Dream Spirals

Dream Spirals

This is a page for those who wish to Heal their Hearts and to reclaim their Sacred Personal Power. It is an humble offer from my Heart to your Heart

Photos from Dream Spirals's post 10/04/2020

[EN] Beloveds, as promised here are the topics of our first 2 workshops of the Series 'Coping with Fear and Anxiety': 14/4 Gratitude; 18/4 Inner Strength. 🙏💪🦋❤️
The workshops will be held through Zoom and registration is required (as there is a minimum number of 5 participants for the events to take place). ✔️ To register please send an email to [email protected] 🌸📧
Duration of each session: 1 hour
Price: conscious donation
We look forward to joining virtually and sharing some love 💕
[PT] Queridos, tal como prometido aqui estão os temas dos primeiros dois workshops da série 'Lidar com o Medo e a Ansiedade': 15/4 Gratidão; 19/4 Força Interior. 🙏💪🦋❤️
Os workshops serão através do Zoom e a inscrição é obrigatória (visto que existe um número mínimo de 5 participantes para a realização dos eventos). ✔️ Para efetuar a inscrição por favor escrever uma email para [email protected] 🌸📧
Duração de cada sessão: 1 hora
Preço: donativo consciente
Estamos felizes por vos encontrar virtualmente dentro em breve e partilhar muito amor.💕

Photos from Dream Spirals's post 09/04/2020

[EN] I am starting a series of Online Workshops focused at coping with Fear and Anxiety during these difficult times. Together we will build on our resilience and set of tools to overcome hardships. 💪💪 Each workshop will have the duration of 1 hour and focus on a different topic. All the workshops will be donation based, so that everyone can take part, regardless of their financial situation. ❤️🦋 So invite your friends and loved ones and stay tunned for more info. I am also open for suggestions on the schedule. 😊😊
[PT] Vou começar um série de Workshops Online que têm como foco a gestão do Medo e da Ansiedade nestes tempos difíceis. Juntos iremos aumentar a nossa resiliência e as nossas ferramentas para enfrentar os desafios. 💪💪 Cada workshop terá a duração de 1 hora e abordará um tema diferente. Todos os workshops são por donativo, para dar a todos a oportunidade de participar, independentemente da sua situação económica. ❤️🦋 Então vamos lá convidar os amigos e familiares e fiquem sintonizados para mais informação. Também estou aberta no que toca a sugestões para os horários. 😊😊


Bach Flowers and Covid-19 - how can they help us?

Timeline photos 29/03/2020

I will be online offering this beautiful meditation tomorrow

We offer this meditation from our hearts, to all those who need something to help them ground and let go of fear and stress in these difficult times. This is an active meditation that lasts one hour, but it is gentle. In the beginning there will be instructions both in English and Portuguese. See you tomorrow ❤️❤️
Oferecemos esta meditação do fundo do coração, para todos aqueles que precisam de algo que possa ajudar a enraizar e deixar ir o medo e o stress nestes tempos tão difíceis. Esta é uma meditação ativa, que dura uma hora, mas é gentil. No início haverá uma explicação em Português e em Inglês. Até amanhã ❤️❤️

Timeline photos 23/03/2020

How to change your perspective during these challenging times ❤️❤️


'Dear one,
You, who are taking as much as you can from the supermarket shelves, to help ease your fears, I love you.
You, who deny what is happening and think this is an evil plot to control the masses, hoping it will all go away when you open your eyes, I love you.
You, who spend endless hours in the hospital helping others without rest, I love you.
You, who don't really care about safety and higiene and keep doing whatever you were doing before, coughing mindlessly and touching the bread loafs in front of me with your bare hands, like a child, I love you.
You, who ease your feelings by preaching to others with your long sermons of how they should go about their lifes in this moment, as if you owned the truth, I love you.
You, with your stories of a new shift in conscience, certain that those who will die are the ones who did not shift, I love you.
You, who think what is happening will bring out the worst in us, I love you.
You, who think what is happening will bring out the best out of us, I love you.
You who suffer in silence, unable to bear the pain of your own thoughts, as you sit alone, I love you.
You, who are rejoicing in the comfort of your yoga mat because you have found a way to be with your pain, I love you.
You, who are profiting from the pain of others, I love you.
You, who are loosing it all from the uncertainty of this moment, I love you.
You who now have more time to stay with your family, I love you.
You, who have no family, I love you.
You, who write words of comfort to ease your pain, I love you.
You, who help others, to help yourself in these moments, I love you.
You, who close youself in, fearing death, and pain, and life, and your own wounded heart, I love you.
You, who selflessly put yourself in service, when others are in need, I love you.
You, you can feel the pain of others, I love you.
You, who cannot feel the pain of others, I love you.
You, who think you know better in these moments, I love you.
You, who think you know nothing in these moments, I love you.
You, who keep an open heart to change, and are able to sit with the not knowing, I love you.
I am all of you. I have you all in me.
And I love you.'

