Talia Faramo

Talia Faramo


Photos from Talia Faramo's post 20/01/2024


As a mom of two wild boys, dinner time is pure chaos! Being able to prep this large Instapot dinner, this gives me leftovers for the weeks meal prep!

Plus, lots of protein to keep you full!
Comment ‘PROTEIN’ for more High Protein recipes + treats!


Photos from Talia Faramo's post 14/01/2024

Building your pancake butt into a b***y is what you want, but the work is in the meal prep, and while raising our babies..it can feel daunting..but it doesn’t have to be a time suck.

Swipe through these 3 secrets I use for meal prepping like a pro while keeping your b***y & schedule on point!

Protein power-ups, time-saving tricks, and snack saviors - we’ve got this, mama!

Be sure to follow talia_faramo for more meal prep hacks like these!
Comment ‘B***Y” for my high protein treats and snacks recipe book!

🍑 🍑

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 08/01/2024

These crockpot recipes will save you more time with your family and less time in the kitchen!

Spending hours in the kitchen to meal prep is the old way of doing things, instead, focus on high protein and making meals bigger so you have leftovers for 3/4 days.

Keeps your meals fresh and still gives your room for variety!

Make sure to Follow me for more meal ideas for b***y building!

🍑 🍑

SEO: Glute gains, glute stretches, glute stretch, flute strengthening, glute training, glute strength, mom jeans, mommy makeover, mom with muscles, mom jean, mom jeans outfit, mom bod, mom pants, mom butt, how to reverse pancake butt, mom workouts, come back stronger after baby, muscle foods, muscle toning, muscle growth, functional fitness workout, glute, glutes, glute bridge, glute exercises for growth, glute activation, glute growth

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 06/01/2024

Fuel your body with the good stuff! These quick & tasty snacks are perfect for busy days. ‍Cottage Cheese with berries and almonds for a breakfast on-the-go, or hard-boiled eggs with avocado and sprouts for a post-workout pick-me-up.

Comment’ B***Y’ to steal my list of high protein treats recipes!


And with that 2023 comes to an end. 🎉

Thank you to all of you who have supported me, loved on me, believed in me, forgiven me, prayed for me and counseled me. I would not be where I am without every moment, experience, failure or success that has shaped me.

2023 was a year of change. Change that needed to happen.
I’m grateful for all that happened to get me here.

To sum it up, God is so good and His grace is sufficient.

2024, let’s do this.

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 31/12/2023


Try these high protein recipes for your New Years get togethers and parties tomorrow! They are super high protein, delicious and easy to whip up!

Comment ‘B***Y’ for more high protein ideas with my 7 Day B***y building Meal Plan and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 26/12/2023

Thankful for a healthy Christmas this year!
Last two years have been so tough with sickness, and this year we got to celebrate fully with each other, fully healthy, fully present!
That’s why this year was such a gift! God is so good. All the glory to Him.
Thank you all for your support you have given me the last few years in my life and business!
I hope you all are having incredible memories today and Merry Christmas from ours to yours!

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 17/12/2023

2 HIGH PROTEIN CROCKPOT MEALS that are set and forget!!

Its getting chillier everyday which is perfect for Christmas and its put me in the mood for something warm and hearty!

These two high protein crockpot meals are a set and forget and will reward you with perfect high protein b***y building meals for the week!

BBQ Chicken stuff sweet potato
Spicy Lentil Stew with sausage

Comment ‘HPMP’ to access to 7 Days of B***y Building Meals!

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 07/12/2023

Swipe for TWO super simple meals I make for my husband and I in 30 minutes or less that helped me build my pancake butt into a b***y in 2 months!!! ⁣

Simple, delicious, and duplicatable are the only way I have been able to build my b***y and keep it! And with two high energy boys running around they need to be fast….I am in my keep it simple mom era right now!! ⁣

Swipe through and save the recipe you're most excited to try!

Then comment ‘B***Y’ for more recipes like these and a free 7 Day B***y Building meal plan sent straight to your inbox! ⁣

✨Be sure to follow for more high protein recipes!

