Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronan is a common ingredient in skin-care products. Until recently, hyaluronic acid fillers were injected using a classic sharp hypodermic needle, cu

GiGi Lotus - Lotus - Hyaluronic Acid Serum 30ml 22/09/2015


GiGi Lotus - Lotus - Hyaluronic Acid Serum 30ml Ultra-light emulsion with a high content of hyaluronic acid provides hydration deep layers of the skin for a long time. It has a rejuvenating effect, it has antioxidant properties and optimizes cellular respiration

432 Cosmetics - Professional cosmetics store 27/05/2015

Soon full update of Hyaluronic acid products

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The Secret to Long Life? HA Hyaluronic Acid 24/01/2015

The Secret to Long Life? HA Hyaluronic Acid Japanese researchers believe that the secret to a healthy and long life could be a substance called Hyaluronic Acid. HA for short, this substance is easy to ...

Гиалуроновая кислота — Википедия 11/11/2014

Гиалуро́новая кислота́ (гиалурона́т, гиалурона́н) — несульфированный гликозаминогликан, входящий в состав соединительной, эпителиальной и нервной тканей. Является одним из основных компонентов внеклеточного матрикса, содержится во многих биологических жидкостях (слюне, синовиальной жидкости и др.). Принимает значительное участие в пролиферации и миграции клеток, может быть вовлечена в процесс развития злокачественных опухолей. Продуцируется некоторыми бактериями (напр. Streptococcus). В теле человека весом 70 кг в среднем содержится около 15 граммов гиалуроновой кислоты, треть из которой преобразуется (расщепляется или синтезируется) каждый день.

Гиалуроновая кислота — Википедия Гиалуро́новая кислота́ (гиалурона́т, гиалурона́н) — несульфированный гликозаминогликан, входящий в состав соединительной, эпителиальной и нервной тканей. Является одним из основных компонентов внеклеточного матрикса, содержится во многих биологических жидкостях (слюне, синовиальной жидкости и др.).…

חומצה היאלורונית – ויקיפדיה 01/11/2014

חומצה היאלורונית – ויקיפדיה חומצה היאלורונית או היאלורונן (באנגלית: Hyaluronic Acid; בקיצור: Ha) היא גליקוזאמינוגליקאן לא גופרתי אניוני המצוי בשפע ברקמות חיבור, רקמות אפיתליות ועצביות. הייחודיות שלו בין הגליקוזאמינוגליקאנים היא שיצורו מתרחש בקרום התא ולא במערכת הגולג'י. כמרכיב חשוב במטריקס החוץ תאי הוא תורם רבות לתקשורת הבין ת…

Kedem Natural - Organic cosmetics made from Dead sea region herbs and minerals. 30/10/2014

Recomending this Organic product for cosmetic,treatment uses
Made in Israel under researches of Ben Gurion University
and suported by Ministry of Health.

Kedem Natural - Organic cosmetics made from Dead sea region herbs and minerals. We shipping all around the world.get in for free consultation,order,question or just to talk >>>

Timeline photos 30/10/2014

Free radicals cause the continuous destruction of Collagen and Elastin fibers,these make up the elastic foundation which supports the skin and give it strength, firmness and elasticity.
As a result, the cellular matrix weakens and looses its original structure and form(pattern). The damage affects also the fibroblast cells which manufacture the collagen and elastin fibers as well as additional skin components among them HYALURONIC ACID used as a medium which absorbs water and leads to a smooth,firm and young skin.

Timeline photos 29/10/2014

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally present in the human body. It is found in the highest concentrations in fluids in the eyes and joints. The hyaluronic acid that is used as medicine is extracted from rooster combs or made by bacteria in the laboratory.

People take hyaluronic acid for various joint disorders, including osteoarthritis. It can be taken by mouth or injected into the affected joint by a healthcare professional.

The FDA has approved the use of hyaluronic acid during certain eye surgeries including cataract removal, corneal transplantation, and repair of a detached retina and other eye injuries. It is injected into the eye during the procedure to help replace natural fluids.

Hyaluronic acid is also used as a lip filler in plastic surgery.

Some people apply hyaluronic acid to the skin for healing wounds, burns, skin ulcers, and as a moisturizer.

There is also a lot of interest in using hyaluronic acid to prevent the effects of aging. In fact, hyaluronic acid has been promoted as a "fountain of youth." However, there is no evidence to support the claim that taking it by mouth or applying it to the skin can prevent changes associated with aging.

How does it work?

Hyaluronic acid works by acting as a cushion and lubricant in the joints and other tissues. In addition, it might affect the way the body responds to injury.


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Hyaluronic Acid 28/10/2014
Hyaluronan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 28/10/2014

Role of Hyaluronic acid in cancer metastasis.

Hyaluronan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hyaluronan (also called hyaluronic acid or hyaluronate or HA) is an anionic, nonsulfated glycosaminoglycan distributed widely throughout connective, epithelial, and neural tissues. It is unique among glycosaminoglycans in that it is nonsulfated, forms in the plasma membrane instead of the Golgi, and…