Coach Manon Campeau Dass Videos

Videos by Coach Manon Campeau Dass. Mom of 3 on a mission to inspire families to find joy in living a healthy and active lifestyle.

Prove to YOURSELF that you can do hard things. You’re capable of pushing through the pain. #mindset #mindsetiseverything #remix Dan Martell

Other Coach Manon Campeau Dass videos

Prove to YOURSELF that you can do hard things. You’re capable of pushing through the pain. #mindset #mindsetiseverything #remix Dan Martell

As an introvert, I love spending time with my family and close friends. That’s why building my business online is perfect for me. I set my own work hours around family and friend time, working from behind my computer or phone. I can work whenever and wherever I want, making as much or as little as I choose. I learned the skills that allow me to get in front of more people without having to leave my house. I also get to meet incredible people who share my values. They are self-led, love to help, and want to build their online business. They are not scared to talk about goals and moola. They set their own goals and work towards them. I teach them how to automate their business so they too generate revenue and improve their bottom line.With the world getting more expensive and people having less time, my mission is to help others be their best—both in health and mindset—while learning the skills they need to add to their bank accounts. This is not for everyone. It takes grit, hardwork and a ‘I can do hard things’ attitude. Comment GRIT below and I’ll send you my FREE step by step guide for beginners 👇

I love the first day of the month because it feels like the perfect time to set new goals and new intentions.This month is the last month of school for my kids.I will be working with a new group of women to help them earn more for their families.I see so many doing 'the thing', buying the courses, and staying stuck and not earning.Theres one piece of the puzzle missing... see comment 👇

I had mixed feelings about money. I knew how to attract it, and when it became too much, I unintentionally blocked it.It’s a constant internal struggle as I move ahead.I have to be intentionally surrounding myself with people who have more success so that my goals never seem unattainable. At every stage, I am happy and satisfied. I appreciate what I have and can live with very little.You might ask, "Then why are you always looking to go for more?" Well, they say the journey to earning a million dollars is not about the million dollars, it’s about who you have to become to be the person who can attract a million dollars.For me, money is not about material things; it’s about what it can do and who it can help. One book that really helped me in the beginning was *You Are A Badass At Making Money* by Jen Sincero.One thing is for sure: if you want to earn more, you have to be okay with talking about it, learning about it, and working towards it!What’s your money mindset story? Is it holding you back?

I bought a course to make more money online -> 11 YEARS AGO. The guy teaching the course emphasized personal development and taking care of our health before we could attract more money. Initially, I frowned upon those ‘self-help’ concepts, but I decided to give it a shot and trusted the process. They say success leaves clues, and since he was very successful and much younger than me, I was motivated to start doing things differently. I didn’t have much time, and going to the gym didn’t fit into my schedule, so I had to find another way. I turned to at-home workouts. Once I opened my mind to doing things differently, I began attracting opportunities and started feeling my best! Remember.. for things to change, things have to change❣️

I realized I could invest either time ⏰ or m0ney.The thing is, success takes time. It can be accelerated with a mapped-out plan.Following the steps of those who went before me to accelerate my success was totally worth the investment.Tweaking and adjusting to make it work for me, according to my values and my path.I did both. I invested time and money.I hired a mentor (a few mentors over the years). I also listened to training on my own. I took messy actions and learned from my mistakes.I tweaked my approach and got better. I’m a true believer in the saying: if we’re not getting better, we’re getting worse. There’s no maintenance mode!Being mentored by people who had gone before me helped me accelerate my success and cut the learning curve.You can Google anything. You can learn whatever you need to learn online.I could spend hours trying to put the pieces together, or I could follow a step-by-step map to supercharge my progress.The way I’ve learned to see it is subtract the price of my investment (time or money) from my destination goal and that is what it’s costing me not to invest.That’s the cost.The difference IS the cost! If you have been wanting to get started with affiliate marketing, I recommend starting with the same course I took to supercharge my results... and it’s only $10 CAD!!What if this $10 opened up the door to so much more... would it be worth it?Imagine what an extra $200 per week could do for you? Pay for groceries? Gym membership? Swimming lessons?So, what are you waiting for? Comment LEARN down below, and I’ll send you my free guide for beginners with the exact $10 course that accelerated my results!

Which of these qualities do you feel you possess? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 👇

I see so many introverts holding back because they lack the belief that being an introvert is actually a freaking SUPERPOWER. 🚀Introverts possess a unique set of qualities that make them exceptionally well-suited for entrepreneurship. From their ability to deeply understand customer needs through attentive listening to their knack for thoughtful decision-making and creative problem-solving, introverts have what it takes to succeed in business. If you’re an introvert hesitant to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams, remember that your introversion is not a limitation but a strength 💪 waiting to be embraced.Not sure how to get started? I’ve put together a free guide for beginners who are looking to build something more!Interested? Just drop the word “guide,” and I’ll send a step-by-step roadmap showing you how to get started, including a link to the 15-day course that boosted my journey. 🚀🖊️ follow @manon.campeau.dass if you want to learn more about starting a digital business and creating passive income from home through affiliate marketing!

