Pinakpani Maha Rudra

Pinakpani Maha Rudra

Shiva Is Great
This page is for every people. Please share or post any news or photo related to the Maharudra. Make this platform a voice of SHIVA's Worship.

SHIV is so kind to us.

Photos from Pinakpani Maha Rudra's post 29/07/2024

Jageshwar Dham - where Mahadev was worshiped for the first time in the form of Shiva Lingam.
জাগেশ্বর ধাম - যেখানে মহাদেবকে প্রথমবারের মতো শিব লিঙ্গ রূপে পূজা করা হয়েছিল।


Remember this Incident?

Little Krishna lifted Govardhan Hill on his little finger and held it up like an umbrella for seven days to protect the residents of Vrindavan from rain caused by an angry Indra

This Incident is from the Dwapar era. When Indra was being worshiped in Braj. Just because Indra provides us rain. Indra started to think himself great from others.

Bhagwan Krishna told everyone that it is Indra’s responsibility to rain and he only carries out his responsibility, while Govardhan Parvat promotes and protects our cow wealth...Which purifies the environment. Therefore Govardhan should be worshiped not Indra. So that we all should protect our environment and nature...

We do hashtag Puja because as Bhagwan Krishna teaches us that we must not flow in our EGO whatever we are doing for our family our society is our Duty...

We must respect our culture. Worshiping the cow is one of the ways to say thanks to god...🙏🙌

Even today, the cow mother has special importance in our life. Even today the milk obtained by cows has a very important place in our life.

Govardhan is also considered as the form of Shree Krishna and he is worshiped in this form. In the Garg Samhita, showing the importance of Govardhan, it is said - Govardhan is the king of the mountains and beloved of Hari. Like this, there is no other shrine in Earth and Heaven...

Govardhan Puja has its inceptions during the hours of Sri Krishna, the eighth manifestation of Lord Vishnu. Performing Govardhan puja is a piece of family customs in a few pieces of India. This puja is accepted to favor the families with flourishing and bounty. Govardhan puja falls on the Pratipada day in the long stretch of Kartik...
Govardhan puja additionally denotes the fourth day of Diwali festivities. Most occasions, this puja concurs with the Gujarati New Year..🙌🙏

Krishna - the Epitome of Vishnu
the Preserver of the Universe 🚩🙏

Sri Krishna was the symbol of the Absolute, the representation of the mighty Sovereign of the universe. In His well-adjusted, symmetrical conduct of life is portrayed the majestic perfection of God...❤️🫶

Sri Krishna - a perfect Master..
He - a Karma Yogi,
Bhakta, Raja Yogi
and Jnana Yogi..

जय हो बांके बिहारी 🙌🙏🚩


Jambavan was the son of Brahma ji..

He was a Minister of Vanar king Sugreev and a Great devotee
of Prabhu Ram 🚩🏹

What are some lesser known facts about Jambavan from Ramayan?

1) Jambavan is king of Bears.
He is called Rikshpati..

2. He along-with Hanuman and Parshuram was present with both Ram and Krishna. He is older to both and was born in Satyuga during Raja Bali reign..

3) Jambavanwas the Special creation of Brahama Ji for supporting Mahavishnu ji in human form (Sri Ram) on earth. When Jambant Ji wished that he too wanted to leave the earth during the time of Lord Sri Ram departure from earth to his abode Param Dham Vaikuntha, Sri Ram objected it and told him to stay here till Dwapar Yug...

4) He also Revealed the Secret of Hanuman Origin and Powers

5) According to Jambhavan, Hanuman , angada and Sugreeva are the only people who are capable of crossing Lanka

6) Jambhavan gave the idea to Hanuman and vibhishan about mrita Sanjeevani and helped them revive 67 crores of vanaras back to life..

7) Jambhavan alongside with hanuman and other vanaras brought the water from four different oceans on the order of Prabhu Ram

8) Jambhavan finally made a cameo appearance in Mahabharata in shamantaka mani storyline .He fought lord krishna for 27 days and was finally defeated after getting exhausted .

