Terssa welsh Medium

Terssa welsh Medium

Psychic & spirit Medium also Reiki and spiritual Healer. psychic and spirit medium,spiritual and psychic counselor using my abilities to help you overcome

My Name is Terssa and I am a psychic/spirit medium,
I have been aware of spirit for many years and even as a child I knew there was something there and always felt part of a bigger of things and knew there was a deeper meaning to why we are here on earth. My grandmother was a medium and was a very beautiful soul who inspires me still to this day and always will do. She taught me to love with an ho

Timeline photos 16/05/2017

Please share,Tag,Like or comment on my card of the day and everytime that you do you will be entered into a draw to win a free card reading at the end of the month, to purchase a reading please contact me Terssa Welsh Medium

This card is all about you taking the time to give your mind some rest... knowing that the road you are walking is
the one you need to be on, there are things in your life that are changing for you..but all the time that you are over thinking the what ifs and the whens things going to happen your poor mind doesnt get chance to rest and enjoy what is actually happening to you.. take some time today to just appreciate where you are.. what you have achieved,enjoy this time, it will help you to regain focus, also allow your mind some rest... so that once you forget the what ifs.. the gonna happens will happen :)xx Terssa Welsh Medium

Timeline photos 15/05/2017

Please share,Tag,Like or comment on my card of the day and every time that you do you will be entered into a draw to win a free card reading at the end of the month, to purchase a reading please contact me Terssa Welsh Medium

This card is about getting what you want. its about situations that are a struggle and can represent a battle or war but an eventual hardwon victory over enemies or negative thoughts obstacles, nature, and more so the uncertainties you are carrying inside you.
The driver wears emblems of the sun, but the sign behind this card is Cancer, the moon and the chariot card is all about moving and motion The chariot is all about motion but it is shown here as being stationary so what does this mean for you
It means pulling together all the opposites, like the black and white steeds you see in the card, they are pulling in different directions, but they can and must be made to go together in the same direction, and this is the message for you from this card the most important message of the Chariot.
if you remove the driver form the chariot, the chariot from the horses, the horses from each other and from the driver, nothing will get done, they all do their own thing but if you Put them all together, and working all together combined with the same outlook and focus and goal, and there will be no stopping them!
Confidence is needed as well as a focus on same goal also control is needed, and the most important motivation. Its time for your renewed motivation and inspiration which is going to get this stagnant situation moving again, and there is also a trip via car also connected to moving things forward
The Chariot Like Cancer, the crab, it is about being armoured, reliable and in command, when On the battlefield a chariot fights alone as we see in the movies for those of us that watch those golden oldies :) like me! not with other troops but the chariot is a symbol of unified parts all coming together, and if any part is missing from the chariot, horses, driver it cannot go so while you are focused remember you need all the areas and parts of your journey to be as one to move things forward
The crab will move from water to land and back again and the Chariot does the same with thoughts from conscious and unconscious, earthly to spiritual. Also the same as the chariots, crabs come upon eachother from the side not straight on.
There is a tricky piece to the Chariot for it seems to travel in a straight direction line and perception sometimes can make this seem that this is how it functions but perception can be wrong!
The Chariot is the card of contradictions Its about sidewise battles but it is very much also about foot to the floor full speed ahead. It about the hard but also soft interior, the light and dark, the water but also the shore the sun and the moon. It has the Sphinx which is also a symbol of Cancer, the lion and the man all together the Chariot says all these can be united.
This card is all about that right now you are dealing with a lot of contradictions in your life, there are people who have caused rifts and arguments on a professional level and lots of different emotions and feelings that you are dealing with but you must now be like the driver of the chariot bring everything together focus on the goal and not let any of these stop you. you need to be confident, have faith and trust believe in yourself, you will help others put their differences aside and lead, you need to overcome these feelings of doubt and uncertainties because you are about to achieve your victory, you must have faith that nothing can stand in your way! while sometimes you lose your faith and doubt or self belief and think that you will not get to the goal, just like the chariot it has to have everything all working together, to achieve what it needs to... the driver the horses etc.. now is your time to renew your faith, pull everything together and drive towards the victory, you will have success, allow your chariot to become affected by lack of confidence and all of those negative impacts and you will not be able to bring everything together to make it drive you forward.. so use that confidence renew your faith today and get that chariot moving have a great day Terssa Welsh Medium # # #


Hi all just to let you know I am back doing online readings and readings from the 22nd may thank you # # #

