Its All Mental Fitness LLC.

Its All Mental Fitness LLC.

It’s All Mental Fitness (I.A.M. I.A.M. Fitness does not provide blanket programs for clients. Along with fitness programs I.A.M.

Fitness) is an online fitness consultant company that will construct a fitness program to enhance your ability to reach your fitness goals. Each program is broken down specifically for every client's individual need. Fitness will break down recommended macronutrient intake, healthy food suggestions, and keep you motivated along your journey. Fitness will not only assist you along the way of reachi

Photos from Its All Mental Fitness LLC.'s post 12/10/2022

Big shoutout to for taking these amazing photos for the upcoming website reload. Once the site is up and running again you will be able to order apparel online and be able to see all the new features! Thank you all. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


Daily Mission: Get better 1 step at a time

3 steps: Set a goal, get a plan, and execute



Monday Mindset 🧠

- Developing a habit is not overnight, or even a certain number of day. This takes time, energy, and effort. The motivation that comes from within will only get you started, practice everyday and lay out realistic timelines. Start small, and over time those habitual patterns will be set.
Goals: I want to lose x lbs

Motivation: Internal/External (have the hard talk with yourself; hold yourself accountable)

Step 1: exercise (start small, 3x per week)
Step 2: What exercises (reach out to a trainer)
Step 3: What time of the day (replace 1 Netflix episode with allocated exercise time)
Step:4 Execute
Step 5: progress photos (Day 1- Day 21)
Step 6: Find a new goal (4x per day with weights)
Keep repeating the cycle and reach for a new goal.



Comfort Zone 🧠

- the level at which one functions with ease and familiarity.

- What would happen if we stepped out of our comfort zone and did 1 more rep, read 1 more chapter, or enrolled into something new?
- Growth is endless staying in your comfort zone will only hinder your potential.

-change your mindset-



Saturday Night Grind

- Hope y’all got after your goals today!
- “Success is in your routine.” - Eric Thomas



Mindset Monday 🧠

- Taking initiative of any task you have in front of you will get you further in life than waiting to be told to do something. Even if it’s simply asking questions if you’re unsure, getting in this habit of a proactive mindset will set you up beyond what you can imagine. Reading all the articles on a fitness site, motivational quotes, and so on is great but when you don’t apply it and put it into action all you did was waste time.

Knowledge is power but powerless without application.


Photos from Its All Mental Fitness LLC.'s post 31/03/2022

Hydrate,Hydrate, Hydrate 💧

- I can’t stress enough the importance of proper hydration and water consumption to live a healthy life.
- Besides the obvious of survival, water assists in the following: Gets rid of wastes through urination, perspiration and bowel movement, your temperature normal, lubricares and cushions joints, and protects sensitive tissues.
- The follow up question is how much water?
- Review the charts listed to get a rough estimate and base it off if your daily activity.
- Your body will tell you if you need more via urine and normal function (i.e consistent headaches).
- Like with exercise work up to drinking the adequate amount of water if you’re not used to drinking 2-3 liters a day. Start with 1 liter for a week straight and continue to progress.



Shoulder Routine 💪🏻

- Great shoulder work yesterday, around the world movement starts as a lateral raise then move the dumbbells into a front raise position. (Think full circle)



Monday Mindset 🧠
- From the Oxford- English dictionary repentance is reviewing one's actions and feeling contrition or regret for past wrongs, which is accompanied by commitment to and actual actions that show and prove a change for the better.
- Recognizing where you missed the mark and feeling regret is okay but what do you do after?
- We can “repent” all day, develop a plan to get better to reach out goals but will we enact this new way of thinking and living or revert back to what’s comfortable?

- Make a change, face your obstacles and move forward!!



Monday Mindset 🧠

- We are our own worst enemies when it comes to giving ourself credit.
- Take a glimpse of where you are now compared to where you were.
- It doesn’t matter how big or small the victory was it’s a win.
- Everyday is an opportunity to grow, trust your gut and don’t be afraid to fail.



Mindset Monday 🧠

- Happy Monday everyone, this one hit home for me.
- Reflection can be our biggest friend or enemy depending on where that energy is focused. When we find ourselves in a difficult position or situation it’s easy to see no way out and compare to our past failures.
- This starts a “I’m not good enough, all I do is fail” mentality.

- Our biggest failure is forgetting about our wins.
- Reflect on those victories that molded you, and reflect on those not so proud moments as your lessons learned.



Happy Sunday 💪🏻

- For todays workout really focused on a lighter load and slower tempo as I am entering Week 5 of my strength program
- Front Squat weight was @135 concentrating on feeling the weight through the movement so longer rep tempo than normal.
- Last week hit 405x2 so strength and weight has been steadily increasing .

- Keep grinding and striving for your goals, 1% better everyday.



