Mirror Word Foundation

Mirror Word Foundation

For the Mirror Study Bible in print, Kindle or App, please visit mirrorword.net If you would like to help, please consider making a donation.

The initial objective of the Foundation is to provide Francois & Lydia Du Toit with the financial and organizational support needed to complete the New Testament paraphrase of the Mirror Bible.


Updated these most important verses yesterday! 🤩

2 Corinthians 2:14 I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Wherever my travels take me I am so aware that God always leads us as trophies in his 1triumphant victory parade. 2What he knows to be true about us 3in Christ, is apparent wherever we go; this unveiling 4diffuses through us, like a perfume of sweet aroma.

([1] Our word, triumphant stems from the word, θριαμβευοντι thriambeuonti from thriambos [Latin triumphus, a hymn sung in festal processions to Bacchus; to denote the Roman 'triumph,' celebrated by victorious generals on their return from their campaigns.
[2] The words, τῆς γνώσεως αὐτου ἐν τῷ Χριστω 2tēs gnōseōs autou en tō christō, translate, the knowledge belonging to him - what he knows about us is in Christ, is the source of the fragrance! NOT OUR knowledge of God! Most interpretations have this wrong! Our ‘knowledge of God’ or ‘theology’ is where all the confusion comes from!
[3] Two of the most important words in the Bible are, ‘in Christ’. This declaration of mankind’s union in Christ is the key that unlocks the mystery of the mirror-message; it is not possible to understand the Bible or redemption in any other light.
Of God’s doing are you in Christ! 1 Corinthians 1:30. In the mind of God you have always been known in Christ! Ephesians 1:4. Some people are not more in Christ than others - most people just don’t know it yet! John 14:20; Colossians 1:27.
[4] In ancient triumphs, an abundance of incense bearers dispensed perfumes and laurel wreaths were worn as accolades, with garlands of sweet smelling flowers scattered on the streets. ‘We are permeating the world as a cloud of frankincense!’ [Stanley].
In the word ὀσμή 2osmḗ we recognize the word, osmosis, ie. the movement of water in the soil into the roots of a plant. Until that which is present in the source is equally present in the recipient. The compatibility and capacity of human life is celebrated in the incarnation, redeemed in the image and likeness of Elohim.)

2 Corinthians 2:15 Because we are a 1sweet savor of Christ unto God, we are affecting everyone we meet. The fragrance of Christ 2announces salvation, and declares the 3undoing of the pseudo structures of bo***ge.

([1] The word euōdia, is an old word from eu, well, and ozō, to smell.
[2] This parade of victory [σωζομενοις sōtzomenois - being rescued] is a public announcement of the defeat of the religious systems and structures based on the law of works. Just like it is in any public game where the victory celebration of the winning team is an embarrassment for the losing team. The death of evil is announced in resurrection life. See Colossians 2:14 & 15.
[3] τοῖς ἀπολλυμένοις tois apollumenois, those things which are loosened; from 3apollumi, derived from apo, away from, and luō, to loosen, to undo, to dissolve.
See 2 Corinthians 10:4 The dynamic of our strategy is revealed in God’s ability to disengage mindsets and perceptions that have held people captive in pseudo fortresses for centuries.
2 Corinthians10:5 Every lofty idea and argument positioned against God’s knowledge of us, is cast down and exposed to be a mere invention of our own imagination. We 1arrest every thought at spear point - anything that could possibly trigger an opposing threat to our redeemed identity and innocence is taken captive. The caliber of our weapon is empowered by the revelation of the ultimate consequence of the obedience of Christ. [Also 1 John 3:8,9.)

2 Corinthians 2:16 This is the conclusion and essence of the fragrance of this message: 1out of [his] death the claim of death has lost its hold! [His death is our death] And 1out of [his] life, [our] life is sourced! [His resurrection life is our life] This is indeed 2the face to face 3competence of the fragrance we diffuse.

