Mighty Transformation

Mighty Transformation

We help you lose weight without giving up the foods you love. Everyone deserves to be happy and feel good about themselves. Simple. Effective. For You.

We empower men and women to look and feel great using a fun, easy, flexible and sustainable method.

Photos from Mighty Transformation's post 27/06/2024

Telling someone who is poor to just be happy with what they have is like telling someone who is not happy how they feel/look to be comfortable in their own skin.

No one is saying you have to be a supermodel or swimsuit model.

But there is nothing wrong with wanting to fit great in clothes again. There is nothing wrong wanting to look and feel confident and attractive. You’re human and you deserve that. Don’t fall into the trap that you need to “settle”.

This is what we have helped hundreds of ladies with like . Here’s what she had to say:

“We are onto year 4 now post and I feel just as great as the day after I finished the program with !

Being of Indian 🇮🇳 descent a lot of our traditional clothes are either saris or lenghas all which usually have crop tops.

One big insecurity of mine was thinking ‘is my stomach going to look big in this, will it hang over?’ This often resulted me trying on clothes for over an hour to find something comfortable. The stress of finding an outfit made going out a daunting task.

This would also happen when I go on a beach vacation. Imagine spending so much money on a vacation and ending up being covered up or not taking pictures of yourself because you don’t feel comfortable and are always self conscious.

Since MT I no longer have that stress when I have to dress up and I feel much more relaxed when going to the beach. I no longer have to look for the ‘perfect angle’ to take pics of myself.

Self confidence is one of the great things to come out of MT for me. There are so many other intangible things I have learned and continue to keep learning.

Thank you to my mentor Gil for not only starting me on this journey but continuing to aid me in growing and bettering myself. 🙏”

Change is possible with the right approach to your nutrition and habits. We can help you.

We have 2 spots remaining on our Summer program starting in July. When is NOW a great time to start?


It’s never just about the 3 digit number on the scale. Remember no one knows that number but you.

Why do you care so much?

Because you don’t want to be that “always tired” parent who sits on the sidelines. You don’t want to hide in pictures or wear bigger clothes because you’re ashamed of your body or what people think.

More importantly you don’t like being in pain or worry about health issues.

You want to live your best life. Not just exist.


Don’t think of what to restrict but what to ADD.

We have a lot of clients who love their rice! In the past when they go on a weight loss plan they would simply cut it out completely. Yes they would lose some weight, but then cravings come back and they end up eating it again, gaining weight back.

First of all there is nothing wrong with rice on its own. The problem with rice is it’s very calorie dense and easy to overconsume.

What we ask our clients to do is fill at least 1/4-1/2 plate in veggies and only 1/4 plate in rice. In this simple example they use broccoli for their veggie. It’s low calories for the volume and best of all it’s super filling!

Simple tweaks like this can make a big difference. Don’t cut out rice….just ADD something nutrient dense like broccoli in this case and it will normalize eating so much rice.

Photos from Mighty Transformation's post 21/06/2024

Client spotlight:

I’ve done so many different types of diet and exercise routines in my life. They worked for a short time but never gave me the long term effects I was looking for.

When I got diagnosed with cancer and had to go through treatment one of the side effects I didn’t even think would happen was weight gain. Not only was it the process of medications, steroids and chemo but the fact that you really don’t move the same and let’s face it emotional and stress eating definitely happens.

I thought once treatment was over I could do another quick diet to get back down to a more reasonable weight. Little did I know that it wouldn’t be so easy and I had to re learn how to eat for my body and give it what it needs.

At my heaviest during chemotherapy in 2021 I was just over 200lbs. Once chemo was done the lowest I was able to get to was 185lbs and I could not get below that number no matter what I tried.

When I started the program with and I really thought I was hopeless and he was able to give me back that hope and motivation I needed.

I learned how to properly eat for my body and learned that my so called “healthy” meals and snacks were in fact not the greatest. I think this program would work for anyone who can commit and truly wants to make it work. It is in fact work but it’s so worth it in the end.

Thank you for referring Britney to MT.


Why wait to make a change?

Every day you put off investing in your health and fitness, you’re losing precious time that could be spent as the best version of you and for your kids.

Waiting for when you are not busy or when you have more money to invest in yourself will cost you more in the long run:

1) Financially: you may have to buy bigger clothes and worst of all spend more for healthcare

2) Physically: you will be older so it will likely be more difficult

3) Obvious One: you have less time to enjoy your new, improved and healthier life

You can’t buy back time or missed memories so what are you waiting for?