I started my first business at the age of 16 and I wish someone would have told me.. being an entrepreneur is a path you CAN choose!My message to you is…You’re not too old, it’s not too late. If you’re dreaming of something different, go for it AND stop listening to people who say ‘be realistic’! Dream. Get to work. Follow those who have the success you want. Xo

Here’s how to start 👇
Here’s how to start 👇 I’ve created a FREE beginner’s guide that’ll show you exactly how to start. Plus, you’ll find a link in there to the exact 15-day course I took to supercharge my journey. 🚀 Get your hands on my guide at the top of my page or drop ‘GUIDE’ 👇 Just for fun… do you have a degree? If yes, what’s your major? 🎓👇 🖊️ follow @manon.campeau.dass if you want to learn more about starting a digital business and creating passive income from home through affiliate marketing!

Let’s have a heart-to-heart about something we all secretly chase - the perfect season. 👉 You know, the one where everything goes smoothly, no hiccups, and success is practically handed to us on a silver platter? Hate to break it to you, but that’s just a myth – the perfect season does NOT exist!Life is more like a rollercoaster ride, complete with unexpected loops and surprise drops. But here’s the thing – it’s not about seeking perfection. It’s about learning to keep going through the wild twists and turns that life throws our way.Here are two things that will help:1) Follow a clear path. Set some goals, create a roadmap, and stick to it. Having a direction keeps us on track, even when the going gets tough. It’s like having a trusty GPS for life.2) Systems. Having some routines and structures in place is like having your own superhero cape. They keep you grounded and help you stay on course, no matter what chaos is happening around you.So here’s the deal – I’ve put together a free guide for beginners who are looking to build something more in the online space game, that will work even during the crazy busy seasons without spending all your time online, without sending cold dm’s, that doesn’t require building a team, or sharing your whole life with strangers.Interested? Just drop the word “guide,” and I’ll send a step-by-step roadmap showing you how to get started, including a link to the 15-day course that boosted my journey. 🚀Remember, life may not be perfect, but it’s the imperfections that make it one heck of a ride. Embrace the chaos, follow a clear path, steal some wisdom from those who’ve been around the block, and set up some systems to keep things in check. Your journey might be a rollercoaster, but trust me, it’s one worth riding! 🚀✨Get your hands on my guide at the top of my page or drop ‘GUIDE’ 👇🖊️ follow @manon.campeau.dass if you want to learn more about starting a digital business and creat

Top 3 Tips To Grow Your Digital Business Here’s the link for the January Bootcamp:

Here’s how ⤵️📌 but first… save this to find it easily later!Earning online becomes simple with the right tools, systems and automations. Here are 5 that I use to grow my digital marketing business:1. Mailchimp - This is where I manage my email lists and campaigns for every product or service I promote. It’s not just about sending emails; Mailchimp provides detailed analytics and marketing automation, making it a must-have tool. Plus, they have a referral program so you can get your monthly fee covered! 2. Click Funnels - My go-to for creating sales funnels. It’s like a streamlined, focused mini-website that efficiently drives sales. They have an affiliate program. This means if you use it and you like it, you can promote it and earn! 🙌3. Canva - Canva helps in creating professional-looking designs quickly, freeing up more time to concentrate on business growth ⚡️.. and the free version is amazing!!4. Zapier - This tool automates workflows by connecting different apps and services. It’s a game-changer for boosting productivity and managing tasks seamlessly. 5. Instagram (& social media overall) - Gives us free access to billions of potential buyers. Use it to drive traffic to your sales funnel! These tools help me grow my digital business every day, and allow me to connect with likeminded people! Not sure how to get started? I’ve created a FREE Guide for Beginners. In there you’ll get the information you need to get started and the link to the 15-day challenge that I took to launch! Get your hands on it at the top of my page or drop ‘GUIDE’ 👇🖊️ follow @manon.campeau.dass if you want to learn more about starting a digital business and creating passive income from home through affiliate marketing!

I didn’t feel qualified 🙅‍♀️ and I didn’t let that stop me. ⤵️I believed there was something more.📌 Save this reminder! I took imperfect messy actions. I shifted my thinking from a scarcity mindset to believing in abundance. I started attracting things I wanted to me. I believed in putting myself in ‘that room’ that allowed me to grow. I was grateful for where I was. I got ‘comfortable’ with being uncomfortable. Now, I love to show women like you that they are capable too! Affiliate marketing is perfect for busy moms seeking more!It’s unconventional — yes! The people around you will probably not get it. ❌It’s ok, you are doing this for YOU because YOU KNOW, there has to be a better way! I’m here to say YES! Listen to your inner voice! This is in YOUR feed because YOU’ve attracted it to you!Not sure how to get started? I’ve created a FREE Guide for Beginners. In there you’ll get the information you need to get started and the link to the 15-day challenge that I took to launch! Get your hands on it at the top of my page or drop ‘GUIDE’ 👇🖊️ follow @manon.campeau.dass if you want to learn more about starting a digital business and creating passive income from home through affiliate marketing!

