Alexander George Harrington

Alexander George Harrington

This page is about my journey my spiritual tools and assisting the individual to grow amongst spiritual lines.

I lead a spiritual group called: Healer's Guild-Alexander Harrington.


Tuesday: Your Day for Inner Peace and Calm
Inner Peace and Calm can be found in so many ways:
Walks in nature
2. Going to the beach and hopping in the Ocean
3. Exercising: Strength Resistance Training, Yoga, Tai Chi Chuan, Qi gong
4. Meditation
5. Practicing a set of positive empowering affirmations
6. Prayer
7. Phone Calls with close friends
8. A session with your therapist
9. Watching your favorite movie, especially comedies
These are just some suggestions to take with you as you plan a day of inner peace and calm.
"I have a peace that is an aliveness."
"I am a peace that is an aliveness."
"I feel inner peace and calm. I am inner peace and calm. I know that I am inner peace and calm."
"I have inner stillness."
"I am inner stillness."
"In all that I do, I practice inner silence."
Thank you, Kindly. ❤
Alexander George Harrington
7th Heaven Healing Life Coaching and Spiritual Advising


On Anger:

Anger is just above fear on the truth scale. They say anger is a "fear of Losing something." One of the tools I developed by listening to different people is if you get angry, bless them and send them love. "I bless you and I send you love."
"It is safe for me to express my anger." There is healthy anger which new age souls call, "sacred anger." It is legitimate anger. For example: Someone completely and totally putting you down or if someone is threatening you, sacred should be expressed.
I love myself enough to no longer punish myself for getting angry.
I love myself unconditionally. So therefore, I no longer punish myself for getting angry,"
Now we will switch gears and forgive and release your anger:
"I no longer let anger overpower me."-Mindful Peace on YouTube
"I will overcome anger."-Mindful Peace on YouTube
"My unconditional love is more powerful than my anger."
The Sick Man's Prayer (From The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous):
When someone Aggravates you or if you are going through a forgiveness list turning unforgiveness into forgiveness, please utilize this tool as thoughts attached to situations come to fruition in your mind. This isn't world for word from the Big Book of AA. It is my take on The "Sick Man's Prayer."
The Sick Man's Prayer: "John is sick man. God (or Lord or just your higher power's name) God help me to have pity, patience and tolerance for John. How may I better serve thee. God save me from being angry. "Thy will Be Done."

Thank you, Kindly.


Sunday: Our Day to Rest and Relax and Trust and Embrace

I have No responsibilities, No Obligations and Nowhere I have to be. I allow myself to just be.

I Know How to Relax. -Louise Haye
I rest and relax.
I rest from electronics, and I relax.
I rest from competition.
I rest from Overthinking.
Rest and Relaxation is Mine.

Thank you, Kindly.