The best time to start was yesterday. The next best time is now.


Plant based power bowl.

On we are nutrition agnostic meaning we don’t promote one style of eating.

Instead we work with your specific preferences and teach you how to create nutrient dense and filling meals that make fat and weight loss easy.

Best of all it’s sustainable because it’s enjoyable. You want to repeat without using will power.

This is an example from one of our clients who wanted to create an Asian inspired noodle dish. Her protein of choice was tofu and she added a mix of Konjac and rice noodles along with a plethora of veggies.


Rome wasn’t built in a day. Neither will your body.

You didn’t get out of shape overnight so don’t expect to get in shape overnight.

If you focus on extreme methods to get extreme results you will eventually stall, cheat and ultimately quit.

Why? Because what you are doing is too hard or too boring to sustain. It’s not realistic.

Think you can run 5km everyday? Think you can eat a low carb diet forever? Do you really want to take that supplement every single day?

Be honest with yourself.

Instead focus on a process that helps you become slightly better than yesterday.

What does that mean?

If you prepped your lunch one day this week instead of eating out every day, that’s progress.

For exercise, if you went for a 5 minute walk yesterday after work and today go for 10 minutes that’s already an improvement.

If you went to bed 15 minutes earlier everyday this week, then be proud.

You don’t need to have massive changes overnight. It’s the small positive steps that pay the biggest dividends over time. Best of all it’s realistic and sustainable. Something you can and will want to repeat.

When something is repeatable that is how you become consistent. When you are consistent it will become a habit. When you have lots of good habits you will have a healthy lifestyle.

Be better than yesterday.


A popular item in our community: chicken waffles 🧇.

From the creator :

“My version of chicken waffles. I used my air fryer to cook the chicken breast coated with cauliflower crunch in lieu of breadcrumbs. The waffle is Kodiak protein mix with a low sugar syrup. Added fruits for color and extra flavor.”

If you would like to join our free Facebook community to get recipe and food ideas, comment TEAM in the comments or send a DM for an invite.


Make sure you eat enough while on a weight loss journey.

This week a few of our clients have lost a significant amount of weight in a very short time. 1 gentleman is down 15lbs in 2 weeks!

While this may be great (if only looking at the number) it’s imperative that if the approach is too extreme it will have a long term negative effect.

The issue we had with some of our clients is they were not eating enough.

While you need a calorie deficit to lose weight you shouldn’t do it too aggressively. Here are 5 reasons why this can be counter productive to your progress:

1️⃣ Energy Levels will be affected. A low calorie intake will make you lethargic and challenging to engage in physical activity. This will impact daily productivity and your overall well-being.

2️⃣ Nutritional Deficiencies: Extremely low calorie intake may not provide sufficient nutrients essential for your overall health.

3️⃣ Metabolic Adaptation: When calories are chronically set too low, the body may adapt by “slowing” down metabolism, making weight loss more difficult. You will likely get very hungry and start mindlessly snacking and overeating. This will cause you to regain the weight you lost.

4️⃣ Muscle Loss: Losing a lot of weight in a short time can lead to loss of muscle mass along with fat, which is not what you want to do. You want to maximize fat loss but minimize muscle loss.

5️⃣ Psychological Impact: Extremely low calorie eating can lead to feelings of deprivation, irritability and an unhealthy relationship with food. This may increase the risk of disordered eating patterns.

We all want quick and dramatic results, but our advice is to take it slow and make it sustainable. This will increase your chances of long term success.


tofu breakfast sandwich!

Components are:

English muffin
Sauteed spinach
Pan fried green tomato
Gardein breakfast sausage (plant-based)
2 teaspoons olive oil (for cooking)
Dash of hot sauce

All for less than 500 calories and 25g of protein!


One of our clients has lost 12lbs in 6 weeks using this simple strategy:

Protein front-loading

A sure way to stay full throughout the day is to get the majority of your protein requirements by noon.

In this instance our client uses grilled salmon and shrimp. She then compliments it with ow calorie nutrient dense options like brussel sprouts and cauliflower. The volume provides additional satiety.

Finally she includes a small portion of rice to satisfy the love for carbs.

All this for under 500 calories 50g of protein. When you know how to eat to stay full it makes weight loss very easy and predictable.