([1] The Prepositions in both these sentences are ek, out of [source] and eis unto; conclusion.
[2] Then the Preposition pros, face to face.
[3] The word ἱκανός hikanos means competence - it is repeated twice, a few verses later, in the next chapter. See 2 Corinthians 3:4,5.
See Also, 2 Corinthians 5:14-16.

2 Corinthians 2:17 We are not competing with those who have added their 1price tag to the gospel. Our conversation has its source in Christ; we communicate from the transparent innocence of a face to face encounter with God.
(The law of personal performance or 1kapeleuō, meaning retail, which I translated here as a gospel with a price tag.)

Will be in latest App update to be released VERY soon! Along with 16 chapters of Acts 💥 app.mirrorword.net


Take courage from these thoughts:
Its wonderful to abandon to Papa's delight and be drawn into that wide open space; its an eternal romance of exploring the dimensions of his love that surpasses knowledge!
Phil 1:9 It is my desire for each one of you, that the realization of love’s completeness in you will increasingly burst through all boundaries, and that every sphere of your relationship with others will be greatly impacted by your intimate acquaintance with love. (The word for love, agape, is a compound word from ago, which means to lead as a shepherd leads his sheep, and pao, which means rest! His love leads me into his rest; into the full realization of his finished work! Agape is Psalm 23 in one word. “By the waters of reflection my soul remembers who I am.”)

Phil 1:10 I urge you to examine this agape-love with the utmost scrutiny, just like when a diamond is viewed in the full sunlight to prove its flawless perfection. I dare you to take love to its ultimate conclusion! There is no offense in love, as evidenced in Jesus Christ who is the light of day. (If the diamond is flawless to begin with, every possible test will prove its perfection; how someone might respond to love’s initiative is not the point, love’s ultimate test was concluded on the cross. Truth does not become true by popular vote; someone’s ignorance or indifference cannot change the truth.)

Phil 1:11 You have been fully furnished with the harvest of your redeemed innocence and righteousness which Jesus Christ labored for! This is what the glorious intent of God is all about! Celebrate him!

Phil 2:12 Considering this amazing outcome of what our faith sees and celebrates I strongly urge you my darling friends to continue to have your 1ears tuned to that which inspires your conduct to give full expression to the detail of your own salvation in a most personal and practical way. See salvation in its earth shattering awesome and ultimate conclusion. I know that my personal presence encourages you greatly but now I want you to realize an inspiration in my absence that supersedes anything you’ve known before. This would mean that even if you were never to see my face again or receive another Epistle from me, it will make no difference at all to your faith! (The success of Paul’s ministry was not to enslave people to him but to his gospel! He knew that he would be more present in his message than in his person! Ministry success is not measured by how many partners you can congregate, but how absent you can preach yourself! The word often translated, obedience, is the word 1upoakoo, to be under the inspired influence of what you hear.)

Phil 2:13 Discover God himself as your inexhaustible inner source; he ignites you with both the desire and energy that matches his own delight!

Phil 2:14 Your entire life is a poem; any undercurrent murmuring or argumentative debating would be completely out of place! Do not let such issues disrupt the rhythm of your conversation.

Phil 2:15 Your flawless innocence radiates attraction as beacons of light in the midst of a people who have forgotten their true sonship and whose lives have become distorted and perverse. (In this verse Paul quotes Deut 32:5 from the Greek Septuagint translation of the Hebrew text, with reference to Deut 32:4,5 &18. In context God’s perfect workmanship as Father of mankind is forgotten; people have become “crooked and perverse” twisted and distorted out of their true pattern of sonship. Deut 32:18 says, you have forgotten the Rock that begot you and have gotten out of step with the God who 1danced with you! Hebrew, 1khul or kheel.)