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 27/11/2023


Am I giving myself enough time??

All I had seen online was that building a b***y took years and it left me discouraged.


Give yourself at least 6-8 weeks. It may seem long, but break that down and its about a month and a half to 2 months!

You will see a noticeable difference if you are working out your glutes properly, consuming enough calories AND getting killer sleep.

If you are ready to start building your b***y, comment ‘B***Y’ to get INSTANT ACCESS to my FREE 7 Day B***y Building Workout!

***yfitness ***yinprogress ***ygamestrong ***yworkouts ***ygrowth

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 26/11/2023


Eat lots of fruits and veggies
Sleep 7-8 hours

As simple as these are, most people have a hard time with them. What I have found to be helpful after a holiday is to not stress about it and simply just start with basics.

Water, good food and good sleep.
If you can do all of those things, you will be right back on track.

If you are having trouble knowing where to start with getting back on track, Comment ‘RESET’ to get more info on My Post Thanksgiving 3 Day Reset program that we are starting on MONDAY!

***yfitness ***yinprogress ***ygamestrong ***yworkouts ***ygrowth

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 25/11/2023


I know that the holiday season can be a time of indulgence and overeating.

That's totally okay! It's important to enjoy the special moments with our loved ones and savor the delicious food.

But after all the festivities, you may feel discouraged about your progress towards your b***y-building goals. You don’t want to lose all your progress and hard work, but also want to let go and enjoy the season…

The good news is that it's completely normal to have a few setbacks along the way. The key is to not let them derail your progress.

Instead, use them as opportunities to learn and grow.

Here are a few tips to help you get back on track after Thanksgiving:

Don't beat yourself up over a few extra bites of turkey or stuffing. Everyone indulges sometimes.

Get back to your healthy habits!That means eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It also means getting regular exercise. Even a short walk or jog can make a big difference.

If you're struggling to get back on track, reach out!

Remember, you are strong and capable.

Comment ‘B***Y’ for my 7 Day B***y Building Meal plan!

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Photos from Talia Faramo's post 24/11/2023


Put your thanksgiving leftovers to good use for the following week as b***y building high protein meals!

Comment ‘B***Y’ to get my 7 Day B***y Building Meal Plan.

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Photos from Talia Faramo's post 23/11/2023

Whether you decide to make the swaps on thanksgiving or add these extras post thanksgiving…Have a happy Holiday and happy b***y building!

Comment ‘B***Y’ to get my 7 Day B***y Building Meal Plan.

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Photos from Talia Faramo's post 22/11/2023

Crock pot meals are easy to make and give you 2-3 meals out of it.

Cook these meals, place them in meal prep containers and your done!

Comment ‘B***Y’ to get my 7 Day B***y Building Meal Plan.

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Photos from Talia Faramo's post 20/11/2023

You need to train your glutes every day to see results.

This is what I thought. I couldn’t understand how people did it, when I tried, I was left feeling exhausted.

What I found is that overtraining can actually hinder your progress.

It is important to give your muscles time to rest and recover between workouts. Aim to train your glutes 2-3 times per week.

Need a workout to get you started on your b***y building journey? Comment ‘B***Y’ to steal my 7 Day B***y building Workout!

***yfitness ***yinprogress ***ygamestrong ***yworkouts

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 14/07/2022

First Day of our Summit annual event here in St. Louis and wow!!!!⁣

A few years ago I remember sitting in my office and I peaked over at a previous summit lanyard and it held a little green ribbon on it that said, emerald.⁣

I realized I had been stuck in the same place for so long and I was tired of staying comfortable.⁣

I vowed that next time I went to a summit, I would not be in the same place….⁣

I shifted my mindset from focusing on a title to focusing on my people - and low and behold, I didn’t even realize that I hit a milestone in business higher than before.⁣

This business still continues to amaze me because of the constant proof that you are capable of so much more if you believe.⁣