9) He offered his Daughter jambhavati to krishna when Krishna showed him the Ram Avatar .These are the references of jambhavan from Ramayan and Mahabharata


hashtagJambavan was the son of Brahma ji..

He was a Minister of Vanar king Sugreev and a Great devotee
of Prabhu Ram 🚩🏹

What are some lesser known facts about Jambavan from Ramayan?

1) Jambavan is king of Bears.
He is called Rikshpati..

2. He along-with Hanuman and Parshuram was present with both Ram and Krishna. He is older to both and was born in Satyuga during Raja Bali reign..

3) Jambavanwas the Special creation of Brahama Ji for supporting Mahavishnu ji in human form (Sri Ram) on earth. When Jambant Ji wished that he too wanted to leave the earth during the time of Lord Sri Ram departure from earth to his abode Param Dham Vaikuntha, Sri Ram objected it and told him to stay here till Dwapar Yug...

4) He also Revealed the Secret of Hanuman Origin and Powers

5) According to Jambhavan, Hanuman , angada and Sugreeva are the only people who are capable of crossing Lanka

6) Jambhavan gave the idea to Hanuman and vibhishan about mrita Sanjeevani and helped them revive 67 crores of vanaras back to life..

7) Jambhavan alongside with hanuman and other vanaras brought the water from four different oceans on the order of Prabhu Ram

8) Jambhavan finally made a cameo appearance in Mahabharata in shamantaka mani storyline .He fought lord krishna for 27 days and was finally defeated after getting exhausted .

9) He offered his Daughter jambhavati to krishna when Krishna showed him the Ram Avatar .These are the references of jambhavan from Ramayan and Mahabharata



Varaha - Third of the 10 incarnations (avatars) of the Hindu
Bhagwan Vishnu 🙏🙌

The Varaha Avatar is the third incarnation of Vishnu ji and took place to save Goddess Earth from the demons and Restore Dharma 🚩

According to the legends this Katha starts with Jaya and Vijaya, the guards of Vaikunth, the abode of God Vishnu, who disrespectfully prevent the four Kumaras, sons of God Brahma, from entering. As a result, the Kumaras curse Jaya and Vijaya to be born as humans...

Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu are born as twin demons, and Hiranyaksha drags Goddess Earth to the depths of the ocean. The Demons wreak havoc on Earth, and the gods, unable to defeat them, seek God Vishnu's help. God Vishnu takes on the form of Varaha, a boar, to rescue Goddess Earth.

Hiranyaksha challenges Varuna, the god of the seas, to fight, but Varuna suggests that Hiranyaksha approach Bhagwan Vishnu instead. Hiranyaksha finds Vishnu ji in his Varaha Avatar, holding the Earth on his tusks. Hiranyaksha challenges Varaha to a fight, but Varaha waits patiently and then engages in a fierce battle with the demon..

After fighting for 1,000 years, Varaha eventually defeats Hiranyaksha and saves Goddess Earth.

According to the legends Varaha Avatar emphasizes God Vishnu's role in preserving righteousness and protecting the universe. It highlights the significance of the divine incarnations in restoring balance and defeating the forces of evil. Through the Varaha Avatar, God Vishnu demonstrates his commitment to upholding Dharma and ensuring the welfare of all beings..

ॐ नमो भगवते वाराहरूपाय
भूर्भुवः स्वः 🙏🚩


When Brahma-muhurt arrived, Arjun touched water for purification & meditated upon Lord Siva. In his meditation, Arjun saw Sri Krsna dragging him by the left arm thro’ the sky at the speed of mind towards Himalayas. They soon reached Mount Kailāsa, passing over many sacred spots

On top of Kailāsa, Arjun saw Lord Siva seated with Pārvati & surrounded by his innumerable associates. Being ever engaged in performance of austerities, Lord Siva blazed with effulgence while adored by greatest of sages. Coming before Lord Siva, Sri Krsna & Arjun bowed their heads & offered him praises by chanting appropriate Vedic mantras

