Fresh Start for Health

Fresh Start for Health

Join the FRESH Start for Health movement! We're making small changes daily to live our healthiest lives. Visit us at:

Making small changes daily to live our healthiest lives - learning simple ways to Eat, Move & Think FRESH

The Fresh Start program, founded by Bess Blanco, has brought weight loss, healthy habits and grace-infused teaching to dozens of church groups and hundreds of clients across the United States. Eat Fresh, Move Fresh and THINK Fresh tools transform the healt


EVEN with the "compromised" foods we have access to nowadays, choosing GREEN, LEAFY, FRESH, WHOLE, COLORFUL foods is STILL one of the TOP ways to prevent disease and illness AND treat/reverse the illnesses we're battling!


Health Coach Tip:

Black Seed oil is a miracle-maker!!!

Have been a proponent of Black Seed oil for years now, thanks to Melissa introducing me to it all those years ago!

With preventable diseases on the rise, it should be something we ALL take to help prevent diabetes, heart disease, gut conditions, pain disorders, inflammation-based illness and YES, even as both a cancer preventative AND treatment (shrinks ALL kinds of growths and lumps in the body!)

Look at the INCREDIBLE science behind this amazing seed oil that has been used by other "Blue Zones" for hundreds of years!

(I also personally saw this oil help prevent the other big C from the last few years with many, many people, and helped people heal/recover much faster from it as well.)

I've refused the flu shot for that last 12 years, as I take this and other preventatives faithfully. Even with a compromised immune system as someone living with multiple autoimmune conditions, I've NOT had the flu!

There's a better way - this post is NOT a debate post, just spreading more knowledge about better, more natural ways to aid our bodies in doing what God designed them too, without the gene-altering affects of the "modern methods" like va X x's and chemo (as this article from NCBI states clearly)

How to find it:
I get super-affordable capsules AND drinkable oil on Amazon now, but used to exclusively use the I'm Powered brand (formerly Dr F**t) - link here:

How to take it:
The capsules are a great option for beginners, anyone nervous about the initial "burping" of the die-off it causes (a good thing, but not fun to live with - it'll end after a short few days to weeks, though) or for kids to take.

IDEALLY, we should drink the oil, and be getting to at LEAST a tsp or 2 daily as a preventative (I suggest working up to a full TBSP min) but if you're tackling lumps, conditions, or a previously unhealthier lifestyle, work your way up to 1-2 Tbsp daily!

Chase the oil with a tart juice, like cherry, pomegranate or cranberry, if it's unpleasant to take for you.

Black seed oil is such an amazing addition to any healthy living routine. You'll even see cosmetic benefits, like hair growth, longer lashes, smoother skin, etc!

Hope this info is helpful for those of you feeling drawn to more natural methods of prevention and healing!!!


Why Smoothies are AWESOME for Everyone! And What I Add in Mine to Super-Power them!


Yuuummyy clean dinner tonight. Grilled garlic Salmon bowl with roasted chickpeas, garlic roasted cauliflower, red and white quinoa, homemade pickled red onions and fresh salad mix. With homemade soy & sesame dressing. Fresh and yummmm.


One of my favorite ways to start the day: with a homemade, easy parfait!

A dollop of low-sugar Greek Yogurt, a handful of Gluten-free granola, a Tablespoon of Chia Seeds, and a few fresh berries! The energy I get from this itty bitty dish is awesome, and lasts hours (and that's with chronic fatigue in play!)

The chia seeds and yogurt are an energy-giving power-duo and the fiber, protein and healthy fat balance in this gives long-term health to our bodies!

Have you ever tried a homemade parfait this way?


Let's talk about the power of ZINC in fighting viruses & illness!

For those of you wondering, how then do we get more into our diet?

Well, it's easy!

Enjoy more of these FRESH foods: red meat (yes!) legumes, shellfish, eggs, yogurt, roasted pumpkin seeds or other seeds (try Chia or H**p!) most whole grains and even dark chocolate (YAY!)

