Michigander's - What makes a difference in a life, is the same for a state. Prayer. Knowing God, releasing Him and creating impact. Got God? We do.

Michigan - God's hand is on you. You set the world on wheels. Released sounds never heard before. Balanced your budget and the nation took note. Knowing God releases you to create impact - in your life and in the state you live. God uses Michigan to change the world - let Him use you to do it!


For prayer updates on Michigan, visit Call To The Wall

So much going on.


Feb 18, 22, & 29 @ 7pm Prophetic Zooms Leaders sharing for 2024. When can you join?


Please registrar and vote.
Please pray and get informed on candidates that most align their platforms with a biblical world view and are electable in the general election. (Unless you want to vote for someone you feel is not electable but you want to make a political statement)
Also: We are a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy; so choose Representatives that best represent your values and who support the Constitution of the United States with the liberty, justice, protection, and provision it allows its citizens to enjoy.
Fun exercise: ask your acquaintances if they know there is a primary. Follow the Spirit to know what to do next. Engage in politics. It’s part of obedience to go into ALL the world.


Praying for Joel Osteens church & the recent shooting.


I interviewed Thumb Region pastors today, Seppo,
Joseph Sazyc, Bruce Clark, and Joe Wenturine, regarding an invasive glory cloud that came over Port Huron. It was accompanied by a powerful presence of God that was seen 15 miles away. Joseph Sazyc filmed it; it's posted below.

Be aware every region of Michigan has been reporting the manifestation and weight of God's glory and His presence in services, regional meetings, civil meetings, and more.
It is not and will not be one city, one leader, one church that a revival will take place in MI - it will be God overtaking ALL of Michigan.

Share your reports and film them when you can. I can interview teams in regions to help document what God is doing. That will be made available to the state.
SW MI, Ron Rayon, Douglas Carr , Rick Boyd & Laurie L. BoydRenee Grochowski, Ronald Ives,
Barbara Yoder in Ann Arbor, Fred Gulker in Holland, and more. The reports are everywhere.

Regarding Port Huron - When God said, 'Let there be light,' he was envisioning it, dreaming it in his heart, then speaking it, and it was. The way God is infiltrating Michigan - watch to see what God speaks to you for your region and the state. God is looking to form the new in MI, and He's not going to form and build that out of flesh - it's by His spirit that it will be done.
God is dreaming, God is speaking, God is forming, God is invading.

PS 24. Welcome King of Glory - the Lord strong and Mighty! More. Come. Take us over.


Comment if you are able to join in. Upcoming prophetic zoom sharing. Feb 18, 22, 29.


What a joy it was to connect with friends today. So thankful!!!


God send a historic move of God over Isabella County. Over Michigan. Be persistent in prayer in this season. - Pastor Ron Ives


Those from MI that listened to - let's agree & welcome the Spirit of the Lord that entered into the nation this day.


Intellect cannot respond to the demonic. God & His Word, through you, does. Level up.


Lions, ‘Divisional’ champs. Awesome. Division will be conquered in 2024. Light be. Ge :1-3


Over the last couple of weeks, since Chuck Pierce spoke to Michigan, I have seen a number of signs unfold, and it’s an announcement to Michigan.

First, the Lion of the tribe of Judah is roaring over Michigan. The Detroit Lions represent the voice of God, and His voice speaking through us. Judah establishes how a war will be won in addition to doing it first through worship. Worship is establishing our future in Michigan,

Secondly, unusual winds have blown across Michigan. On the western side of the state, Overlake, Michigan, a literal chain of storms that ran from north of Muskegon down to South Bend, Indiana, came across the lake inland; this is an unusual weather occurrence to take place. This storm began blowing before Chuck was to come in. They also moved from North to South. Chuck did say to watch for winds that moved in every direction. (I'll share more on that soon.)

Note the winds were unusual and have captured much media attention because the meteorologist recorded it as a chain of whirling winds that even circulated from west to east. So God was blowing something in and across the state when this occurred. Chuck talked about the four winds on Day 2 of Apostle Barbara Yoder’s event.

Third, the eastern gate in Port Huron has flooded. The Black River in Port Huron, Michigan, flows away from Lake Huron inland - not towards Lake Huron. Due to some unusual circumstances, gates for the river were opened to alleviate flooding. Immediately, waters flowed in opposite directions towards Lake Huron and floodwaters rose at the eastern gate. Apostle Joe Sazyc is documenting this.

God highlighted Isaiah 59 to me, as to where Michigan has been, what He is doing right now, and how He has determined our future.

