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The Wellness industry doesn't want you to know that you don't need expensive diets, gimmicks and supplements (they don't work) to get back your health and thrive for life.


Financial Health

Those who worry about finances have bigger health problems that those who do not. Finances are essential to survival and having what you need it too!

Many people work their whole lives for wealth and then spend their wealth on their health in old age. Having a beautiful balance early on is important in financial health and physical health!

How is your financial health? Where and how do you struggle? What do you think can balance that out for you?


Start & End Your Day With A Little Self Care

Like any new habit, adding self-care into your life can seem kind of tricky. You probably wonder how you’ll manage to find time to do anything extra for yourself, let alone how you’ll actually remember to do these things. One of the best ways to get started is to build your activities into predictable parts of your day. In order to make something a habit, it has to happen regularly. Keep reading, and I’ll show you some tricks to making self-care a routine part of your life.

Make It Personal

The first thing that will help you in creating your self-care rituals is to choose activities that are meaningful to you and that you enjoy. This is your practice, so you want to be sure it’s customized in order to get the most out of it. Consider making a list of things that help you to feel relaxed, peaceful, excited or happy. These activities should be able to be done in a short amount of time and easily fit into your life without special equipment or tools. At least as you begin your practice, the things you choose to do should be as simple as possible.

Fit It In

You should add your self-care rituals to the most convenient parts of your day. Choose times that are already somewhat flexible so that incorporating something new into that space will be less stressful. Many people go with morning or evening routines, right when they wake up and before going to sleep each night. Getting up fifteen minutes earlier than usual and setting aside a window during the usual night-time schedule are usually things most folks can do. However, maybe designating your daily lunch break as your self-care time might work better for you. Consider activities like writing a gratitude journal entry before bed, listening to music while having your morning coffee or going for a short walk over your lunch hour. Trial and error may be required, but find a moment to call your own every day.

Be Flexible

It’s best to come up with a routine that works for you and stick to it. Committing to a particular schedule will help you to create a habit and ensures that you get the self-care you need. However, try to cut yourself some slack. Some days are more hectic than others. You may not be able to fit in your anticipated self-care activity, and that’s okay. Tomorrow is a new day, and you can try again. Soon, you’ll find yourself wanting to take part in these rituals, and getting back on track will be easy.

Getting into the practice of regular self-care doesn’t have to be difficult. Making a few adjustments to your existing schedule can free up some space in your day. Choose things that will refresh you and that are simple in nature will make getting started a breeze.

Share your selfcare goals so we can support you.

Household products contribute more to air pollution than suspected | Science News 05/08/2024

Join us in the group for this weeks challenge. How to reduce our household pollution. I make these challenges fun and easy!!!

Monday challenge
Tuesday Food of the Week
Wednesday Recipe
Thursday Wellness tip
Friday Fun

Household products contribute more to air pollution than suspected | Science News A study of smog in the Los Angeles valley finds that paints, fragrances and other everyday items are a growing component of the problem.


Why Self-Care Matters & Super Simple Ways To Treat Yourself

You’ve probably heard the term “self-care” used a lot lately. It’s become a popular buzzword in the media and in personal development circles. However, you still may be unclear on what it means. While the concept does involve taking care of yourself, it actually goes much deeper. Read on to learn what self-care is, why it matters and how to get started doing it.

About Self-Care

Self-care covers a lot of areas with regard to caring for yourself. It involves nurturing your body, mind and spirit. It focuses on building yourself up so that your internal resources don’t become depleted. Essentially, self-care is being as good to yourself as you would be to someone you care about. It requires you to show yourself some compassion and encourages you to be vulnerable with others, asking for help you when you need it. What doesn’t fall under the umbrella of self-care are self-destructive coping mechanisms such as using drugs, drinking, gambling or retail therapy. These things only make you feel good in the short-term.

The Benefits of Self-Care

There are lots of benefits to practicing self-care. Embracing this concept can be difficult for those who’ve always placed emphasis on the welfare of others. However, giving all your energy to those around you without filling your own back up leaves you depleted and empty. That’s no way to live. Instead, spending time and effort on yourself rejuvenates and energizes you. Taking time to indulge in your own interests demonstrates your worth, leading to improved self-esteem and a more positive outlook on the world. It teaches you a lot about yourself and provides you with insight into what you need to be the best version of yourself. Self-care helps you better cope with stress and to prioritize what’s important to you. You’ll be better able to take care of others when you also take time to meet your own needs.