Photos from Mighty Transformation's post 11/03/2024

Super proud of this young lady, Karen, who lost close to 20lbs on our nutrition program and best of all has kept it off! 🙌🏽

When Karen reached out she was not feeling comfortable with how she looked and felt. She wanted to learn how to eat for her body and get in control of her snacking habits. Long term, the goal was to be confident in her body and keep possible health issues at bay.

After 12 weeks we asked Karen to share her experience:

“The program was amazing!!! I can’t say enough good things about it. It gave me guidelines without restrictions. It gave me the tools I needed to take control over my weight again. I freaking lost 18.4 lbs in 3 months! What was more impressive was the inches lost. And I was able to enjoy ice cream everyday and even go on vacation and still succeed!

Numbers aside, I’m feeling like myself again. I have energy, confidence and I can’t wait to see how I’m able to implement this new lifestyle down the road. Thank you for helping me get my confidence back.”

Congrats Karen! It was a genuine pleasure to work with you and we are thrilled with your success. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be your coach!

If you are looking for a change and want to invest in your own health and bring back your confidence we have 1 on 1 programs available now and group programs starting in April. Like Karen you can still enjoy things you love like ice cream 🍦 and still have amazing success. You will learn how to eat for your body so you can maintain and make it a lifestyle.


Break the Cycle

You may come from a lineage where health wasn’t a priority. But here’s the truth: our past doesn’t dictate our future. You have the power to rewrite your family’s health story.

👣 It starts with small, consistent changes. Swap out calorie dense items for nutrient dense items. Add a walk to your daily routine. Choose whole foods over processed ones more often than not.

👩‍👧‍👧 Involve your kids in preparing healthy meals. Teach them about the benefits of eating fresh, vibrant and nutrient dense foods.

💖 Cultivate a home where emotions are expressed and managed healthily. Don’t food shame like your family may have done to you.

🌟 Lead by Example: Our actions speak louder than words. When we make healthy choices, we set a powerful example for our children.

Remember, even if you don’t come from a healthy family, ensure a healthy family comes from you. You can break the cycle and pave the way for generations of wellness.


Eating healthy and eating for weight loss / weight maintenance doesn’t have to be boring.

Simple and tasty example from

Bao buns with chicken 🍗, pepper 🫑, spinach 🥬 and onions 🧅. Complimented with a load of greens and used pineapple 🍍 and the juice for dressing instead of something creamy and calorie dense. Easy peasy dinner ☺️.


What you do consistently will determine your results.

If you are sensible with your eating throughout the year you can allow yourself some leniency over the holidays without worry.

Those who rely on extremes are the ones who likely have existing habits that are poor and unhealthy. This is a toxic mindset and why many people cannot succeed long term with their health and fitness goals.

Your success is hidden in your daily routine. Whatever you do consistently good or bad will be your eventual results good or bad.


One “bad” meal won’t make you fat.
One “good” meal won’t make you lean.

What you do consistently over a period of time will yield your results good or bad.

If you eat 3 times a day that’s 21 opportunities in a week to eat a “good” meal.

That’s why even on a weight loss journey our clients can still enjoy burgers, fries, beer, cake, wine without guilt because they know they have so many opportunities in the week to eat well.

Stop looking at things in isolation and look at the big picture instead. You can live a balanced life enjoying everything you love.

This meal is based on our template.

Chicken breast, shrimp, cauliflower slaw, beets, quinoa, kale, chickpeas, guac and a FTOS (f-ck ton of spinach).

Tasty and filling for relatively low calories.


I want to thank for inspiring me with her weight loss journey! I'm now a successful alumni of this program too!

Hitting perimenopause really did a number on me and I gained a significant amount of weight in my tummy. My clothes were not fitting and I had to remove a bunch of jeans and pants from my closet that were all of a sudden too small. I had never struggled with my weight previously and this was new territory for me. I wasn't sure what to do or where to start. I tried eating less each day, but that didn't help - and I later learned I was eating the wrong things. Sure it was less food, but it was still high calorie food and the weight stayed put.

Enter and his weight loss program Mighty Transformation !! I joined his group program this past summer and learned so much about eating healthy AND I reached my weight loss goal. I was worried at the outset that I would be forced to drastically cut my calories and would be hungry all the time. This was not the case at all. Each week Gil introduced a new topic, answered questions and often gave us assignments to complete. Gil was there to provide support every step of the way with his personal coaching done in a positive and uplifting manner.

Ultimately I learned how to stay full while eating on a calorie deficit and this is a skill that I have now for life. If I get off track at some point in the future, I can go back to my coaching from Gil and get things right again! Thank you Gil for sharing your knowledge, for being a great coach and an amazing person!

