Nutrition Kitchen

Nutrition Kitchen

Delicious recipes and some insight into the world of nutrition from a student on the road to becoming an RD.


Nutrition Kitchen is now...

ALIVE Nutrition Solutions!

Thank you all for your support of this page over the last few years.

We are changing gears a little and transitioning from a food blog to a brand which will offer nutrition counselling services.

If you're interested in learning how to become more confident in your food and nutrition choices so you can stop wasting time on dieting and start creating space in your life for the things that really matter, then head on over to our new page and give it a like.

Gone are the days spent obsessing about nutrition, because let's be serious, there are far more important (and fun) things to do in life.


Food rules.

Which ones do you have?

No eating after dinner.
Only snack on fruits and vegetables.
No bringing junk food into the house.
No white flour.
Only one treat per week.

You may have the best of intentions by setting yourself up with these types of food rules. You might think they are helping you make healthier choices, but are they really serving you in this way?

Mindful Eating (…don’t water it down to “just eat slow without distractions”) – Yeah…Immaeatthat 08/09/2017

Mindful Eating. What does it mean to you?

Slowing down.
Reducing distractions.
Savouring every bite.
Increasing awareness of your hunger and fullness cues.

Yes, mindful eating can encompass all of these things, but it's more than this, too.

It's about forming a healthy relationship with food and how you nourish your body.

It's about living your life without letting food become the central focus.

It's about having flexibility with your food choices, and getting rid of food labels.

What do you think - is there room for more mindfulness in your life? What can your start putting into practice right now to get going?

I'll start.

To become a more mindful eater, I will...

Stop scrolling through Instagram while eating!!! 🙈

Alright, your turn. Let's hear it!

Mindful Eating (…don’t water it down to “just eat slow without distractions”) – Yeah…Immaeatthat This post was born because I left my prenatal chiropractor appointment last week and was overly hungry. I immediately headed to pick up lunch, but I had to get my food to-go because I had client appointments starting soon. As I drove to my office I was eating a piece of fluffy, round pita bread th...


Fresh from the garden! What should I make? Or just eat them raw?

Who else is enjoying some market fresh or garden fresh produce this weekend? I want to know! 🙂


What do you guys think. Is purple my colour?

Blueberry Cheesecake Smoothie
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
2 scoops vanilla whey
1 tsp fish oil (lemon flavour for the win)
1 cup almond milk
3 Tbsp plain Greek yogurt


Who likes Greek food!? 🙋🙋‍♂️

Inspired by a delicious meal I shared with a great friend at a wonderful Greek restaurant in Toronto, I made this melitzanosalata - a traditional eggplant dip.

If you've never tried eggplant, or just don't know what to do with it, this a great way to use it. The fresh dill makes it 👌

Perfect for slathering on warm pita!



If you're a consumer of the media, or a human being going about your day-today-life, I'm sure you've probably thought it comical at some point or another that one day you're being told a certain food will kill you, only to find out the next that the same food has super powers and is the key to unlocking optimal health and longevity.

Red meat.

Cholesterol, carcinogens, know the drill. The same type of thing has happened with the great debate over which is actually healthier: butter or margarine?

That's why I wrote this post:

I hope you enjoy this little Friday Funny as we head into the weekend!

Timeline photos 27/07/2017


You'll find no shortage of advice on the best diet for fat loss or the best exercise for a toned tummy.

While the results promised make it seem like the effort will be worth it, in the long term, no amount of will power will get you to choke down food you don't enjoy, or wake up for early morning workouts you hate.

So what really is THE BEST thing to do if these quick fixes keep failing you?

Right here. The fundamental truths of achieving and maintaining your health and wellness goals:

THE BEST DIET is the one which allows you to enjoy the foods you eat each and every day while also making consistent progress. We eat for a multitude of reasons, only one of which is to provide our bodies with proper nutrition. Food is about way more than just calories in.

THE BEST EXERCISE is the movement you enjoy doing and will do consistently. Exercise is about more than just calories out.