Sri Krsna said: O best of demigods, pls be kind upon us & fulfil our desire

Arjun saw numerous offerings placed near Lord Siva for his daily worship of Sri Krsna. In this way Arjun vividly understood the supreme position of his dear friend & cousin and so he mentally worshipped Him

Arjun requested: My Dear Lord! Previously you promised to give me Pasupata weapon. Now, in my time of great need, I’ve come here with hope of receiving it from you

Lord Siva welcomed Sri Krsna & Arjun and said: Nearby is a lake of nectar wherein I kept the bow I formerly used to kill demons. Dear Sri Krsna, You should go now & bring that bow to me, along with arrow accompanying it

Sri Krsna & Arjun set out for the celestial lake, accompanied by many of Lord Siva’s attendants. On arrival, they saw 2 great serpents within the lake, the larger of which had a thousand hoods & vomited fire. Sri Krsna & Arjun touched water for purification & then approached two snakes with folded hands while chanting praises of Lord Siva found in Vedas

The two snakes immediately gave up their reptilian bodies & revealed themselves to be the bow & arrow described by Lord Siva. Sri Krsna & Arjun happily took these weapons & returned to Lord Siva, placing them in his hands. As soon as this was done, a brahmacāri with red hair & a bluish throat emerged from side of Lord Siva’s body. Picking up bow & arrow, he proceeded to teach Arjun how to utilize them after being invoked by the chanting of proper mantras. When the lesson was finished, the brahmacāri shot the arrow into the lake of nectar and threw the bow in after it

Lord Siva smilingly said: Dear Arjun, you can be rest assured that you’ll accomplish your vow with the help of this invincible weapon

Sri Krsna & Arjun took leave & returned to Pāndava camp, confident that their objective had been achieved

Humility does not mean that we downplay or deny our abilities. It just means that we don’t let our abilities overshadow our humanity or our spirituality

Our abilities are given to us by the Supreme Lord & should be used for the higher purpose of serving Krsna and not the self. We all are human bodies on a spiritual journey. As long as we retain our humanity, make human connections with others & retain our spirituality by connecting with the Supreme, then our ability won’t steal our humility


Happy Hanuman Jayanti




Why Devi Tara is known as
Mother of Shiva?

“When Shiva consumed Halahal Poison that sprung out during Samudra manthan, then Devi took the form of Tara to breastfeed Shiva, this cut down the poison & made Shiva's throat blue..

~Sri Tara Rahasyam

Devi Tara haves 8 forms which are

Ugra Tara,
Ekajata Tara,
Nel Sarasvati,
Kameshvari Tara,
Vajra Tara and Nitya Tara

She holds the skull of Preeta and She is Maheshvari in Gyan Chakra (Sahastradhara)..

Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra are also her Worshippers...

अस्याः प्रसाददेवाहं भुवनानि चतुर्दश ।
सृजामि चतुरो वेदान् कल्पयामि च लीलया ॥18॥
एनामेव समाराध्य विद्यां भुवनतारिणीम् ।
तत्त्वज्ञानमयो विष्णुर्भुवनं पालयत्यसौ ॥19॥
संहारकाले च हरो रुद्रमूर्तिधरः परः ।
तामेव तारामाराध्य संहरत्यखिलं जगत् ॥20॥

I create the fourteen worlds from Prasad and I imagine the four Vedas from her (Tara Devi's) lila. By properly worshiping this Bhuvantarini Vidya, the philosopher Lord Vishnu maintains this Bhuvan (fourteen worlds) and by worshiping the same Tara Vidya, Lord Shiva who takes the form of Rudra destroys the whole world during the destruction of the creation.

Photos from Pinakpani Maha Rudra's post 19/03/2024

Jai Mahakal


The Drinking of the Ocean of Poison.

Let me begin with a proper background behind this most thrilling of episodes.

The Devas and the Daityas started the churning of the milk ocean. One side were the Devas and on the opposite side were the Daityas.

