Marjieh Engineering מרג'יה הנדסה בע"מ

Marjieh Engineering    מרג'יה הנדסה בע"מ

Marjieh Engineering LTD
Specialized Metal Works Fabrication

מרג'יה הנדסה בע"מ
ביצוע פרויקטים בעבודות מתכת

0523200228 עאוני
0544796376 עימאד


Marjieh Engineering Ltd. is a privately owned company established in 2007. Marja Engineering Ltd. was founded by the brothers Awni and Imad Marjia, and specializes in the construction and installation of desalination plants, power stations , Pumping stations and more for leading industrial companies in Israel The professional abilities and extensive experience in carrying out complex projects have placed the company at the forefront of the leading companies in the field