Gonçalo Luz - Obrigada por estas palavras de amor


Women Are Sacred!
Today let us think about all those Women who fought for our rights and all those women who are still in need to be saved. And then, let us reflect on the legacy we want to leave for those Women that will come after us.
For all Women, everywhere! For their freedom to live and express their true feminine essence, without fear, without constraints - in their sacredness of Life Givers of all Humanity.
As Mulheres São Sagradas!
Hoje pensemos em todas as Mulheres que lutaram pelos nossos direitos e também em todas aquelas que ainda precisam ser salvas. E depois, façamos uma reflexão acerca do legado que queremos deixar para todas as Mulheres que virão depois de nós.
Por todos as Mulheres, em todo o Mundo! Para que possam ser livres de viver e expressar a sua verdadeira essência feminina, sem medos e sem condicionamentos - na sacralidade de Creadoras de Vida de toda a Humanidade.


We are extremely happy to release our new calendar of events for this spring. 😍🎉🌺🌿 Lots of interesting stuff coming up 🔥🔥 Share it with your friends and come join us for some activities. ❤️✨

Holistic Therapist | Anand Bindu Holistic Therapy and Healing | Portugal 16/01/2020

Channelling Beauty and Creativity over many hours of work.

Holistic Therapist | Anand Bindu Holistic Therapy and Healing | Portugal Holistic Life Coaching and Therapies. Anand Bindu is a Medicine Woman, Shamanic Healer, Reiki Master, Theta Healer, Herbalist and Women Circle facilitator.

Timeline photos 27/12/2019

Wishing you rest and recharging!
Make sure to take some time to REFLECT too!
2020, here we come! ❤️✨


Beloved ones,

remember to take a break to honor this Winter Solstice. 💕🌧🌨❄☃️💕 This is nature's true New Year's eve, it is the end and the beginning of a new solar cycle. ☀️ The Winter Solstice is the great stillness that marks the turning point. Until now, darkness overcame light, but from this day on daylight will start to expand and days become longer. Seeds that are burried under the darkness will now be nurtured by the Earth's womb to then be brought to life in a few months by the warmth and radiance of the Sun. Winter is a sacred time of rest and reflection. It is a fruitful silence out of which new inspiration emerges. Let the energies of new life and inspiration build up slowly within you, without rushing or running, because this is Nature's cycles and Nature is slow but magnificient. Don't be afraid of the darkness for within it there is great potential for growth and transformation. 🦋

If you want to take time to honor this time of endings and new beginnings with a little ritual, here is my personal suggestion. You will need a piece of paper, a lighter or matches and some seeds.


Sit down confortably and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and start recalling things from this now old cycle that you are grateful for. Anything counts, a smile, a hug, maybe a visit from someone special, a sincronicity, an opportunity, just the thoughts to flow for a few moments. When you're done, start thinking of what no longer serves you and what you would like to release and let go of - write this on a piece of paper and keep it next to you. Next, start imagining what you would like to manifest in the new cycle that starts. The seeds you would like to plant, the ideas you would like to nurture, what you would like to accomplish. When you're ready open your eyes. Find a safe way to burn the paper you wrote and offer the ashes to the Earth, thaking our Mother for accepting and transforming it. Next take the seeds in your hand, close the hand and bring it the heart area. Recall what you would like to manifest. Then gently blow your intentions into the seeds and open your hand allowing the wind to carry then and spread them across the body of our Great Mother.

Blessed be! Enjoy!