My brothers and sisters, I wanted you to know that I love you and these healings tools are for your spiritual growth healing alignment:
Divine Spirit/Divine Mother Prayer (American Indian/Native American)
"Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the wind, Whose breath gives life to all the world. Hear me; I need your strength and wisdom. Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people. Help me to remain calm and strong in the face of all that comes towards me. Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock. Help me seek pure thoughts and act with the intention of helping others. Help me find compassion without empathy overwhelming me. I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy Myself. Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes. So when life fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame.”
I forgive and release all people from all lifetimes with love and kindness.
I ask for forgiveness and release from all people from all lifetimes with love and kindness.
Love and kindness to all people.
I am healthy and whole.
I am in perfect health.
I have a healed psyche.
I am of optimum health and complete wholeness.
I am healthy and whole through surrendering to my soul.
I am healthy and whole through surrendering to my spirit.
I have a beautiful renewed mind that radiates positivity love and light to all.
I have a healthy undivided mind.
My mind is undivided.
I have a unified mind.
My mind is unified.
I am whole.
I am healthy.
I am healed.
I am renewed.
I surrender to God’s divine will.
Unity Church’s Affirmation:
I am whole and healthy in mind, body, and spirit. The Christ within assures my strength, energy, and vitality. I am open and receptive to the healing love of God within. God's healing power is at work in me now. I am healed and renewed. Divine life renews every cell in my body. I am wondrously made of infinite love, divine love, universal love, omnipresent love and just plain old love.
The Divine Mother/ The Spirit Prayer
Oh Divine Mother/Divine Spirit the spirit that burns destroys penetrates purifies, that strengthens clears and cleanses, that creates heals and Renews and gives birth to 1000 creatures and give life vitality and strength and renewal to everything under the son, Hear my prayer. I pray that I receive divine healing, divine renewal, divine nurturing, divine love from you. I ask oh Divine Spirit that you burn through all negativity in my being and purify my body, mind and spirit and my heart and soul. I ask that you help me to embody and encompass feminine divine qualities and learn to be my own good mother and in the and in the name of Jesus Christ and with the help of the divine father I ask that I now become my own father in heaven here on earth and to love myself and others with your infinite love divine love omnipresent love your universal love your unconditional love and your omni present love. I ask that you help me stay in my softer gentler side, my more kind and loving side. I ask that you make me more intuitive and also more in touch with my own truth which I see feel and know is Christ and your divine truth, my own feelings and emotions, my own thoughts and thought patterns and my own energies and vibrations. I ask that you help me to never lose sight of love and compassion for the human condition, my love and compassion for my fellow man. Divine Mother I ask that you teach me to be open with others and speak from my heart and my soul to them. I ask that you guide me in prayer and in meditation and in life in how to think feel and act not as a human being wood but really and truly as a divine being wood. I ask in the Name of the Christ that these things manifest within me now and within my being as well. I ask for your help in integrating all that I am here on earth that is human with all that I am in heaven that is divine. I thank you of divine mother, great spirit, universal spirit, living spirit, holy spirit infinite spirit for your blessing, your guidance, your healing and your love. oh Primordial Mother In the name of the Christ and through the universal forces of Light Divine Creator of all this is, I seal this prayer and AMEN!

