

Challenging menstrual taboo in Hong Kong since 2016 Menstruation is natural and biological. Love it and embrace it.

However, as we grow up, we cannot reject to be told that it’s unclean, impure and troublesome. Sometimes we can’t get near to the altar and pay respect to our ancestors, sometimes we need to hand wash our un**es with blood stain cause it’s “dirty”. When we bring our sanitary pads to washrooms we need to hide it, and when we suffer from horrible cramps we can’t even shout out for help. The dilemma




六月尾到首爾旅行,就正值經期中(每次旅行都嚟M!)。雖然我帶備了足夠的月經用品,但在首爾歷史博物館參觀《漢陽女性走出閨門——工作的女性》展覽時,還是習慣性留意一下洗手間配備。誰知一進洗手間就有驚喜:大大的海報寫著Public Sanitary Pads/ 비상용 생리대 (應急衛生巾),旁邊還有一部衛生巾販賣機。



而政策的制訂和推行從來都是社會問題的倒影。2016年5月底,在南韓衛生巾市場市占率達百分之50的柳韓金百利(Yuhan-Kimberly)宣布當年6月起將衛生巾價格上調百分之20。雖然政府於2004年豁免月經用品消費稅(甚至在2021年通過國產月經用品零稅率),南韓衛生巾價格卻一直高企。在2019年,韓國的衛生巾價格高踞36個OECD國家之首(韓國每塊衛生巾價格為331韓圓;其他國家價格為:丹麥156韓圓;日本181韓圓;美國181韓圓;加拿大202韓圓)。到了2023年的今天,韓國婦女環境網(Korean Women's Environmental Network,KWEN)的調查依然顯示韓國衛生巾價格較另外11個國家高出39%。

柳韓金百利加價無疑讓來經者的處境雪上加霜,也引發了韓國網民在社交媒體上對月經貧窮議題的討論。其中迴響最大的莫過於「鞋墊女孩」事件—— 因為家境困難,有少女迫不得已用紙巾和鞋墊代替衛生巾。「鞋墊女孩」事件影響之大,令不少韓國NGO組織月經用品捐贈活動,甚至讓韓國國會在2017年通過了青少年福利支援法修正案,為11至18歲貧困青少女提供購買月經用品的電子代金券。首爾市政府也著手推行應急月經用品販賣機政策,並於2018年於10個試點推出。




Period Poverty Around The World
South Koreans Are Calling For Universal Access to Menstrual Products
'비상용 생리대' 자판기…스마트서울맵으로 검색! (應急用衛生巾販賣機... 使用首爾智慧地圖搜尋!)
생리용품 보편지급, 법적 근거 있는데 왜 안되나?(普遍提供月經用品有法律依據,為何不行呢?)
장혜영 "7만명 '월경빈곤'... 여성청소년 생리용품 전면 지원해야" 張惠英「7萬人遭受月經貧窮... 我們需要青少年女性月經用品全面支援」

#免費月經用品 #首爾 #首爾歷史博物館 #서울역사박물관 #月經權益

Photos from The Association for the Advancement of Feminism - AAF 新婦女協進會's post 09/06/2023



婦產科 王文中 科主任醫師曾經發表文說
原發性經痛的女性大約佔所有有月經女性的40-50﹪, #其中會痛到沒辦法工作或上學的約15﹪,症狀輕到不需止痛藥的約佔三分之一,而有一半的婦女經痛時活動會受到影響。



#啾啾老師 #兒童性教育


FREE PERIODS HK 19/05/2023

Come join us this Menstrual Hygiene Day !
今個世界月經衛生日有一連串男女老幼所有人都啱嘅活動!一齊講經 🩸


FREE PERIODS HK Everyone deserves a free period.


