Trumpet Cry Ministries

Trumpet Cry Ministries

Bringing Light to a Dark world~A TRUMPET for the Voice of the Lord crying out to the People of the Nations, PROCLAIMING and DECLARING what’s on GOD’S Heart.

A Voice crying out in the wilderness, bringing LIGHT to a dark world.


Word from Elohim, Spirit of the Living God,

The well is dry...Come refill your cisterns.. my children.. ❤️

The well is dry...Come and drink of the Living waters..Come all who are heavily burdened, Come drink of Me.
The well is dry. The well is dry..
My children come drink of the cistern of Living 💧 waters..
Come wet your tongue and feed your body of Me.
Many of you are thirsty and craving of food to eat. I am the body you should be eating.
Come eat of Me.
Some tables are not meant to sit at.. I will feed those who are hungry. I will give 💧 water to those who are thirsty. Seek me in your dry places. The places that are dry need watering. Your garden needs watering. I am the Living water. Come drink of Me. I can fill the void that many are feeling. The well is dry. Keep your cisterns full of water as you must keep your lamps filled with oil. For night cometh where no man can work. Fill yourselves while you have time. You must not run dry. Keep yourselves full, full of Me. I am the void that is missing. I can only fill the space that so many are lacking. Fill up on Me..and Drink my children. I am the Living water. Many are being tossed to and fro like the enemy looks for dry places.. The places where you are landing are dry and are NOT meant to nourish you or Fill you. Come to Me so I can fill you afresh . Some need a refilling of my Spirit ..a refreshing of my breath. I am the breath of Life that sustains you to live and keeps you abreast to go another day. You must not go a day without my breath, without My Spirit refreshing you from day to day. You need to refill and stay afresh to sustain yourselves with the changes of the world's predicaments. Things are changing swiftly and indefinitely and you must stay afresh and alive in my Spirt, if not you will faint. My Spirit is available to refresh you when you are not feeling afresh enough to go on. This is because you are dry and need refilling..Come so I can refill you.

I AM ADONAI, GIVER of LIFE ..My Spirit is alive and ready to fill your dry places. Be swift in what you must do..Fill up my children for the days ahead. I have spoken.

Scribed: Sept 23 2023..


Message from Elohim, Spirit of the Living God
Jan 2 2024💕♥️🌎❤️♥️🙏🌎💕

Worthy is the Lamb,
Who was slain before the world,
Beaten and bruised for a greater good,
I died for your sins so that you may live,
There is no greater love than this,
My love is bigger than the world and what it offers,
Great is the price to pay for those who don't accept my love,
For it is their choice, but my love is available for the taking,
I want to see no one perish,
I want to love those who don't know Me,
Love is the greatest commandment of all,
I am Love!
But love is lacking in the 🌎 world,
The god of this world has blinded the minds of those who don't have love in their heart,
Love is what is lacking in this world,
I am love!
I want to offer love to those who don't ❤️ know love,
The love in my heart can fill the stoniest of hearts,
I tell you again it is what is missing in the world,
I came so they may live, so I can love them,
But many don't accept my love,
It will be their biggest regret to reject my love,
Again I am Love!
My love is available ♥️ for those who want it,
I won't Tarry with men forever,
For there will come a time, I will return and then it will be too late!
Accept my love for you, while you have time left,
For when I return, it will be no more time to accept my love!
My love is the salvation I offer to those who don't know Me.
I died for you.
On the cross I died for you.
That's my love for each and everyone who accepts my love.
I am He, Him and forever more.

My daughter share this to whom will listen.

I am El Shaddai,
Keeper of their Faith!! ❤️


The Lord says, "That story about you that you are ashamed of, and which you would hate for anyone to know is about to change into a message that will draw many out of deep, muddy, messy valleys.

I am releasing My tangible glory on you through the process of healing, deliverance and restoration that I am taking you through.