Timeline photos 10/05/2017

Please share,Tag,Like or comment on my card of the day and everytime that you do you will be entered into a draw to win a free card reading at the end of the month, to purchase a reading please contact me Terssa Welsh Medium


Today's card is the shadow.. this is a choice between the light or dark, the good or bad, the old habits or focusing on the new ones, we all have choices that we are presented with. our lives can be going great one minute and then we allow our shadow our inner demons in you want to call them that to creep in and change our whole being, we act without care we act without thought and that which has been created around us, we allow to be affected. we start allowing old habits back again, and because something is not going as we wish it to at that time we then let the negative side of us fester through... then we feel as if we are constantly fighting within, we dont feel that peace and we cannot see past our own thought process.
Today's card is about not letting this happen, you can choose to allow your negative reactions to take over, and you can choose to allow that dark shadow to affect you.. but in doing so you lose sight of all that is good around you, all the positive things around you, and you shut off opportunities and times in doing so. Today pay attention to your reflection... if you choose to let a dark shadow be cast and treat others in the same way.. you will never break that cycle.. you will push away all that is good within your life... pay attention to the good, and the good people in your life! bit of a deep card today... xx Terssa Welsh Medium

Timeline photos 09/05/2017

please share my card of the day with your friends and family
everyone who does will be entered into a draw to win a free card reading at the end of the month Terssa Welsh Medium

CARD OF THE DAY - Moving on
This card is about leaving the past behind and reminds you that there are somewhat calmer waters ahead. you are now entering into a new period of illumination, signifying the “light at the end of the tunnel” we often hope for.
you can walk forward letting go of fear,you have just been through a time where you felt lost and could not see the way out... this card is giving you the light at the end of the tunnel have a great day and embrace the future # # # Terssa welsh medium

Timeline photos 08/05/2017

Please share,Tag,Like or comment on my card of the day and everytime that you do you will be entered into a draw to win a free card reading at the end of the month, to purchase a reading please contact me Terssa Welsh medium


Todays card is all about that sometimes it can be difficult to hear truth about ourselves or our situations and everyone within their lives at somepoint will have this given to them, it can be hard to hear and it can be hard to take, but when it is said to someone out of love and by someone who we have a care and share a love with it is only said because it is honest, you then need to listen to it and be honest with yourself because sometimes this is what is required, in listening and then being honest with yourself over what has been said and knowing that its the truth you will be able to change things quicker, feel more at peace and know that it is said from a place of love.

Today also this card is about being honest with a family member, I keep seeing that there are words to be said and words to be spoken, say them, and also see your part and if you have done anything wrong correct it, this is such a positive card but to some of you it may feel negative the truth is it really isnt, you are given only that which is true and if it is given by someone of love then it can only be truth.
correct and heal by being honest with you and share and communication with a family member around you today what you need to. have a beautiful day # # # Terssa Welsh Medium

Timeline photos 05/05/2017

Please share,Tag,Like or comment on my card of the day and everytime that you do you will be entered into a draw to win a free card reading at the end of the month, to purchase a reading please contact me Terssa Welsh Medium

Card of the day - The Moon

The Universe is sending you messages right now about the perfect next step to take. Listen to the guidance you receive in the form of help, intuition, synchronistic events, symbols, and sleeping dreams. Be alert for people or situations that may not be quite what they seem. Give yourself a reading, or speak to a professional or friend who is also psychic. Embrace the loving information you receive . . . it is Divinely inspired!
Worry is unnecessary and will only slow down your progress. There’s no need to be afraid. Let go of fear. If any part of your life no longer feels right, then trust your intuition and make the necessary changes.
Our fairy plays a stringed instrument under the light of a crescent moon. Her reflection in the water, however, shows her playing a different instrument, indicating that under the moon, things are not always what they appear to be.
Additional meanings of this card: Psychic awareness. Seeing what you didn’t see before. No longer being afraid. Becoming a professional intuitive or reader. Hidden information. The power of your sleeping dreams.