How? ⤵️ 2023 was all about being intentional.I set up systems.I tapped into affiliate marketing.I worked on me.I was a present mom.I was more intentional.I was less busy.I took time to rest. I took time to recharge.I even took a break from posting… for a full month and a half .. and I still got paid! In fact, during my time off social, I had my BIGGEST week of the year!How? Because of systems AND affiliate marketing!If you’re on the hunt for something different, a way to earn more and get more flexibility without going back to school or getting another job, you’re in luck. I’ve created a simple step-by-step guide for beginners that’ll kickstart your digital business journey. And guess what? No fancy experience needed!This is in your feed because you’ve been looking for ways to earn more in less time.Stop waiting! and START building the life you’ve always dreamed of. Click the website at the top of my page or comment GUIDE below and I’ll send you my free guide!It’s up to you! You can make the switch from a job with limited vacation time to a digital business that lets you live life on your own terms. Your journey to a life you don’t have to escape from begins now – IF and only if, you’re ready to go for it now!🌟🖊️ follow @manon.campeau.dass if you want to learn more about starting a digital business and creating passive income from home through affiliate marketing!

I received a heartfelt question recently, and it got me thinking about a topic that’s close to my heart: pursuing your dreams even when the people around you might not fully support your journey.Here’s my take on it: I completely understand where you’re coming from. I come from a small town myself, and I’ve been in situations where not everyone was on board with my aspirations. So, how do I decide whether to listen to their opinions or not?First and foremost, I always remind myself that the people close to me are genuinely concerned and want what’s best for me. It’s just that sometimes, the idea of something different can be scary for them. And that’s okay.Here’s my golden rule: If their advice aligns with the life I genuinely want to lead, I’ll give it careful consideration. But if it doesn’t resonate with my vision, I remind myself that if I desire something different, I have to be willing to do something different.It’s essential to strike a balance between valuing the input of loved ones and staying true to your own path. After all, your journey is uniquely yours, and sometimes, you have to be the one to pave the way. 💪✨ #FollowYourDreams #StayTrueToYourselfReady to learn more? Grab your free guide on digital marketing today at the top of my page or drop ‘learn’ 👇🖊️ follow @manon.campeau.dass if you want to learn more about starting a digital business and creating passive income from home through affiliate marketing!

86% of your favourite brands have affiliate programs. They WANT to pay YOU to recommend the products and programs you already love. It’s never too late to start! I’m 45! If you’re looking to make more online, comment LEARN below to get my FREE step-by-step guide for beginners.

Schools, teachers, and why I’m NO longer entirely sold on the whole setup. 👇In an era where the traditional school system has been the norm for generations, it’s time to have an open conversation about its fundamental purpose. 👉 First things first, let’s make one thing clear: I’m not blaming the teachers here. They work hard and do their best within the system they’re in. But maybe it’s time to rethink that system.Last year, we gave our children a choice about their education. We recognized that education goes beyond textbooks and tests. They have great friends at school and love the social aspect! They decided to continue attending traditional school. We value the friends they have made over the years and cherished the community aspect of schooling, AND we also recognized that education goes beyond textbooks and tests.We make it a point to teach them about money, foster the right mindset, and encourage them to strive for wealth—not just financially, but also in terms of knowledge and self-discovery.If I were to rewind the clock as a parent of young children, I would reconsider placing them in the traditional school system. Let me be clear—I wholeheartedly believe in education. It’s the foundation of growth, personal development, and a brighter future. I do have some reservations about the way the school system STILL operates in this day and age! Exceptional teachers can undoubtedly make a profound impact on students’ lives. They inspire, guide, and mold young minds. Yet, within the confines of the current system, they often find themselves constrained, compelled to follow a rigid curriculum and adhere to standardized testing. The room for innovation, creativity, and personalized learning is limited.Whether you’re a parent, or an educator, it’s our responsibility to educate ourselves and question the traditional path. Do you agree?Follow 👉 @manon.campeau.dass 💫 Speaker: @therealkimkiyosaki

Here's What to Start Doing 👇📌 Make sure you save this 📌Trust your gut and take action. Believe that YOU can! Know that it’s ok to want MORE. Desire success more than you fear failure. Focus on what’s to gain. Own your circumstances. Get yourself in that room that allows you to grow!Realize your untapped potential. Embrace the power of a TEAM! Stronger together 💪Take action! Action breeds confidence Seek guidance from those who have done it! Understand that perfection is a myth. BE. DO. HAVE. Not sure how to get started on the path to more time, flexibility, and freedom? Comment ‘learn’ below for my free step-by-step guide!

Here 👇 In school, the thought of reading novels made me cringe. But guess what? Life had its own lesson plan! 📖I discovered the thrill of learning through practical knowledge, and it reshaped my path. Today, I'm no longer a math teacher—I'm a digital business success story, and I'm here to guide YOU. 🌟You don't need to be a wordsmith; all you need is a hunger for growth and the will to lead yourself. 🌱I’ve created a free step-by-step guide for beginners just for you! You’ll learn how you can start earning more online without any special skills or knowledge. You don’t need to create a course or a program. Drop the word 'learn' below, and I'll send it over! FOLLOW 👉 @manon.campeau.dass💫