月經係你同我同大家嘅事!無論生理上你有冇月經,你身邊總有有月經嘅親人、朋友、同事 🩸

5月25-28日嚟到深水埗合舍,同我哋一齊討論點樣建設一個更月經友善嘅社會,令所有人都可以無障礙咁活出美好人生 ❤️😌

#月經神隊友 #我的女子月月友 #唔同角色嘅朋友可以點樣更加月經友善 #不同月經產品同身體自主選擇 #月經平等係建設平等社會嘅重要一環 #呢個世界月經衛生日約定你啦

如何成為自己或別人的月經神隊友?嚟「Be My Buddy Buddy」月經平等展覽睇下自己認識幾多月經相關知識!

得到了 Hactl 的全力支持,由 Free Periods HK 所主辦的展覽將於5月25-28日在深水埗合舍舉行,將帶來生動有趣的月經知識和多角度的了解方式,讓大家不再感到尷尬和負擔。除了展示各式各樣的月經用品和相關產品外,還將有多場與月經相關的講座和活動,讓大家可以更深入地了解月經。快來和我們一起成為女子月月友,一起為月經平等努力吧!

How to become your own or someone else's period superhero? Come to the "Be My Buddy Buddy" Menstrual Equality Exhibition and test your knowledge of menstrual-related topics!

Supported by Hactl, the exhibition organized by Free Periods Hong Kong will take place at Form Society in Sham Shui Po from May 25-28. We will provide lively and interesting menstrual knowledge and multiple perspectives for you to understand menstruation, so you no longer have to feel embarrassed or burdened. In addition to showcasing various menstrual products, there will also be multiple talks and activities related to menstruation, allowing everyone to gain a deeper understanding of menstruation. Come and join us as a period pal and work together for menstrual equality!

#香港空運貨站 #月經 #成為我的女子月月友 #成為我的女子月月友 #女子月月友 One Bite Design Studio One Bite Social


Be My Buddy Buddy! 🩸
今個528世界月經日,Free Periods HK籌備咗一系列活動喺社區推動月經友善嘅討論 ❤️ stay tuned!

Stay tuned to our Buddy Buddy series events this May in celebration of the Menstrual Hygiene Day! 🩸

📢在今年國際月經月慶祝令人振奮的消息!我們非常榮幸地宣布 Hactl 將支持Free Periods HK 的月事教育計劃 "Hactl x Free Periods Hong Kong - Be My Buddy Buddy"!🩸



📢 Exciting news for this International Menstruation Month!! We are thrilled to announce that Hactl is now supporting Free Periods HK’s menstrual education program, “Hactl x Free Periods Hong Kong - Be My Buddy Buddy”! 🩸

Together, we are committed to co-creating a period-friendly society where menstrual education and access to menstrual products are readily available and normalised. This partnership will empower everyone to understand and embrace menstruation, breaking the stigma and taboo surrounding the topic.

We believe that everyone deserves access to menstrual education and products, and we are proud to be part of this initiative. Let's work together to make a positive change in our community! Stay tuned for more exciting news! 💪🌟

#香港空運貨站 #月經 #成為我的女子月月友 #成為我的女子月月友 #女子月月友 One Bite Design Studio
One Bite Social


[IWD 2023 💜 Embrace Equity]

I once believed that the best of world is a world with no labels.

Male, female, masculine, feminine, gay, straight… these labels made me believe that there was only one correct way of living. The study of gender liberated me from societal expectations, made me understand how social norms and power relations work and opened me up to the world of diversity. I felt that the world would be much better without these limiting labels, so that no one would be cast out because of how they express genders, or discriminated against for whom they love.

This explains my obsessiveness of removing labels. Whenever I saw gender-specific terms like sisters and ladies, I would try to have them replaced. I was determined to stop the perpetuation of gender dichotomy by stopping the use of these terms, and whenever I talk about periods, I use terms like “menstruators” or “people with menstruation,” which in fact don’t make a lot of sense to most audiences.

