Alexandru Buescu

Alexandru Buescu

Alexandru Buescu is a performance artist, published writer, actor and director.

Operating as performance artist, actor, writer and director, Buescu’s artistic praxis combines autobiographical elements with techniques of research and documentary mainly staged as live performance art pieces.


A few updates are available on my website. As well the online meetings are ready for anyone interested to schedule and chat live with me via Calendly.💥
Let's find a way to get this done!

Câteva actualizări sunt disponibile pe website-ul meu. De asemenea, întâlnirile online sunt gata pentru oricine este interesat să programeze și să discute live cu mine prin Calendly.
Să ne vedem curând!

Et par opdateringer er tilgængelige på min hjemmeside. Derudover er onlinemøderne klar til at alle interesserede kan planlægge og ch**te live med mig via Calendly.
Lad os finde en måde at få dette gjort på!


Norwegian author Jon Fosse wins Nobel
Prize in Literature 2023

The Nobel Prize in Literature has been awarded
to Norwegian author Jon Fosse this year, the
Nobel Prize committee announced today. Fosse has been awarded for "his innovative plays and prose which give voice to the unsayable".

Jon Fosse is a Norwegian playwright and author who is known for his contributions to contemporary Norwegian literature and theater. He was born on September 29, 1959, in Norway. Fosse's works often explore themes of isolation, introspection, and the human condition. He has received numerous awards for his writing, including the Nordic Council's Literature Prize. Fosse's writing is characterized by its spare and poetic style, and he is considered one of Norway's most important contemporary writers.

Jon Fosse is a prolific writer, and he has written numerous works, including plays, novels, poetry, and essays. Here are some of his notable works:

1. "Someone is Going to Come" (1995)
2. "Night Sings Its Songs" (1997)
3. "A Summer's Day" (1999)
4. "The Guitar Man" (1999)
5. "Nightsongs" (2001)
6. "Death Variations" (2003)
7. "Dream of Autumn" (2005)
8. "I Am the Wind" (2010)
9. "Sleep" (2012)
10. "A Summer's Day" (2015)

1. "Melancholia I" (1995)
2. "Melancholia II" (1996)
3. "Melancholia III" (1997)
4. "Melancholia IV" (1999)
5. "The Other Name: Septology I-II" (2019)

1. "The Stone Chair" (1996)
2. "A Shadow in the Snow" (2006)

These are just some of Jon Fosse's notable works, and he has written more plays, novels, and poems throughout his career. His works have been translated into numerous languages and have received critical acclaim for their distinctive style and exploration of existential themes.

(Explore the Books: )

Photos from Alexandru Buescu's post 21/05/2023

These three written posts represent a microcosmos of thoughts and feelings based on observational patterns happening all around me. Perhaps in the future I will create an entire collection. Wish you all a nice Sunday from here, planet earth, not planet Disney. 💥


I'm very happy that my video "The Archivist" will be streamed today, 07 of May, at the 27th edition of Online Performance Art Festival Thank you for choosing my work. 🙌🪷
As I will be a bit busy with life, I will leave this post here, hoping some of you will have time to check the streaming website


"The Archivist" video work will be streamed today from 1 pm UTC on the 27th edition of the Online Performance Art Festival
The performance will be streamed and shown on the website
For that you can plan on using mobile phone, tablet or laptop for Streaming, connected to a reliable wifi or mobile internet network.


"Being an artist today is a tough profession, which requires a lot of work, research, study, tenacity and patience. In most cases, unfortunately, these actions are supported only by the passion, the love and the curiosity of each artist. Not necessarily by a well thought out economic system. I wish one day to be able to pay my monthly bills from doing my profession only, not something else. This tells a lot about the society we live in."

Please have a few minutes and read this full interview I did somewhere in September 2021. A friend reminded me of it. ✨🧑🏻‍💻🏂
From my little universe I wish you all a nice Saturday!

INTERVIEW: ALEXANDRU BUESCU Operating as performance artist, actor, writer and director, Buescu’s artistic praxis combines autobiographical elements with techniques of research and documentary mainly staged as live performance art pieces.