Un día una persona subió a la montaña donde se refugiaba una mujer ermitaña que meditaba, y le preguntó:

-Qué haces en tanta soledad?, a lo que élla le respondió: -Tengo mucho trabajo.

-y, cómo puedes tener tanto trabajo?, no veo nada por aquí…

-Tengo que entrenar a dos halcones y a dos águilas, tranquilizar a dos conejos, disciplinar a una serpiente, motivar a un b***o y domar a un león.

-y, por dónde andan que no los veo?.

-Los tengo dentro.

Los halcones se lanzan sobre todo lo que se me presenta, bueno o malo, tengo que entrenarlos a que se lancen sobre cosas buenas. Son mis ojos.

Las dos águilas con sus garras hieren y destrozan, tengo que enseñarles a que no hagan daño. Son mis manos.

Los conejos quieren ir donde ellos quieren, no enfrentar situaciones difíciles, tengo que enseñarles a estar tranquilos aunque haya sufrimiento, o tropiezo. Son mis pies.

El b***o siempre está cansado, es obstinado, no quiere llevar su carga muchas veces. Es mi cuerpo.

La más difícil de domar es la serpiente. Aunque está encerrada en una fuerte jaula, ella siempre está lista para morder y envenenar a cualquiera que esté cerca. Tengo que disciplinarla. Es mi lengua.

También tengo un león. Ay… qué orgulloso, vanidoso, se cree ser el rey. Tengo que domarlo. Es mi ego.

-Como ves, amigo, tengo mucho trabajo. Y tú, en que trabajas?

Timeline photos 09/12/2019

🌙 L i v i n g i n y o u r f l o w.
For many of us, the wisdom and understanding of the natural cycle of our female bodys (that is all 4 bodies - physical, emotional, mental and energetic) has never been transmissioned to us, really the whole sacredness of our moon cycle has been obliterated, we grow up in education that doesn't make us even the slightest bit aware of how to honour and flow with our cycle. Instead we are pretty much just told that it will be painful and that's what happens females.. that's all..., I remember learning not much at all really... which makes me angry at our system, that something so fu***ng central to our WHOLE LIFE and sense of operating in this world is reduced to the education of being show how a tampon absorbs a glass of water... wtf?

Anyway (that's another subject on its own).... it has been so so sooo helpful for me over the last few years to look into how each week of our menstruation cycle offers a different energy, how my emotions, physical energy, and mental activity differs with each 'season'... and it's become a really effective understanding for me to think of myself as going through natures seasons with every 28 day cycle.

How during the first week, in my winter while I'm bleeding I will naturally be more inwards, less energetic and happier to spend time reflecting and cultivating.
How during the next week I will feel that springtime energy, fresh ideas seem to sprout from such clear space and I move back into the world around me.

How in the 3rd week while I'm ovulating I'm like HELLO SUMMER and want to meet up with every single friend, kicking my goals like crazy and getting it doneeee.
And how on my 4th week as my autumn leaves shed (and you literally are shedding your lining) that I begin to retreat inside, how those things that i need to internally work with begin to come up, sometimes in triggers and frustrating but always directing me to what needs to be worked with.
So with intention I begun to plan and work my life around these understandings if I could. Of course we all have jobs and responsibilities that need to be done in every season,
Continued in comments...


This Christmas offer experiences and healing to your loved ones

Special promotion: This Christmas offer experiences and healing

media.giphy.com 22/11/2019



Healing ourselves means to be more Alive, more Present, more Serene, more Joyful and more Free.


I think it was Brene Brown who told a story about a village where all the women washed clothes together down by the river. When they all got washing machines, there was a sudden outbreak of depression and no one could figure out why. It wasn't the washing machines in and of themselves. It was the absence of time spent doing things together. It was the absence of community.

Friends, we’ve gotten so independent.

We’re “fine” we tell ourselves even when in reality we’re depressed, we’re overwhelmed, we’re lonely, and we’re hurting. “We’re fine, we’re just too busy right now” we say when days, weeks, months, and years go by without connecting with friends. I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine. It’s so easy to say even when it’s not true.

We’ve become so isolated and it’s hard to know how to get back. It’s so hard to know how to even begin to build the kind of relationships our hearts need. And I think In our current culture, it’s just not as organic as it once was. It's more work now.

