Kendra Till Pilates

Kendra Till Pilates

Polestar Pilates mentor in training


Anyone else stuck in a lockdown rut? 🙋🏼‍♀️

To help shake it, I’m offering a free mat Pilates class on Zoom this Wednesday at 7am (Australian time). DM your email address if you’d like to join 🤗

Timeline photos 02/08/2021

Inspired by my dear friend’s post. Please go check out her page and enquire if you’re interested in sessions.

This quote really speaks to me. Almost 9 years ago I was struck down with Guillian Barre Syndrome. GBS is an auto-immune disease that attacks your nervous system. I was completely paralysed and need life support for four weeks. I had a very severe case. Many times during that battle I truly felt that I was fighting for my life. I also realise that this challenge helped me find my strength... physical, mental and emotional.
My "adventure" has taught me many things not least, how to relate to people with chronic medical conditions. I understand what it is like to lose your independence and the frustration of a failing body. This is why it is so important to set meaningful, achievable goals with my patients... and then help them find the pathway to achieve them.