I share this with you in hopes that it inspires you to go after the things you want more of in life. ⁣

Growth is possible and CAN be possible if you are open to believing in yourself. ⁣

If you’ve ever wondered about this growth process for yourself, I’d love to hear your heart when I get back. 🤗


The more I think about success, the more I realize I’ve been approaching it ALL WRONG. ⁣

Success is NOT just something related to business. Maybe you can relate, but I grew up relating success to money and status. ⁣

If you had a high paying position and got paid big money, you were successful.⁣

As a stay at home mom, I’ve struggled from day one with my worth and purpose because I no longer have a career or income. ⁣

I’m just mom. ⁣

Then coaching came into my life and taught me something HUGE.⁣

What good is any of that if you aren’t happy and thriving in ALL areas?⁣

Relationship with Christ⁣
Your health ⁣
Your marriage⁣
Your children⁣
Your career⁣

It’s the BIG picture of how happy you are in your life that truly defines success, money and status is simply a bonus, not what defines you.
It’s funny what happens when you are out into a position of coaching and guiding others…you end up growing in the process and learning more about who you are and what you are capable of.

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 19/06/2022

To one incredible man who absolutely is in LOVE with being these two boys Daddy! The heart he has for his boys is beyond words. Happy Father’s Day to our Daddy! We love you so much!

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 17/06/2022

How I got a six pack after having ✌🏻 babies 👦🏻👦🏼⁣

This is my 6 step strategy on how I got my six pack to finally show and how I’ve maintained it without spending hours in the gym, strict eating and STILL enjoying things like 🍫!⁣

It’s not necessarily the plan you are doing, but the MINDSET behind it that turns your efforts into results! ⁣

This is exactly what I help my clients achieve inside my 1:1 Mentorship’s and our Positive Shift Community, and we work on a specific framework for you to help you stop sabotaging your efforts and start WINNING!!⁣

If you want to find YOUR HOW, and actually start seeing results (from someone who has been studying wellness since 2014) then send me a DM “MINDSET”. ⁣

Only 5 Spots available NOW for Julys Mentorship and the first 3 save $20 instantly! 🤩🙌🏻


Almost 2 years difference.⁣..
After Baby #2…

Just reflecting on the last 2 years in getting to where I am today.⁣

In the health world, it’s easy to get lost in the meaning of the word consistency. Especially when there are a bajillion quotes on it.⁣

Let’s be real, it’s not glamorous to be consistent. So why should you embrace it? ⁣

It all comes down to 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧…success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do when you 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘶𝘱 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧!⁣

If you want to be successful in anything you do…show up for yourself.⁣

Even Christ wants you to show up for yourself! Day in and Day out…making promises to yourselves that you don’t break! Trying, then failing, then getting up the next day and trying again. ⁣

When you do that, you tell your brain you are COACHABLE. Willing to learn.⁣

If your main focus is on showing up for yourself, you’ll create consistency without overthinking it.

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 08/06/2022

I remember going to off to college knowing how to cook 2 things.⁣

Eggs and Mac and cheese.⁣

I remember after my parents left, thinking…whoa, I have to do things for myself now…laundry won’t be done for me, meals won’t be cooked, I have to figure it out.⁣

Looking back I felt unequipped to feed myself, and eating out was my default setting.⁣

The problem was that my body didn’t respond too well to that for very long. I was constantly battling fatigue and bathroom issues. ⁣

Now that I’ve discovered what it means to be healthy and take care of myself, I promised that my children would not leave this home without the knowledge of how to feed themselves well. I never want them to feel the fear of not “knowing” why you don’t feel good everyday.⁣

If you feed yourself well, you feel well, and if you feel well, you show up at your best in everything!⁣


Feeling your best, means you LIVE your best. ⁣

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 23/05/2022

This weekend was a FAILURE weekend.⁣

And I don’t mean that in a negative sense. ⁣
Both kids have been sick, especially our youngest, Gio.⁣