Phil 2:16 Your lives echo-exhibit the logic of the message of life. You are positioned like the stars in the night sky, superimposed and radiating light, which shining pierces the darkness. Thus you confirm the day of the Lord and complete my joy! You are my wreath of honor and proof that I did not run my race in vain. (The word, epecho, is from epi, continual influence upon; to superimpose; and echo, to hold, echo resonance. The word of life, logos, it embodies a conception or idea, thought, logic. The preposition eis, suggests a point reached in conclusion. See Col 1:29 Your completeness in Christ is not a remote goal, but your immediate reference! My labor now exceeds any zeal that I previously knew under the duty-driven law of willpower. I am laboring beyond the point of exhaustion, striving with intense resolve with all the energy that he mightily inspires within me.)
Titus 3:8 You can confidently lean the weight of your being on this word! I want you to be emphatic about this; encourage the believers to be conscious of the fact that they are the 1custodians of this message. In their day-to-day lifestyle they positively advertise its attraction and beauty. (The word, 1proistemi, is protector, guardian)
3:9 Avoid confusing speculations and debates about genealogies and quarrelsome controversies about the law; it is folly to engage in such useless conversation. It is like chewing chewing-gum that has long lost its flavor! (The word, mataios, translates as folly, of no purpose, from maten, which is the accusative case of a derivative from the base of masso, to chew, to gnaw, like eating food with zero nutritional value.
Hebrews 13:9 Do not be swayed by distracting speculations. Any influence foreign to what grace communicates, even if it seems very entertaining and carries the Christian label, is to be shunned. Feast on grace; do not dilute your diet with legalism. There is no nourishment left in the law. What’s the use of being busy but not blessed? [Legalism includes any form of self-sacrifice or self-effort with the illusion of gaining further favor from God or improving your spiritual standing before God]).
Gal 1:4 Grace and peace have their reference in the fact that Jesus gave himself as the scapegoat for our sins and plucked us out from the 1evil of this present religious age that encroached on us. This was exactly what the Father had planned in his love for mankind. (The word, often translated evil, is poneros, means to be full of labors, hardships and annoyances; the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and labor “poneros”!)
Gal 1:5 His glorious reputation is ageless; it extends beyond all times and seasons. We salute him with our amen! (Nothing that religion communicates in any age or context can match him.)
Gal 1:6 I am amazed that people can so easily be fooled into swapping the Gospel for a gimmick! The Gospel reveals the integrity of your original identity rescued in Christ; the gimmick is a conglomeration of grace and legalism. A mixture boils down to a do-it-yourself plan of salvation. (Which is a recipe for disaster.)
Gal 1:7 There is no other gospel in spite of the many so-called Christian products branded “gospel.” If any hint of the law remains, it is not good news but merely people’s ideas, detracting from the gospel of Christ. (Some seek to unsettle your minds by perverting the Gospel to accommodate their own opinion.)

Mirror Study Bible


Whatever we thought we were could never match what God always knew we are
1 Cor13:12
Live your life overwhelmed by God’s opinion of you! ❤️😲🙌🏻


Live your life from the completeness that God’s Sabbath celebrates! He rests in his love and dances over you with joy! Zeph 3:17 😁

Traditional religious rituals like special holy days and festivals, rules and regulations pertaining to fasting and special diets, baptisms, rites and observances, hold prophetic value until the time and person they point towards come to fulfilment.

While many are still divided about whether the Sabbath should be held on the first or the seventh day, the Sabbath has already come to fullness in a Person.

Who Jesus is and what He has done reflects all that God sees in the Sabbath!

God’s Sabbath celebrates you! No work 🤭😅
Nothing to be improved! ❤️

Hebrews 4:10 God’s rest celebrates his finished work; whoever enters into God’s rest immediately abandons his own efforts to improve what God has already perfected. (The language of the law is “do;” the language of grace is “done.”)