Happy Thursday Fit Fam 💪🏻

- Did you know, that regular exercise has an antidepressant effect on those suffering from clinical depression?
- Data regarding the positive mood effects of exercise involvement, independent of fitness gains, suggest that the focus should be on frequency of exercise rather than duration or intensity until the behavior has been well established.

- What’s the take away? Stay consistent even if it’s for 15 minutes a day, repetition will develop positive thinking and results.


Photos from Its All Mental Fitness LLC.'s post 23/02/2022

Happy Wednesday Fit Fam

- Measuring tip weigh and measure your food uncooked for more accurate macros. Once food is cooked it you will either lose 2-3 oz (meat) or gains 2-3 oz (rice).
- Read your labels and track what you’re putting in your body!



Monday Mindset 🧠

- Focus your time on the habits that are producing positive growth.

- W**d you begin to eliminate your bad habits the complaint of never having enough time will dwindle as well.


Photos from Its All Mental Fitness LLC.'s post 09/02/2022

Week 3 Strength Program

- Keeping it simple, and enjoying the results.
- Write your workouts down, and weights as simple as it sounds it helps big time. I have been lazy with this process, and I see the tremendous help visually seeing progress on paper can dictate the next workout.
- Use your notebook on your phone and record!
- Keep grinding happy Wednesday!!



Whats on the Menu

- Salmon is my #1 protein choice when I am preparing my meals for the week.
- Salmon is high in protein and higher in overall calories compared to some other proteins due to its fat profile.
- While having high omega-3 and protein contents will aid in muscle recovery, salmon also has one more unique characteristic. It has a good amount of potassium that helps prevent muscle cramps.



Week 2 “Strength” Program

-Keeping consistent will my current program and loving it!
- Primary Movements I have been sticking to 5-8 reps for 5 sets after properly warming up to the weight.
- Secondary movements become more isolated and hypertrophy driven keeping reps in the 8-15 range.
- Finally for the last two “top” sets i increase the weight slightly and push to 5 reps. If I only get 3 I’ll rest till I reach 5. The following week I’ll attempt 5reps for the entire set until I can keep the reps and weight consistent.

*Let me know if you are interested in working together 💪🏻
** Dont forget your cardio


Monday Mindset 🧠

- Adversity is the opportunity for growth…Embrace the challenges and failures that may come with them. Build that callus mindset that you will keep pushing not matter the obstacles.



Monday Mindset 🧠

- While this seems like such an easy concept, crossing into the uncomfortable is difficult. Don’t overload yourself and try to get it all done in one day, allow 5 minutes to become 10, 10 minutes to become 15 and so on. Be consistent and soon that habitual pattern will show its results.



Monday Mindset 🧠

Stay on your Path
- Rather it’s day 1 of your fitness journey or you have been training for years, stay on course or you will not see progress or will waste the work you have put in.
- Time and mindset will determine your growth.



Monday Mindset 🧠

- It is important to have a 3 month, 6 month, and yearly goals laid out for the year.
- The steps to achieving those goals are mini victories that build the confidence needed to continue your path.
- Stay consistent on your diet 1 meal at a time, 1 day at a time, will lead to that full week.
- Keep moving forward



Monday Mindset 🧠

Set the Standard

- While working on your fitness goals, focus on being the best version of yourself. If your circle of people are excuse driven you too will fall in line. Be the standard and strive for greatness.



Simple, Effective Home Gym upgrade 🏋🏻‍♂️

- If you have a home gym and want to add exercise variety check this video out.
- Simple purchase with a touch of creativity can reduce the financial burden of wanting to upgrade your home gym.



Expectation Management 🧠

- You need to have realistic goals and realize it will all not be accomplished overnight.
- Be patient and don’t overload yourself.
- Set your goals with attainable deadlines, and get after it.



Mindset 🧠

- We all want more of something, and dwell on where we will be at if we had it.
- Question is what are you doing with what you have?
- From a fitness stand point, you may consistently say “I don’t have enough time” but what are you doing with the time you have? 1 Netflix episode typically lasts 40-45 minutes. Is lack of time the issue or are you handling the time you have different.
- Use what you have to the fullest possible and new doors will open when you’re ready.


Videos (show all)

Simple, Effective Home Gym upgrade 🏋🏻‍♂️- If you have a home gym and want to add exercise variety check this video out. ...
Breast Cancer Awareness Month 🎀 - Happy Saturday Everyone! Breast cancer awareness T-Shirts are ready for purchase!! - A...
Complete Leg Day Routine🔥💥Warm up: dynamic stretches (high knees, butt-kicker, lateral lunges) 1 mile jog (under 8 minut...
AM Boxing Cardio 🥊 - Want to improve your Cardiovascular, loss weight, improve balance, and reduce overall stress levels...
Push Finisher 💪🏻Happy Friday Fit Fam!-I added this chest/tricep set to the end of my workout last night and I am feeling...
Happy Friday #fitfam Check out this clip of a Back/Bicep routine with a Bonus circuit Finisher!  Below are the reps and ...
