Yoga-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Y-CBT) is a new research based paradigm that combines the therapu


Upcoming Spring 2022 Training Series


"Ring the bells that still can ring, forget your perfect offering. There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." -Leonard Cohen

Timeline photos 03/04/2021

If you’re attending the National Association of Social Workers virtual symposium April 15-16, be sure to check out session 034 on Thursday at 2:45pm: Yoga-CBT: A Mind Body Solution for Anxiety, offered by Riverside’s Julie Greiner-Ferris, LICSW, Dr. Manjit Khalsa, Ed.D, and Jaqueline Vorpahl, PsyD. Yoga-CBT is a research-based group treatment that utilizes a blend of yoga for relaxation and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to retrain the mind, targeting both the physical and cognitive symptoms of anxiety simultaneously. https://buff.ly/2QmjwdS

Yoga-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

We developed our unique therapeutic Yoga-Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (Y-CBT) program in response to a need that we identi­fied while working at Riverside Community Care Outpatient Center, in Upton, Massachusetts.

In our years of practice, we have met hundreds of people who lacked sufficient skills to man­age symptoms of anxiety. We decided to offer people a blend of new skills to help pave the way for developing healthy life­long habits. As practitioners, we wanted to offer our clients a new path—a comprehensive approach that teaches people to have more control over the ways that symptoms of anxiety impact both their physical state and their thoughts.

Because anxiety has both physical and cognitive (thought) components, we sought to create a program that would address the entire experience of anxiety. We explored a combination of CBT, which targets the way we think (and subsequently behave), and the ancient practices of yoga and meditation, which have powerful calming effects on both our physical states and our thought processes.

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Yoga Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Y-CBT) Trainings
Y-CBT- Researched Based Treatment model for Anxiety