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Videos by Now Pinay. It’s just going to be me writing about my take on life and what I have learned so far in my years

Total Lunar Eclipse
Time: 7:18 pm
November 8, 2022

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Total Lunar Eclipse Time: 7:18 pm November 8, 2022

In observance of All Saints Day, November 1 church leaders have encouraged parents to dress thier children like saints instead of monsters, devils and with scary gimmiks since it's un-Christian. Halloween actually came from the Catholic root. Its name itself comes from " all hallow eve" the word derived from an older English term " hallow" meaning "Holy"and "e'en" meaning evening that refers to the vigil of all Saints and is also known as the "Feast of All Saints" wherein catholics recall those that have gone before us, followed by " All Souls Day" on November 2 in which the church commemorates all the faithful departed whose souls may still be detained in purgatory. This year children dressed in Saints and Angels took part on its 1st " Parade of Angels and Saints" in San Roque Chapel at Ecoverde Sierra, Indahag, Cagayan de Oro City on October 29. Church Leaders says that wearing thier best costumes as saints and angel is the best way to observe All Saints and Souls Day. (Now-pinay) Video Credit: Ivan Hernaez and Irma Boza (Now-pinay)