Întâlnirile online cu mine le poți programa accesând linkul din secțiunea comentarii. Aceste întâlniri sper să fie un bun prilej de a putea lucra împreună și de a te ajuta la proiectul pe care vrei să-l realizezi. Dacă știi pe cineva interesat te rog să trimiți mai departe această postare. Vă aștept! ✨🐬👾🧑🏻‍💻


imdb is asking for a portrait picture. Is this one alright?
[I'm too old for this sh*t]🤦‍♂️
By Bogdan Brasoveanu
[from personal archive, done in 2016]
Later edit: imdb can function very well without photos of me


with me are available. Check the link below and yours!
[image from PC 1 performance]


Nine years ago, somewhere in March, 2014. Time flies so fast...
[Nihil Sine Una Dea] - A short performance for artist Elena Scutaru at Căminul Artei Gallery, in Bucharest.


My recent text is available in the link in comment. Like/Dislike/Share/Comment or Destroy.

"Acces pentru nimeni/Access for no one"

[S - RO]
nimic nu s-a schimbat în drumul meu spre celălalt trotuar
parcă sunt și mai multe garduri
parcă sunt și mai multe garduri de distrus
parcă revin de unde am plecat
dar sunt atâtea garduri distruse
garduri pe creier și în suflet
sunt sute de bănci pentru oameni răniți sufletește
și pentru copii care n-au voie să sară garduri
bănci pentru eroi necunoscuți
de ce există bănci pentru eroi necunoscuți..

[S - EN]
nothing changed on my way to the other sidewalk
as if there are even more fences
it's like there are more fences to break
it's like I'm coming back from where I left
but there are so many broken fences
fences on the brain and in the soul
there are hundreds of benches for soul wounded people
and for children who are not allowed to jump fences
benches for unknown heroes
why are there benches for unknown heroes..

Louise Bourgeois made art to make sense of her turbulent childhood. 01/03/2023

Louise Joséphine Bourgeois was a French-American artist. Although she is best known for her large-scale sculpture and installation art, Bourgeois was also a prolific painter and printmaker. She explored a variety of themes over the course of her long career including domesticity and the family, sexuality and the body, as well as death and the unconscious. These themes connect to events from her childhood which she considered to be a therapeutic process. Although Bourgeois exhibited with the Abstract Expressionists and her work has much in common with Surrealism and Feminist art, she was not formally affiliated with a particular artistic movement. ❤️[source Wiki]

Louise Bourgeois made art to make sense of her turbulent childhood.

Photos from Alexandru Buescu's post 23/02/2023

Why schedule an online meeting with me ☄️ ☄️☄️>>>

💫 In your exploration you will have a professional dialogue partner that works multidisciplinary.
💫 You will gain a sense of clarity about your upcoming creative endeavor.
💫 You get a chance to talk about your idea without the pressure of thinking up a final product.
💫 You decide your part in this process.
💫 You will be able to rethink, reimagine and remix your concept.

💫 În procesul tău vei avea un partener de dialog profesionist care lucrează multidisciplinar.
💫 Vei dobândi un sentiment de claritate cu privire la viitorul tău proiect.
💫 Ai șansa de a vorbi despre ideea ta fără presiunea de a gândi un produs final.
💫 Tu decizi rolul tău în acest proces.
💫 Vei putea regândi, reimagina și remixa conceptul tău.


👽 I am a freelance performance artist, published writer and director. My artistic praxis combines autobiographical elements with techniques of research and documentary mainly staged as live performance art pieces. Multidisciplinary research and the study of different methodologies and work procedures, in order to increase and improve our knowledge and daily life conditions, are primal components of my research activity.
I am interested in sharing my professional experience with anyone by using the “40 MINUTES MEETING” format.

🎱 Feel free to schedule an appointment via Calendly:


Online meetings with me are available via Calendly. Let's meet up! Link is here:


May the new year to bring us more of this.
Happy 2023 from me.



People change for different reasons. Most of the time these inner changes take place under less pleasant conditions. Are the profound changes that transform our relationship with ourselves, with understanding the path that ideas and emotions take on the highway between soul and mind, how we relate to others, and how we manage to understand life and the passage of time.
How have the changes in your life left their mark? What has changed? What or who made a big difference in your life?
Sometimes I equate change with the desire and courage to push your own boundaries, boundaries that, more often than not, have been carefully constructed and manipulated by the slightly agitated society in which we are forced to live in. Perhaps I'm wrong.
I remembered an article I read a few months ago. It's by John Maxwell, it's called: "4 Reasons to believe people can change."
1. People change when they are hurt enough that they have to.
2. People change when they see enough to be inspired.
3. People change when they learn enough to want to change something around them.
4. People change when they get enough to be able to make changes.