Understandably, the word “menstruator” is quite hard to understand for the public. Usage of the word is also accused of dehumanising and reducing women to the phenomenon of menstruation. In 2021, a controversy arose when Lancet used the phrase “bodies with vagina” on their cover. Many argued that it was dehumanising and erasing women, and others questioned why the editorial team has never used “bodies with prostates” to refer to the male body, although it is clear that Lancet’s only intention was to respect trans men and inters*x people who menstruate but do not identify as women.

Perhaps inclusion and exclusion are always two sides of the same coin: the very decision to include something always entails exclusion of the others. The long and clumsy phrase “women and people with periods/ cycles” adopted by period tracker app Clue might be the best option for now.

I have now come to terms with the fact that language is an honest reflection of social facts, just like how “feminism” reminds us of the oppression and discrimination faced by many who identify as women. Wishing everyone who supports human rights, equity and justice a happy International Women’s Day, may our words be kind and tender always.


[國際婦女節2023 💜 擁抱平權]



有好一段日子,我都對stripping labels off有強大的執念。看到任何gender-specific的字眼,包括婦女、姊妹、ladies、我都會打個冷震再想辦法取代它。帶頭停止這些用字延續性別二元論是我的信念。所以每當談論月經,我都刻意棄用「女性」,選擇”menstruator” (來經者)、”people with menstruation” (有月經的人)等等gender-neutral,可是在中文語境其實很奇怪又沒有人明白的字。

誠然menstruator這個字普遍對大眾來說很難理解(也就是說對SEO和宣傳十分不利 😂),最近甚至聽到有人質疑「用呢個字咪姐係exclude啲女人」。近年這個字也陷入去人化的爭議(將人reduce到只剩月經這個生理現象)。2021年,Lancet便因為在封面上使用”bodies with vagina”(取自當期Lancet一篇關於月經污名和月經貧窮的文章)這個phrase引起巨大爭議。很多人認為這是貶抑女性的行為,也有人質疑為什麼Lancet從未使用”bodies with prostates”講述男性身體。至於Lancet的意圖,從總編輯Richard Horton回應聲明可以看到絕對是出於尊重多元,特別是希望包括會經歷月經但性別認同並非為女的跨性別人士。

所以或許inclusion和 exclusion,往往都在於意圖,也往往只有一線之差。因為每個include的選擇,都意味有他者被排除。有沒有什麼折衷的辦法呢?經期追蹤app Clue便在文章中使用women and people with periods/ cycles的說法。很長氣,但或許是最政治正確又尊重多元的說法。

現在的我已經不是gender-neutral language魔人了,因為語言是社會實況的反映,也是權力關係的展現。就如女性主義一詞中飽受詬病的女性一詞時刻提醒我們身處父權社會的脈絡,提醒我們有許多人從過去到現在都因女性身分受壓迫和剝削。但我也是不會放棄gender-neutral語言的,畢竟有很多生理女性也因各種原因沒有來經,也有跨仔朋友依然有來經的啊。綑綁女性身分和月經的話,不也是對這些朋友的一種不尊重嗎?


#國際婦女節 #擁抱平權

Photos from MenstruAction's post 31/12/2022

大家好!2022年下半年小編開始了新的全職工作,而且跟另外2位月經教育友好 一同創辦的NGO .hk 正式註冊成為慈善團體,所以MenstruAction這邊就暫時放下了。很感激依然沒有unfollow的大家,未來請繼續支持MenstruAction和Free Periods的工作。MenstruAction會繼續製作不同有關月經的社交媒體content,Free Periods則會更廣泛地提供全面、正向的月經教育。歡迎不同團體,例如NGO和學校的友好交流合作啊❤️

新一年祝大家月事順利。新年未買揮春的話,有我們製作的月事揮春,所得將全部撥捐Free Periods Hong Kong (購買連結在bio)❤️

Hi everyone! It’s been a very busy period since the second half of 2022, because I’ve started a new full-time job and because Free Periods Hong Kong, an NGO I co-founded with Happeriod and Mcupmstuff has been officially registered as a charity (woohoo!). I’ve taken a break here so I’d really want to thank everyone who hasn’t unfollowed (no please don’t 😂🫣).

