

What if you could postpone your death or prevent it altogether? Discover the lastest news about aging on Raliex.

Research has begun to explore the possibility of altering the inevitability of this decline in an attempt to treat aging as a curable disease.

Altos rejuvenation research in mice signposts healthspan extension 05/07/2024


Altos rejuvenation research in mice signposts healthspan extension Altos Co-founder and Chief Scientist Rick Klaunser teases Yamanaka factors success at Aspen Ideas Health Conference.

New anti-ageing vaccines promise to prevent diseases like Alzheimer's 04/07/2024


New anti-ageing vaccines promise to prevent diseases like Alzheimer's It may soon be possible to vaccinate ourselves against the diseases of old age, keeping our body and brain healthier for longer

Star Scientist’s Claim of ‘Reverse Aging’ Draws Hail of Criticism 28/04/2024


Star Scientist’s Claim of ‘Reverse Aging’ Draws Hail of Criticism Other longevity researchers have rebuked the Harvard geneticist. “The selling is a step too far,” said one.

Antibody therapy makes the immune systems of old mice young again 28/03/2024


Antibody therapy makes the immune systems of old mice young again A novel antibody therapy makes the immune system of old mice appear younger, allowing the animals to better fend off infections and reduce inflammation

To Get Ahead of Diseases, It May Help to Find Your Organ Age 10/03/2024


To Get Ahead of Diseases, It May Help to Find Your Organ Age By Alex JaninMarch 9, 2024 9:00 pm ETHow old is your pancreas? What about your brain or heart?Scientists have come up with a way to estimate the age of organs, separate from the body’s age as a whole. They found in a recent study that many of us are walking around with at least one organ aging muc...

The Biggest Questions: What is death? 17/11/2023


The Biggest Questions: What is death? New neuroscience is challenging our understanding of the dying process—bringing opportunities for the living.

Turning Back the Clock With mRNA Telomerase Therapy 13/09/2023


Turning Back the Clock With mRNA Telomerase Therapy Since its launch in 2016, Rejuvenation Technologies, located in Mountain View, California, has been developing a therapeutic to restore telomeres in humans. The company has been in stealth mode for a number of years, but there is finally some news! […]

Lifespan News – Age Reversal Pill | Lifespan.io 13/09/2023


Lifespan News – Age Reversal Pill | Lifespan.io For this episode of Lifespan News, Emmett Short talks about David Sinclair’s serious effort to epigenetically rejuvenate cells by using small molecules, which would lead to the creation of a genuine age reversal pill. This technology could be significantly […]

The Longevity Clinic Will See You Now—for $100,000 11/07/2023


The Longevity Clinic Will See You Now—for $100,000 The clinics cater to a growing number of people obsessed with fighting aging and living longer via treatments that often lie outside mainstream medicine.

Longevity enthusiasts want to create their own independent state. They’re eyeing Rhode Island. 03/06/2023


Longevity enthusiasts want to create their own independent state. They’re eyeing Rhode Island. Zuzalu, a pop-up city in Montenegro has provided a temporary home for people who plan to set up a new jurisdiction to encourage biohacking and fast-track drugs that slow or reverse aging.

This Longevity Study Across 5 Species Found a New Pathway to Reverse Aging 01/06/2023


This Longevity Study Across 5 Species Found a New Pathway to Reverse Aging Scientists have long suspected that transcription may go awry with aging, but the new study offers proof that it doesn’t—with a twist.

A new class of anti-ageing drugs has arrived – which ones really work? 19/05/2023


A new class of anti-ageing drugs has arrived – which ones really work? A variety of drugs, including metformin, rapamycin and a host of new senolytics, are finally showing promise in clearing out zombie cells that cause age-related diseases. Here's what you need to know

Ageing is inevitable, but we may soon treat it like any other disease 12/05/2023


Ageing is inevitable, but we may soon treat it like any other disease Getting older is a fact of life, but there are promising signs that we may be able to intervene to slow – and possibly even stop – the molecular processes that lead to numerous age-related conditions

Life's Essential 8: Higher Scores Extend Health Span 22/04/2023


Life's Essential 8: Higher Scores Extend Health Span What's your life expectancy score? Not your life span -- what about your health span?

How hacking your metabolism can help you burn fat and prevent disease 05/10/2022

How hacking your metabolism can help you burn fat and prevent disease A portable device called Lumen promises to enable your body to burn fats more efficiently, part of a new trend for "metabolism hacking" - which may even help you run for longer, have better skin and reduce the risk of conditions like diabetes

As billionaires race to fund anti-aging projects, a much-discussed trial goes overlooked 18/08/2022


As billionaires race to fund anti-aging projects, a much-discussed trial goes overlooked Many researchers in the field of longevity science say there’s one project they wish billionaires could find a little pocket change to fund.

“Old” Blood Found to Contain Factors That Induce Aging in Young Animals 09/08/2022

Researchers report that when young and old mice were surgically joined such that they shared blood circulation for three months the old mice did not significantly benefit in terms of lifespan. In contrast, the young mice that were exposed to blood from old animals had significantly decreased lifespan compared to mice that shared blood with other young mice.


“Old” Blood Found to Contain Factors That Induce Aging in Young Animals A new study demonstrates that when young and old mice were surgically joined such that they shared blood circulation for three months the old mice did not significantly benefit in terms of lifespan. In contrast, the young mice that were exposed to blood from old animals had significantly decreased l...

Scientists Revive Pig Organs With Method They Hope Might Work in Humans 03/08/2022

Scientists Revive Pig Organs With Method They Hope Might Work in Humans An experimental apparatus and a special solution was used to restore some function to the organs of animals that had been dead for an hour.

A longevity diet that hacks cell ageing could add years to your life 29/06/2022

A longevity diet that hacks cell ageing could add years to your life A new diet based on research into the body's ageing process suggests you can increase your life expectancy by up to 20 years by changing what, when and how much you eat

How Old Are You Really? Meet Your ‘Biological Age’ 23/06/2022

How Old Are You Really? Meet Your ‘Biological Age’ Biological age won’t help you live forever, but a “credit score for your body” can prolong your lifespan, some scientists say.

Multi-omic rejuvenation of human cells by maturation phase transient reprogramming 10/05/2022

Multi-omic rejuvenation of human cells by maturation phase transient reprogramming Transiently reprogramming human fibroblasts up to the maturation phase rejuvenates cells according to several aging markers whilst enabling them to return to their original identity.

Scientists Claim They Can Make Human Skin Act 30 Years Younger 10/05/2022


Scientists Claim They Can Make Human Skin Act 30 Years Younger The secret? Halt a cell’s reverse-aging process at the precise moment before it reverts to its embryonic form

Radical Life Extension

What if you could postpone your death or prevent it altogether? Research has begun to explore the possibility of altering the inevitability of this decline in an attempt to treat aging as a curable disease. Discover the lastest news about aging on RaLiEx.