Terssa mediums message- It is time to let go of worry, you cannot see the outcome and are in the thick of things right now, and you feel as if things may go wrong , you are creating fear and unable to think or see clearly, let go of the fear and know that sometimes we think things are going wrong when infact they are going right, sometimes all is not what it seems, and only by going through what we are experiencing are we able to see the truth once it has happened. fears, worries and anxieties are magnified by our own thoughts not actually what is happening and we create things to be far worse, know that everything is going to be great and you will see that when you come through this phase that your worries and fears were not real, they just appeared that way, let go of that worry, let go of that fear and stay on track you are learning and gaining so much right now and this time your going through... this to shall pass # # # Terssa Welsh Medium

Timeline photos 04/05/2017

Please share,Tag,Like or comment on my card of the day and everytime that you do you will be entered into a draw to win a free card reading at the end of the month, to purchase a reading please contact me Terssa Welsh Medium

Card of the day - Visualize success
Today's card is all about you helping yourself with your thought process, we all go through moments of not believing and we all experience within our life times of losing confidence, or feeling that we are failing, we allow these thoughts to take over lifes and then they prevent us from doing what we so want to do. This card is a reminder that your spirit guides, angels, loved ones family and friends all believe in you. Its time to help spirit help you, you need to focus on seeing yourself doing well in the situation you are in and having faith in a positive outcome, help them with your thought process, because as much as they support you and help you, you to have to help them by raising your energies and your outlook, positive thoughts and having the absolute faith will help assist spirit to help you. visualize your success and see yourself in a positive light today... and your outcome will be a positive one. have agreat day Terssa Welsh Medium


**There will be no readings done this week I will be back doing them next week thank you ** # # #

Timeline photos 02/05/2017

Please share,Tag,Like or comment on my card of the day and everytime that you do you will be entered into a draw to win a free card reading at the end of the month, to purchase a read please contact me Terssa Welsh Medium

Card of the day today is problems resolved
There has been so much going on around you and there has been one thing after another, not everything going according to what you would like it, but this card is a sign today that everything is starting to take shape and improve. Problems are being sorted out and the resolved, pay attention to detail to avoid other things cropping up, but the clouds are clearing some today and things are starting to take a turn for the better.
have a great day # # # Terssa Welsh Medium

Timeline photos 28/04/2017

Please share my card of the day with your friends and family, also add them to my friends everyone who does will be entered into a draw to win a card reading at the end of the month Thank you Terssa Welsh Medium


Today you need to start focusing on using the power that helps you,
start focusing on the positives, when you focus on this is not going to happen or I can never do that it literally wont! you stop it because of your thought pattern, today shake your leg feel that power and get manifesting! if you have others around you that bring to you a gift this is a power that is pure, stay focused determined and cut off anything negative about thinking you cannot achieve what you want... start today by trusting, focusing and believing! have a great weekend # # # Terssa Welsh medium

Timeline photos 27/04/2017
Timeline photos 27/04/2017

Please share,Tag,Like or comment on my card of the day and everytime that you do you will be entered into a draw to win a free card reading at the end of the month, to purchase a reading please contact me Terssa Welsh Medium

Today's card of the day is all shaking off that negative energy, letting go of the negative and focusing on a new positive direction, its also about clearing out the old and in with the new, looking after your body and helping yourself not to feel so sluggish, I feel with this card its all about doing one thing at a time and not focusing on doing so many changes at once, when you focus on doing everything in one go you cant give all the individual areas your attention so one step at a time one change at a time.
your going through a clearing today, around the home, cleaning, sorting through things out with the old in with the new, work areas, looking at if you want to stay where you are or making a move out, today is all about that clearing and detoxification, keeping the positive in and clearing out the negative aspects of your life today will help you feel a lot better! Take some time to some thinking and then make it happen! have a great day love Terssa xx


please see below the readings I offer below,
as long as they are paid for by 12.30pm uk time
and between Monday and Thursday.
(Any paid for during friday to sunday will be done on the monday)

1 question reading. - £10 $17
2 question readings - £15 $25
3 question reading - £20 $34
4 question reading - £25 $42
please note that I cannot answer questions on death, inbox me your questions along with if you would like your reading recorded and sent via whats app or via email or facebook messenger.

£15.00 $25
All I need is a recent photo of you sent to my Face book, or I can concentrate on your profile photo and will do your reading and send back face book personal message or email.
All payments can be made via PayPal inbox me for details
or via bank transfer to myself thank you xx

Timeline photos 26/04/2017

Please share my card of the day with your friends and family, also add them to my friends everyone who does will be entered into a draw to win a card reading at the end of the month Thank you Terssa Welsh Medium

Today is all about communication being needed with others around you, those that you hold close,sometimes our closest to us may not be connected by blood line but by the heart and soul an this makes them your family to. If there has been healing needed in relationships with others today this card is saying that its time to take those steps, take the light forward and clear away the darkness from any energy that has built up through mis-communication or Arguements and instead of worrying who is wrong or right, be brave enough to step forward and clear it away.

