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Timeline photos 31/12/2014
40 Life Hacks That Will Change Your Life 21/12/2014

40 Life Hacks That Will Change Your Life There are always these pesky little obstacles in life that make everything so difficult - pot always boiling over, zipper constantly unzipping itself or ice cream melting on your clothes. Luckily, internet is full of handy life-saving tips that can help you! This awesome list of life hacks will teac…

Timeline photos 14/12/2014

How Your B***s Can Affect Your Mood
And we're not just talking about hating life when they get sore each month.

down, cop a feel, and appreciate her chest each day can tell you that. But depending on how your gals match up to each other, they can actually have a serious effect on your mood. Young women who have asymmetrical breasts (where one is smaller than the other) may suffer from negative mental and emotional effects, according to a study in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

The researchers studied a group of girls from 12-21 years of age. Out of the participants (all of whom were examined by a plastic surgeon at the start of the experiment), 59 had asymmetry by at least one cup size, 160 had macromastia (an overgrowth in both breasts, according to the paper), and 142 were the controls. The study authors explain that “mild to moderate differences in breast shape, size, and position in the developing adolescent are expected.” However, sometimes the difference is so substantial it can become an emotional issue that can interfere with your wellbeing.

The study authors from Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School gave the subjects surveys to assess measures like their health, self-esteem, and eating attitudes. They found that participants dealing with asymmetry and macromastia both scored poorly in “emotional functioning, mental health, self-esteem, and eating behaviors/attitudes,” write the study authors. The girls with asymmetry also ranked significantly lower than controls in general health, social functioning, and emotional attitude. It’s also worth noting that the girls with macromastia scored lower than those with asymmetrical breasts in physical functioning, bodily pain, vitality, social functioning, and mental health.

" With breast asymmetry , there’s a clear physical abnormality that can lead to a lot of frustration and hyper-awareness "

Thanks to these results, the study authors conclude that asymmetry “is not just a cosmetic issue,” as it can have a significant effect on girls' self confidence, which can follow them into adulthood.

“Adolescence is a tough time," says Matthew Goldfine, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist in New York and New Jersey. "With breast asymmetry, there’s a clear physical abnormality that can lead to a lot of frustration and hyper-awareness around the issue where you feel like everyone is paying attention to your flaws." At least with adolescents, there’s the hope that the breasts may even out as the body goes through natural changes. “When you’re in yours twenties and thirties dealing with breast asymmetry, you feel like this is how your body is forever and there’s something wrong with it,” says Goldfine.

And obviously, strong feelings about your breasts don't necessarily stop after your teenage years. The researchers note that these findings are similar to those seen in women who deal with asymmetrical breasts after a mastectomy. Clearly, it's not unusual for your body image, b***s, and brain to all affect each other.

If you’re struggling with negative feelings about your breasts for any reason, counseling may be the answer before surgery, note the researchers. Seeking out a doctor or psychologist to talk to can really help you get to the bottom of your feelings and reach a point where you’re happy with what you’ve got.

“Counseling can help a girl or woman dealing with breast asymmetry in a few main ways," says Goldfine. "One is that it can help her learn to accept her body the way it is, faults and all. Everybody has flaws! Second, it can also help her evaluate whether surgery is actually needed or not. Ultimately, talking to a professional can help a patient become happy with herself in the long-term."

12 secrets of being happy: Using research from 100 world experts, a new book shows how to look... 10/12/2014

12 secrets of being happy: Using research from 100 world experts, a new book shows how to look... Every time I saw my father in the couple of years before he died, he would say: ‘Tell me Linda, are you happy?’

Timeline photos 09/12/2014

Let's be real: There's never been a better time to have a big butt. B***y celebration is everywhere you look, from Meghan Trainor's hit song to Kim Kardashian's new Paper magazine cover. So now more than ever, those of us with a little (or a lot) of meat on our behinds are being encouraged to shake it, show it off, and embrace what we've got. Awesome!

Still, all of this big b***y love can't erase the inevitable problems that come with the perks. Hey, with great power comes great responsibility, right? Here are just a few burdens that the big-bootied bear.

1. No jeans fitting correctly, ever. Either you can't pull them over your butt, or you wind up with a huge gap in the waist. There is no in between.
2. All skirts and dresses are too short in the back. Oh, that office-appropriate pencil skirt you love? It's more club-appropriate on your b***y.
3. Forget squeezing between tables at restaurants. Or aisles at movie theatres. Your butt is an independent entity that will wind up in the faces of anyone in the near vicinity.
4. Every seating struggle ever. Perching on a barstool leads to b***y spillage. You take up more than your fair share when sharing a seat. Sitting on someone's lap never goes as planned.
5. You've flashed a little crack more times than you care to think about. Maybe you should just embrace this part of you and become a plumber.
6. People assume you've got mad moves to go with your b***y. Yes, your butt has its own gravitational pull. But not everyone with a robust backside can twerk.
7. You still have an embarrassing spiritual connection Sir Mix-A-Lot's "Baby Got Back." What can you say? Back before you learned to embrace your curves, this anthem gave you hope.
8. Trying to work the cute baggy boyfriend jeans trend has two results: You either look homeless or huge—and neither is a good look.
9. Your butt eats underwear for breakfast. There's no delicate way to say it. If you forgo the thong, it's permanent we**ie city.
10. Similarly, running shorts are a distant fantasy. Unless you like your shorts riding up higher and higher with each stride. Yay, chafing.