I personally LOVE me some homemade Greek Yogurt parfaits, and was super happy to find out that 1 cup of yogurt gets me at LEAST 22% of my daily Zinc needs! WOW!

Pictured is my favorite parfait lately. Of course, I always love it with fresh berries, but those weren't available at the moment ;)

A generous scoop of Honey Vanilla Greek Yogurt, gluten-free store-bought pomegranate/blueberry granola, chia seeds, coconut flakes and a sprinkling of mini chocolate chips for fun!

Side note: For those of us simultaneously "cutting out or back on dairy" ... Yes, Greek yogurt is still dairy.

However, it is also a powerful probiotic food full of other nutritional benefits that our body needs (like Zinc!) So, what to do? Never eat it because it's DAIRY?

In my personal playbook, I say "nay, my friend!" Haahaa

I only eat yogurt about 2 to 3 times a week, and no more than that! I don't eat any other dairy in the same day that I eat yogurt.

So I'm not gonna have a big old cheesy dinner and drink a big ole glass of milk and serve myself up 2 scoops of ice cream the same day that I'm eating the Greek yogurt, for example!

Moderation...planning meals... but still enjoying these powerful real foods. Not eliminating an entire food group 100%, just planning and structuring the day to avoid overload.

That's just how I roll here...what about you, friend?!

What's your take on this?


***Meal Planning Tip***
The weekend is the perfect opportunity to dedicate an hour or two to prep ahead for next week!

Here's how it goes in my house:

* Friday - on my lunch break or after evening activities, I sit down and plan the next week's meals on paper or on whiteboard. Make the grocery list from the plan!

* Saturday - any shopping that needs to be done gets done - ahhh now all ingredients are on hand and meals are even determined based on FRESH items on hand - using the freshest first, frozen or canned later in week!

*Sunday afternoon - Chopping and storing veggies & fruits for meals and smoothies (the ones that won't turn brown!), pre-cooking grains/rice/steel cut oats and boiling eggs, grilling chicken and salmon, and any other simple meal prep...

All of this can be done in around 2 hours - but is split up between a couple days so that it doesn't feel so cumbersome!

Makes "throwing the meals together" SO MUCH easier if components of them are already prepared and waiting!

It also helps us stick with the plan and not be tempted to just "pick up dinner" after a long day!

Do you meal prep? What does your prep plan look like?

~ Coach Bess,


Today's affirmation...


FRESH Q: Where else in the world 🌎 would you choose to have a "dream home?"

Photos from Fresh Start for Health's post 22/09/2021

Mmmmmm! Caldo de Queso. (See video on last post for how to make it!) I'll get recipe up on blog ASAP!


C'mon in our kitchen again as Hubby makes his mom's Caldo de Queso, but FRESH Start style! (About 1/5 the cream, cheese and salt!) It's still sooo yummy, yet healthier this way!


Ready for a healthy Pumpkin Pie Smoothie? It's so yum!


Easy, peasy lunch idea...

from leftover grilled salmon and buttery ... have you ever had this? Thinking to share recipe for it on the blog soon if you'd like it!

Lunches like these are an energy-packed quick bite (which can be prepped ahead so easily!)

And full of:
* high, lean protein (for brain power)
* healthy fats (for metabolism staying power and proper digestion)
* healthy fibrous veggies and grains! (For proper absorption of all the other good stuff, and a great dose of vitamins, minerals and amino acids!)

Yaaayy for , easy, make-ahead yummiest like this, right?


As we battle the "hard stuff" in this life...

Sickness...fatigue...mental struggles...chronic pain...effects of too much weight (both physical and emotional) ... relationship stuff...divorce...painful breakups...disappointments.

Let's try to remember (this cup is my reminder from my teen daughter!)

There are NO BAD DAYS!

Harder days, for sure.

Longer days too.

Days we're not sure we can get thru (that's why God strength is so important in our lives!)

But, truly, there's no BAD days! There ARE blessings to be found in EVERY day. We just have to look a little harder sometimes!

Fresh Start for Health - Healthy Cereal Cookies {Gluten-Free!} 08/09/2021

Fragrant for fall, deliciously "HEALTHY" cookies! Yeeess, please!

