accompanying someone as they explore their truth, and how being a diving buddy can be a trans...

Heart-Healing Workshop 11/03/2023

Please join Dom on 25 March for wonderful 90 minute online experiential workshop on inquiry and the heart, hosted by Shambhala Publications, the publisher of Diving in the Inner Ocean, on 25 March 🌊💎💙

Heart-Healing Workshop An Introduction to Spiritual Transformation

The Diving Buddy (from Dive-In with Dom – Feb 2023) 25/02/2023

The act of witnessing someone else in their inquiry can be a profoundly moving experience.

In case you missed it, here's the recording of our February 'Dive-In with Dom', which explores the ins and outs being a diving buddy.

The Diving Buddy (from Dive-In with Dom – Feb 2023) Accompanying another person as they explore their truth can be profoundly moving. It’s one of those magical experiences that leaves a deep impression for man...

Dive-In Courses 20/02/2023


Back by popular demand!

Dive-In Part 1 – Mindful Inquiry, our introduction to inquiry, kicks off tomorrow at 6:30pm UK time!

This is the first of several short courses to learn how to inquire in a more effective and transformative way.

Spaces are still available, so if you'd like to find out more, click on through to this page on the Dive-In site...

Dive-In Courses Learn the transformative practice of inquiry in our next Diving in the Inner Ocean course.

The Enneagram (from Dive-In with Dom – November 2022) 15/11/2022

Are you looking for a map to guide your inner journey?

Well, then you might be interested to find out about The Enneagram...

In November's Dive-In with Dom, we explore how Inquiry is the central practice that allows the knowledge of The Enneagram to become deeply transformational, and how Inquiry can help us to avoid various traps that people fall into with The Enneagram.

We also see how The Enneagram can be a helpful tool in understanding the patterns that appear within our experience over time.

In case you missed it, you can catch up with the full video here:

The Enneagram (from Dive-In with Dom – November 2022) There's been a groundswell of interest in The Enneagram over the past few months following the publication of the new book 'Keys to the Enneagram' by A.H. Al...

The Belly Centre (from Dive-In with Dom – July 2022) 20/10/2022

Your mind can spin, your heart can churn, but sometimes what you need is the immediate grounding of your actual experience – contact with what's really going on. In July's Dive-In with Dom, we looked at the Belly Centre, that vital ground of inquiry that immerses you in the palpable immediacy of your consciousness.

If you missed it, you can catch up with the full video here:

The Belly Centre (from Dive-In with Dom – July 2022) Your mind can spin, your heart can churn, but sometimes what you need is the immediate grounding of your actual experience – contact with what's really going...

3D Inquiry (from Dive-In with Dom – October 2022) 19/10/2022

In October's Dive-In with Dom, we focused on 3D Inquiry – bringing together the three dimensions of mind/meaning, heart/feeling, belly/sensing. We can really only understand the rich tapestry of experience if we're including all of these dimensions.

If you missed it, you can catch up with the full video here:

3D Inquiry (from Dive-In with Dom – October 2022) In our monthly sessions, we've been steadily working through the contents of the book Diving in the Inner Ocean – encountering what it means to get in touch ...

The Head Centre (from Dive-In with Dom – September 2022) 05/10/2022

September’s Dive-In with Dom focused on The Head Centre, that part of us that houses the capacity of the mind… the centre of knowing, recognising and learning.

Catch up here, with the full video.

The Head Centre (from Dive-In with Dom – September 2022) September's Dive-In with Dom focuses on the head centre, that part of us that houses the capacity of the mind... the centre of knowing, recognising and learn...

Videos (show all)

Book Talk: Diving in the Inner Ocean
Introducing Diving in the Inner Ocean