Michigan has had some serious sinful circumstances before God due to works of evil and wickedness that have operated spiritually in the land. Verse 19 points out that it is FEAR IS RELESED FROM THE WEST, and GLORY FROM THE EAST. When the enemy comes, like a flood the spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard against the spiritual enemy. That’s what God is doing. Like a flood, He has lifted His standard to announce to the spiritual enemy that His reign in this state is over.

God’s covenant with Michigan. Next, God highlighted verse 21 to me for Michigan.

“As, for Me”, says the Lord, “this is My covenant with them: My Spirit, who is upon you, [Michigan], and My words, which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor, from the mouth of your descendants, nor from the mouth of your descendant’s descendants, says the Lord “from this time and forever more.”

God’s Announcement
“I have come in as a whirlwind to scatter and confuse the enemy, to remove what doesn’t belong and clear the way for My promises to be planted and rooted in you (Jer 1:9-10). I am here to establish My rule over Michigan, and My way that the nations within you may come and be saved. I am raising the standard so people know who to run into. This is a year when the harvesting of souls will increase in the midst of war. Gird yourselves up well, Michigan. This is a takeover. What appeared to be one way and one situation, I am here to root Myself and My ways deep within you. I see that you are making covenant with me. Hold on and hold fast to all that I’ve given you and ask me how to prosper that this year. This nation will turn towards Michigan, and they will make a different decree about you. No longer will it be that they despise your cities and your state. The nation will say, Surely there is a God. If Michigan can be saved, we can too. This year, I undo the chords that bind you and imprison you. I say to Michigan, the prison doors are coming off, and you are coming out. I say, look at Michigan! Who is this coming out of the wilderness? It is Michigan. As you say over Michigan, ‘God is able, and we are coming out’; watch how I answer. Through the flood and through the fire you will not be harmed. Now call for my glory to overtake you. Let me loose the fire of My glory, and the fresh outpouring from heaven that I am providing you – you are walking through the flood because your enemies are being drowned in the Red Sea. Come on out Michigan. Come on forth. It’s time. It’s time to receive your rightful and righteous inheritance.”


How are we entertaining a spirit of division? Satan hides in thoughts & imaginations.
Choose your words wisely.
James 3.8-10

Revival: God is moving in Michigan | MIAPC Interview Series | Paw Paw & More 23/01/2024
In a recent Apostolic Interview with MI Apostles, Ron Rayon shared a few observations that other Apostles report across all of MI.

Take 2 minutes, and listen to what he said. Share it with others. God is on the move in MI, and He's pouring out everywhere - this is not exclusive.

MIAPC regularly meets with apostles and prophets to hear what God is speaking to them. We will share more of that with you soon.

Revival: God is moving in Michigan | MIAPC Interview Series | Paw Paw & More The MIAPC hosts and gathers apostolic and prophetic leaders to ascertain what God is speaking into MI, and identify how God is governmentally moving or wants...


Remind the atmosphere around you of God’s Word. Set the atmosphere, create change.


I am evaluating and listening to the Lord regarding Michigan. I’ve been doing that for the last five months for 2024. One of the key videos that I am walking through. Is this one with Chuck Pierce. This gives a great overview of key things I am evaluating on the state level and region to region.

I wanted to share this with you, because for many of you, it will be of interest and will help fuel our future conversations and prayers. Thank you so much to all of you for your efforts and how you lead in your sphere. Thank you to all the brave, who are standing and believing for God to touch their communities, businesses, government, education, and more. God is here to take Michigan. I have no mistake. He’s a god of salvation and he can do anything. But he hast to have a yielded people who are in covenant with him to do it. Worship him.

There will always be a war over covenant! If we desire to see the fulfillment of what God intended for our nation, then we must evaluate our covenant roots. Since covenant is a progression, we must uncover and “dig” the next release of that covenant in every generation.

I hope you join me online tonight at 7 PM CST as we discuss the importance of carrying on the Lord’s covenant in the earth realm … state by state by state. This will provide the foundation for tomorrow’s webcast when we look at Pennsylvania – our covenant state.

Click here to join the livestream on GZI TV -

Signs | Call to the Wall | Pray Michigan! | Cindy Williams Moore 15/01/2024

We are under a visitation.

Allow God to help you review, remind, and restore you into a fruitful place of use for Him.

I want to know, for those I labor with, what is God reminding you of?

Where did He send you this past year? What did He speak to you?

He's about to remind you of things He said to you and show you they are true and He is performing in this hour.

Remember what the Lord has done. Recall and rehearse His goodness. Then let Him give you vision for the future.

Signs | Call to the Wall | Pray Michigan! | Cindy Williams Moore This is a Michigan Update for Jan 2024 for Call to the Wall and Pray Michigan! from Cindy Williams MooreVoting and What are we saying and reporting in this s...