Those you hold close will know you love and care for them, and this card today is about that remaining strong, sometimes it is those we hold closest that we take for granted will always be there, so its important to also express, validate and appreciate those people, sometimes we can so easily forget to do this, big hug to my closest today! have a beautiful day all lots of love Terssa Welsh medium

Timeline photos 25/04/2017

Please share my card of the day with your friends and family, and everytime that you do you will be entered into a draw to win a free card reading at the end of the month, to purchase a reading please contact me Terssa Welsh Medium

Todays card is all about relationships and work, when we have firm foundations we are able to move forward knowing that what we have cemented and laid will remain strong, foundations are important build them strong and you never have to worry about them crumbling... sort of reminds me of the story of the man who built his house on the sand... so its important to look at 2 areas today,

Relationships - This is your relationships with those you hold very close to you make the foundations strong clear up anything that needs clearing, express your care and love,those that are strong will stand with you through the good and the bad times not just the happy times, this is how you know your foundations are strong... dont let them crumble keep the foundations clean, bright and add the cement throughout the relationship keep making them stronger, your foundations are strong with those who withstand, rain, sun, wind or gales.

Work- changes is the word here, changes to your work, everything you are working on right now is laying the foundations for something bigger, and better, and it can be a scary time but also a fulfilling time, things take time, building a house or building takes time as does change but today there is a big leap forward, and you are securing your future, with solid foundations as your apply yourself to doing what is needed

Have a lovely day # # # Terssa Welsh Medium

Timeline photos 24/04/2017

Please share,Tag,Like or comment on my card of the day and everytime that you do you will be entered into a draw to win a free card reading at the end of the month, to purchase a reading please contact me Terssa Welsh Medium


Todays card is a reminder, a reminder about the lessons we are learning and also things that re- present themselves to us, you will see a certain pattern in your life over and over again and until you learn, release and then heal from this you will see this pattern go over and over again in your life, this is also brought to this lifetime from a past lifetime and it is important that during this lifetime you learn, release and heal it. Many do not recognize these things as they present themselves over and over,if you are blessed enough to have help, and recognize these lessons then take some time to give thanks today. if you are going through a difficult time in your life and it feels the same thing keeps happening over and over, take the time today to sit and look back a little and see the pattern see what is being presented to you from childhood up and then take the time to start working on what is needed, nothing goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.. so its important to recognize it, you may need some emotional healing you may need to learn to love you, you may need to learn to believe in you, you may need to learn to forgive, or accept things about you that you may have not seen before, all of thesae things are lesson for you to progress, and if you dont learn from them they will continue to present themselves until you do, so take that time and if you have help in your life give thanks today, release, learn and heal from your past so that your present is peaceful have a great day xx Terssa Welsh medium

Timeline photos 21/04/2017

Please share my card of the day with your friends and family, also add them to my friends everyone who does will be entered into a draw to win a card reading at the end of the month Thank you Terssa Welsh Medium


Have you ever noticed how some people seem to have all the luck? Do you wonder if there’s some secret or magic formula? The force that works through your soul, determining what’s possible or impossible, the difference between success over failure, and above all who we are is the power of your belief.

Some people believe in a higher power than themselves. There are some who believe in love and abundance, while others sadly believe they’re alone and believe they're just meant to survive. Some just walk aimlessly upon this planet, accepting whatever comes their way. It’s not about luck. It’s about how and why you’re attracting such conditions in your life. By consciously believing and knowing that spirit is running through you here and now, and that you’re meant to live a happy abundant life, you’ll experience your life the way you were meant to live it – as a soul. Today's card represents a message of beginnings, prosperity, wealth, and new business which could soon be in the palm of your hand. It may result from your hard work, past efforts, and investments; or it could show up unexpectedly. It may even be presented as a gift. With careful and diligent planning, recent endeavors and moneymaking ideas show great possibilities and promises of monetary gains, as well as other abundance in your life.

This is a time to focus on the most beneficial outcome. Expect the best and envision that project or new job having a successful result. Feel it, see it, and, most important, believe it! When you focus on abundance and the positive aspects of the material world and offer gratitude prosperity in all forms will flow even more freely have a great day all # # # Terssa.