We haven’t slept in 3 days.⁣
There’s constant whiny and crying⁣
An almost 5 year old teenager who doesn’t want to listen…⁣
And no time for ourselves because..well, very sick toddler.⁣
Lots of yelling on my part⁣
Super impatient.⁣
Pi**ed off that I’m off my schedule.⁣

I basically failed at being the mother I wanted to be, be the wife I wanted to be, failed at being patient with my sick child and my older child who is still learning.⁣

But this isn’t negative. This showed me how the hard days are the BEST GROWTH days. The days where you get better and learn what NOT to do and how to better react, the days where you BECOME a better person. ⁣

If you CHOOSE to see it that way.⁣
Grateful for these hard days, because they make me better.

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 13/05/2022


“You may not be at that goal body yet, but I promise you with every workout, you are one step closer, so keep going”⁣

When I heard my trainer say that I almost fell off the bench I was using. ⁣

Todays workout was from a program that I started almost 8 years ago. I was sick of feeling and looking the way I was. I knew if I wanted to feel more confident in my own skin, I could do it…⁣

So why was it not happening for me? ⁣

I had to do a serious gut check and really look at my everyday actions, because if you want something in your future, you have to begin by looking at your day to day actions.⁣

Mine were based on how I felt and what was going on that day in my life. Did I want to feel and look incredible to my own eyes? Of course…but my actions were saying I wasn’t willing to work for it…I wasn’t willing to get uncomfortable.⁣

Curiosity thankfully got the best of me and said, “what IF you did fully commit despite everything around you happening? What Would you feel like? Look like? Act like? 🤔⁣

I HAD to know!! ⁣

When I would not feel like pressing play and I’d here my trainer say, “you may not be there yet…keep going…”. It felt so far away. ⁣

But I did know that if I didn’t just keep pushing through…EVEN if it meant I didn’t see or feel results for awhile, I just had to trust the process.⁣

Since that day…I’ve kept that belief close to my heart…and when I kept catching my body in the mirror this morning, I FINALLY understood what consistency truly meant.⁣

8 years of consistency brought me here! Feeling incredible in so many ways!! Ways I thought I would never get to feel.⁣

Funny, I’m not exactly where I want to be yet, BUT I’m hopelessly in love with this journey of growth and love for my body and designing my life…starting with my everyday wellness.⁣

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 11/05/2022

Vacations say it best right?

So much of this culture is about how we look in a suit. It’s all about s*x appeal.

I understand. I also want to feel confident and s*xy in a suit.

Never in a million years, even being the skinny girl did I think that after having two children that I would be sporting the body that I have.

And let me clarify. No, not a skinny ripped body. Not a body with a huge b***y, super tan, not a perfectly flat six pack ab stomach, fake b***s. Not a body that is worthy of society standards.

Nah…a body that I’m so impressed with. A STRONG as heck body!! One that if given half the chance, will completely transform. One that I feel so comfortable in and confident in. One that I’m proud of, despite what society says.

Are there still some things I wish I had a bit more of 🍑🍑, yeah but that doesn’t mean I’m ashamed. I’m still so proud and grateful.

There is a difference between working for looking s*xy versus working to feel s*xy!

If you end up working towards feeling good, the “looks” part will automatically follow. Once that happens, you won’t really care how you look because you FEEL Incredible from the inside.

My MAYD for More mentorship currently has 3 more spots available for the women ready to invest in themselves and experience what feeling amazing in their skin truly feels like.

LINK in my stories or if your reading this late, click to find in my BIO.

