Libertarian Party of Chemung County NY

Libertarian Party of Chemung County NY

Largest 3rd Party. It's simple, Don't hurt people, and don't take their stuff.

Photos from Libertarian Party of Chemung County NY's post 19/12/2023

Last night, the lame duck Elmira City Council voted 4-1 to extend the contract for 40 Flock cameras for 5 years for the cost of $600,000.

In February of 2023 City Manager Michael Collins brought this surveillance system to our city without proper public scrutiny using federal ARP funds, saying we will see how they work and re-evaluate after 2 years.

Now after approximately 10 months we have locked in a 5 year contract with little to no proof that they have helped solve or deter crime.

Their proponents claim they have been used aid in criminal investigations, but with no data presented to the people. The “Transparency Portal” provided on the City website is severely lacking.

We applaud former LPCC Chair and City of Elmira, Councilman District 1 - Nick Grasso for being the only elected official to speak against and vote against this overreach and waste of taxpayer funds.

With 2 of our County Party officers speaking at the meeting against this the LPCC is the only political party that is fighting for your rights. While the others promote or are silent on this issue.

Visit our website linked in the comments and follow this page for updates on this and other important issues to personal liberty.

12/15/2023 RE:Schuyler County Resolution Press Release 14/12/2023

The Libertarian Party of Chemung County urges the Chemung County Legislature to pass a resolution echoing Schuyler County regarding gun and ammo background checks and fees

Please share, and send your own email to the legislature at [email protected]

12/15/2023 RE:Schuyler County Resolution Press Release

X / ? 13/12/2023

Watch This. Are you ready?

X / ?


“Rinos” ask them? They aren’t really for limited government.


Libertarian Party of New York Urges New York Department of Taxation and Finance to End Surprise Visits

The Libertarian Party of New York is urging the New York Department of Taxation and Finance to align with the Internal Revenue Service's approach in ceasing surprise and unannounced visits.

The Internal Revenue Service recently announced a significant reduction in unannounced visits to residences and businesses, citing officer safety concerns and the potential for scammers posing as agency representatives. Effective immediately, these visits will be limited to rare circumstances, such as asset seizures or the ex*****on of summonses and subpoenas. Out of the tens of thousands of unannounced visits conducted annually, only a few hundred fall under these specific criteria.

In this updated approach, taxpayers will now receive letters giving them the option to schedule a meeting with an officer.

The Libertarian Party of New York is urging the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance to adopt a similar policy, thereby putting an end to frivolous and often unnecessary home visits. Duane Whitmer, LPNY 1st Vice-Chair and Media Relations Chair, emphasizes, "Unannounced home visits amount to nothing more than a display of force and coercion. These visits are employed to pressure taxpayers into paying balances that may not even be owed or to intimidate them into settling erroneous fines and penalties."

The Libertarian Party of New York dispatched a formal letter to Amanda Hiller, the acting tax commissioner and general counsel of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, in addition to being shared with every state assembly member and state senator in New York.

The full text of the letter can be found here



You don’t build “affordable housing.”

You just build as much housing as possible, and eventually as it ages—and no longer commands premium rents—it becomes affordable. The fixed costs of construction are far too high to literally build so-called affordable housing. Swapping out quartz for laminate countertops is statistically insignificant. These so-called “luxuries” are such a tiny percentage of the overall cost of building that it’s barely noticeable. Removing them doesn’t magically make new construction “affordable.”

Politicians can’t change the laws of math.

Having the government pay for it just means everyone else is helping to pay your rent.


19% of the people that took this poll got it wrong.

Photos from Libertarian Party of Chemung County NY's post 20/11/2023

Today I have seen the BIGGEST white pill of my lifetime. I am so optimistic for our future now.

Javier Milei, an avowed libertarian and economist, with the principles of Ron Paul and the attitude of Trump has been elected to president in Argentina.


The reason Veterans Day is on November 11 is to coincide with Armistice Day, the day that World War I ended.

Because the best way to honor veterans is to let them live, and to stop using them as fodder.

We honor veterans by ending the wars, so that they can come home, where they belong.

We honor veterans by ending the VA and giving the money directly to them, and ending the torture of making them jump through hoops and beg for the care they were promised.

We honor veterans by acknowledging that nearly 10% of our prison population are veterans, ending the wars on drugs and guns that sent most of them there, and expunging their records (as well as every other victim of those wars) so they can reclaim their lives.

We honor veterans by letting them access life-saving treatments that are currently illegal for many of them due to the war on drugs.

We honor veterans by ending the Fed, so that the government can't print out endless money to finance endless wars and endless caging.

This short list just scratches the surface of what we can, and should, be advocating for to honor our veterans.