You will be glad that you never gave up when you look behind and see how many people will be following you as you follow Me, and how many will be looking up to you because of My light that will be seen on you.

I am giving you a second chance at life. Your story does not end in shame. I am opening, even now, a new chapter in your life, and this one will be one full of GLORY.

And because of the process I have taken you through, you will remember to give all the glory to Me. People will find Me as you tell them how I took you out of that mess.

You were ashamed of your history before, but now, in the coming days, when you tell about it, people will be delivered.

And so shall it be that your honesty, and authenticity, even your not being ashamed to show people your scars, will cause them to open up and receive the grace you carry.

There is a reason why the Scriptures do not record the successes of My servants only, but also include where they stumbled, where they failed, where they cried, and even where they were even on the brink of quitting.

There's a reason why I allowed it to be recorded that Abraham faltered and had Ishmael. That Moses killed a man, buried him alone, and fled. That Elijah ran away from Jezebel and wished to die. That Peter denied ever knowing Me. That all My disciples fled and deserted Me during My arrest.

Yea, even those stories carry IMPARTATION. Even scars carry grace. Because you are now in Me and I am in you, even YOUR scars carry grace, because I am the One now telling your story, with the Sound of REDEMPTION. I am now the One telling your story, through the Voice of My Blood.

Naturally speaking, human beings have the tendency to hide scars under their clothes. If they experienced burns, falls or skin challenges when they were younger, and now they are scarred, they want to hide those scars.

They want to hide them because they believe scars make them look ugly, attract undesirable attention from people, and trigger others to ask them, "What happened to you?"

But in the Spirit, your scars are open doors which, if you allow Me, become access points for Me to release My glory and power through. Your weaknesses are now portals through which I will express My power in its greatest measure."

Voice of Hope, Ann


I would like to share a truth that we all need to consider...

Several years ago there was a lady that travelled with me in ministry for about a year. She had several adult sons, and one day on my way to minister at a church, I met the youngest. I asked if he was coming to the meeting, and he politely said 'no'. The mother continually asked that I would pray that her children would come to the Lord.

A few months passed, and one night I was awaken to a phone call around 1AM from the lady. She was very upset; hysterically crying, and shouting; "They killed my baby!!!!"

The lady's younger son had been shot at a party during an altercation, and she was driving around looking for the house he was located at. I was on the phone with her when she pulled up on his body lying in the front yard.

Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep that night. I made phone calls, prayed, cried, spoke in tongues, and looked up plane tickets. The mother and I both feared the worst: considering his lifestyle, we knew this young man had gone to hell. There were no words spoken, just moaning silence.

Finally, around 7AM, I fell asleep, and instantly found myself standing in a room that radiated with white light. A desk sat in front of me and a large children's book rested on top. Jesus then appeared out of the light. I looked at Him, astonished. "Lord" I whispered.

I watched as He opened the colorful book on the desk. He seemed to turn to the middle of the book, and when He did, a sparrow flew out and then rested on the page.

Jesus studied my face and then spoke; "Tell (the mother's name) that I have the power to give life, and the power to take it away. Tell her I took his life, and he is with Me."

Jesus then stepped to the side and behind Him appeared a window; and through the window I saw the young man lying facedown in the grass, in the dark of night. I noticed he was whispering something: He was praying, asking for forgiveness in the draws of his last breath.

Jesus continued; "Tell (the mother's name) that because I did not get the glory in his life, I want the glory in his death."

The Lord then spoke a specific scripture to me (I was not familiar with it).

I woke up and immediately called the mother and shared what I had just experienced, and we went over the scripture the Lord had given. She just cried and cried. The mother confirmed that the young man was called to be a youth pastor and had previously worked with children.

The end of this testimony is that the woman went back to the neighborhood where her son was killed, knocked on doors, witnessed to people, and then invited them to the funeral. Dozens of people from the neighborhood attended, and she preached and gave an alter call. Dozens more prayed the prayer of salvation, asking Christ into theirs hearts. Therefore, the Lord got the glory in his death.