MenstruAction will continue producing quality educational content about all things period, while Free Periods will focus on providing comprehensive menstrual education for different underprivileged groups. Please continue to shower us with your love and support!!! ❤️

I wish you a very happy and period-pain-free new year. If you haven’t got fai chun for Lunar New Year, time to get it from us (all proceeds will go to Free Period Hong Kong; link in bio).


Photos from MenstruAction's post 29/06/2022

多謝明報副刊記者,出成版專題講月經係好有心嘅事 ❤️


#月經貧窮 #月經 #解放月事

Photos from MenstruAction's post 29/06/2022

多謝明報副刊記者,出成版專題講月經係好有心嘅事 ❤️



No one has ever taught me how to deal with menopause.

I learnt a great deal about puberty, though. The school, the student health service, everyone was trying to make sure I know what secondary s*xual characteristics are, how I would start finding the opposite s*x attractive (for real?) etc. I also went through that notorious “girls-only” menstruation talk conducted by a menstrual pad manufacturer. Maybe it was Kotex? I might be a creature of habit, because I have used Kotex for so many years before switching to cloth pads.

Everyone was making a fuss about puberty. Of course. The youth are our future. Raise them well, make them work, make them marry, make them make babies. It goes on and on.

I have seen my family went through menopause. Every time she thought it would be her last period, it made a comeback. “I just hope it stops forever sooner”. I had never heard people saying this. Most of my friends say it when they have cramps, but they don’t mean it (and when it doesn’t come they pray for it to come). I was then reminded of a seminar I held at HKU a couple of years ago. One of the speakers shared how her life was changed for good after hysterectomy. Only then I was reminded that “yea, one day, I will live without periods, too”. And it didn’t sound bad at all.

But I know so little about menopause. I know how the cycle is going to be more unstable until it stops forever. I know about hot flash (but just the name, actually). I know how it affects your mood and how your bones become weak. I also know there are hormone tests that helps you identify the onset of menopause? But if so many things happen during the period, why am I so ignorant and unprepared?

To quote Simone de Beauvoir’s The Coming of Age because I’ve just started reading it, “Nothing should be more expected than old age: nothing is more unforeseen”. Exactly how I feel.

Today is Menstrual Hygiene Day. If we say menstruation is an experience common for menstruators, isn’t menopause almost the same? If we care about menstruation, shall we not care about the departure of it too?



記得小學常識科和學童保健(姑娘全部都好惡,童年陰影)花了很多篇幅講青春期:講青春期身體的變化、第二性徵的發展、我會開始受異性吸引(呃)等等。小六的時候也經歷了”girls-only”的月經講座,獲得舉辦的衛生巾公司(好像是Kotex? 習慣很可怕,之後好多年我都是Kotex用家)送贈衛生巾兩塊。



關於更年期,我知道的很少。月經會越來越少,最後停經、會有潮熱、可能會脾氣暴躁?會骨質疏鬆?好像有荷爾蒙測試可以知道更年期是不是已經到?可能你會覺得when the time comes就會知道了,但如果它是人生中這麼重大的變化,why am I so unprepared?



#世界月經日 #世界月經衛生日 #月經 #更年期 #月經禁忌

Photos from Free Periods HK's post 08/03/2022

2022年少有嘅好消息 🎉 Free Periods HK正式成為香港慈善團體啦!未來我哋會繼續努力,敬請期待!

Free Periods HK is now officially a charitable institution in Hong Kong! Stay tuned for our upcoming projects and new initiatives!



🩸 月經週期反應你身體嘅整體健康狀況

🩸 你可以嘗試接納自己嘅情緒同唔同狀態


🩸 你可以更好咁預備經期來臨


Track your cycles even if your me**es are regular or if you aren't trying to get pregnant! Here are 4 reasons why:

🩸 Your cycle tells a lot about your body
Irregular periods, heavy bleeding, period cramps etc. are all important indicators of your general health. E.g. irregular cycles is linked to stress, eating disorders and even ovarian cancer. Tracking and logging your periods allow you to notice as soon something goes wrong.

