Ben Murray PT

Ben Murray PT

I am a Personal Trainer, formerly part of the UP Mayfair team, now living in the Cayman Islands, tryi

Cellulite: The Bottom Line 09/11/2018

Cellulite: The Bottom Line Do you like to joke that cellulite is your body’s way of saying “I’m sexy in braille”? Do...

Protein Will Not Make You Fat | T Nation 06/11/2018

Protein Will Not Make You Fat | T Nation Eat as much protein as you want and it won't turn to fat. In fact, a new study shows it almost all turns to muscle. Check it out.


Focusing on less, gives you more!
True story!


Own your choices!

Most likely, you’re not where you want to be physically, both from and aesthetic POV and a health POV, because of the choices you make regarding your physical activity, and the food you eat.

Just small changes in these choices can make massive differences in the results you want to see.

For instance, if you got up a little earlier, could you walk to work (or at least some of the way) rather than get the bus/tube/car?

Could you take a healthy lunch to work rather than buy pre packaged food from the local shop/cafeteria? This might also mean you getting up earlier to prepare it.

Could you make time to hit the gym 2-3 hours per week? If not, how are you so busy that you have no free time over 7 days??? I mean seriously WTF are you doing?? Does your health mean that little to you that you put it so far on the back burner that you convince yourself you “don’t have time”.

My point here is that how you look, and how you feel is for the most part, within your control. So if the choices you make do not reflect the outcomes you wish to see, then look at the choices you’re making on a day to day, hour to hour basis. If they can be made better, and geared towards your goals, then health and happiness awaits!!

Check yourself before you wreck yourself people! For real! 😉


Simple nutrition tips today 👇🏻


The same thing that got you in shape, won’t necessarily get someone else in shape.
There are many things you need to take into account before giving someone something to follow.

Firstly, can they even do what you’re asking, and, can they do it well?

Are they starting from the same point you did??

Do they have the same amount of muscle mass, training experience, mental toughness, injury history, daily routines, family life, stress levels, emotional profile as you?

When people give advice based on their own experiences and achievements, it is almost always meant to help, and hopefully inspire people to be better, but as the listener, and someone seeking inspiration, and guidance, make sure to remember that one persons situation can be very different to your own, making their change easier than what you are signing up for.

Blanket advice, while well meaning, can sometimes be demoralising, especially if a person feels like they have tried what you suggest and it just didn’t work for them.

Understand that there is more than one way to do things to achieve a specific goal, and the way you go about it may be different to how anyone you know has gone about it, but that doesn’t make it wrong!

Make the change work for you! No one else! YOU!


If you can’t make every change you need to, to change your body. If you simply can’t fit in the daily steps, the training, the food prep all of it, then, you have to pick JUST ONE. Focus on that one aspect and make it a part of your life. Once you make one thing a habit, after a few weeks, it’s almost no effort, once you get to this point, you will find time to add in another aspect, and so on.
This is how to start out if you are a super busy person!
PICK ONE! Then FOCUS everyday to make it part of your life.


Would I start a client with a Barbell Back Squat in Phase 1 of their training??


More of my ramblings! 😉
Please ignore my unprofessionalness, I was not meant to be in front of a camera. 😂


Love a good bit of Steak!
High protein, decent amount of fat, and just down right tasty!
It’s also pretty good at helping you recover after a solid workout, due to the composition mentioned above!
Throw it with some rice or sweet potato, and a few veggies, and you have yourself a solid meal, even when dieting! 💪🏻


How to organise a workout to get the most out of every exercise:

Start with the exercise that involves the most joints and muscles, this should also be the exercise you can lift the most weight on.
Usual exercises would be Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press. Compound movements!

Once you have worked hard on this, the muscles used will be somewhat fatigued, from there, move to exercises that are slightly less complex, involving possibly less joints, possibly less muscle, and the load lifted would be lighter
Examples would be Split squats, lunges, pull ups, DB bench Press.

Finally move to your isolation exercise, focusing on moving at a single joint, lifting lower weights, and limited muscles.
Examples would be Leg extensions, lying hamstring curls, bicep curl, tricep extensions, lateral raises.