The person responsible for her son's death was arrested not too long after, and during his trial, a young man who was a witness approached the mother after a hearing, and he retold the account of that night. He told her that he was holding her son's hand as he was passing, and that with his last breaths, he prayed and repented of his sins, thus confirming what the Lord had shown me several months prior.

I want you to know that the Lord does not delight in seeing that any of His little ones perish. His desire is that we ALL come to repentance before we leave this life. Jesus died for everyone: it doesn't matter what type of lifestyle or how great the sin; He will chase us to our last dying breath. Jesus is not concerned with this life; it is but a v***r compared to eternity.

The grace bestowed upon mankind because of the blood of Jesus gives us an opportunity every day to choose Him, even at our very last moments.

Our focus as Christians should never be "Who went to hell," but "How can we bring another soul into the Kingdom."

This is how the TRUE church of Jesus Christ presents itself: leaving the ninety-nine, to go get the one. In other words, we should be searching for the lost, not bickering (arguing, debating, competing) with the church-goer. There's simply no fruit produced there.

Spiritual Food For Thought

Shabbat Shalom
Mena Lee Jones
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries


The pain of becoming is something that we seldom think of. Something must shed before it transforms. In my threshing floor prophetic Word and teaching, the Lord showed me that while in the chrysalis, it feels like death. I designed this piece with midjourney and added to it creatively. I love how her skin looks like it is shedding but yet also there’s evidence of transformation simultaneously. In many ways we are shedding also. We are shedding old wine skins, old mindsets, and old manna, while still shifting. Look at her chrysalis earrings, as there are several monarch butterflies in various stages. It doesn’t happen all at once! Remember that you are Becoming, as hard as the process is, He working in it!



This week starting from Sunday has been filled with dreams. I also have been waking up at exactly 3:05 am the last few nights automatically and immediately prayed in tongues. The dream I had on Sunday night-

I was in a neighborhood that looked very nice, clean, and quaint. There were flowers and children were playing outside. However, I sensed something ominous coming. I saw pitch-black clouds and told everyone, "The tornado is coming! It is coming! Take COVER" Everyone looked at me strangely, and said, "It is just black clouds. Look they are not even moving and there is no wind." I still persisted, "I said the wind will come suddenly, you won't expect it. Take cover!" I asked the Lord, "What would you have me do?" I asked Him this because I have had many many dreams over the years of tornados and each time, I received training to break them apart supernaturally. Tornados were my first training ground in Dominion and Governance. However, this time, the Lord said, "Go inside, for I will not stop this one. Go take cover." The clouds that were not moving began to be infused with wind. There were about 3 to 6 pitch black tornados in various stages that appeared to come to life. Once I knew I was not meant to stop it, I obeyed and took my son and husband into the house. The house didn't look my house in the natural but there was one spot that did. There is a small closet space inside of another closet. We hid in there. I remember thinking, "Lord we have no basement in this house. Will we survive?" I felt the Lord say, we would not be harmed or even touched. I then thought of all of those who did not heed the warning and were still trying to go on as if there was nothing happening. The wind sounded like a freight train and my husband, son and I huddled together embracing each other and waiting for it to pass. I woke up.

This wasn't a personal dream revelation but rather a corporate warning. We can't bury our heads in the sand about what will be allowed to take place. There is a period of time when the Lord will allow destruction but as I gave a Word a few months ago that what looks like destruction is really demolition to build something new. We won't like the package it comes in, and this is not a doom and gloom prophecy. This is actually the greatest time for the Harvest. Our protection is in the secret place. Our protection is with Him and under Him. Now, more than ever, we must have a strong family unit that operates in unity. There were three of us, and we looked like we were in a circle that represents covenant. We knew God was with us. There is a covering in covenant that we give each other as we move in the Spirit. There will be many that won't heed the warning, and try to operate in business as usual, but the ones who will be left standing are the ones who heed His warning, take cover under Him in the secret place (intimacy with the Lord), and stick together in unity. Family units are going to get stronger through this, and real ministry will be birthed through this.