Timeline photos 20/04/2017

Please share,Tag,Like or comment on my card of the day and everytime that you do you will be entered into a draw to win a free card reading at the end of the month, to purchase a reading please contact me Terssa Welsh Medium

Card of the day- Conflict and defeat
Today be cautious about how you handle yourself, as its vital that you look after your overall well being, this card is all about mental challenges and battles or situations that are going on around you. you will feel as if you have been defeated, however this is not the case, dont act from emotion at the moment, or take action because you could take action due to a lack of sensitivity or in response to conditions or situations around you. There is a need for sensitivity at the moment, you are feeling defeated, however if you look at the card it is you that is choosing to walk down the stair case and away from the light, so it is only a temporary emotion to a situation that you are going through right now, the battle can be won, but its important to think of both parties with the pain and cost. Sometimes you need to just allow some time to pass, dont act or seek revenge or assign blame, for that just becomes part of you and brings you negative energy! give it time and then walk back to the light up the staircase but for now let your own emotions settle.
Have a good day lots of love terssa xx

Timeline photos 18/04/2017

Please share my card of the day with your friends and family, also add them to my friends everyone who does will be entered into a draw to win a card reading at the end of the month Thank you Terssa Welsh Medium

This card is all about everything being shown to you, at times it takes a wake up call to get your attention an show you have far you have come and are going, this card comes forth to do just that. Evaluation of the past along with the lessons you have learnt an still need to understand, must now be top priority so that you can fully understand, heal an move forward with balance. The truth card reminds you that a significant change is coming for your life following on from other changes around you.. however you must not make any hasty decisions, take your time for on occasions how we feel in a temporary situation without allowing things to clear can lead to wrong decisions an choices. All must be weighed up an evaluated with the most careful and wise judgement. what ever steps you take now will have far reaching consequences more than you will ever now. using the powers of the universe, and blending them with a little physical world will assist you in bringing about clarity. what was once not understood and not obvious is about to be realized and fully understood. Be honest with yourself an have trust to see the truth. have a great day # # #

Timeline photos 18/04/2017

Please know that if you ever feel alone, or that your at the point in life where you feel you cannot go on, you are never alone, and you have within you something beautiful, a soul, you are worth carrying on forward in life, dont give in or up, sometimes we cannot see just how many steps we are away from a change in circumstances, change in our thoughts, dont stop taking the steps because it just could be that one more you need to take, when your feeling like giving up that could completely change your whole life! you are not alone Terssa Welsh Medium # # #


I have spaces for 2 same day online readings via whats app or email to your perdonal fb messenget
first come first served £20 reading!
All I need is a recent photo of you, this reading is a spirit reading and full card reading, payment via paypal to [email protected] or via bank transfer.
your reading will be done and recorded and sent to your whats app.
I only have spaces for 2 tomorrow due to the time and energy it takes. first come first served, Inbox to order, payment secures.
have a great tuesday! xx

Timeline photos 18/04/2017

Please share my card of the day with your friends and family, also add them to my friends everyone who does will be entered into a draw to win a card reading at the end of the month Thank you Terssa Welsh Medium

Todays card is all you being given the opportunity to move forward, you have known for some time and have been given signs that things around you are changing, if you have not taken notice of this, then you need to ensure you pay attention to decisions and where you want to head right now the sooner the better, things are moving quickly for you and this card is a reminder that you will be guided going forward and that everything is happen at the right time as it should be... but you must ensure that you pay attention to the information you are receiving... if you have paid attention and listened you will see that good times are on the way.. and you are ready! have a great day xx Terssa

Timeline photos 14/04/2017

Please share my card of the day with your friends and family, also add them to my friends everyone who does will be entered into a draw to win a card reading at the end of the month Thank you Terssa Welsh Medium


Today's card is all about waiting and sacrifice..
This card today is all about you giving up the idea that you cannot have what you truly want, that you have to be prepared to go against those thoughts within your mind that tell you that the reality in which you find yourself is a true reality.. no understand you can have everything you want and that is there for you, but you must be prepared to sacrifice that within you that tells you no it is not possible.
we all have a universal bank.. one that will allow us to have that which we ask for.. but we must first accept that we are worth it, we want it, and then we must let go of the reality of thinking it will not happen... how can you allow something to happen if you have that part within your mind that keeps you thinking it wont..

wake up! have the patients to allow yourself to see beyond what you think is a reality.. accept that you are worth what you truly wish for and want to happen.. what has been given to you for you to have.. and then let go of thinking it wont happen.. let go of your so called reality... and embrace and enjoy what is to follow.
have a great day # # # Terssa