Why not try a different approach and play the long game.

Consistency over perfection.

Thumbs up if you agree!

Eating for Everyday Performance: What I learned from feeding Olympic athletes 24/06/2017


3 Things I Learned About Nutrition From Feeding Olympic Athletes

Last summer, I had the chance to help out with some meal prep for the Canadian Women's Track Endurance Team leading up to Rio.

Aside from it being one of the most memorable experiences, it also reinforced by already strong belief in simple, whole foods based nutrition.

As much as you think you need a list of foods to include, foods to avoid, and a meal plan in order to finally achieve the healthy lifestyle you want, I'm here to tell you that you don’t. It doesn’t have to be complicated to be high quality – not for Olympic athletes, and certainly not for you.

One of the amazing athletes Georgia Simmerling was even kind enough to share her thoughts on the topic, so make sure you head on over, take a read, drop a comment, and give her some

Eating for Everyday Performance: What I learned from feeding Olympic athletes I think a lot of people assume that professional athletes have their nutrition dialed in pretty tight. You can probably imagine them existing off of nothing but salads, oatmeal, cashew milk, some r…

Timeline photos 12/06/2017

A little 'food funny' to brighten your Monday...

Salmon + veg quinoa bowl with creamy tahini dressing 14/04/2017

Did you know that sesame seeds are a good non-dairy source of calcium? If you've ever tried cooking or baking with tahini (sesame seed paste) you know that is has a strong flavour, but it pairs perfectly with the veggies and quinoa in this fresh, springtime recipe!

Salmon + veg quinoa bowl with creamy tahini dressing Walking downtown the other night, I saw this couple coming out of a burger joint, presumably after having indulged in a meal which may have included fries, onion rings, and maybe a milkshake. Somet...

Timeline photos 02/04/2017

Hey guys! How have you been? Sorry it's been quiet around here lately. The truth is, applications for grad school and dietetic internships sucked up my life the last few months. But I'm happy to say it's all been worth it and I have been successful! In two more short years I will officially be a Registered Dietitian! 🎉 I'm heading to Ryerson to do my Masters in Nutrition Communication in the fall.

I'm so excited to take my education one step further and gain some specialized skills to help communicate the complex science of nutrition to you. To help you sort through the conflicting information and gain some clarity. Are you with me?

I've also been working on a simple oat blend that's super versatile for quick breakfasts, oat balls, and more! Stay tuned, it'll be up on the blog soon!

Yours in health,


Timeline photos 30/12/2016

I've seen a lot of different foods demonized, but bananas? C'mon. Have you heard this one before? Thanks to Leslie Beck Nutrition Consulting Inc. for putting a quick stop to this one.

I hear it over and over: Bananas are too high in sugar; bananas have a high glycemic index value. Find out the nutritional truths about this high potassium fruit in this The Globe and Mail article:

How to indulge in the “16 Foods Dietitians Won’t Touch” in 3 simple steps 21/12/2016

I thought a quick re-visit to this post might be helpful as we dive head first into the season of hot chocolate, peppermint, shortbread cookies, fruit cake, and egg nog. (Fun fact: it's the most viewed post on the blog!)

Here are three tips that will help you enjoy a treat (or a few) minus the food-shaming this Holiday Season. So share it with your family and friends, and get everyone on the same page about enjoying the little indulgences that make Christmastime special!

How to indulge in the “16 Foods Dietitians Won’t Touch” in 3 simple steps LIVESTRONG’s list of “16 Foods Dietitians Won’t Touch” is a bit misleading. Sure the foods that made the cut aren’t healthy choices, but that does not mean that you ca…

Settling The Great Grain Debate: Can wheat and other grains fit into a healthy — and sane — diet? 29/11/2016

"Often when we talk about food, we talk about the awesome things food X does. Or the terrible things food Y does.

In reality, foods are often a mixture of both good and bad outcomes, depending on what the diet as a whole looks like, the amount of food X or food Y being eaten, and the person who’s eating them."

