Kimono Tango
We create one-of-a-kind fashion from vintage Kimono Obi.
10月26日YKKものづくり館で #高級帯 の2wayバッグを製作するワークショップを開催します!
The hanabishi pattern consists of four petals arranged in a diamond shape and has only been permitted to be used by a few people as a yushoku pattern since the Heian period (794-1185). It has been used since the Heian period (794-1185) and was only permitted to be used by a few people as an artisanal design.
The shape of the diamond, which has a strong life force, also means longevity and prosperity of offspring.
symbol represents your feelings?
Traditional Japanese kimono patterns have been handed down from generation to generation and each has its own meaning. Find out the meaning behind the pattern and find the pattern = that best represents your feelings!
花菱文様は、菱形の中に4枚の花びらを配した文様で、平安時代から有職文様として一部の人々しか使用することが許されていませんでした。そのため、 #高貴 や #上品 といった意味合いがあります。
また、 #生命力 の強い菱の形であることから、「 #長寿 」や「 #子孫繁栄 」という意味も表します。
#あなたの気持ちを表すシンボルは ?
日本の伝統的な着物の柄は古から脈々と受け継がれそれぞれに意味があります。柄に込められた意味を知って、あなたの気持ちに寄り添う柄= #シンボル を探してみましょう!
The peony flower is also known as the ' ' for its appearance and has long been used as a symbol of wealth and in dyeing and weaving and craft patterns.
symbol represents your feelings?
Traditional Japanese kimono patterns have been handed down from generation to generation and each has its own meaning. Find out the meaning behind the pattern and find the pattern = that best represents your feelings!
牡丹の花は #華やか な花姿から「 #百花の王 」とも呼ばれ、古くから #富貴の象徴 として染織や工芸の柄として取り入れられてきました。
#あなたの気持ちを表すシンボルは ?
日本の伝統的な着物の柄は古から脈々と受け継がれそれぞれに意味があります。柄に込められた意味を知って、あなたの気持ちに寄り添う柄= #シンボル を探してみましょう!
桐の木には #鳳凰 が棲むとされ、皇族にだけ許された高貴な文様でした。一般に広まった今も #格の高さ を表す柄として人気で、季節を問わず用いられます。
日本の伝統的な着物の柄は古から脈々と受け継がれそれぞれに意味があります。柄に込められた意味を知って、あなたの気持ちに寄り添う柄= #シンボル を探してみましょう!
The paulownia tree was believed to be home to and was a noble pattern permitted only to the royal family. Even today, when it has spread to the general public, it is still popular as a pattern that expresses and is used regardless of the season.
日本の伝統的な着物の柄は古から脈々と受け継がれそれぞれに意味があります。柄に込められた意味を知って、あなたの気持ちに寄り添う柄= #シンボル を探してみましょう!
sea waves
A pattern of three semicircles in succession, representing waves. Auspicious pattern with the wish that peaceful life will continue forever like the quiet waves.
symbol represents your feelings?
Traditional Japanese kimono patterns have been handed down from generation to generation and each has its own meaning. Find out the meaning behind the pattern and find the pattern = that best represents your feelings!
This pattern represents the flow of water with many curved lines. The flow of water, which has no specific shape, is often combined with various motifs such as seasonal flowers, flower rafts and fans.
The winding water flow also has the meaning of and off evil spirits.
symbol represents your feelings?
Traditional Japanese kimono patterns have been handed down from generation to generation and each has its own meaning. Find out the meaning behind the pattern and find the pattern = that best represents your feelings!
曲がりくねって流れる水の様子から #清らかさ #魔除け の意味も持ちます。
日本の伝統的な着物の柄は古から脈々と受け継がれそれぞれに意味があります。柄に込められた意味を知って、あなたの気持ちに寄り添う柄= #シンボル を見つけましょう!
Butterflies have a meaning such as 'rising to power' or 'immortality' because of the beauty of their wings and fluttering appearance, and their significant change from a caterpillar to a young, winged creature.
to power
symbol represents your feelings?
Traditional Japanese kimono patterns have been handed down from generation to generation and each has its own meaning. Find out the meaning behind the pattern and find the pattern = that best represents your feelings!
日本の伝統的な着物の柄は古から脈々と受け継がれそれぞれに意味があります。柄に込められた意味を知って、あなたの気持ちに寄り添う柄= #シンボル を見つけましょう!
# Kamon (flower pattern)
A point-symmetrical design based on plant motifs, it is a and attire as a pattern. It is characterised by exotic designs derived from the Road in China, India and the Middle East.
symbol represents your feelings?
Traditional Japanese kimono patterns have been handed down from generation to generation and each has its own meaning. Find out the meaning behind the pattern and find the pattern = that best represents your feelings!
# 華紋(かもん)
植物をモチーフにした点対称の図柄で、 #吉祥模様 として #格が高く #フォーマル な装い向けです。中国やインド、中近東などの #シルクロード 由来の #エスニック な異国情緒漂うデザインが特徴です。
日本の伝統的な着物の柄は古から脈々と受け継がれそれぞれに意味があります。柄に込められた意味を知って、あなたの気持ちに寄り添う柄= #シンボル を見つけましょう!
symbol represents your feelings?
Traditional Japanese kimono patterns have been handed down from generation to generation and each has its own meaning. Find out the meaning behind the pattern and find the pattern = that best represents your feelings!
A geometric pattern consisting of hexagons connected together. The name comes from its resemblance to the shell of a tortoise, and is one of the auspicious patterns for wishing .
日本の伝統的な着物の柄は古から脈々と受け継がれそれぞれに意味があります。柄に込められた意味を知って、あなたの気持ちに寄り添う柄= #シンボル を見つけましょう!
六角形を繋いで表される幾何学模様。亀の甲羅に似ていることが名前の由来で、 #長寿 を願う吉祥文様のひとつです。
日本の伝統的な着物の柄は古から脈々と受け継がれそれぞれに意味があります。柄に込められた意味を知って、あなたの気持ちに寄り添う柄= #シンボル を見つけましょう!
菊は薬効があることから古来中国では仙花といわれ、日本にも奈良時代に薬草として伝わったとされています。花や葉などさまざまに図案化されていますが、パスポートや皇室の紋にも使われる国民的な文様です。文様としては、その薬効から #不老不死 #延命長寿 #無病息災 などの意味を持ちます。
symbol represents your feelings?
Traditional Japanese kimono patterns have been handed down from generation to generation and each has its own meaning. Find out the meaning behind the pattern and find the pattern = that best matches your feelings!
Chrysanthemums have medicinal properties and are known as the "sacred flower" in ancient China, and were introduced to Japan as a medicinal herb in the Nara period (710-794). It is a national design, used in passports and on the crests of the imperial family. The design has the meaning of of life of life and good health, etc. due to its medicinal properties.