

DadFit is about getting in shape, feeling good again, and having the energy to be the superhero your

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So what is DadFit all about?

This graphic shows a big part of my coaching philosophy: 50% of your progress will be based on having the right mindsets, 20% will be based on your nutrition, 20% will be based on your daily activity, and the last 10% will be based on specific physical training (i.e. working out).

My program offers nutrition planning, activity guidance and workouts, but by far the most important part is the MINDSETS you'll learn.

Learn how to deal with everyday stress. Learn how to think about sleep and recovery. Learn how to write your "Destination Postcard" for where you want to be in the future and why that simple exercise greatly boosts your changes of long-term success.

I promise you these things will set you apart from every other person out there trying in vain, year after year to "get healthier" and that working with me will help you not only meet your goals, but make your progress permanent.

Let me teach you how, starting with a free 30-minute discovery call. Book here:

I'll be coaching a new cohort of clients starting January 16th and I can't wait to work with you!



My name is Adam Dunn and I'm the Head Coach of DadFit. I starting my health & wellness coaching practice and I can't wait to work with a small group of new clients starting on January 16th, 2023!

I help dads have more energy, feel less stressed, and regain the strength and athleticism they'd love to have back.

If this sounds like you, book a free discovery call with me here:

I plan to enroll 5 lucky new clients who complete discovery calls into my 3-month, habits-based coaching program for absolutely FREE.

Book a discovery call now and you'll automatically be entered to win a spot in the program free of charge.

You can learn more about my program on my website: or on my coaching program page:

Get ready to change your body, change your mindset, and change your life.