Mirror Bible (https://app.mirrorword.net)



If we are able to invent tracking devices to find stolen property via satellite God has every person on the planet covered in his refusal to let go of the echo of his likeness in us ❤️
See Romans 3:26 mirror bible
Also Psalm 24:1 😊❤️


"Why would you keep the best wine for last?” 🤩
Even minds intoxicated with inferior religious jargon can immediately tell the difference when the Holy Spirit transforms ordinary conversation into the wonderful, blissful wine of revelation and the merry celebration of life!
If Jesus could do this to water - imagine how he can transform ordinary routine days into the invigorating adventure of living the life of our design!) John 2:10
mirror bible 💜



My granny used to "bribe" me to memorize scripture when i was little!
Today I am so thankful for her!
Often when i need it most, one of those scriptures would pop up in my mind!!
Like Psalm 103 - "forget not any of His benefits - He crowns you with grace and lovingkindness!"

A life crowned with grace and lovingkindness is a royal life in the midst of contradiction! ❤️

Mirror Study Bible FAQ – MIRROR WORD – The Key to understanding the Bible. 19/08/2022

While all of creation is waiting and longing for the unveiling of the sons of God, many Christians are waiting for the second coming of Jesus! 🤭😳🤗❤️

My revised book, Divine Embrace, answers all your second coming related questions! 🤩❤️ 😅

See also faq under “home” on our website


Mirror Study Bible FAQ – MIRROR WORD – The Key to understanding the Bible. The word etymology is the Greek word, ἐτυμολογία etumologia. It too, like most Greek words, have various components, ἔτυμον, etumon, true, and λογια logia, words. Thus, the study of the true meaning of words.


Just received this priceless testimony! 🙌🏼😭❤️

“Thank you thank you thank you. It's been 74 years that I thought I was on my own till I found the Mirror bible. Now my orphan spirit is leaving me. I always loved Him I just didn't know he loved me. I know they said it but I didn't know it.”


Jesus the Christ is not hiding in history or in outer space,
or in some future doomsday-date!
He is not even hiding in the pages of the Bible - he is reflected there,
to be unveiled in you! ❤️


We've wasted so much time trying to get there, when there is where we are to begin with! 🤩❤️

Dying to the unenlightened self; the fruit of the "I am not-Tree-System, the old Adamic "law-man", the DIY [Do It Yourself] - person, takes one simple conclusion, not a life long struggle! 😅
The conclusion is in agreeing with God about you! 😲
You died when Jesus died, and were co-raised together with him and are now co-seated together with him in heavenly places! Rom 6:11; Eph 2:5,6; Col 3:1-3, 9 & 10 😁❤️
We begin at the Finish! 😅🤩🥳

Acts Volume 1 : Chapters 1-7 with Commentary Mirror Study Bible 13/08/2022

Acts Volume 1 Now also available on Kindle! 🤩🥰

Acts Volume 1 : Chapters 1-7 with Commentary Mirror Study Bible Acts Volume 1 : Chapters 1-7 with Commentary Mirror Study Bible

MIRROR WORD – The Key to understanding the Bible. – The Bible, translated from the original text and paraphrased in contemporary speech with commentary, by Francois du Toit 12/08/2022

The word NOT makes such a difference! 🤭

See Isa 54:16 in the LXX (Greek Septuagint)

Here it is from the Masoretic Hebrew text:
Isa 54:16 I create the blacksmith who fires up his forge and makes a weapon designed to kill. I also create the destroyer! 😳

BUT the Septuagint Greek Old Testament 300 - 250BC says, (The one Jesus and Paul used!)
Behold, I have created you, NOT as the coppersmith blowing coals, and bringing out a vessel [fit] for work; I have created you NOT for ruin that you should destroy or be destroyed. 😊❤️

Sad that all our bibles use the 1000 years later Masoretic Hebrew text instead! 🤭


MIRROR WORD – The Key to understanding the Bible. – The Bible, translated from the original text and paraphrased in contemporary speech with commentary, by Francois du Toit The ministry site of Francois and Lydia du Toit. Teachers and Authors of the Mirror Study Bible, Devotional and Children’s books.