A Prayerful Invocation to the Divine Mother for Healing by Genevieve Gerard
Calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light.
Begin by taking in a very deep and relaxing breath.
As you breathe in, open your whole being to being receptive to the love, grace and healing presence of the Divine Mother.
With your next deep breath, consciously open your heart and make it receptive to Love.
With your next breath, consciously open your mind and make it open to insight.
With your next breath invoke and invite the presence of your Soul, which you could imagine as a radiant golden point of Light about 3-to-6 feet above your head.
As you breathe in a full breath, invoke and invite the healing power and the healing Presence of the Divine Mother into your life.
Know that invocation and invitation open a portal for you to receive the blessings and grace of Her Divine Presence.
As you exhale at the conclusion of the breath cycle, release from your mind and your heart any pain or sorrows you may have experienced from lack of mother-love or nurturing in your life. Let any sorrow, sense of lack or loss be healed in her awe-inspiring love and grace. Let her power heal you, relieve you, support and sustain you.
With one more deep, relaxing and satisfying breath, open your Soul Light to receive the tremendous power and grace of the Divine Mother, the omnipresent flow of Divine Love through Her from the Source of Universal Love, the transcendent essence of unconditional love.
Let Her Love fill your heart to overflowing. Let Her Love and Grace enfold you.
As you connect with Her Presence, place your needs for healing before her by invoking:
Divine Mother, Source of Divine Love and dispenser of the healing power of Grace, I place in Your gentle care my need for healing. In this life, many of my needs for the Unconditional Love and Grace that You bring into the world have been unmet and unfulfilled.
I now ask You to fill my heart with Your transcending and transforming Love. I now ask You to heal my life that I may attract Love and give Love freely.
The failures of my earthly mother may have left wounds and burdens that trouble my heart and may have created limitations and misunderstandings of the meaning, purpose, and power of Love in my life.
I ask that your Love erases and heal all hurts. Understanding that my mother’s failures may have come from her own lack of love in her life, I now forgive her as a demonstration of the unconditional aspect of Love that Your Presence demonstrates to me.
Make me an instrument of Your Grace. Help me to demonstrate in my life what it truly is to Love unconditionally, without attachment or expectations.
Before You Holy Mother, I place all of my needs for Your unconditional Love. Within Your loving embrace and imbued with Your transcending grace, I ask forgiveness for any and all of the times in my life that I have failed to Love.
Assured of Your forgiveness I am able to be at peace. Embraced by Your Grace I am strengthened.
The unconditional Love that Your Love demonstrates to me serves as a guide in my life for how to Love others. Your Grace and Your forgiveness demonstrate to me how to be compassionate and forgiving.
I affirm my desire to be an instrument of grace and love to others in the world.
Now, I open my heart, my mind, and my Soul to receive Your Divine Love to support and sustain me for the rest of my days.
As I accept and receive this amazing blessing, all wounds and damage created by a lack of Love or a misunderstanding of Love are offered up for Your healing power in Your healing Presence.
My life is transformed and healed by your goodness and grace.
As Your Love fills me, filling in every crevasse of lack or loneliness; I extend the power of Your unconditional Love and transcending Grace out to all who touch my life.
I open myself to the Divine Love that flows through You and invite and invoke that flow to be an omnipresent force in my life that I can demonstrate and share.
As I am One with You, my heart is filled to overflowing with Love.
I now sit quietly, calmly and receptively open to the healing power and presence of my Soul as I let my heart be filled. I rejoice and give thanks for the amazing blessing I have received.
I now sit quietly, calmly and receptively with my mind open to wisdom and insight about love that I may see and experience the truth. As I am freed from attachment and illusion, I am freed to really Love.
Any lack of Love that I have suffered in the past, any shortage of Grace I have ever experienced is now healed and removed from me with Your healing Presence in this meditation.
I know that Your Healing is complete and Your Grace is sufficient for all of my needs. I give thanks that this great blessing that I have received today is available to me at any time of my need when I come to You in prayer or meditation.
I ask that I may now be a beacon of Love in the world and a demonstration of Your endless ability to forgive and that I become a source for Grace and Compassion to all who touch my life.
This I offer in gratitude for Your Healing Power and Your Healing Presence in my life.
This Love and this great blessing are mine without limit. Each time that I share Your Love with others I am holding open the door of Divine Love for the ongoing blessing and nurturing in my own life.
Each time I offer forgiveness and compassion, I am holding open the door to the Grace and Forgiveness You make available to me.
It is by giving I receive and it is by grace I am healed, so that my life is ever filled with the joy of loving, and of being loved.
No sorrow can stand or wound can fester in the Healing Power of Your Divine Love once You have been called forth.
Let me be an instrument to focus Your healing power to those I encounter in need of Your Divine Love and Grace that You have granted me. This is a service I offer to You, and to the world in gratitude.
In gratitude and appreciation of the healing I have received, I vow to be a source of Love in the world that I can move forward in my life, free from past sorrows, filled to overflowing with Your omnipresent Love, Your limitless Compassion and Your gentle Goodness and Mercy.
The Divine Mother/ The Spirit Prayer
Oh Divine Mother/Divine Spirit the spirit that destroys and purifies, that creates and gives birth to everything under the son, Hear my prayer. I pray that I receive divine healing divine nurturing and divine love from you. I ask oh Divine Spirit that you burn through all negativity in my being and purify my body, mind and spirit and my heart and soul. I ask that you help me to embody and emcompass feminine divine qualities and strengths and power learn to love myself and others with Divine Love Universal love and unconditional love. I ask that you help me stay in my softer gentler side, my more kind and loving side. I ask that you make me more intuitive and also more into touch with my own truth, my own feelings and emotions, my own thoughts and thought patterns and my own energies and vibrations which believe is coming and radiating from The Christ and. I ask that you help me to never lose sight of love and compassion for the human condition, my love and compassion for my fellow man. Divine Mother I ask that you teach me to be open with others and speak from my heart My spirit and my soul to them. I ask that you guide me in prayer and in meditation and in life in how to think feel and act not as a human being but really and truly as a divine being. I ask in the Name of the Christ that these things manifest within me now and within my being as well. I ask for your help in integrating all that I am here on earth that is human with all that I am in heaven that is divine. I thank you oh divine mother, great spirit, universal spirit, living spirit, holy spirit infinite spirit, Primordial Mother for your blessing, your guidance, your loving your Healing, your Grace and your Renewal. AMEN!