Because you know, we have our own washing machines. We don't depend on each other to do laundry, or cook dinner, or raise babies anymore. We don't really depend on each other for much of anything if we're being honest.

In Brene Brown’s book Braving the Wilderness, she says that being lonely affects the length of our life expectancy similar to smoking 15 ci******es a day. I don’t say that to freak anyone out, but to let you know that the longing for connection is LEGIT. I think we’ve treated friendship like a luxury for far too long; friendship isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity.

We don't want it. We kind of need it.

Be independent. Be proud of it. But be an independent woman who realizes the value and the importance of opening the door to other good women.

You can do it alone, but you don't have to. Islands are only fun for so long.

There is true magic when women come together and hold hands and share ideas and share stories and struggles and endless bowls of salsa. You use your gifts, and I'll use mine, and then we'll invite that girl over there who brings a completely different set of skills to the table we are building, and we'll watch together as something miraculous unfolds.

~ Sister, I am with you.

[Art: Artem Rogowoi]

Blood Normal 27/09/2019


Blood Normal Contrary to popular belief, menstrual blood is not blue. Periods are normal. Showing them should be too.


We all go through setbacks in life. No one's imune to it. But how do you react to them?
This is where we have a choice. We can choose to give our power away and step into the victim role, feeling sorry for ourselves, which will result in bitterness and/or apathy. Or we can choose to take these setbacks as opportunities for growth. Seeing each experience as an opportunity to learn or to be of service takes us out of apathy and into action, and by giving us back our power, it frees us. So what will you choose?


Para as irmãs interessadas, por favor não se esqueçam de fazer as vossas inscrições até Sábado às 18:00. Espero ver-vos brevemente.


A pedido de muitas irmãs, o nosso próximo Círculo de Mulheres Online será no dia 8 de setembro, domingo, pelas 15h. Não percas esta oportunidade de mergulhar mais profundamente na magia do teu ciclo menstrual

O que são os Florais de Bach? 21/08/2019

Para quem estava à espera da versão portuguesa ❤️❤️❤️


O que são os Florais de Bach? O que são os Florais de Bach? Para mais informações, segue-me no facebook https://www.facebook.com/7DreamSpirals/


Tu ne voleras point !

L’activité la plus répandue parmi les humains n’est pas celle que vous croyez…

Vol d'énergie Vitale
Nous sommes faits majoritairement d’énergie, sous des formes plus ou moins denses, et nous en brûlons tous les jours. Lorsqu’on ne sait pas faire le plein de façon saine et naturelle, on en vole aux autres. Les humains sont empêtrés dans cette lutte énergétique incessante, et une concurrence inconsciente qui explique bien des conflits, situations, et comportements.

Dans son livre jalon « La Prophétie des Andes » , James Redfield décrit quatre mécanismes de vol d’énergie.

L’Intimidateur : vole l’énergie en râlant de colère, opprimant, menaçant, imposant, frappant.
La peur, en effet, vide le méridien des Reins, siège du stock d’énergie vitale et de l’énergie originelle. L’Intimidateur n’a plus qu’à récupérer cette énergie qui s’échappe violemment et complètement.

L’Interrogateur : vole l’énergie en questionnant à tout propos. Les enfants utilisent inconsciemment cette technique. Les adultes l’utilisent par curiosité excessive, jalousie, pour trouver la faille et mieux rabaisser ou critiquer. Ce mécanisme vide l’élément Terre (méridiens de l’Estomac et de la Rate), siège de la confiance en soi, le méridien de la Vésicule Biliaire (concentration, imagination, réflexion), et le méridien du Maitre du Cœur (interaction avec les autres), car ici les frontières personnelles sont violées.

L’Indifférent : vole l’énergie en se renfermant sur lui-même, laissant l’autre s’épuiser à le questionner et se demander ce qui ne va pas, voire à se sentir coupable. Cette technique vide les méridiens de l’Élément Terre (confiance en soi, anxiété/Rate).

Le Plaintif : vole l’énergie en se plaignant et en racontant ses malheurs à longueur de journée. Tout est noir, et il/elle a besoin de le faire savoir au monde entier pour aller mieux.

