

Becoming healthy and fit. One goal at a time. One day at a time. Welcome to Fell 4 Fitness with Team Beachbody! I hit a plateue and decided to try Shakeology.

I am a Beachbody coach and was lead here by the amazing results I have gotten from doing Beachbody programs and drinking Shakeology. For the last three years I have done various programs such as P90X, Insanity and T25 which have drastically transformed my body. It changed my life and helped me to move past that hump! If I ever miss a day of ShakeO as one of my meals I certainty feel it. I feel ama

Timeline photos 28/08/2015

This is me today! Love it!

This life of ours ...pretty much the best!

Mobile uploads 27/08/2015

Love this!

Timeline photos 26/08/2015

This is so very true! Inspire and build each other up!


Oh my! It's been a long time since I have posted in here. I suppose life has just had me busy, but I need to start it up again to keep myself accountable!

We all fall off track every now and then, but getting back up and getting back to it is key! So far this week has been productive for me with workouts and getting my eating down once again.

Happy Wednesday and keep your focus!

Mobile uploads 12/04/2015

Seriously though!

Mobile uploads 11/04/2015



This was my post after Friday's workout. Lol!

So when you puke after a crossfit class everyone is very proud of you and tells you what in amazing job you did. I killed it! Awesome way to end the week. BOOM!


If you have not tried Crossfit yet.....DO IT! It's amazing. I went to my first class Thursday and second yesterday. I can't move today but I love it! Haven't felt workout pain in so long! I can't wait to see what's in store for my body!

If you're in AZ I urge you to go try a class at

“The BEST Carbs for Getting Leaner and Stronger” by James Barnum | Eat to Perform 11/04/2015

Good read

“The BEST Carbs for Getting Leaner and Stronger” by James Barnum | Eat to Perform (Click here to jump to a summary of this article) In recent years, while the rest of the world continued to live in fear of fat, the fitness community totally embraced it. Carbohydrates became the target of our frustrations; we blamed them for making us fat, compromising our immune function, keepin…


Feeling yesterday's hike in my thighs and glutes big time today. Had some great workouts this week. Excited for Easter with the kids.

Mobile uploads 02/04/2015

So funny, but so true! Happy Thursday!

Mobile uploads 01/04/2015

Some days you just feel it!


Tonight - 1170 calories burned

Zumba, few leg machines and ab machine followed by 100 push ups (mixed between the leg exercises listed below)

Squats feet forward 3 sets of 18

Sumo squats feet outward legs very wide 3 sets of 18

Squat holds as long as you can. work up to 2 mins

15 walking lunges each leg

15 jump lunges each leg

High knees for 2 mins. Rest and repeat 5 times

Side leg lifts. 3 sets of 20

Standing hip abduction. 3 sets of 15

Curtsey lunges. 3 sets of 20 each leg

Glute back kicks 25 pulses each leg

25 scissor kicks

Standing calf raises. 3 sets of 25

Wall sits. as long as you can. work up to 3 mins

Hiked 2.27 mi on 27/03/2015 28/03/2015

Last Friday was 1 hour 40 mins. Today my goal was 1 hour 30 mins. I made it in 1 hour 17 mins!!!

Hiked 2.27 mi on 27/03/2015 Distance: 2.27 mi, Duration: 1:17:25, Pace: 0:34:05 min/mi, Energy Burned: 714 kCal

Mobile uploads 27/03/2015

Yeah buddy!

How To Talk To Your Daughter About Her Body 27/03/2015

Oh my gosh. Of you have a daughter read this. If you ate a woman read this. This isn't only great advice on how to teach our daughters but how to retrain ourselves!

How To Talk To Your Daughter About Her Body How to talk to your daughter about her body, step one: Don't talk to your daughter about her body, except to teach her how it works. Don't say anything if she's lost weight. Don't say anything if she's gained weight. Here are some things you can say ...


Tonight was gym night with one of my besties. We tackled cycle/spin class, worked out lower body on machines, abs on machines and then hit the sauna. 923 calories burned according to the heart rate monitor. Great way to end a very long day!

Mobile uploads 26/03/2015

Word. Lol

Dangers of Cool Whip - The Science Of Eating 26/03/2015

Holy crap! Cool Whip is horrible stuff!

Of the 12 or so ingredients in Cool Whip, there are only two that aren’t toxic to humans, one being water.


Dangers of Cool Whip - The Science Of Eating Dangers of Cool Whip Cool Whip, this holiday staple was invented in the late 1960s, and has been all the rage for holiday entertaining...


Happy Thursday!

2.53 miles jog/walk

Narrow push ups 25
Bicycles 60
Narrow push ups 25
Superman 60 seconds rest 15. Two rounds
Wide push ups 25
Side plank pulse 30 each side
Wide push ups 25
Pull through 50
Foot to foot crush 25 each side

Total calorie burn 482


Today's home workout.

2.49 mile jog/walk around neighborhood followed by a pretty challenging ab workout.
529 total calorie burn for me.

You'll want to download an interval timer.

Complete the following exercises for one minute; rest 15 seconds after each exercise.

I did 2 rounds


1. Air Bike
2. Foot to Foot Crunch
3. Mason Twist
4. Push Through

Food Combining - The Science Of Eating 25/03/2015

This website is amazing!
This page explains food combining. Food combining is based totally on Science, and how our bodies digest our food intake. Combining the correct foods will fuel our bodies correctly allowing us to burn calories more effectively. Combing the wrong foods can actually cause our bodies to become toxic! So much of what I have read makes sense. Love this website!

Food Combining - The Science Of Eating Overview: How It Works So you want to lose weight. Do you think you have tried everything? Well I’m sorry you wasted your time...


Two articles everyone should read. One is on cow's milk and how hard it is on the body and how human bodies are not designed to break it down. The other on coconut milk and the many health and weight loss benefits it has.




No time to go to the gym? Here's an at home workout I just did. Get it! Total calorie burn 499!

Treadmill interval Training
32 mins
2.15 miles

Calories burned 366

Narrow push ups - 25
Bicycles - 60
Pull throughs- 40
Narrow push ups - 25
Side plank pulse - 30 each side
Wide push ups - 25
Leg lifts - 30
Wide push ups - 25

Calories burned 133


Series of abs and push ups done this morning. Camelback mountain after work.

Happy Friday people!


Been a busy couple of months, but getting off my b***y and getting back to the grind!


Oh the struggle!!! Go hiking after work or go home and start the T25 program over today?????? Decisions decisions!

Mobile uploads 08/01/2015


Photos from Fell4Fitness's post 07/01/2015

9 months till Halloween. Wonder Woman is my goal people!