This correlates with my second dream, where I was in a post-apocalyptic world, I was looking for supplies and I saw an abandoned building. I heard a baby crying. I was shocked that someone left a baby on a table of a run-down home. The baby was neglected, hungry, and needed diapers. I remember feeling like I did not have the energy to take the baby but I would not leave him there. I walked into the building and fashioned a carrier by ripping some of my meager supplies, I knew then I was not just on the hunt for food for me, but for supplies for this new passenger. I also knew I was protected. I had peace but was weary. I wondered, who could leave a child like this? How many walked passed the building ignoring the cry? I could not ignore it, even though I knew it would cost me. As I am writing this the Lord is revealing to me that when these events take place, there will be two types: The wheat and the chaff. Even though both grow together the separation is in how we treat the harvest. Will we be so focused on meeting our needs that we leave the Babes in the Lord or the unredeemed Harvest to die? Will we be sacrificial like Jesus and carry the one who can't? This is where the FRUIT of the Spirit becomes more important than the GIFTS of the Spirit. Who will you be when you are not prophesying or preaching over the masses? When your platform has shrunk? Who will you be when your only audience is the cry of ONE who desperately needs saving? The character of Christ is not just to save us, but also that we would become like Him. The Lord will protect us, His Peace will overwhelm us, and His Provision will be abundant, but are you willing to trek out into the places where desolation, destruction, and demolition offend your senses? We must truly place our hearts on the altar before Him, and allow His Fire to purify us if we are to be ready for what is to come. It's time to focus on the Fruit of His Spirit and intimacy with the Lord. When we do this we are prepared in all seasons, for all seasons. We are protected as we continue to pursue His Heart.

For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up. Hosea 8:7

Galatians 5:22-23 TPT
But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions: joy that overflows, peace that subdues, patience that endures, kindness in action, a life full of virtue, faith that prevails, gentleness of heart, and strength of spirit. Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless.


Julie Whedbee

This message was in response to me asking Yahushua why His remnant is still under such attack by evil forces. (This includes myself almost nightly).

I was praying for more understanding as to why it is so relentless. These are the words He spoke to me after communion on April 13, 2023.

Oh My child, peace, be still. Be still and know that I AM is here and with you. I realize how difficult it is for you to understand the reasons behind all this evil, and why I am allowing it to continue. The battle is raging, yes. It is an epic battle unlike any other in your history.

There has never been such a frenzy by satan and his dark kingdom as what is being experienced now.

Think of it this way. If you were given an assignment that meant life or death, and a period of time to complete it, and the deadline was closing in, would you not stop everything else as the deadline was rapidly approaching, even at the door?

Would not satan do the same, knowing the end is here, putting all his resources into completing what he believes he must do, to kill and destroy as many souls as possible, as he also knows that I am here now in My people and about to be fully manifested through them.

He knows the time for My great move is upon you and he is desperate to destroy as many souls as possible before that moment.

You, as My remnant army, however, cannot be harmed. I walk at your right side with you, and the battle is Mine, not yours. I go before you, and I am your Rear Guard. I have insulated you with My presence, and you are under My anointing, and although you walk through the darkest part of the storm yet, and thousands are come against you, you will not be touched.

Remember your positions in My Kingdom. As heirs to My Throne, you are already seated in Heavenly places with Me. You are My untouchable, unstoppable ones, the ones I have chosen from before time to be here now because of your obedience and faith in Me.

Each time the enemy comes against you, you have an opportunity to increase in your faith and walk in the power and authority you have been given from Me.

Do not forget who you are and why you have come. You are here to stand, when all you can do is stand, and hold the line, anchoring My love here until the moment I fully manifest through all of you.