Let this moment of transition from one year to another, celebrated all over the world through different rituals, be one in which the emotion of change is a valuable tool that we can call upon with confidence and not fear.
Wishing you lots of love, joy, and happiness. ✨✨✨


Oamenii se schimbă din diferite motive. De cele mai multe ori aceste schimbări interioare au loc în condiții mai puțin plăcute.
Sunt schimbări profunde care ne transformă relația cu noi înșine, prin înțelegerea drumului pe care o parcurg ideile și emoțiile pe autostrada dintre suflet și minte, modul în care relaționăm cu ceilalți și cm reușim să înțelegem viața și trecerea timpului.
Cum și-au lăsat amprenta schimbările din viața ta? Ce s-a schimbat? Ce sau cine a făcut o mare diferență în viața ta?
Uneori echivalez schimbarea cu dorința și curajul de a-ți depăși propriile limite, limite care, de cele mai multe ori, au fost atent construite și manipulate de societatea ușor agitată în care suntem forțați să trăim. Poate că mă înșel.
Mi-am adus aminte de un articol pe care l-am citit acum câteva luni. Este de John Maxwell, se numește: „4 motive pentru a crede că oamenii se pot schimba”.
1. Oamenii se schimbă atunci când sunt suficient de răniți încât trebuie.
2. Oamenii se schimbă atunci când văd suficient pentru a fi inspirați.
3. Oamenii se schimbă atunci când învață suficient încât vor să schimbe ceva în jurul lor.
4. Oamenii se schimbă atunci când obțin suficient pentru a putea face schimbări.

Fie ca acest moment de tranziție de la un an la altul, celebrat în întreaga lume prin diferite ritualuri, să fie unul în care emoția schimbării este un instrument valoros la care putem apela cu încredere și nu cu frică.
Vă doresc multă dragoste, bucurie și fericire. ✨✨✨

40 Minutes Meeting - Alexandru Buescu 07/12/2022

In the series of the online meetings that I initiated some time ago, I recently had a wonderful dialogue with an actress who wants to create a performance piece starting from the topic of "separation" and how this has manifested in her life. I would really like to be able to have more meetings like this. They help me not stray too far from my own artistic practice and provide an optimal framework where dialogue, curiosity, collaboration and conceptualization are vital elements of our interaction.
It would be extremely helpful for those who read this message to forward it on their pages (Facebook, Instagram, email) so that it can reach where there are people interested in having such meetings with me.
You can find the link to the appointments below and the time slot can be mutually agreed upon:

În seria întâlnirilor online pe care le-am inițiat în urmă cu ceva timp, recent, am avut parte de un dialog minunat cu o actriță care vrea să își creeze un performance plecând de la subiectul despărțirii și cm acest lucru s-a manifestat în viața ei. Mi-aș dori foarte mult să reușesc să am mai des astfel de întâlniri. Ele mă ajută să nu mă depărtez foarte mult de propria mea practică artistică și oferă un cadru optim în care dialogul, curiozitatea, colaborarea și conceptualizarea sunt elemente vitale ale interacțiunii noastre.
Mi-ar fi extrem de util ca cei care citesc acest mesaj să-l trimită mai departe pe paginile lor (Facebook, Instagram, email), astfel încât să poată ajunge acolo unde există persoane interesate să aibă astfel de întâlniri cu mine.
Linkul către programări îl găsiți mai jos și intervalul orar poate fi stabilit de comun acord:

40 Minutes Meeting - Alexandru Buescu Having as a background his artistic practice, Alexandru invites you to have a seat at the table and engage into whatever your mind wishes to explore or create within the wide field of the performing arts. This is not necessarily a teaching or a coaching online class on performance art, acting or


Meet with me online > 🔴 Schedule your hour by using Calendly

"I had to close my eyes" video work > 🔴 Available online on my YouTube Channel

"The Prince of Darkness" video work > 🔴 Available online on my YouTube Channel

Ph Andreea Fischler

I had to close my eyes 13/11/2022

''I had to close my eyes" ("A trebuit să închid ochii") video work is now online visible on my YouTube channel. The text and the video have been brought to life as an accumulation of many internal struggles I had to understand and deal with. Please turn on the volume of your device and watch the video. If it resonates with you, feel free to share it and leave me a message.

