UNASA Nelson Mandela University is student-run and affiliated to UNASA and the UN, raising grassroots awareness of the UN, its work and mandate.
The United Nations Association of South Africa - Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Chapter is a student run organisation that is affiliated to the UNASA and the UN. We are committed to building awareness about the values and work of the United Nations, as well as endorsing those values and contributing to their work in the student community at NMMU and the different communities found in the N
elson Mandela Metropolitan. Our purposes include :
1) To provide a platform for building awareness about the UN, its values and its works
2) To promote and facilitate Model United Nations (MUN) debating at NMMU
3) To promote and facilitate the engagement of students in their communities
4) To facilitate networking between students and other persons/bodies that may be relevant to building knowledge or experience regarding to the UN, its values, and its work. Our values are:
Integrity, transparency, respect for diversity, selfless servant-hood and all the values that can be found in the UN Charter, UN Secretariat and the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.