Having been chosen as heirs, My kings and My priests to rule and reign here is a weighty matter indeed, yes, a very serious position to hold. But, I knew of your obedience and allegiance to Me and sent you knowing I would have the victory for you and that you would learn to master what I have taught you in order to walk out your assignments here.

So each time you encounter evil, see it as an opportunity to apply what you have learned, to over-come, knowing you could and will not ever lose.

I give you My strength to walk this out, and My peace, a peace that cannot be found outside of Me, a peace that will allow you to see what I am speaking about from My perspective.

It is then that as you respond, you will not be wearied by all the attacks, but rather stand up to your position and wield My sword of the Spirit, My Word as you work together to hold the line here in this realm, consistently and with boldness and courage, as I have told you to not fear or be afraid of anything the enemy can send your way.

I am here My army, as the Commander and Captain of the Hosts.

Be still and know that I Am has you in the palm of My hand.


Psalm 46:10

Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth

John 10:10

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Rev. 12:12

Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

Acts 2:25


The Lord has shown me a strong barrage attack is bound towards His Eagles!

Saying..Beware the spiritual birds of the air! Now these are the large and most powerful raptors, also known as the royal-hawks in the natural.

The Lord told me too proclaim a warning, sound the alarm! Declare a winged demonic assault. He referred to these birds as demonic shapeshifters that take on personifications.

Rapid in flight, beware the brood of viper-birds! Snatchers, robbers and defilers. Swift on wing, intent to disband God’s Elite Eagles, steal and desecrate the New Birth of The New Era. They keep pace with blowing winds and other birds in flight..BUT..God proclaims!

He will send His Angels. My Eagles take your ranks and lean into Me! I have The Strategies and Flight Plans. Rise Up My Kingdom Elite and Stealth Eagles..Hear My Voice! For I will carry you in My Thermals, My Wind Currents of Strength. In this hour My Power within My Eagles has increased!

Greater perception, precision, pinnacle orientation of My Air/Heaven Commands!
These shapeshifter , demonic birds of the air, have been deployed by Satan, a Universal attack against the Body, bloody aggravated war against the Birthing.

But Behold, as they emerge from the shadows in hordes, God Himself has set up A Standard! Arise! Arise Eagles of The Most High! Listen for the Strategy of Our Lord God in this hour!
Engage in Warfare!

The weapons of your warfare are not carnal, but mighty through your God for the pulling down of strongholds. Though the enemy has set himself against you, fear not.

Psalm 2:1-4 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

Isa 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

🖋️Denise Sylvia Bekker

Blessed are those who are Persecuted! 10/04/2023

Blessed are those who are Persecuted! Word from Elohim, Spirt of the Living God, May 20 2022, 7:56 am 🗣 The Lord Thy God says, ❤️🌹Rejoice in persecution for those who press towards the mark of the high calling. My hand is upon those wh…


"I heard the Lord say several times, with much intensity ~ 'I WILL NOT BE MOCKED'!"🔥

Two years ago today, the Lord began to speak a word to me while in prayer that shook me to my core. I have rarely if ever heard the Lord speak in a way that caused me to stand in awe and the fear of the Lord, as much as this word did!

Please remember, God's timeline is not ours. He is a Master Planner, and does not get in a rush. What is "swift" to us, is not necessarily what He means by swift. Make no mistake...this has begun and is happening, it will continue, but MUCH MORE is coming!👨‍⚖️⚖

Let me also say that I realize the intensity of this word, and the seriousness of it. I felt it the entire time the Lord was giving it to me.


In a time of prayer, I was desperately crying out to the Lord about much of what has been going on in our nation, with tears in my eyes I said, "Lord, I need to hear from you about this"! I cannot fully describe what I felt at that moment, only to say that I sensed the darkness encroaching in a massive way. I then saw in the spirit, certain people laughing, in a very evil and sinister way, as well as some of the evil that was planning to be released soon. I wept bitterly, and then...I felt something else. A righteous anger began to rise within me, and I knew it was not my own!