Divine Embrace – MIRROR WORD – The Key to understanding the Bible. 11/08/2022

End of Chapter 8 Divine Embrace
Living happily ever after
Titus 1:2 This is the life of the ages which was anticipated for generations; the life of our original design announced by the infallible resolve of God before time or space existed. [Mankind’s union with God is the original thought that inspired creation. There exists a greater dimension to eternity than what we are capable of defining within the confines of space and time. God’s faith anticipated the exact moment of our redeemed union with him for all eternity.] Mirror Study Bible.
This life was made certain before eternal time. [BBE 1949, Bible in Basic English])
What an amazing view you have created for yourself in my mind, oh God.
Through the avenue of my thoughts you extend eternity
and embrace it in me in the here and now.
What bliss to encounter life
and people through your eyes.
I love my thoughts.
I AM is your past present and future.
Now live the adventure daily,
in total abandonment.
https://www.mirrorword.net/books/divine-embrace #

Divine Embrace – MIRROR WORD – The Key to understanding the Bible. Divine Embrace speaks a language that will awaken you to the most amazing discovery! The mystery, that was hidden for ages and generations, is unveiled within you.


The truth about you is not in your ability to remember the detail of your horrid past - the degree of your hardship, abuse and suffering is not your salvation -
The awakening to your authentic value, your redeemed pre-Adamic innocence and your defining identity is mirrored in Jesus the Christ
the Savior of the cosmos!
Do not embrace a "mirror" that resembles anything less than the authentic you
redeemed and unveiled in HIM! ❤️


“Depart from me! I never knew you!” 🫢🤔🤩

Luke 13

23 Someone observed, Lord, so it seems that only a few are being saved? Jesus answered this person by speaking specifically to the religious Jews, who are part of his audience, but who witness him through their legalistic lenses and miss the entire plot.

24 You can go ahead and engage the most 1extreme measures of exerting yourselves in order to try and squeeze in through the door of the house, but alas, I say to you, multitudes will endeavor to 2muscle their way in and will not succeed.

(The verb αγωνιζεσθε Present, Middle Imperative of ἀγωνίζομαι agōnizomai, which reminds of the English word, agonize; meaning, to struggle fervently, to exert yourselves.
The Middle Voice means the subject is the cause and the focus, the agent and experience, of an action. Forcing your way in by your own striving will never work.
The verb, 2ischuō, means to force.
No one will make it through the door of this house by their efforts to define their own identity.
The husband of this house has already closed the door.
Jesus is the conclusion of the law-system.
Salvation is a sonship thing to begin with.
Notice, it is the door of the house - the house speaks of a family unit - not a club for a bunch of hypocrites and legalists.
“Sin" is not things one does or doesn't do; sin is missing out on sonship.
See Luke 15, "My son, you've always been with me and all that I have is yours.")

25 Let me illustrate, "By now, the commotion 1would inevitably have woken up the husband of the house who would obviously already have 2locked the door. You would continue knocking and demanding the lord of the house to open the door, but his response would be, "Hey I have no idea where you're from or who you are."

(The verb, εγερθη, is the Aorist Passive Subjunctive of ἐγείρω egeirō to be awoken from sleep - see Rev 6:11 - the Aorist Passive Subjunctive suggests inevitable fulfillment.
Then the verb, 2αποκλειση is the Aorist Active subjunctive of ἀποκλείω apokleiō to lock a door. The Aorist Subjunctive is an action without history or continuation. A "pure form"; a definite outcome that will happen as a result of another stated action. See Revelation 3:7 I unlock the mysteries of the heavenly dimension and no one can shut the door. And I lock the entrance and none (of the old mindsets) can access it.)

