

Hi Guys! This is our page that is open to the public for advice, updates and more on IBD. There is a closed group (iPoo2) for IBD warriors too!

media1.tenor.co 07/05/2019

Ok.. i need to share this.

I work daily on creating the best out of the hand I have been dealt... and granted... i am so much better off than some and for that I am eternally grateful, however, some times it just SUCKS!

My life revolves around my IBD and yes... i have a choice to change that and every day i try to.. but some days it just takes control and kicks you up the ass!

I mean.. the little things like having to plan EVERYthing around a toilet, enemas at night that impede on s*x life and just feel weird!, fatigue that hits out of the blue with no explanation... and thats just some of them.

Sometimes... it is just HARD and thats ok!

Sending love to those struggling today. Tomorrow will be better!

P**p Out



I was on RRR Radio today! Raising awareness one p**p at a time!
Did you hear the interview?

P**p out!


Winter is coming!

Here in Melbourne Australia Winter is coming and i have to say ... not a fan!

Is it me or does everything get worse in winter?.

Weather turns rubbish so you feel rubbish, feeling rubbish makes you feel low, feeling low causes stress, stress causes a flare, flares suck and make you feel low and so the cycle continues.

BUT I have been learning recently from my amazing mindset coach ( Emily Chadbourne Check her out ;)) that it is all about perception. What I percieve of winter is ... well.. excuse the language but... it's s**t!

So because I am already percieving i will feel rubbish... I in turn.. regardless of what happens.. feel rubbish!

What you put out you attract right?

My good friend Lisa from Live Alchemy (check her out too) wrote an awesome blog on how to beat the Winter Blues but Spiritually. (Promise its not hippy woo woo)

So... my question to you is...

Do you flare in winter and if so why? What causes it.. the actual cold or the affect the cold has on your mental health?

I understand every chronic illness is different and every case of IBD is different too.

Would LOVE your input and would also love to share some mindset tips to assist with the winter blues... if you're interested.

If so share below or simply put YES and i will share some info with you!!

P**p Out 💩



It's humpday p**pers!

What do you do to get over the hump?

Do you have any tips on how you deal with the everyday living of a chronic illness?

Would love to hear your thoughts!

P**p Out!


Hello fellow p**pers!

Tuesday Thought...

If everyone could physically 'see' your IBD do you think you would be treated differently and if so would prefer that different treatment and why?

If you don't have IBD... would you treat people differently if you could see the illness? If so why/why not?

Often a thought I have.. interested to see what you guys think.

Happy Tuesday!

P**p Out!

Scientists in bid to set up a ‘poo bank’ for stool transplants 13/04/2019

Raising awareness... one p**p at a time right!?
This time with The Daily Mail!


Scientists in bid to set up a ‘poo bank’ for stool transplants A Victorian dance teacher who suffers from an inflammatory bowel condition was forced into a very unconventional treatment after modern medicine failed to help her.

Beyond the blood bank: The awkward donation that could save lives 12/04/2019

Raising awareness one small p**p at a time!

My interview for The Age Melbourne. Recently my UC hasn't been great.. but this reminds me why I need to get through those bad days... because awareness is key!


Beyond the blood bank: The awkward donation that could save lives Bobbie Viney is at the forefront of new transplant therapy for digestive conditions. Husband Scott was the first person she asked to be a donor. A stool donor.


I had the privilige of being a guest speaker at the Melbourne Museums Gut Feelings Expo!
It was an amazing night!


Who doesn't love a Costco trip! ;)


💪 Infusion day 💪

4 weekly infusions of vedizulomab.

I call them Bob! So today is my daye with Bob and we are having sushi for lunch!

Do you have infusions?

B # # #


💭Mental health and IBD💭

IBD can have a huge toll on your mental health. The illness can feel like it is slowly ruining your life.

So how can you overcome the heavy burden of a chronic illness?

How can you use the illness to better yourself and see the blessing behind it? (stay with me.. i promise i am not crazy)

How can small little things every day help your mood which in turn can alleviate stress and potentially help reduce IBD symptoms?

Stay tuned! We are going to go into this in more detail over the next few weeks!

Tag a friend or loved one and follow this page for updates!


Shout out to all the friends that stand by our sides through the hard times!