One of my friends pointed out the score to me of the Lions game last night, 23 to 24. I have waited for two years for a crossover into the year 2024 because it will be a year of great order. When God puts things back in order, it is a fearful and awesome thing.

I would bet us the U of M football game, championship, and the Detroit Lions heading to the playoffs for the first time since 1992 is huge for all of us but I bet it to us too.

What did God speak to you as you’ve been watching this unfold,? I think it has stirred up many things in us.

What is God saying to you about Michigan for 2024?


Early Saturday morning I sent the following word to Chuck Pierce for Michigan. The Lion is going forth! God is here:

“Fast forward to today, I'd report this prophetically:

I have watched you Michigan, as to which way you would choose and how you chose Me. I have examined your words and as Steve Swanson Worship Music saw the 'scales tipping' - the favor is now with you.

In this time and season, you will arise in the force and strength of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and I will speak through you.

Judah must go forth - to establish the war and release the sound of heaven that destroys the enemy and clears the path for all of Israel/Michigan and the nation to come through. There is a way through, I've secured your path. Stand in your place and do not back down.

This year if you watch, speak, and release the sound of heaven that I'm creating over your state, you will see the enemy bow and bow out. This year, if you will access my presence and use the keys of the kingdom to bind and loose what I direct you in - Michigan can lead the way forward and model breakthroughs in a new way for the nation.

I've placed the open door before you - you will enter in all the way this year, secure it, and light the fires of revival again. Michigan - COME UP HERE! Rev 4.1

Photos from PRAY MICHIGAN!'s post 15/01/2024

I seem to be fascinated with light. Prophetically I see where that is going… I’m just not there yet. Thank you for all the support this past year. Your purchases have supported ministry efforts. I think it’s a good exchange!!!


The Winds of Change Conference at Barbara Yoder's, Shekinah in Ann Arbor is key. Steve Swanson Worship Music saw the scales tipping last night. I'll post a word God gave me later today on this.

What is going on in Pray Michigan!: Call to the Wall? | Cindy Williams Moore 12/01/2024

What is going on in Pray Michigan!: Call to the Wall? | Cindy Williams Moore Here's a quick overview of the Call to the Wall Michigan page. Where to look for information. Find alerts. Share reports. Join in as we pray and watch and gu...


At Gods word, satan fell like lightning. So a word God gives you to speak…. What do you think will happen?

We are seated with Christ.


Can I send an encouragement for us all and Michigan for this year? This is another 'different' post.

God's word is endless. This year, I'm seeing more in His Word in passages I've read countless times. I'm getting deeper meanings and seeing new things. Nothing in this world compares to Him.

One of the habits I developed early in life was delving into the Hebrew meaning of words in the Bible so I could understand more thoroughly what God was communicating to me.

Let me share with you one of my favorite passages PS 23, and let it be a declaration over us and Michigan (and the states and nations.

Delve in deep this year. Be with Him. Let's see what He says and does. Expect largely.

Ps 23:1 A Psalm of David.
The LORD (the existing one) is my shepherd (pastor, special friend); I shall not want (diminish, lack or be in want). 2 He (stretches me out and lays me down) in green grassy habitation places: he guides me to the place of refreshment, a quiet place of still waters. 3 He brings back and restores my soul (passion, my life): he guides me straight in the ways of righteousness (what is just or normal) for his glory, fame and reputation.
4 Yes, though I am brought through and follow the narrow valley of the deep shadow of death (distress that has extreme danger), I will not honor, respect, be in awe, or fear evil (wickedness): for thou art with me; for your (rod) mark of authority, branch, and support of every kind console me and have compassion on me.

5 You arrange and set in order a private table for me in front and in the face of my mine enemies(who you have bound and put in distress, he is vexed and harassed): you take away my ashes and anoint me, I become prosperous. My cup runs over (wealthy, is prosperous) over.

6 Surely goodness (all that is good pleasant, for my welfare, prosperity and happiness) and mercy (kindness, favor and faithfulness) shall attend me, pursue and chase after me the designated time of my life: and I will remain and abide in the dwelling place of the Jehovah, the existing One, forever (the length of time).


For all who knew Sylvia Tubergen, she has passed on. What an incredible impact she has made in Michigan in so many ways. I have no further details except hearing this through Stephanie Butler who is waiting for details on the funeral.

She was such a bright and shiny star to so many in Michigan. Such a prayer warrior and cared for so many. I’m thankful to have worked with her in some capacities in the state. I’m praying for her family and friends.


That was an incredible game!!