26 Then you would say, but we ate and drank in your company and you taught in our streets.

27 I tell you, I certainly do not know you from anywhere? Now, begone you, perpetrators of 1unrighteousness!
(There is no possible connection between your law of works-paradigm as defining who you are and locating you and my mission of unveiling mankind’s authentic and redeemed sonship!
[1] The word adikia unrighteous; from a, negative, and dikay, two parties finding mirror-likeness in each other -thus, to be out of sync with one’s true likeness.
See 2 Corinthians 6:14 Faith-righteousness has nothing in common with the philosophies of karma and performance-based approval; they could never 1balance the scales or be evenly yoked together in any context.
(1) The word heterozugeō, an unequal or different yoke; from the Hebrew word, zugot, זוּגוֹת‬ indicates pairs of two identical objects; a yoke or a teaching; the yoke of a rabbi or philosopher represented their doctrine; reminds of the Hebrew word for righteousness, tzedek, צדק which also includes the idea of the wooden beam in a scale of balances. “He that judges his neighbor according to the balance of righteousness, or innocence, they judge him according to righteousness.” [T. Bab. Sabbat, fol. 127. 2.] The Greek stem for righteousness is d**e - it is interesting to note that the Greek goddess of Justice is D**e [pronounced, dikay] and she is always pictured holding a scale of balances in her hand.
2 Corinthians 6:15 There is no 1symphony between the value that Christ reveals in people and the worthlessness that 2Belial represents! Faith-righteousness and work based-righteousness are two opposites; they are conflicting systems that can never match.
[1] Paul uses the word 1sumphonēsis from sun, denoting union and phonay, voice. Faith-righteousness is to know the truth about the redeemed life of your design; whereas a works based-righteousness is to believe a lie about yourself.
[2] The Hebrew word, 2beliya’al בליעל literally means without profit; worthlessness. The etymology of this word has been variously given. The Talmud [Sanh. 111b] regards it as a compound word, made up of “beli” and “’ol” [without a yoke] which is very interesting in this context! Jesus says, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light!” Peterson renders it, “Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. Matthew 11:29,30. The Message.
2 Corinthians 6:16 How can the tangible, physical address of the living God 1compare with a phantom image that people host in their minds? Mankind is God’s idea - we did not invent God or ourselves; he invented us! He said, “In you will I reside and move and have my being; we belong together; I am yours and you are mine!”
Ezekiel 37:27 My dwelling place shall be with them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
[1] The word, 1sugkatathesis means, a putting together or joint deposit [of votes], hence approval, assent, agreement; you cannot vote for both systems, they are opposites!
2 Corinthians 6:17 “Consequently, escape the snare of these phantom ideas; do not reduce your horizon to become 1attached to anything that is not equally 2elevated. [in your jointseatedness in heavenly places, in your co-resurrection and co-ascension with Christ.]
[1] The word 1haptomai means to fasten to oneself; to adhere to; to cling to.
[2] The word 2akathartos, from ha, which is a negative particle, and kathairō, from kata, intensive and airo, to lift up. The same word is used in John 15 where it was translated, to “prune, or cut off” the branches that do not bear fruit; yet the word would rather mean to lift up those branches so that they may bear more fruit!
2 Corinthians 6:18 Then you will know the embrace of your Father to simply enjoy being my sons and daughters,” says the Almighty.)

28 To your shock and surprise you will eventually realize, that even your national heroes, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as well as the prophets (who you murdered), are in the house. And they didn't get there by their own personal, agonizing efforts. (The phrase, weeping and gnashing of teeth is thought to derive from the hypothetical Q source, which "quoted" Matthew 8:12 and Luke 13:28. The other five occurrences [Matthew 13:42, Matthew 13:50, Matthew 22:13, Matthew 24:51, and Matthew 25:30] are all within the context of parables and are widely held to be redactional additions by Matthew.)

29 And they will arrive from the rising of the sun in the east to its setting in the west and from the north and the south and recline at the banquet in the kingdom of God.