Fresh Start for Health - Healthy Cereal Cookies {Gluten-Free!} Who doesn't love a FRESH new healthy cookie recipe, especially when it's actually got nutrition in it?  My kids were so happy when I tested this recipe this past weekend (it's 100% my invention by the way!) and we were all happy when they actually turned out! Now that gluten is a nemesis


What's your fave salad combo?


What kind of fun plans do you all have going for the holiday weekend?

Photos from Fresh Start for Health's post 03/09/2021

We added another delicious FRESH dinner recipe to the blog for you - it's our Creamy Shrimp & Poblano dish...

Photos from Fresh Start for Health's post 03/09/2021

Here is our recipe for the FRESH Tuscan Salmon -

Photos from Fresh Start for Health's post 03/09/2021

My amazing sister Manigeh (best cook I know!) cooked something similar to this dish for us last time I had surgery and oh my, so delicioso!

So we researched, experimented and now have the Blanco family, Gluten-free version of Tuscan Salmon & homemade, 15-minute Garlic Rice Pilaf (SO EASY!) to add to the FRESH Start blog!

Have you made a version of Tuscan Salmon before? Or stove top salmon of any kind? I'd love to hear your experience!

Coach Bess


Delicious and FRESH option! Follow Clean Food Crush for AMAZING, easy to fix, family-friendly recipes daily!

Sheet Pan Salmon Fajitas 🌶
Recipe ➡️

20 minutes = Dinner! 🏆

"This is GREAT!! I've made this several times, and everyone loves it!" -Karen Ruth

Recipe ➡️

Enjoy! ❤Rachel


Do you notice the amount of sugar grams on the foods and drinks you eat and drink?

4 grams = 1 tsp sugar!

Try counting the sugar grams on your foods and drinks today, to be truly aware of the amount of sugar you are consuming. Then tomorrow, you can begin targeting those heavier-hitting areas (liquid calories, refined foods) and start cutting those back!

Sugar is a toxin, and your body doesn't like it, want it, or need it. Oh, and it doesn't matter to your body whether it is "natural" sugar, "cane" sugar, "corn syrup" or any other translation. It is too much for your body to process either way - the only sugars you were meant to consume are fruit sugars and natural sweeteners, like honey and maple syrup.

Just a little "sugar coaching" today!

~ Coach Bess


"How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. . . And when I wake up, you are still with me!"
~ Psalm 139: 17, 18


Praying this over us all...these are hard times...we need our sleep more than ever.

Fresh Start for Health - When Someone You Know is Grieving 27/07/2021

When Someone You Know is Grieving...

Fresh Start for Health - When Someone You Know is Grieving Lately, so many precious hearts in my circle have been dealt painful, hard blows from life. Whether it be fate, God's will, or pure chance matters not. The hardship, the loss exists. The grief, the heartache over it... the questions of why or how could this happen...the recovery (ooohhh how HARD


Did you know that we have an entire library of FRESH food and Family-Friendly recipes? Right here!


3 Steps to Better Health...


Can I tell you something, friend?

You are unconditionally loved by your heavenly Father RIGHT NOW.

Not after you fix __________ about yourself .
Or lose _________ pounds.
Or overcome _____________ habit or hangup.

No, He loves, accepts and treasures you Right. Now.

Sure, we're His beautiful work-in-progess. Yes, we have growing to do. Things to overcome.

But RIGHT NOW...even before all that improvement, we're A-OK with our Father God!

Know how I know?

Because He says so right here:

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!"
~ I John 3:1

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
~ Romans 5:8

"But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy."
~ Titus 3:4-5

Our Story

Welcome to the FRESH Start for Health community, where we believe YOU are designed to ENJOY good health!

Do you struggle to fit healthy habits and choices into your already too-busy lifestyle?

Do you struggle with illness, chronic pain or obesity and you are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?


Videos (show all)

Making Caldo de Queso, FRESH Start style!
What is REAL FOOD? Let's look at the circular together...