At that moment, I heard the Lord speak with such authority and fierceness that it shook me to my core. I honestly began to weep even more, and shake from the inside out, as what He was saying began to reverberate through me.

"I heard the Lord say several times, with much intensity ~ 'I WILL NOT BE MOCKED'!"

I said “No will not be!”

I then heard the Lord say:
“I hear them laugh, and congratulate themselves on their wins. But I will have the last say...and the last laugh. (Psalm 2)

Be assured, they will reap what they have sown, for again I tell you… I WILL NOT be mocked! That which has been sown in lies and deceit, in hate and murder, and all manner of evil...they will reap it upon their own heads! They think they have won, but I the Lord God Almighty, the Lord of the Angel Armies, am working in ways that no one sees and no one knows. I alone raise up Kings, and I put them down!

Even as the King called Belshazzar did centuries ago, so have they lifted up themselves against the Lord of heaven, and they have mocked Me, the Maker of heaven and earth...and now they have been weighed in My balances of justice, and they have been found very wanting. ⚖ (Daniel 5) I have seen their unjust scales, their manipulations, and cunning plans for power…but I am the Lord God Almighty, and ALL power belongs to Me! They think their plots and plans have succeeded, but I know all, and I see all, and I can thwart and overthrow even the greatest masterminds and schemes on earth.

In My abundant mercy, I had to give them time and a chance to humble themselves and change their minds and retract...but they did not. My grace was extended, but it was refused. They refuse to turn away from their lies and deceit, they refuse to humble themselves…and now they are mocking Me in their deeds and words.

Their hearts have been hardened like Pharaoh, and like Pharaoh, they have determined to do the desires of their own depraved minds, and the desires put there by the evil one. And like Pharaoh, I have given them chance after chance to retract and step back from their evil ways…but they have refused. They continue with their evil plots and plans. Therefore, now My judgements will be swift and sharp! ⚖ ⚔

Know that I have heard the cries of My people, of the oppressed, the hurting, the most innocent among you...crying out for justice. Their cries have come before Me like a mighty chorus, pleading for justice. I have also heard the cries of My remnant, cries for mercy, and for this land to not be turned to desolation. Many have cried day and night…and do not think I have not heard your cries! My ear is not deaf that it cannot hear, and My hand is not short that it cannot reach.

I have heard the cries, and I the Lord your God will answer them. I will answer them for the sake of My remnant, and for the sake of the covenants that have been made with Me, both old and new. I am a covenant keeping God, and though man may forget, I do not forget. I am God, and I do not change!

I will render My justice from heaven in ways you have not yet seen. I have said it before to you, and I say it again ~ I will do a thing, and the ears of all who hear it will tingle! You have prayed, you have cried, you have interceded, and declared…Now sit back and watch Me move!

My angels are positioned even now, and are being sent forth at My command - to expose, to uncover, and to bring My holy judgements to those who have stood against Me in defiance and pride. My holy judgements will be seen throughout this land, and you will know that it is I that do this thing!

As My judgements flow, the fear of who I am will be known, most especially among My people! You will know and recognize that no one can do what I can do! No person, no leader, no one can do what I alone can do. When the enemy does his best, and he has…then My Spirit comes in like a wave, and crushes all of his best made plans in mere moments. This fear of Me, and awe of what I alone can do, and the judgements that I alone can render, will cause great revival to spring up in many areas of this nation.

Exposure after exposure, and judgement after judgement will now be seen in the land…and that which has been sown in darkness and evil, will be reaped upon their own heads. Now is the time...for I am God alone, and I WILL NOT be mocked!

I am a God of justice and holiness, I am a God of mercy and love. I say sit back, My remnant warriors, and watch what I alone can do! Sit back, and you will see My justice as it rolls across this land like a mighty river!”

Humbly and in much prayer,

Amanda Shiflett - Prophetic Reformer