The giant Vasuki serpent was the churning rope, the Mandar mountain was the churning rod and the milk-ocean was thus churned.

All of a sudden the fish, sharks, tortoises and snakes were most agitated and perturbed. The entire ocean became turbulent.

While the ocean was being churned in this way, it first produced a fiercely dangerous poison called Halahala.

When that uncontrollable poison was forcefully spreading up and down in all directions, all the Devas, along with the Lord Vishnu Himself, approached Lord Shiva.

The Devas observed Lord Shiva sitting on the summit of Kailasa Hill with his wife, Bhavani, for the auspicious development of the three worlds. He was being worshiped by great saintly persons desiring liberation. The Devas offered him their obeisances and prayers with great respect.

They prayed,”O greatest of all Devas, Mahadeva, Supersoul of all living entities and cause of their happiness and prosperity, we have come to the shelter of your lotus feet. Now please save us from this fiery poison, which is spreading all over the three worlds."

Lord Shiva is always benevolent toward all living entities. When he saw that the living entities were very much disturbed by the poison, which was spreading everywhere, he was very compassionate.

Thus he spoke to his eternal consort, Sati, as follows.

Lord Shiva said,"My dear Bhavani, just see how all these living entities have been placed in danger because of the poison produced from the churning of the ocean of milk.

People in general, being bewildered by the illusory energy or Maya, are always engaged in animosity toward one another. But devotees, even at the risk of their own temporary lives, try to save them.

My dear gentle wife Bhavani, when one performs benevolent activities for others, the Lord Hari, is very pleased. And when the Lord is pleased, I am also pleased, along with all other living creatures.

Therefore, let me drink this poison, for all the living entities may thus become happy because of me."

Thereafter, Lord Shiva, who is dedicated to auspicious, benevolent work for humanity, compassionately took the whole quantity of poison in his palm and drank it.

One should not try to imitate Lord Shiva.

Lord Shiva can do whatever he likes, but those who try to imitate Lord Shiva by smoking g***a and other poisonous things will certainly be killed because of such activities.

As if in defamation, the poison born from the ocean of milk manifested its potency by marking Lord Shiva’s neck with a bluish line.

That line, however, is now accepted as an ornament of the Lord.

Wishing everyone a very Happy Shivaratri 🙏



Photos from Pinakpani Maha Rudra's post 26/02/2024

The ancient Valinath temple of Mahabharata era is dedicated to Mahadev, Hinglaj Mata and Lord Dattatreya.
মহাভারত যুগের প্রাচীন বালিনাথ মন্দিরটি মহাদেব, হিংলাজ মাতা এবং ভগবান দত্তাত্রেয়কে উৎসর্গ করা হয়েছে।

Photos from Pinakpani Maha Rudra's post 18/02/2024

The world's first Om-shaped Shiva temple will be inaugurated tomorrow.
বিশ্বের প্রথম ওম আকৃতির শিব মন্দিরের উদ্বোধন হবে আগামীকাল।


"Chandrashekhar" is a mesmerizing name of "Mahadev" formed by the union of two words –
Chandra (moon) and Shekhar (crown) meaning the God with the moon as his crown..

According to Hinduism, the moon (Chandra) was married to the 27 daughters (stars) of Daksha Prajapati, one of the creators of the universe. However, he showed partiality towards one of his wives, Rohini, which upset the other wives and their father. As a result, Daksha cursed Chandra to wane and diminish in size. Chandra, in turn, sought help from Shiva, who granted him the boon of growing in size for 15 days and then diminishing for the next 15 days, creating the waxing and waning phases of the moon.

In SANATAN DHARMA, Shiva is one of the principal deities and is considered the supreme god in the Shaivism tradition. He is known as the destroyer and transformer, as well as the god of meditation, yoga, and arts. Shiva is often depicted with various attributes, including a third eye, a crescent moon adorning his matted hair, a snake around his neck, and a trident (trishula) in his hand.