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 11/05/2022

It’s a different MINDSET.⁣

Charlie and I both needed this vacation, but found even though we both wanted to simply relax, we actually had to let go and do so.⁣

When you are constantly going in life, sometimes it’s hard to know how to slow down.⁣

Funny thing is, slowing down, resting and taking time to reflect is just as productive as the hustle and grind.⁣

I read somewhere that sometimes you have to slow down to speed up. Just like you have to rest in order to recover so you can keep going.⁣

In short: if you want to sustainably keep moving, it’s important to have rest, recovery and reflection.⁣

So much accomplished already in our DAY 1 vacay and wow we are so impressed with


For whoever needs to hear this:⁣

You have NOTHING to prove to anyone.⁣
You are already incredible.⁣

You ARE an incredible wife.
You ARE an incredible mother.⁣
You ARE an incredible person.⁣

Is there always room for getting better, absolutely.⁣
Don’t place so much pressure on yourself to prove to others how incredible you already are because here’s why…⁣

You cannot please everyone and others will let you down, and when you try to please others, your joy in life, fades. ⁣

Here’s what you can do:⁣
Focus on ✌🏻 things. ⁣

▪️your efforts⁣
▪️your attitude⁣

Those are things you can control. Once you release all other expectations and let God take care of the rest…oh the FREEDOM is sweet! ⁣

Take from a who was always looking to prove her worth! ❤️😉⁣


I just realized today that I’m living out one of my biggest goals and dreams!!!⁣

Before I had kids, I would cry thinking about becoming a mom. Not because I didn’t want to, in fact it was the opposite! I was so excited to be a mother, But I was so afraid of letting my kids down.⁣

The biggest fear that rang true everyday when I would wake up…was, “How am I going to take care of kids when I can’t even take care of myself?”⁣

Without writing a novel, my health debilitated my thought life, my work life, my married life and my everyday simple life. I was a prisoner to my own body, and I had no Idea how to free myself.⁣

I knew from there, I wanted better for them…I need to help myself so they never had to go through what I was going through.⁣

When you find answers, it’s amazing how you will do whatever it takes to keep going! ⁣

When Beachbody’s coaching opportunity showed up in my life, I didn’t think it was going to quite literally shift my entire life, I didn’t think it was going to turn my fears into confidence! ⁣

Today, I’m living my dream of teaching my children one of the greatest things you can learn in this life. How to take care of their health! ⁣

And the cherry on top? I’m HERE, WITH them! Healthy and strong inside and out 🥲⁣

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 22/03/2022

It takes TIME..to build a better version of you.⁣

Even after eight years of consistency in my health, In my workout today, I realized how much I still need this reminder.⁣

My trainer said, just because you workout and eat right doesn’t make you fit and healthy for life! If you want it to stay, you have to constantly work at it.⁣

Even AFTER the mess ups, the failures, those are the BEST opportunities to learn and grow! There are days I STILL screw up…yesterday was DAY 1 of my new GUT health journey and I dropped the ball big time 🤪.⁣

Don’t ever let setbacks steal your joy and motivation. Embrace them and realize they are tutorials on how to be better, and you will be unstoppable!

Photos from Talia Faramo's post 17/03/2022

Something was off…⁣

8 years ago, I knew something was wrong but I had no idea where to begin. So I went to a Dr.⁣

Appointment after appointment.⁣
Medication after medication.⁣

I was told the words, “we don’t know what’s wrong with you..”⁣

Then I found answers and things began to change and hope was restored.⁣

Since then, I’ve brought to babies to this world, had to navigate some of the toughest seasons of my life and because of those seasons, I’ve been neglecting the one thing I know is the most important.⁣


It’s become about convenience and what “feels” good because motherhood has a way of draining you quickly.⁣

I know today on social media, so much of what we share is the good things, the wins, the results! Which of course is good! Celebrate more!⁣

But I also believe with all my being, that the journey is the REAL success!! How you show up everyday THROUGH your adversity and being completely transparent with yourself and those around you so that we all find hope for ourselves in our own journeys! ⁣

For the first time, I was actually highly embarrassed to even show Charlie these photos, much less share on social media…BUT It’s not about me.⁣

It’s about showing YOU, that if we ALL struggle and all have to go back to DAY 1, go back to starting over, go back to being a student.⁣

Beyond grateful for this new Gut Protocol program that I’ll be following with my girls for the next four weeks⁣. Cheers to DAY 1 and relearning how to take care of my gut health and getting better everyday!

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