If you are struggling with your weight, I do recommend that you check it out. .mightytransformation.com/


Your environment shapes you and has a huge influence on your decisions knowingly and sometimes unknowingly.

Just remember your parents didn’t want you to hang around “bad” people.


Because they wanted the best for you and wanted you to be surrounded by winners.

If you have your own kids I’m sure you feel the same way! You do your best to provide them with the BEST tools and environment to succeed.

The same concept goes with food.

If the company you keep has poor eating and drinking habits then you will too.

You could have the most perfect diet plan or program, but your environment and the people you hang around can ultimately be the reason why you fail.

Always ask yourself is my environment supporting me or sabotaging me? If it’s the latter what are you doing to fix it?


Plant based lunch courtesy of one of our Mighty Ladies .

Smoked tofu, green lentils, quinoa, arugula, asparagus, kimchi and lime!

Simple tasty and nutrient dense and yes high in protein.

Calories: 470
Carbs: 60g (51%)
Fat: 10g (19%)
Protein: 35g (30%)


Repost from .

Last year, I stumbled upon a random post from . She was participating in a program and what she said really spoke to me.

I have spent my life being dubbed as ‘small’. But I felt sluggish. I go red in the cheeks easily and it started being a very constant thing. I had a condition called diastasis recti from having kids. Every night my tummy looked like I was pregnant, and I didn’t know if it was from DR or bloat. My clothes didn't fit anymore.

I tried so many things: ‘eat healthier’. 5AM workouts. Bye to pasta. I ran. I did yoga. Bye to bread. I changed to pilates. I tried Paleo. I’d sneak in poutine when I visited home and then reprimand myself for ‘cheating’.

I was frustrated that my body was not cooperating with me. I blamed my age. Pregnancy. My inability to stick to healthy things long enough. The chips I munched on. I’m not working out enough. I’m not doing the right workout.

Then I met . He was different. He asked me WHY I wanted to start this program. He didn’t judge my motivations. I began to feel comfortable being honest with my whys vs just saying the “right thing”. Honesty bred true motivation to succeed.

I joined in January, skeptical, but eager to learn. Gil shared a lot of info and his own day to day journey with us. It wasn’t a diet program. He taught me to take what I eat and change how I eat. It has been really sustainable for me. I didn’t have to give up foods that I grew up with. He gave me perspective on a better way to look at my relationship with food, which has been the key to keeping this going.

In summary, I lost 4" off my waist, 3" off my thighs, and after struggling for years 9 years, I hit my weight goal in 6 months.

Slowly, I realized that I didn’t have the brain fog I used to get by evening. My clothes fit better. At 6PM, I could still wear them, eat, AND breathe in them.

I can enjoy a vacation and eat fries and gravy without guilt.

I had an online support group of enthusiastic and humorous women, each on their own journey. No drama or competition. Just all trying to help and celebrate each other’s successes.


When you make a choice to prioritize your health you're also choosing a future filled with positive consequences.

It doesn’t mean you have to be perfect. But whatever you do CONSISTENTLY will lead to your results…good or bad.

💪🥗 Make the decision today to invest in yourself and embrace a healthier, happier you! 🌟


High protein low calorie pizza 🍕 creation by who is on our Summer Program.

with mozzarella, Turkey sausage, tomato sauce and spinach.

All for 330 Cals and 30g of protein.


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.

Can you relate?

What day do you normally fall off track?


Our clients are encouraged to use the lessons learned on MT to tweak their favourite dishes to align with their goals.

Taco Bowl!

Lettuce mix topped with red peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, black olives corn, beans, lean ground beef, tzatziki and salsa!

Lots of veggies and protein for satiety and replacing calorie dense sauces. Still very tasty and best of all nourishing.


Happy birthday to !

Reposting her transformation journey:

I have always struggled with my weight. I tried working out for sprints at a time, different diets, worked with a trainer, and tried supplements. It worked but only for short periods of time – nothing sustainable.

I found out about from an acquaintance and read their transformation story about 5 years ago. I never got myself into the program until early on this year and it was hands down the BEST investment of my life to date. I learned how to show up for myself every single day and overcome the fear that I “cannot” do it. I absolutely smashed it, and it was all thanks to coach . He showed up for me and encouraged me throughout the program, day in and day out. He broke down big ideas into small implementable and enjoyable activities, and he did it gradually – that why this works. He did not overload my mind with so much information! Activities like writing out my BAMs – works! I am 11.6kg/25lbs and a two dress sizes down since January!