Je vous devine entrain de mettre des noms sur ces profils « Ça c’est exactement mon mari/compagnon ! », « Ah oui, ma mère fait tout le temps ça ! »… Très bien ! Sachez reconnaître les voleurs d’énergie, petits et grands.

Mais à présent, réfléchissez à votre cas personnel ! Vous reconnaissez-vous dans l’une (ou plusieurs) de ces descriptions ? Si oui, il est temps de changer de technique. Les relations avec votre entourage s’en porteront à merveille…

Comment accumuler de l’énergie sans la voler aux autres :
Respirer profondément
Capter l’énergie des plantes, des arbres (balades en forêt, plantes à la maison)
Marcher pieds nus dans des lieux naturels, sur la plage ou sur des matériaux naturels chauds (bois, laine)
S’enraciner et s’ancrer, dans la Terre au quotidien, l’énergie Tellurique
Manger des aliments vivants (fruits, légumes, graines germées, algues)
Augmenter ses pensées positives
Faire le tri dans ses relations (éviter les vampires d’énergie, les toxiques et les manipulateurs)
Faire de l’exercice, pas forcément du sport, il s’agit juste de se bouger !

Les champs énergétiques des êtres vivants se mêlent constamment, s’entrecroisent et s’influencent.
Faites-vous du bien, et faites du bien aux autres, en vous remplissant de belles et vibrantes énergies de joie, d’amour...

Casa Nacura Healing 07/08/2019

For the last few months I have been busy birthing a beautiful new project. A vision I've had for a long time. Ladies and gentleman, I give you Casa Nacura!

Check out our new website: www.casanacura.com

Casa Nacura Healing An oasis where to retreat and to love ourselves, to learn, heal and sing around the bonfire. A place where the medicine of Mother Earth touches everything.

Timeline photos 01/08/2019

♡ Namasté Mantreros hoy 1 de agosto festejamos el día de nuestra madre Pachamama ♡

La Pachamama es la diosa femenina de la tierra y la fertilidad. Es la madre que nutre, protege y sustenta a los seres humanos por eso y mas hoy la honrramos con todo nuestro amor agradeciendo profundamente su abundancia y colores.

Que la tierra del este de luz a tus sueños.
Que la tierra del sur nutra con amor tus deseos.
Que la tierra del oeste te guíe sabiamente.
Que la tierra del norte te de coraje para seguir adelante y hacia más
hasta el completo amanecer.

Bach Flowers 01/08/2019

What are Bach Flowers?
This is one of the questions I get asked more often. So to answer I put together this video. Hope you enjoy it ❤️❤️


O que são os Florais de Bach?
Esta é uma das perguntas que me fazem com mais frequência. Por isso, e em jeito de resposta, fiz este vídeo que está em Inglês. A versão Portuguesa sairá brevemente por isso f**a atenta/o. ❤️❤️


Bach Flowers What are Bach Flowers? If you're interested in my work please follow me on facebook or send me a private message on https://www.facebook.com/7DreamSpirals


"You can't give from an empty glass". That is why self-care is so important. However, one of the comments I hear the most about self-care is "I don't have the time". Many people think that self-care is doing a glorious 90 minute yoga practice or a 1 hour reiki session - things that take great amounts of time. And even though a yoga pratice and a reiki session can really do miracles, it doesn't have to be this way. Self-care is for everyone, no matter how little time you have.

There are plenty of 'on the go' routines that can literally shift your state of mind and help you center yourself no matter how crazy your life gets. Here are a few examples:

1) Say "Thank you" 3 times before you even get out of bed in the morning

2) Think about something that makes you laugh for 1 minute before starting your day

3) Say 'I love you' every time you look in the mirror

4) Take 3 deep, conscious breaths every time you use the toilet

5) Bless your food with love and gratitude before eating

Pick one of these or come up with your own little routine and stick to it for a month - I promise it will make a difference. Consistency is the key! Something short, simple. The same way you brush your teeth and have a shower, do this one little thing for yourself. Just think of it as emotional hygene. ❣️❣️

If you have other routines feel free to share it in the comments bellow - you never know when you are going to inspire someone.

Videos (show all)

This is for all you sisters, beautiful women out there on this very special day - women's day!