IBS vs. IBD: What's the Difference? 30/09/2018

💩 IBD vs IBS 💩

🗨 IBS - is a 'functioning disorder', does NOT cause inflammation of the digestive tract. Symptoms can include, diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, discomfort, cramping pain and some muscus in the stool.

💭 IBD - is a Chronic Illness, Causes inflammation and Ulceration of the bowel and/or digestive tract. Symptoms can include, blood in the stool, passing blood, passing mucus, mucus in the stool, abdominal pain, gas, bloating, diarrhea, rapid weight loss.

🗨 IBS in some instances can be maintained with diet modifications and over counter medication such as anti-diarrhea medications and probiotics.

💭 IBD requires life long medication that can ofte be difficult to get right, diet modification and sometimes surgery.

💩 IBS and IBD are similar in symptoms but you cannot have both. IBS is extremely common and can affect up to 15% of the worlds population.

Hope this helped! Share with your friends and Let me know what you would like to see more of!

Lets start an amazing community and share our journey with IBD!


(https://www.healthline.com/health/crohns-disease/ibs-vs-ibd )

IBS vs. IBD: What's the Difference? IBD is often confused with irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. Learn the key differences between IBS and IBD including symptoms, treatments, and triggers.



Do you know the difference?

I thought it would be good to delve into the difference between IBS and IBD.

Before i do... do you know the difference? Comment below!



Lets talk p**p!
Faecal Matter Transplant... to be exact.

I heard about this a few years ago when my mum saw a documentary on TV about how it has been used to treat different chronic illnesses... including IBD. At first i thought it was absolutely disgusting and there would be NO way i would EVER put someone elses p**p ANYWHERE near me.

Fast forward 5 years annnnnddddd yep... you guessed it.. I am a participant in a research study for FMT in Colitis!

My husband is my donor which makes life a it easier... we take shizz to a whollle new level! ;)

It is quite an intense process that you really have to laugh about... otherwise it could easily turn your stomach, but isn't modern medicine amazing... like... who would have thought it... p**p transplants! I know people have been doing it for yearrs but it really is coming to light now and i think it is bloody awesome!

Some countries now have FMT in capsules... which is a bit better than shaking a p**p in saline to make a p**pshake! So hopefully Australia will follow suit soon!

So far i haven't noticed much of a change but hoping in the next 4 weeks i will.

Here's to super p**p everywhere!! 💩

Is this something you would do!?


Welcome to all our new likers!
Say hi below so we can all get to know one another a bit better! I will start off,
Hi I am Bobbie, 27 years old and had UC for 7 years :) I am a Dance Studio owner/choreographer and love to cook! ❤


Am i right!?

7 years ago I would never have thought about discussing p**p with my mates. Now... it's just second nature.

Which got me to thinking... why is poo such a taboo?

We all do it? (If you don't .. you may need to see a doc ;) )

IBD is a disease that so many of us are affected by, but very few talk about.

For those affected it is a very real, raw part of life that sometimes sucks! But! There can be a blessing behind it.. (promise i am not crazy) joining together with fellow warriors to share experience but through positivity. No morbidty, No judgement, just light hearted story sharing. A place of compassion, a place of emapthy, laughter and above all creating community to form friendships... and there it is... the blessing...

You are not in this alone.

Want to join our community? Click like!
Want to share your story in a safe environment? Join our group! (Link in comments)

Share with fellow warriors... join the movement today..




Why I Left Almost Every Chronic Illness Support Group I Joined on Facebook 19/09/2018

This just popped up in my feed and sums up perfectly why I started this page (That and the amazing advice of Emily Chadbourne.. but we will get there later) This group is to share experiences but not to scare monger... to educate and to have a laugh because sometimes 's**t happens' ;)

Why I Left Almost Every Chronic Illness Support Group I Joined on Facebook Have you experienced this, too?


Hi Guys, I am in the middle of creating a safe forum online for those that have or know someone that has IBD. It is called iPoo2 and is a closed group. I am hoping to use both these platforms to educate, encourage and share experiences with fellow IBD warriors. I want it to be in a light hearted, non - judgmental way that leaves everyone with positive vibes! Eventually there will be interviews with specialists in the field, fellow warriors and other members of the community, in hope that it helps someone with their IBD.

The link to the group is below and i would love for you to share this around :)

Thanks guys ... We all poo.. iPoo2!!