If you organise your workout in this way, you would be able to get the most out of every exercise, as when fatigue sets in, form is harder and harder to control, therefor, as you get tired and move through the workout, the complexity, and required concentration decreases, allowing you to continue to get plenty out of the exercises.

Hopefully the above is helpful, any questions, drop me a comment. 👍🏻


Leg day boys and girls! And when you live in Grand Cayman, that means, sweating like a pig! 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don’t know about you, but I can’t read things that pertain to my work all day. I need a break, that being said, just because this book doesn’t relate to fitness, doesn’t mean that I can’t take some of the lessons from it, and apply them to my own life.
Other people’s experiences can teach us a lot, we would be wise to learn from other people’s mistakes as well as our own.
Food for thought. 👍🏻


What you eat, and how much you eat will massively determine if you get to your goals, whether they are getting bigger, or getting smaller, the food matters!
Below is a very simple meal, high in protein, moderate in fats (there are pistachios in there somewhere) and low in carbohydrates.
Simple works!


Farmers walks are a great finisher for your back and shoulder workout. Also a good addition to a strongman workout!


Read below for a glimpse into what just a little exercise can do for you!


Know your food!!
If you know more about food, you won’t be puzzled when you gain or lose weight! Tools like the app MyFitnessPal are massively helpful with this.

Protein = 4 calories per gram
Carbohydrates = 4 calories per gram
Fat = 9 calories per gram

This is a rough guide to how the major macronutrients stack up with calories per gram. Knowing things like this can help with food selection when chasing a body composition goal.


My personal transformation done while working at UP a couple of years ago. Have to say the place was insanely inspiring, so it’s kind of hard to fail surrounded by that!
Below was a 12kg loss, in 8 weeks!


Some one said to me the other day while doing a squat machine, ‘I wanna work my quads, but I don’t wanna let my knees go over my toes’ which I asked.....’why not’!?
They replied with, ‘that’s what people say to avoid’. 🙈
If your knees do not go over your toes in a squat movement, you are not training your quads very well, let me tell you!
The only reason your knees should not go over your toes, is because either, you have massive feet! Or, you have seriously limited Dorsi flexion at your ankles. Neither of these are the case for most people.
In order to get better, just ask a simple question.....’why?’. Then ask it again!


The simplest diet plan, that will get you fat loss, better health, and look after those muscles:

2-3-4 meals per day (Whatever suits you)
150-200g uncooked serving of either meat or fish
Fill the rest of your plate with vegetables.

Side note:
If you eat carbs, do so after, or just before a workout. Not when you’re sat at home watching Jeremy Kyle, doing zero movement.


Simple nutrition! Chicken, salad leaves, and some pistachios. High protein, moderate fats, low carbs. Easy meal!


Everyone and their Mum wants to tell you that squats should be ass to grass, well, yeah, if you have that kind of movement available! Although, if you don’t, that doesn’t mean you can’t squat. You just need to find the depth that suits your frame and available range of motion. Then crack on. 👍🏻


Heres an interesting quote for you:
'When the number of steps people take per day are measured, those taking under 5000 steps are considered sedentary, and at a higher risk for early death, disease and being overweight. In comparison, those who do 10,000 steps are considered active. not surprisingly, they have lower body weights, less body fat, and improved health. When people increase their level of this type of basic physical movement, in conjunction with doing a few hours of purposeful high intensity exercise per week, the magic starts to happen.'

Videos (show all)

Simple nutrition tips today 👇🏻
Would I start a client with a Barbell Back Squat in Phase 1 of their training??
More of my ramblings! 😉Please ignore my unprofessionalness, I was not meant to be in front of a camera. 😂
Leg day boys and girls! And when you live in Grand Cayman, that means, sweating like a pig! 🤷🏻‍♂️
Farmers walks are a great finisher for your back and shoulder workout. Also a good addition to a strongman workout!
Everyone and their Mum wants to tell you that squats should be ass to grass, well, yeah, if you have that kind of moveme...
The underhand grip pushdown is a fantastic way to hit the often neglected medial head of the tricep. Make sure to get a ...