Settling The Great Grain Debate: Can wheat and other grains fit into a healthy — and sane — diet? Are grains saving your life — or trying to kill you? In this article, we'll discuss both sides of the debate. We'll also leave you with some actionable steps to start eating better immediately.

Timeline photos 08/11/2016


Most people struggle with getting enough protein in at their first meal of the day, especially when you limit yourself to traditional breakfast foods which are carb heavy and not necessarily very nutrient dense.

Challenge: try to eat something you might typically think of as lunch or dinner food as your breakfast, and see how it changes your food choices for the rest of the day.

This was my breakfast today. Post your pics or let me know what you tried in the comments below!

Reading past the headlines 17/10/2016

In today's social media saturated world, it’s hard for people to trust or listen to nutrition advice that is seemingly contradictory or always changing.

The truth is, the media takes risks to attract attention, and the accuracy of the information reported suffers greatly. Conclusions can not be confidently made, but they are.

This is just one reason why the world of nutrition has become so confusing. Here are eight others:

Reading past the headlines I didn't want to miss the chance to address an albeit comical article that was recently shared on social media, titled Science's Biggest Fail. All things diet and fitness took the prize. I know I'v...

| Mission Figs with Whisky Caramel and Ricotta | diversivore 14/10/2016

Diversivore did it again. How good does this look guys?!

| Mission Figs with Whisky Caramel and Ricotta | diversivore A light, elegantly rustic, and delicious dish, perfect for when you really want a bit of dessert but you don't want to spend all night in the kitchen.

| Honey & Dijon Baked Salmon | diversivore 04/10/2016

I LOVE what Sean Bromilow is doing over at Diversivore. He hit the nail on the head with this one.

There's a gap between the food we talk about and photograph and the food we cook. The truth is, day-to-day healthy eating isn't glamorous for most of us, but that's not the image that is portrayed online by foodie culture.

I'll be the first to admit that the food photos that make it up on Nutrition Kitchen do not represent what ends up on my plate 3x a day, every day. The less pretty, equally as healthy stuff never makes the cut, but maybe it should. What do you think?

Does beautiful food photography help to inspire and promote healthy eating, or make it seem like an impossible standard to measure up to? Would you like to see more of 'the real deal'?

| Honey & Dijon Baked Salmon | diversivore Salmon that's deliciously simple, yet incredibly elegant. This adaptation of a popular classic features a few amazing twists for a truly memorable meal.

How to cook with tofu: Easy Vegetarian Pad Thai 18/09/2016

My early morning trips to the gym have required a sweater as of late, a true sign that fall is on the way! I thoroughly enjoyed my cool gazpacho and fresh fish tacos under the summer sun, but as the temperature starts to drop, I'm reminded of the comfort of curling up with a warm bowl of noodles.

What's your favourite fall comfort food? Bonus points for creativity if it doesn't have anything to do with pumpkin or spice ;)

How to cook with tofu: Easy Vegetarian Pad Thai Tofu definitely has some haters. I was one of them not too long ago. After an unsuccessful first attempt at cooking it for myself at home, and an equally traumatizing experience giving it a second …

Sarah Remmer, RD | How to Choose the Best Type of Egg for Your Family 13/09/2016


Ever wondered why brown eggs are little more expensive? You're not paying a premium for them because they are any healthier than their white counterparts. The type of chicken that lays brown eggs is a larger breed that requires more feed, so they are more expensive animals to raise. Simple as that.

This is a great article by Sarah Remmer, RD - Family Nutrition Educator that also covers the difference between free-run, free-range, and nestlaid eggs!

Sarah Remmer, RD | How to Choose the Best Type of Egg for Your Family Canada's Child and Family Nutrition Expert, Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist, nutrition counselling Calgary

Your Ultimate Guide To Detoxing and Cleanses | Doug Cook 24/08/2016


Just had to share. This post is the only one you'll ever have to read about 'detoxes' and 'cleanses'. Let's put this nutrition myth to rest, once and for all. Thank you Doug Cook RD!