My Affirmations For Setting Up Protection:
“The Light of God surrounds me; The Love of God enfolds me; The Power of God protects me; The Presence of God watches over me; Wherever I am, God is, And all is well. “-Prayer for the soldiers in W.W. II
“The Christ white light surrounds me. The Full golden armor of God is on me. The Violet Flame of St Germaine fills me. The blue bubble of archangel Michael Protects me. Through these divine beings I am safe secure guarded and guided and loved. And for this blessing I now give thanks. Amen.”
"I am protected by divine love."-Louise Haye
"I am protected by my higher self at all times."-Power affirmations (You tube)
“I feel safe and secure at all times. I am safe and secure at all times. I know I am safe and safe and secure at all times.”
“I practice harmlessness in all of my affairs and in all of my daily interaction. So, therefore I get back harmlessness from others.”
“I am safe and the Universe loves and supports me.”-Louise Haye
Christ light directs ME.
Christ love enfolds ME.
Christ might protects ME.
Christ peace upholds ME.
Archangels Prayers for Protection:
A Famous Bedtime Prayer
A traditional Jewish prayer called the "Kriat Shma" describes the archangels of the four directions and asks for their blessing of protection and guidance during sleep and dreams. Part of the prayer says:
"To my right Michael and to my left Gabriel, in front of me Uriel and behind me Raphael, and over my head the Shekhinah [God's presence through his Holy Spirit]."
Belief becomes knowing the more you say this. At first you will well, might run into some resistance so you can add, "Through the Christ in Me." "thru universal truth and thru the Creator's love" or "through surrendering to my soul." These are powerful ways to increase the strength and speed of manifest any thought quicker. Thank you, Kindly. If you would like to join my group please click like on this post and I will add you to it. Thanks...


Affirmations For Addictions
With the divine love of my heart My soul and spirit I let go of all any and all addictions.
I love myself unconditionally even with my addictions.
Due To the Unconditional love I have for myself I let of any and all addictions I have
Part 1 of Loving Ourselves:
1. "I love myself unconditionally."
2. "I trade in self-hate for self-love."
3."The unconditional love of my heart and my soul heal me and heal others."
4."I love myself enough to no longer seek to know everything.”
I love myself unconditionally, So therefore I no longer seek to know everything
5.I love myself enough to allow myself to just be."
I love myself unconditionally so therefore I allow myself to just be.


In Building Our Soul Tribes:
What is a Soul Tribe?
To sum up have a soul tribe is to be unconditionally loved and supported by certain individuals. Now if you expect to be unconditionally loved and supported by other souls than remember you have to unconditionally love and support others as well. This means calling people to keep your relationships fresh and your soul ties in place, nice and strong.
In Build Your Soul Tribe: Soul Tribe Criterium: Do they have a strong bloodline family bond? Do they have a strong relationship with their spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend? What activities do they participate in? Do they do volunteer work? How long have they been on the spiritual path? Are they Sober? Do They put themselves out there to help others? Do they listen to you and give you sound advice?
For You:
IF you would like to attract good people and create a Soul Tribe you have to be in the right proper place. This is about you becoming a better person/more balanced and more stable:
Do you listen to them and give them sound advice? Do I have a strong bloodline family bond? Do I have a strong relationship with my spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend? Do I participate in positive empowering activities? Do I put myself out there to help others? Are you Sober? Do You have issues? More importantly are you working through them with a trained therapist, a spiritual counselor or a support group?
Do You do volunteer work?
What is the one thing you do to better this world?
Thank you, Kindly.


Thursday: Our Day to Surrender
Surrendering is a big and beautiful and divine thing to do right now. I surrender Constantly to Christ. I am getting back into surrendering to my soul and my spirit, today. So therefore, I can heal(I know I have to do the leg work and surrendering my garbage, my baggage from my past is but one way to heal). Surrender is leaving your cares worries concerns short comings and misgivings to the Supreme. The Diving being that rules us has given us everything we need and more, we just have to relearn that connection to him and her. I will post some basic affirmations that you can practice in releasing your baggage from your pasts.
Surrendering Affirmations to become Healthy and Whole:
"I surrender my fear to my soul's faith."
"I surrender my fear to my spirit's faith."
"I surrender my sadness to my soul's joy."
"I surrender my sadness to my spirit's joy."
"I surrender my imbalances to the healing power of my soul."
"I surrender my imbalances to the healing power of my spirit."
Thank you, kindly.


Saturday: Our Day to Relax and Enjoy the weekend, Enjoy Our Friends and Family and Honor the Spirits of Our ancestors and the Divine Creator of all That is

Saturday was the old Religion's Sabbath, really it was a holy sacred and Divine Day that Us the On Planet Earth now celebrate separate. I personally like to call the Sabbath to be childlike and play.