Chandrashekhar, on the other hand, is not a deity but a title or epithet associated with Shiva. It translates to "the one who bears the moon" or "moon-crowned." This title is derived from the depiction of Shiva wearing a crescent moon on his matted hair, which is an important aspect of his iconography.

Thus, the connection between Shiva and Chandrashekhar lies in the association of Shiva with the crescent moon (Chandra) on his head, and the title Chandrashekhar signifies this aspect of Shiva's iconography.

To save Chandra from perishing,
Mahadev asked him to take refuge in his locks to protect him from Daksha's curse. Hence Shiva is also known as "Chandrashekhar"..

"ॐ नम: शिवाय" 🙏😇🕉️

Photos from Pinakpani Maha Rudra's post 21/01/2024

Now it's time to give Mahadev back his Adi Vishweshwar (Gyanvapi) temple!






Mahavir Hanuman and his Ashta Siddhis

Ashta Siddhis are the eight divine Knowledge which means eight divine powers are: Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Isitva, Vasitva are Hindu religious knowledges in Hanuman chalisa or Ganesh vajana, that gives one complete power over each and everything.

People who have complete control over the siddhis can gain power of demigods. Each siddhi governs certain character or certain aspect of nature and mastering each gives one distinct ability unique to other siddhis.

Anima is the first among the ashta siddhis. Mastering this siddhi gives the individual the ability to shrink down one’s body. The owner of this siddhi can shrink the body to his own will even at the atomic scale but cannot increase the size of the body. The most notable use of this siddhi was done by lord Hanuman while spying on Lanka in search of mother sita. While spying lord hanuman shrunk his huge body to a very miniature form because of which the demons were unable to spot him.

Mahima siddhi grants the user the ability to attain gigantic forms. It is like anima or it completes Anima siddhi. Anima lets you shrink your body while mahima lets you increase the size of the body even to the celestial level. Mahavir used mahima to increase his size and lift sumeru parbat to bring back Sanjivani booti to save Laxman’s life. Another use of mahima siddhi was done by Brahman avatar of lord Vishnu. In which lord turned his size celestial level and in three steps he covered the entire existence.

Garima siddhi lets user to alter the weight of their body. However, like the relation between Anima and mahima, Garima only allows the user to increase the weight but not decrease it. By this siddhi one can increase his/her weight from little bit to infinitely, to the point one becomes immovable. Angat when going to ravanas court challenged the warriors in his court to move his feet but no one was able to do so because angat used garima siddhi. Another instance was when to control bheems arrogance lord hanuman disguised as an old monkey asked him to lift his tail. However, lord hanuman used garima siddhi so bheem could not lift his tail.

Laghima of astha siddhi is opposite to garima, allows its user to decrease the body weight. This siddhi decreases the weight of the user so much that the user will get the ability to fly. The weight can decrease so much that the individual can be light as a feather and gain levitation. Lord hanuman and various other demigods, demons knew this siddhi and were able to fly in the sky.

Everything in life is a lesson. Refusing to learn the lesson means that it will be repeated until the lesson is learned from Hanuman ji..

Photos from Pinakpani Maha Rudra's post 10/03/2023






ISSWAR (@internationalsocietyforshiva) • Instagram photos and videos 11/12/2022

ISSWAR (@internationalsocietyforshiva) • Instagram photos and videos 16 Followers, 9 Following, 9 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from ISSWAR ()

International Society For Shiva Worship& Archetype (@Shiva_Worship) / Twitter 11/12/2022

International Society For Shiva Worship& Archetype (@Shiva_Worship) / Twitter The International Society for Shiva Worship and Archetype is a platform for Shiva devotees. Our duty is to propagate the original ideology of Mahadev.

Photos from Pinakpani Maha Rudra's post 10/11/2022

Mahakal Jyotirling


जय मां अंबे ! ॐ नमः शिवाय मित्रों !
जय मां अंबे जय मां अंबे, लोभ क्रोध से पार लगा दो ।
अपनी शरण लेकर नित, सदभक्ति की अलख जगा दो ।।🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉

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