🩸 It helps you understand and embrace your downtime
Throughout your cycle, hormonal changes cause mood swings so you might feel worse during ovulation, before, and during me**es. Understanding where you are at your cycle helps you make peace with downtime and better structure your life.

🩸 It helps doctors with diagnosis
Help your doctors know what they can (e.g. rule out certain tests/ drug prescription)/ need to do by describing your cycle as accurately as you can. Although you might know well how long your cycle is, you might be missing details like how heavy your flow is; what PMS symptoms you have; and/or what colour your discharge is.

🩸 It helps you better prepare for your cycle
It's not only about when you should start carrying pads and painkillers in your bag - it's also about what kinds of food to eat/ supplements to take; what kinds of workout to do; and whether or not you need some kind of personal psychotherapy

Photos from MenstruAction's post 03/03/2022

Will be speaking at this youth forum by on 12 March. Sign up now if you’re a secondary/ tertiary student and would like to meet 3 menstrual activists working on/in Asia in one event ❤️

📍Youth Forum - Period Positivity
🩸Women in Asia are still affected deeply by period poverty due to the lack of education of menstruation.
In this event, we invited 3 speakers who have been working hard to break the cycle of secrecy and misinformation. Join our Youth Forum to get to know their work and what you can do as an individual!😊
📅Date: 12 March 2022 (Sat)
🕒Time: 20:30-22:30 GMT+8
🏡Venue: Zoom
👥Target participants: 40 secondary and tertiary students, local preferred
💵Fee: Free of charge
💡Speakers, Valentina Thayer (Macau ), Joyce Fung (Hong Kong ), Navya Bhagat (India )

Sign up:


#澳門 #澳門青年 #模聯 #模擬聯合國 l #澳門模聯 #聯合國


Do cis males have periods? Irritable Male Syndrome (IMS) and hormonal fluctuations

Throughout the menstrual cycle, hormonal levels fluctuate and affect menstruators both physiologically and psychologically. Towards the end of the cycle (21st to 28th day), estrogen and progesterone levels drop and reach their lowest during me**es. A low estrogen and progesterone level can cause mood swings, fatigue, oily skin and even insomnia.

Things are a little different for cisgender men, but not so different after all. Fluctuations in testosterone level caused by stress, lack of sleep and/or illness can lead to symptoms of hypersensitivity, low libido, fatigue and anxiety. There’s even a term for the symptom (coined as a parallel with PMS): author Jed Diamond popularised the usage of the term “Irritable Male Syndrome” (IMS). He describes IMS as the state of “hypersensitivity, anxiety, frustration, and anger” in males, which can be associated with factors including hormonal change, stress, changes in brain chemistry and changes in male roles and identity.

However, since IMS has no hormonal basis, it doesn’t occur regularly. And in fact, there is by far no medical evidence proving the existence of IMS. Jed Diamond’s book on IMS is also faced with criticisms of essentialising gender differences, over-emphasising the roles of s*x hormones in individuals’ physiology and psychology, as well as rationalising male irritability or even domestic violence.

Regardless of s*x and gender, it’s always important to embrace your emotions and vulnerabilities. Having a bad time? Take a good rest, be it IMS/PMS or not.