Your Ultimate Guide To Detoxing and Cleanses | Doug Cook

Nutrition Brief: A2 Milk 17/08/2016

Beta-casein is the major protein found in cow's milk, and there are two variations: A1 and A2 beta-casein. So what does this mean for the average milk drinker and for those that are lactose intolerant? I break it down for you in this Nutrition Brief.

Are there any other nutrition topics you have questions about? Leave me a comment, I'd love to know!

Nutrition Brief: A2 Milk Milk allergies and intolerances are quite common, and usually lactose is to blame. However, there is research to support the idea that it may be a protein in cow’s milk, and not necessarily t…

Timeline photos 06/08/2016

Noodles 😍

Recipe coming soon...

Eggs: Healthy or Not? 04/08/2016


This post by Dr. John Berardi is a must-read for anyone who has ever shied away from egg yolks for fear of raising their blood cholesterol levels through the roof.

We know that egg yolks are high in cholesterol, but we also know that the cholesterol you eat has little impact on blood cholesterol for the vast majority of the population. Possible exceptions: diabetics and those with familial hypercholesterolemia.

The research has pointed us in this direction for years, but clinicians have been slow to reverse their recommendations. After all, it's hard to admit that we were wrong.

Eggs: Healthy or Not? Eggs: They're just one of those foods. Seems like

Zucchini loaf with lemon + raspberries 28/07/2016


Fibre, pre- and probiotics, gluten, dairy, and FODMAPs are all trending topics you're probably well aware of if you're someone who is in search of solutions to improve your digestion.

I've spent the last year learning about IBS, the Low FODMAP Diet, and everything related to digestive health from expert Stephanie Clairmont, RD. I wrote about my experience here (and also shared a yummy zucchini bread recipe)!

Zucchini loaf with lemon + raspberries I've been learning a whole lot about the gut, digestive health, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and the low FODMAP diet as of late. It's fascinating stuff! The low FODMAP diet is a relatively new pr...

What is Leaky Gut? 26/07/2016


We are still in the early stages of really understanding leaky gut, but there is speculation that it is a contributing factor to a large number of autoimmune diseases. Crazy, right!?

The physiology behind this complicated disorder is explained simply in this article, along with what the science is saying about how we might be able to treat it.

What is Leaky Gut? Dealing with gut disorders can be complicated and exhausting, especially if you’re trying to figure it out all on your own. A quick online search will reveal endless answers for your digestive woes, what’s causing them, and how to be cured once and for all. Leaky gut is just one of the answers you m...

Which diet makes best use of farmland? You might be surprised. 25/07/2016


It's true. More land is required to support your animal-based diet than a vegan or vegetarian one. So, in the interest of feeding more people in a more environmentally sustainable way, converting all of our cattle grazing acres into fields of soy might seem like an obvious solution.

However, when we consider the spectrum of the human diet, it seems that neither extreme makes the best use of our total resources.

Instead of creating a diet that is too strongly focused on plant foods or too strongly focused on animal foods, find some middle ground and embrace your inner omnivore.

Which diet makes best use of farmland? You might be surprised. A new study published in the academic journal Elementa suggests food choices that make use of grazing and forage land as well as cropland could feed more people than those that completely eliminate...

Timeline photos 09/07/2016

Life is GREAT! Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, I hope you find your "life is great" moment today, too.

3 Critical (and Counterintuitive) Strategies for Dealing with Negative Peer Pressure and Dietary... 01/06/2016

Saying NO to the nachos or refusing another drink when out with friends or gathered together with family can often earn you an eye roll, a sarcastic comment, or maybe even both if you're lucky! How often does this happen to you? Here's how to handle it:

3 Critical (and Counterintuitive) Strategies for Dealing with Negative Peer Pressure and Dietary... Changing your eating and exercise habits is hard enough. Getting loved ones to support your healthy lifestyle changes? Prepare to grit your teeth. The company you keep does affect your progress toward healthier living. So here’s how to reduce peer pressure and get the social support you need.