30 And you will observe that there are those who seemed to be least important in your estimate [the Gentiles], to arrive first and eventually, those who thought they were leading the procession [the Jews], will also arrive. (Thus, Jesus concludes his answer to the question, "So, are only a few being saved?" 13:23) 😅❤️🙌🏼🤗

Mirror Bible (https://app.mirrorword.net)



Lydia Du Toit writes....

a delightful post from a few years ago - think you will enjoy again ❤️🥰😁

# # another morning in me head!
almost 7 years ago we moved into our house here in Hermanus, the arrangements we had thought were to live here for just a few months before we had to break down the house as it was actually much too old to live in and also we were going to build a new place and operate a guest house with the neighbours... so when you move into a space that you think is going to be so temporary, you would most probably do what we did, pull up the silly old tattered carpets, and wall paper and paint the walls and floors with roof paint, cheapest and last so good.. use your old curtains where possible and hang whatever in front of the windows for time being... you do not build cupboards or create space - remember its going to be for a short while! this was going thru my head this morning as I was getting ready for some precious friends from Germany, I never have space to put anything, so i have to move my office off the dining room table, the extra pots we need for catering shouldn't be under the table so they moved to another room that by now is sky high with "don't know where to put you - goodies" I am forever creating space and moving the one thing to the next spot till that spot is needed... Do we not sometimes imagine the incarnation something like that...... Christ just visiting, not really got enough room so he will make do with the corner on the table or under the table -

Oh no - absolutely not!!! He created His own space - a wide open space in me - so immaculately done that even the heavens had to stand back and watch him move in here. He breathes deep in me, oh so at home, so incredibly happy with this “in-me-space!” ❤🥳😁


"Deconstruction" and "Unlearning" made easy!
You don't have to extract the drought first!
Let the water deal with it and watch the space transform naturally!
Light dispels darkness effortlessly! 🤩❤


I’m often intrigued with the thought of how brief time is. How do we make fleeting moments last beyond their momentary presence in our smell, sight, sound, taste or touch-world? How do we enlarge memory?� We certainly are the generation who captures and documents more moments in megapixel clarity than any other. Paging through thousands of these, one very briefly “relives” some of the more "stand-out" and dramatic ones.� In the meantime we invent what we call "currency" to at least "measure in order to justify", a form of “reward” to the exchange of precious life for the time we exhausted in the pursuit of the idea of relevant value. Considering our authentic origin revives the thought of a dimension that might be more familiar to us than any known temporal, physical horizon. The gates of hades (not to see) are disengaged. I encourage you to live life from this wonderful space of permanence on a day by day basis, where you know that you are known and loved and have nothing to fear.

PASSION IGNITED with Francois & Lydia Du Toit—Part 1 20/07/2022

You are not too good to be true! 😅🤩🥰
Part 1: God is at Home in You!

PASSION IGNITED with Francois & Lydia Du Toit—Part 1 François Du Toit is the author of the Mirror Bible Translation. He and Lydia are two of the most genuine and loving people you will ever encounter! They are ...

ROMANS 20/07/2022

Inspired by Stephen’s powerful speech in Acts 7,
I have recently spent much time updating Romans chapter 4 with an additional 25 page commentary study note at the end of the chapter.
The updated Romans also includes work I did several months ago on chapter 8
Romans, Revelation, John and Luke are all available as individual books. Also the 10 edition Mirror Study Bible is fully updated with the latest work, 1196 pages
We could not add Acts since the POD publishing (Lightning Source) that we have been using since 1 July 2012, can only print up to a maximum page count of 1200
Acts Volume 1 (212 pages of delight.) is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble as well as in South Africa on Burble - check our website
Acts will also be on kindle and other ebook platforms by the end of July
The mirror App will be updated with Acts over the next 2 to 3 months - it is a mammoth task to update since we only have 1 person who can do it and he is exceptionally busy 😅


Videos (show all)

The latest 1144 page, 10th Edition Mirror Study Bible happening in South Africa - on 60 gram paper and being sewn stitch...
Mark Rayner Endorsement
MIrror Word Endorsement - Michael Zenker