I bring my Inner Child out on Saturday and practice Tai Chi Chuan From about 11:30 till 1 or 1:30 Pm. Then I get a
Publix(My Local Grocery Store) submarine sandwich to treat my inner child and to let human side rest and feel like I am big wig (Having quite a high level of financial income/financial wherewithal/financial means). Then, I lie down and read a book. I try and do a half hour session of reading with the company of my mother. Then My mother and I go for our daily walk around The Twin Lakes (it's about two miles around My Local Library). Then My mother prepares a meal Her and I. We sit down and pray together a prayer of thanksgiving and gratitude and lay on her couches and watch movie.

The point is where every you are in life, give yourselves some time to rest and relax but play like child (especially if you have children (and the Little children will lead them Louise Hayes Prophecy of the heart and now), they will teach you how to just be, elevate your moods renews your spirit raise your energies and vibrations and connect better to your souls.

If you can, If you're willing and able because I know how busy your lives can be now, before you go bed tonight, close your eyes and just breathe and say a little prayer with a smile on your face in and over your heart and out into the universe the Prime Creator and Divine Father and Mother of us all in prayer, with Gratitude and thanksgiving and for not only a beautiful Saturday but a Divine Saturday in Heaven, Here on The Mother Earth. that Nourishes Us and Rules us all. AMEN!

Saturdays: AFFIRMATION: "I honor my day of rest and relaxation to go within and bring up my inner child to play with my friends and family, like a child would does and will."

Thank you, Kindly.


Wednesday: Our Midweek Day of
Cleansing, Renewal, Alignment and Balancing and Loving Ourselves unconditionally with the unconditional love of hearts, minds, body and Soul Spirits and Beings.

For CLEASNING: I do a midweek Cleanse on Wednesday of 1/2 Epsom salts and 1/2 Baking Soda Bath Soaking/Cleanse: (it actually cleanses your insides: I went to the bathroom quite a bit on Saturday When I performed this cleansing healing renewing technique and Spiritual Exercise
For FORGIVENESS: I received this at about a year sober/On The Spiritually Enlightened when I was dating this girl. She gave me this CD to listen to and I have since practiced this at least once a week but more like 3 of 4 times a week up to the present day of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
To Go from Fear into FAITH(This was First My Step in Creating FAITH for Myself and Loving Myself Unconditionally)
A wise man once said, "Holding onto a resentment is like drinking poison hoping the other person dies. LOL! This is so true! Self-righteous resentment only holds you back from living a fun joyous spirit filled life. This simple tool can be the start of your forgiveness/spiritual journey or you can just added to your tool box to remove attachments. Thanks !!!
THE FORGIVENESS TOOL: This is how you forgive people of your past by putting forgiveness out into the universe this way. it also provides for you a gentle way to remove any and all unhealthy and unwanted attachments you might have. Sit in a chair with your spine aligned to the heavens and the earth or lie down on your bed with your palms in your lap. Then picture 3 cords in each of your hands for a total of 6. See all the people in your life up till today attached to these cords, miniature versions of them in your hands. Then take action over your captures by saying:
“I forgive and release all people from all lifetimes with love and kindness.”
Say this three times. Each time you say picture one cord in each hand dissolving and the individuals in your life disappearing. Do this till all three cords dissolve and all people in your life send back to the nothingness from whence they came.
2. FOR AMENDS do this same ritual or routine but say:
“I now ask for forgiveness from all people from all lifetimes with love and kindness.” Do this the same exact way you put forgiveness out into the universe.
Then finish by saying, "Love and kindness to all people."3'xs.