This Veterans Day, join me in resolving yourself to truly honoring them, through actions and not just words.


It's Election Day.

I urge you to cast your vote for the most independent from the establishment candidates that you can find, and if someone is running unopposed, write in someone else.

Let them know how many people aren't happy with the status quo, staying home just allows them to ignore you.


When I was a kid, I told myself I’d only offer king size candy when I was old enough to own a house. Those were always my favorite houses to trick or treat. And since they’re definitely not learning it in school, why not teach kids economics at the same time?
Happy Halloween 🎃


Chemung County People. Tomorrow is Elmira's Day of the Dead street festival.

2 of our endorsed candidates for City Council will be there, come show your support.

The Day of the Dead celebration runs from 11 am - 7 pm on West Water St. between N. Main and Columbiaand will feature two blocks of food trucks, giveaways, and activities for the whole family

The election is right around the corner!

Who will you vote for as your representatives for District 1 and District 6?

City of Elmira, Councilman District 1 - Nick Grasso will be joining me at tomorrow's event, Elmira's Day of the Dead downtown, and we'll be available to answer questions and of course, hand out candy!

Make sure to stop by between 11 am and 7 pm!


If you have an interest in the elections this year for the City of Elmira, check out this event happening tonight.

Our 3 endorsed candidates for City Council will be appearing.
Vote Colwell for Elmira City Council, District 6
City of Elmira, Councilman District 1 - Nick Grasso
C.J. Cerio - Candidate for District 2 City Council
League of Women Voters of Steuben and Chemung

Photos from Libertarian Party of Chemung County NY's post 04/10/2023

The Libertarian Party of Chemung County is proud to endorse our Chair Craig Colwell for his Campaign for Elmira City Councilman for the Sixth District.

Tell your friends and relatives who live in District 6 to Vote Colwell!

Photos from Libertarian Party of Chemung County NY's post 03/10/2023

The Libertarian Party of Chemung County is proud to endorse a friend of the party Charles Cerio for his Campaign for Elmira City Councilman for the Second District.

Tell your friends and relatives who live in District 2 to Vote for Cerio!

Photos from Libertarian Party of Chemung County NY's post 02/10/2023

The Libertarian Party of Chemung County is proud to endorse our former Chair Nick Grasso for his Re-election Campaign for Elmira City Councilman for the First District.

Tell your friends and relatives who live in District 1 to Vote for Grasso!


Larry Sharpe and his talk from Sunday


Reminder, this is tomorrow

When Will We Learn?—Harry Browne's immediate, yet timeless, response to 9/11 13/09/2023

We Remember, This is a portion of what Harry Browne had the courage to say on 9/12/2001.

Do you have the courage to read the rest? Conveniently linked below.

When Will We Learn? – part 1

Published September 12, 2001 at 1:00am

"The terrorist attacks against America comprise a horrible tragedy. But they shouldn’t be a surprise.

It is well known that in war, the first casualty is truth – that during any war truth is forsaken for propaganda. But sanity was a prior casualty: it was the loss of sanity that led to war in the first place.

Our foreign policy has been insane for decades. It was only a matter of time until Americans would have to suffer personally for it. It is a terrible tragedy of life that the innocent so often have to suffer for the sins of the guilty.

When will we learn that we can’t allow our politicians to bully the world without someone bullying back eventually?

President Bush has authorized continued bombing of innocent people in Iraq. President Clinton bombed innocent people in the Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Serbia. President Bush, senior, invaded Iraq and Panama. President Reagan bombed innocent people in Libya and invaded Grenada. And on and on it goes.

Did we think the people who lost their families and friends and property in all that destruction would love America for what happened?

When will we learn that violence always begets violence?"

When Will We Learn?—Harry Browne's immediate, yet timeless, response to 9/11 The day after the 9/11 attacks, WorldNetDaily published “When Will We Learn?”, an article written by two-time Libertarian Party presidential candidate Harry Browne in which he asserted that the attacks were blowback for American imperialism, would be used to justify further restrictions on freed...

Photos from Libertarian Party of Chemung County NY's post 02/09/2023

Be Ungovernable

Vote Colwell – Colwell 6th District 24/08/2023

Our Chair is running for Elmira City Council. Please follow his page and support as you can.

Help get another Libertarian elected in Elmira, Thanks

Vote Colwell – Colwell 6th District Play Pause Unmute Mute Home I would like the residents of Elmira’s 6th District to know what it’s like to have a representative that isn’t beholden to either major party.Someone who wants to listen to your concerns and find real-world solutions instead of answering to someone else pulling the ...


Are you John Galt?

Photos from Libertarian Party of Chemung County NY's post 21/08/2023

They're going to try this again. Be aware, don't back down this time