I had to close my eyes -


A few weeks ago I initiated an open invitation for those who might be interested to have an online meeting with me, a meeting where we could talk about the various possibilities of doing projects in the field of performing arts. So if you know someone interested in having such an interaction, please share this message and the link. I would love to make new friends.

În urmă cu câteva săptămâni am inițiat o invitație deschisă pentru cei care ar putea fi interesați să aibă o întâlnire online cu mine, o întâlnire în care să vorbim despre diversele posibilități de realizare a unor proiecte în domeniul artelor spectacolului. Deci, dacă știți pe cineva interesat să aibă o astfel de interacțiune, vă rog să distribuiți acest mesaj și linkul. Mi-ar face plăcere să-mi fac prieteni noi.


Dominion - The Prince of Darkness 02/11/2022

"Dominion - The Prince of Darkness" video work is now available online, on my YouTube channel. Check the link and let me know your thoughts.

Dominion - The Prince of Darkness "The Prince of Darkness'' is the transposition in video format of the author's written text, dated August 11, 2019. Here, the transhuman character it is a m...


In the eye of the storm, I have always found my refuge by doing my art as part of a complex ritual of healing, self-transformation and letting go. Perhaps, the most interesting works I did have been products of powerful emotional moments, not pleasant at all, happening in my personal life. But I have also been helped by having a few amazing friends and my parents that helped me overcome these overwhelming painful moments. Metaphorically speaking, these moments look, feel, and have the force of an iceberg, at least for me. On the outside you can see only a tiny, superficial blue splendour of a piece of ice. Below the water is an entire construction formed with pain, toxic and abusive behaviour, trauma, strange love, coldness, fragility, hectic life, instant hook-ups etc
The image below is a screenshot from the most recent text and video-based work, titled “I had to close my eyes” a testimony, a reminder for me to understand and learn to let go of pain.

În mijlocul furtunii, mi-am găsit întotdeauna refugiul în a-mi realiza arta ca parte a unui ritual complex de vindecare, auto-transformare și eliberare. Poate că cele mai interesante lucrări pe care le-am făcut au fost produse ale unor momente emoționale puternice, deloc plăcute, petrecute în viața mea personală. Dar am fost ajutat și de faptul că am câțiva prieteni minunați și părinții mei care m-au ajutat să depășesc aceste momente copleșitoare și dureroase. Metaforic vorbind, aceste momente arată, se simt și au forța unui aisberg, cel puțin pentru mine. În exterior poți vedea doar o splendoare albastră minusculă, superficială, a unei bucăți de gheață. Sub apă este o întreagă construcție formată din durere, comportament toxic și abuziv, traume, dragoste ciudată, răceală, fragilitate, viață agitată, conexiuni instantanee etc.
Imaginea de mai jos este o captură de ecran din cea mai recentă lucrare de text și video, intitulată „A trebuit să închid ochii”, o mărturie, o reamintire pentru mine să înțeleg și să învăț să renunț la durere.

Photos from Alexandru Buescu's post 09/10/2022

"The Prince of Darkness'' Video is now publicly available on the YouTube channel. Please watch and share. ⚡⚡⚡

This work is the transposition in video format of the author's written text, dated August 11, 2019. Here, the transhuman character is a monarchy leader from a possible future, transmitting his message, in a power exchange ritual. Every step of his testimony is strictly supervised and approved by a superior entity behind the front camera. Delimiting from other groups of society, the blue stroke on the character's mouth is a mark of the people who have a strategic position in society.

Edited · 1d

Photos from Alexandru Buescu's post 28/09/2022

"The Prince of Darkness" - I N C O M I N G 💥
Check the YouTube Channel soon >

40 Minutes Meeting - Alexandru Buescu 25/09/2022

"40 MINUTES MEETING" with Alexandru Buescu

[↪️This material functions as an open invitation. Please feel free to share it with anyone. Thank you.↪️]


Having as a background his artistic practice, Alexandru invites you to have a seat at the table and engage into whatever your mind wishes to explore or create within the wide field of the performing arts. This is not necessarily a teaching or a coaching online class on performance art, acting or directing. You will spend time with a person who is open to helping you out in your quest by exchanging thoughts, ideas or mistakes towards your own needs or curiosity.