For Healing: A Prayerful Invocation to the Divine Mother for Healing by Genevieve Gerard
Calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light.
Begin by taking in a very deep and relaxing breath.
As you breathe in, open your whole being to being receptive to the love, grace and healing presence of the Divine Mother.
With your next deep breath, consciously open your heart and make it receptive to Love.
With your next breath, consciously open your mind and make it open to insight.
With your next breath invoke and invite the presence of your Soul, which you could imagine as a radiant golden point of Light about 3-to-6 feet above your head.
As you breathe in a full breath, invoke and invite the healing power and the healing Presence of the Divine Mother into your life.
Know that invocation and invitation open a portal for you to receive the blessings and grace of Her Divine Presence.
As you exhale at the conclusion of the breath cycle, release from your mind and your heart any pain or sorrows you may have experienced from lack of mother-love or nurturing in your life. Let any sorrow, sense of lack or loss be healed in her awe-inspiring love and grace. Let her power heal you, relieve you, support and sustain you.
With one more deep, relaxing and satisfying breath, open your Soul Light to receive the tremendous power and grace of the Divine Mother, the omnipresent flow of Divine Love through Her from the Source of Universal Love, the transcendent essence of unconditional love.
Let Her Love fill your heart to overflowing. Let Her Love and Grace enfold you.
As you connect with Her Presence, place your needs for healing before her by invoking:
Divine Mother, Source of Divine Love and dispenser of the healing power of Grace, I place in Your gentle care my need for healing. In this life, many of my needs for the Unconditional Love and Grace that You bring into the world have been unmet and unfulfilled.
I now ask You to fill my heart with Your transcending and transforming Love. I now ask You to heal my life that I may attract Love and give Love freely.
The failures of my earthly mother may have left wounds and burdens that trouble my heart and may have created limitations and misunderstandings of the meaning, purpose, and power of Love in my life.
I ask that your Love erases and heal all hurts. Understanding that my mother’s failures may have come from her own lack of love in her life, I now forgive her as a demonstration of the unconditional aspect of Love that Your Presence demonstrates to me.
Make me an instrument of Your Grace. Help me to demonstrate in my life what it truly is to Love unconditionally, without attachment or expectations.
Before You Holy Mother, I place all of my needs for Your unconditional Love. Within Your loving embrace and imbued with Your transcending grace, I ask forgiveness for any and all of the times in my life that I have failed to Love.
Assured of Your forgiveness I am able to be at peace. Embraced by Your Grace I am strengthened.
The unconditional Love that Your Love demonstrates to me serves as a guide in my life for how to Love others. Your Grace and Your forgiveness demonstrate to me how to be compassionate and forgiving.
I affirm my desire to be an instrument of grace and love to others in the world.
Now, I open my heart, my mind, and my Soul to receive Your Divine Love to support and sustain me for the rest of my days.
As I accept and receive this amazing blessing, all wounds and damage created by a lack of Love or a misunderstanding of Love are offered up for Your healing power in Your healing Presence.
My life is transformed and healed by your goodness and grace.
As Your Love fills me, filling in every crevasse of lack or loneliness; I extend the power of Your unconditional Love and transcending Grace out to all who touch my life.
I open myself to the Divine Love that flows through You and invite and invoke that flow to be an omnipresent force in my life that I can demonstrate and share.
As I am One with You, my heart is filled to overflowing with Love.
I now sit quietly, calmly and receptively open to the healing power and presence of my Soul as I let my heart be filled. I rejoice and give thanks for the amazing blessing I have received.
I now sit quietly, calmly and receptively with my mind open to wisdom and insight about love that I may see and experience the truth. As I am freed from attachment and illusion, I am freed to really Love.
Any lack of Love that I have suffered in the past, any shortage of Grace I have ever experienced is now healed and removed from me with Your healing Presence in this meditation.
I know that Your Healing is complete and Your Grace is sufficient for all of my needs. I give thanks that this great blessing that I have received today is available to me at any time of my need when I come to You in prayer or meditation.
I ask that I may now be a beacon of Love in the world and a demonstration of Your endless ability to forgive and that I become a source for Grace and Compassion to all who touch my life.
This I offer in gratitude for Your Healing Power and Your Healing Presence in my life.
This Love and this great blessing are mine without limit. Each time that I share Your Love with others I am holding open the door of Divine Love for the ongoing blessing and nurturing in my own life.
Each time I offer forgiveness and compassion, I am holding open the door to the Grace and Forgiveness You make available to me.
It is by giving I receive and it is by grace I am healed, so that my life is ever filled with the joy of loving, and of being loved.
No sorrow can stand or wound can fester in the Healing Power of Your Divine Love once You have been called forth.
Let me be an instrument to focus Your healing power to those I encounter in need of Your Divine Love and Grace that You have granted me. This is a service I offer to You, and to the world in gratitude.
In gratitude and appreciation of the healing I have received, I vow to be a source of Love in the world that I can move forward in my life, free from past sorrows, filled to overflowing with Your omnipresent Love, Your limitless Compassion and Your gentle Goodness and Mercy.
The blessing of Love on All that you Do.
Genevieve Gerard My Spiritual Mentor/Mother

Thank you, Kindly.