Examples of Self-Care

There are countless ways to add self-care into your routine. The key is to choose activities that are most enjoyable to you and provide you with the most benefits. Going for a walk in nature is great for those who enjoy the outdoors. Other forms of exercise like yoga, running or going to the gym work well, too. Spending time with friends can be rejuvenating, but so can saying no. Allowing yourself to decline invitations or favors when you’re feeling run-down is a big part of caring for yourself. Treating yourself to a favorite, affordable indulgence like a movie, manicure or ice cream cone are all good examples. As is taking a bath or meditating. These are just a few of the ways you can easily incorporate self-care into your life.

Now you know what self-care is and what it’s important. You’ve also got some ideas of how to get started, so you’re well on your way to adding this useful practice to your life.

Are you looking to add in selfcare or do better with your selfcare?


How to Create a Strong Support System: 10 Tips

A social support system refers to a network of people we can turn to for emotional and practical support. This group can include anyone ‒ family members, friends, peers, coworkers, professionals.


Mindful Eating And Portion Control Recorded Coaching Session
One of many recorded coaching sessions you will get access to when you join Journey to Wellness

• Discover 8 ways to get a better handle on portion control without feeling deprived
• Learn what mindful eating is and how it can help with weight loss and overall health
• Mindless eating triggers and solutions
• Session handouts, To Do List, Workbook, Emails, and Coach Support
• Invite to join our 52 Weeks of Wellness Group for life, new challenge each week, recipes, tips and fun

No credit card needed to signup and get your free coaching sessions =>

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Free 7 Day Self Care Challenge

Mid summer is a great time to do a selfcare check in. Some of us are off our routine, others get very busy, many travel often and life just has a way of taking us away from giving ourselves what we need.

When: Starts Sunday August 4th
Where: Right here in the page
How to join: Just follow the Page.

Day 1. Why Self-Care Matters & Super Simple Ways To Treat Yourself
Day 2. Start & End Your Day With A Little Self Care
Day 3. Try Something New Today To Care For Yourself
Day 4. Make A List Of 5 Simple Self-Care Routines You Can Fall Back On When Needed
Day 5. Self-Care Doesn’t Have To Cost Anything
Day 6. Don’t Feel Guilty For Practicing Self-Care
Day 7. Tips To Continue To Take Care Of Yourself Going Forward

Will you join us? Comment below 💜


How To Support Health While Traveling

Exploring a new place, discovering local food specialties, meandering through different scenery… The rush of going on vacation is like no other. But stepping away from your workout routine and healthy meal prep groove can feel challenging.


Treating Yourself

What do you do for yourself? Do you treat yourself like you treat others? Do you give gifts and shower presents on yourself? There is always and time and never a reason needed. Many feel it is selfish, but it is selfish not to do this as it leaves you coming to people drained and frazzled. Bring your best to them by being your best for you.

What will you start doing for yourself, staring today?


This weeks challenge is going to absolutely change your health so don't miss out. Join us


How to Take a Technology Detox

There are many benefits to using technology – traveling around the world, connecting with loved ones, learning in the classroom, and even saving lives in hospitals! However, like anything else, technology can be overused and even abused.


Exercise Strategies To Maximize Results Recorded Coaching Session
One of many recorded coaching sessions you will get access to when you join Journey to Wellness

• Easy ways to get started with exercise
• How to maximize results without spending hours at the gym
• Common roadblocks to exercise with simple solutions
• How to bust through a weight loss plateau
• Session handouts, To Do List, Workbook, Emails, and Coach Support
• Invite to join our 52 Weeks of Wellness Group for life, new challenge each week, recipes, tips and fun

No credit card needed to signup and get your free coaching sessions =>

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The word longevity means “a long duration of individual life” or “length of life.” But what does longevity mean to you? We’ve all heard from friends and family that living a long, healthy life is a priority. That's a fair request, but how do we make it a reality?


How Much Exercise Do You Really Need to Get in Shape?

How much exercise do you *actually* need to get in shape?

Twenty minutes three times per week? Half-hour per day?

And how much is too much?


Balancing Blood Sugar Recorded Coaching Session
One of many recorded coaching sessions you will get access to when you join Journey to Wellness

• Understand the difference between carbs and sugar
• 7 game changing tips to manage sugar
• How to avoid spikes
• The truth about processed grains
• Sweeteners, what's good and what's not
• Session handouts, To Do List, Workbook, Emails, and Coach Support
• Invite to join our 52 Weeks of Wellness Group for life, new challenge each week, recipes, tips and fun

No credit card needed to signup and get your free coaching sessions =>

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Besides making great additions to salads, soups, trail mixes, and snacks, seeds pack a big nutritional punch considering their size. While not as popular as nuts, seeds offer just as much nutritional value and deserve a spot on your plate.

Videos (show all)

Does Vitamin Cure a Cold?Join our FREE 52 Weeks of Wellness Facebook Group =>
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