#月經 #暴躁男性綜合症 #經前症候群 #經前綜合症


生理男性都會嚟M?睪丸酮和「暴躁男性綜合症」(Irritable Male Syndrome)

月經週期中,生理女性體內嘅荷爾蒙濃度都會改變,並且影響佢地嘅生理同心理。喺週期嘅第四週(21-28日),體內嘅雌激素同黃體素水平都會開始下降,並喺來經時到達最低點。低水平雌激素同黃體素會引致情緒不穩、心情煩躁、嗜睡、油脂分泌增加甚至失眠等問題 (嚟緊M嘅小編表示 😔)。


原來生理男性都會有因為睪丸酮水平波動而情緒不穩、體力不足嘅問題。隨咗睪丸酮水平喺朝早上升、晚上下降,並隨年齡下降之外,壓力、睡眠不足、疾病等因素都會引致睪丸酮下降。作者Jed Diamond就以好似男版月經咁嘅「暴躁男性綜合症」(Irritable Male Syndrome, IMS)命名因睪丸酮下降、長期壓力、男性社會角色改變等原因造成男性易怒、敏感同焦慮嘅狀態。同月經唔同嘅係,IMS唔會跟隨任何生理規律,所以唔會好似月經咁每隔幾耐黎一次。

如果你身邊有男性朋友有一排心情低落又提唔起勁,Jed Diamon就會話佢係畀IMS影響。不過!雖然睪丸酮水平同男性身心健康的確好大關係,目前為止醫學上係冇證據證明IMS嘅存在㗎!而Jed Diamond講述IMS嘅著作亦受到一d批評。一來佢嘅論述加強性別嘅二元分立、過分強調同僵化荷爾蒙對「男女」身心嘅影響。二來書中強調男性受荷爾蒙、生長背景同社會環境影響,都被批評為幫家暴嘅男性開脫啊。

總之不論性別,只要有朋友係having a bad time,都要好好支持佢地呀!

#暴躁男性綜合症 #經前症候群 #經前綜合症 #月經


祝各位虎年安康 月事順利 🧧🩸
Wish you a wonder year of the Tiger! 🐯

Photos from MenstruAction's post 09/01/2022

沒錯!《本草綱目》中「上應太陰(月亮),下應海潮」的,正是我們所認知的 #月經 🩸



#月經週期 #本草綱目 #月相 #月相盈虧 #為什麼月經叫月經 #佛系更新



【衛生巾「 #好看嗎」:那一夜,他們的公告欄變成了「 #民主牆」】





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#端傳媒 #六週年 #新開端 #中國 #高校 #維權



這一年對MenstruAction和我自己來說是休息期,也是調整期(看看這個hea Canva new year post就知道了⋯⋯)。有時候我感覺到了瓶頸,不知道自己還可以做什麼;有時候我失去動力(或許大家都一樣吧);有時候覺得自己根本沒有能力貢獻更多。這種感覺依然沒有消失,我依然感覺無力。而如果你剛好跟我一樣沒有力氣對2022抱有希望,那就不要期待吧。如果2022注定不會更好,那就靜靜過好自己的日子。希望大家在亂世可以保守自己的心(我不是基督徒啊真的不是!),做好自己能力所及的事。

可是我依然在這個post把”happy new year”改成了”wish you a better 2022”。因為我其實依然會期待,期待2022會因為我的努力而更加美好。我會用善意回應世界的兇惡。無論世界如何殘酷,我心中的良善是唯一無法改變的。嗯好像有點太意識流了(笑)。祝大家新年平安。

百年前衛生棉曝光! 收藏家:放太久幾乎「忘了它的存在」 - 生活 - 自由時報電子報 06/12/2021



百年前衛生棉曝光! 收藏家:放太久幾乎「忘了它的存在」 - 生活 - 自由時報電子報 南投縣文化資產學會創會理事長梁志忠,收藏許多台灣文物,最近在倉庫找到1盒名為「月乃華」的台灣日治時代文物,盒子正面下方印有台灣總督指令字號和價格,裡面有20球包裝好的白色棉球。梁志忠說,光看盒子正面的字樣...

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你們好嗎?2021年一瞬間就過去了。時光流逝,可其中的痛苦是真切的,徹骨的。這一年對MenstruAction和我自己來說是休息期,也是調整期(看看這個hea Canva new year post就知道了⋯⋯)。有時候我感覺到了瓶頸,不知...