The key thing I learned from this program is that – you must learn how to treat yourself with grace and kindness as your body and mind are slowly and actually TRANSFORMING!

You can do this program from anywhere across the world and on your cell phone, and with a global community!

My entire lifestyle changed and I am eternally grateful to coach and Mighty Transformation!


If you look back the last 10 years do you wish you took care of yourself better?

If you look forward the next 10 years how do you envision yourself?

The results you have today are based on the accumulation of choices you made in the past.

The results you will have in the future will be based on the consistent choices you make now until that time.

When is NOW a great time to start?


It’s not chicken it’s seitan!

Seitan is a meat alternative made from wheat gluten, packed with protein and a versatile option for various dishes.

We have a lot of 🌱 plant based 🌱 eaters on and seitan is a popular high protein option!

Here's why you should give it a try:

1️⃣ Protein Powerhouse: With around 25 grams of protein per 100 grams, seitan is a protein-packed powerhouse.

2️⃣ Versatile in the Kitchen: Seitan's neutral taste and chewy texture make it a versatile ingredient. Use it in stir-fries, burgers, stews, and more. Plus, it absorbs flavors like a champ! Many of our clients use it for Asian inspired dishes.

3️⃣ Nutrient-Rich: Seitan isn't just about protein. It also provides iron, phosphorus, selenium, calcium, potassium, and B vitamins. Combine it with other protein sources for a well-rounded amino acid profile.

4️⃣ Easy on Digestion: If you have dietary sensitivities, seitan is a great option. It's free from common allergens like soy, dairy, and nuts. Just remember, it's not suitable for those with gluten intolerance.

Try seitan today and enjoy its protein power and versatility, 🌱🍽️


Please congratulate this couple’s progress and for losing ~90lbs collectively on the program!

While these may seem like extraordinary results, we did ordinary things.

There was no cutting of carbs or any strict dieting.

They were still able to enjoy a lot of Portuguese 🇵🇹 and Italian 🇮🇹 family functions and eat guilt free. Exercise wasn’t mandatory so there was no need to go to the gym to see results.

So how did they do it?

The main thing we worked on was developing a way of eating that suited their preferences and lifestyle. They are also parents to a beautiful baby boy so we needed to create something that was simple, realistic and repeatable.

Together this is how they summarized their experience:

“Our WHY remains the same, if not stronger. A heathy family is #1. Especially for our son, as he grows we want to be there for him and also be a good role model both on the inside and out. 

Staying the same is not an option as our old way of doing things would have led to long term health issues. Plus we didn't like the way we felt or looked.

Now our clothes fit better and we have less joint pain. Our confidence is high. People are noticing the changes and feeling our energy!

Your coaching and your attentiveness to any questions we had during the program were greatly appreciated. To know that we can still lose weight just by being accountable and still enjoy our favourite foods is awesome. Most importantly, you've given us the energy to keep up with our soon to be walking/running little boy.”

We always say we would die for our kids. But why not live healthy for them?

Big thanks to for being the inspiration for both Adam and Ali to join MT!

If you’re looking to get healthier for your family please DM for a FREE assessment.

On July 10 our Summer program starts. We have 4 spaces left.

Everything is done online. No mandatory exercise. Eat what you love, no restrictions.

When is NOW a great time to start?


What is your why?

It’s not always about the scale or a look.

People’s reasons to change can have many meanings.

Here are some other non scale victories that were accomplished by past clients:

Eliminate metformin
Eliminate blood pressure meds
Eliminate cholesterol meds
Eliminate the need for a CPAP machine
Eliminate asthma
Eliminate eating disorders and phobias
Eliminate pain meds

We can’t promise to cure anything BUT we help you obtain a realistic plan for safe and healthy weight loss which can potentially lead to a plethora of health benefits.

And you can do all this without having to follow a super strict diet. It’s really just being accountable for HOW MUCH you eat.

Instead of trying to restrict things, we teach you what to ADD into your way of eating. You will not only achieve weight loss, but create an overall healthy lifestyle.


Amazing and tasty egg muffin from one of our Legacy clients .

These can be enjoyed as part of a meal or even a snack.

Around 130 calories and 10g of protein each.

It contains a mix of egg white, eggs, potato, spinach, onion, cheese, oil, salt and pepper.

They taste great just quickly warmed up in the microwave or even cold.

If you would like to see more ideas like this and their recipes, join our Free Facebook community. DM for link.

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