The purpose of these online meetings is to help creative people to take a step further in their work process, to be closer to what they envision.

If you are looking for a dialogue partner so that you can engage into a series of online one-to-one conversations related to various topics that can be translated within performing arts, feel free to schedule an appointment here.

These online meetings are open for anyone interested in performance art, acting, new writing, directing, or combining different disciplines. You can be a future art student, already part of a bachelor's or master's program, an independent artist or just a curious person who wants to know more about a possible project he/she/they want to develop.

Please follow the instructions to schedule a meeting with Alexandru via Zoom, Google Meets or Skype.

Alexandru Buescu

Is a freelance performance artist, published writer and director. Buescu’s artistic praxis combines autobiographical elements with techniques of research and documentary mainly staged as live performance art pieces.

He received his BA in acting in 2014 and has an MFA degree in Performing Arts from The Danish National School of Performing Arts in Copenhagen, 2021. His final artistic research project titled “Unseen” was a digital archive presented publicly and physically as a site-specific exhibition, performance and installation art, at AC Bella Sky Hotel.

In the past he also worked as a project manager, television producer and cultural operator.

40 Minutes Meeting - Alexandru Buescu Having as a background his artistic practice, Alexandru invites you to have a seat at the table and engage into whatever your mind wishes to explore or create within the wide field of the performing arts. This is not necessarily a teaching or a coaching online class on performance art, acting or


With all the new updates coming in each week from the "meta" social media platforms I feel my human "marketing" abilities are a bit outdated. Perhaps I should duplicate myself. So I don't know if my squirrel art-ivities are reaching out anymore into the feed of each one of you. Now, for example, I am presenting my new adventure into the online 1-on-1 meetings universe. It has been more than a year since I was thinking of doing this and finally I decided to do so.
"40 Minutes Meeting with Alexandru Buescu (this is the physical me👾)" Are online meetings open for anyone interested in performance art, acting, new writing, directing, or combining different disciplines. You can be a future art student, already part of a bachelor's or master's program, an independent artist or just a curious person who wants to know more about a possible project he/she/they want to develop.
Please have a few minutes to scroll down more on my new website section and check what the fuss is all about. 👀👨‍💻🐿 Thank you!

Alexandru Buescu

Alexandru Buescu was born 1985 in Bucharest, The Socialist Republic of Romania, under the communist regime of Ceaușescu. In 2008 he graduated The Romanian-American University, with a bachelor in economy. In 2011 he enrolled in acting classes at Hyperion University, a private higher education institution. He received his BA in 2014 with the final production of “The Competition”, a play written by the Russian contemporary playwright Aleksandr Galin, receiving the student theatre award for best performance by a featured actor in a play.

Operating as performance artist, actor, writer and director, Buescu’s artistic praxis combines autobiographical elements with techniques of research and documentary mainly staged as live performance art pieces.

His work questions social issues related to: freedom of speech, fake news, internet, individual or collective memory, distribution of the sensible, human alienation due to technology, consumption, rituals, religion, family, adulthood, isolation, fear, love, anger, sadness, waiting, loss of individuality or the duality and problem of the ego. At the same time, it challenges assumptions, perceptions and expectations related to his own art practice and research. To this the live dimension of his performances aims to create inspiring or provocative experiences for the audience, where the vitality of the (rebellious) human body as opposed to fixed, rigid structures (buildings, concrete floors, machines, the earth) is always displayed as a declaration of freedom against oppressive treatments.

By creating unexpected situations or inventing ambiguous “characters”, directly or indirectly related to his own nature, in his performances Buescu investigates the roles of the performer and the audience, the exposure of body, the question of the representation from conventional schemes to real situations. The use of videos, voice or sound recordings, objects made out of paper, toys, photos, poems, official documents, interviews, sand or even animal meat acquire symbolic meaning in his work while the traces left on stage became evidence of the everyday absurd human behavior.

Videos (show all)

Online meetings
