Ghostwriter Kim

Ghostwriter Kim

Give me your blank page and I will write your book. The ideal way to increase your published titles, explore a genre or be the expert.

Skilled in multiple genre and now offering cover design. Ghostwriter, Publishing Consultant, Graphic Designer


Imagination... that part of the mind that feeds your reality during the day and your dreams at night. Floating freely, it allows you to step into any role, anywhere and at any time.

I open my world to you. Here you will find aching romance, adventure in space exploration, thought-provoking mystery and companionship as you crochet and listen to gossip from characters you will come to know perhaps even better than family. Most of all, I invite you to become someone other than who you are, or a combination thereof. You’re never lonely when your imagination lights your path.


Ghostwriting, cover design, marketing consultation.
