Jessica Reid - Clairvoyant & Channel

Jessica Reid - Clairvoyant & Channel

Global Clairvoyant, Channel & Purpose Fulfilment Coach!


A couple hours left for the 70% Off Sale 🪄

This one I would recommend 10/10 if you have a spiritual business,

Especially if you feel caught up in the masculine business energetics that are exhausting 🤪

Full details …


Last Day 70% Off Courses 🪄

The Lightcodes Of Intuition is available for just $66.60AUD

Jessie x


70% Off for the next 48hrs 🧚🏼‍♂️


70% Off Until 30th November 🪽✨


Last few days to enter for the Abundance Reading Raffle 🪄


If you’ve been listening to the recent podcast episodes, I’ve been sharing a bit about my more recent ‘downloads’ around abundance, More particularly around how we can deepen our ability to receive 💕

In these Abundance Readings that I’ve been facilitating recently, We’ve been looking into each individual’s Abundance Blueprint to see where they’ve been holding resistance / stress / walls around money and looking at the truth of how they’re really meant to be relating to their finances🔮🧚‍♂️

If you’re interested in winning one of these Abundance Readings, I’ll share all of the details below…

Abundance Readings ☁️✨

Where we will tune into :

☁️Your energetic alignment with Abundance

☁️Exploring your Spiritual, Mental, Emotional + Physical relationship with Money

☁️Chakra system analysis (specifically relating to abundance)

☁️Ancestral DNA / Generational wealth consciousness

☁️Your attachment style to money

☁️How your nervous system relates to the safety of having more than enough

☁️Personal worthiness / Sense of deserving / Receptivity

☁️Clarifying resistances / Blocks / Self sabotaging / Patterns

☁️Your capacity to hold abundance in your field / reality

☁️The best way for you to expand your capacity

☁️Exploring the channels / avenues for income (what is / isn’t aligned)

☁️If you have a business we can tune into particular price points / Selling methods

These Readings are 45min video call sessions that are recorded for you to watch back over 🪄

So, If you feel drawn to having an Abundance Reading, There are two options…

You can enter the raffle (+ Manifest WINNING!) #/checkout/openButton

Or if you’re feeling 100% IN, You can book yourself an Abundance Reading below (Availability within 1-2 weeks)

Jessie x


Join us tomorrow 🪄


It’s been a while since our last Reading raffle …
So let’s have another one!

(Cause who wouldn’t want to win a 1:1 Reading?)


If you’ve been listening to the recent podcast episodes, I’ve been sharing a bit about my more recent ‘downloads’ around abundance, More particularly around how we can deepen our ability to receive 💕

In these Abundance Readings that I’ve been facilitating recently, We’ve been looking into each individual’s Abundance Blueprint to see where they’ve been holding resistance / stress / walls around money and looking at the truth of how they’re really meant to be relating to their finances🔮🧚‍♂️

If you’re interested in winning one of these Abundance Readings, I’ll share all of the details below…

Abundance Readings ☁️✨

Where we will tune into :

☁️Your energetic alignment with Abundance

☁️Exploring your Spiritual, Mental, Emotional + Physical relationship with Money

☁️Chakra system analysis (specifically relating to abundance)

☁️Ancestral DNA / Generational wealth consciousness

☁️Your attachment style to money

☁️How your nervous system relates to the safety of having more than enough

☁️Personal worthiness / Sense of deserving / Receptivity

☁️Clarifying resistances / Blocks / Self sabotaging / Patterns

☁️Your capacity to hold abundance in your field / reality

☁️The best way for you to expand your capacity

☁️Exploring the channels / avenues for income (what is / isn’t aligned)

☁️If you have a business we can tune into particular price points / Selling methods

These Readings are 45min video call sessions that are recorded for you to watch back over 🪄

So, If you feel drawn to having an Abundance Reading, There are two options…

You can enter the raffle (+ Manifest WINNING!) #/checkout/openButton

Or if you’re feeling 100% IN, You can book yourself an Abundance Reading below (Availability within 1-2 weeks)

Jessie x


Space for one Abundance Reading this Wednesday (Tuesday if you’re in northern hemisphere) 🪽☁️✨

These Readings are designed to explore your Soul’s Abundance Blueprint, To give you specific guidance on where you may have abundance blocks / blind spots and how to OPEN, SOFTEN + RECEIVE more 🦋

PM me for full details / To book this spot 🧚


Abundance Readings 🪽☁️✨

A clairvoyant Reading, Specifically focused on understanding your own soul’s blueprint for abundance + money …

Where we will tune into :

- Your energetic alignment with Abundance

- Exploring your Spiritual, Mental, Emotional + Physical relationship with Money

- Chakra system analysis (specifically relating to abundance)

- Ancestral DNA / Generational wealth consciousness

- Your attachment style to money

- How your nervous system relates to the safety of having more than enough

- Personal worthiness / Sense of deserving / Receptivity

- Clarifying resistances / Blocks / Self sabotaging / Patterns

- Your capacity to hold abundance in your field / reality

- The best way for you to expand your capacity

- Exploring the channels / avenues for income (what is / isn’t aligned)

- If you have a business we can tune into particular price points / Selling methods

These Readings are 45min video call sessions that are recorded for you to watch back over,
They are $133USD✨

If you’d like to book - Click here :

Or you can double your time and add an integration session, Where we alchemise the healing / expansion that has been highlighted in your Reading✨

Abundance Reading + Integration Session (90mins) $222

Availability is currently within 1-2 weeks 🫶🏼

Jessie x


Going live on Insta for some
1 Question Readings in about 30mins 🪽💕


I have 1 spot available for a Reading tomorrow 🔮🪽

PM me to book x


We’re starting the
Oracle Advancement Certification Course today 🔮

Full details linked in comments if you’d like to join us …


We begin tomorrow 🪽✨

Join us to enhance your intuitive gifts and ability to read oracle cards (with deep soul-level insight from spirit 🔮)

You can claim you spot for just $44 on the payment plan (or $111 total)

In the Oracle Advancement Certification Course, We’ll be developing each of your Clairs, Exploring all the ways Spirit brings through guidance, Going way beyond the face value of the cards 🦋

And best of all, We’ll all be practicing together, Offering each other card readings, Seeing how the messages connect, Building confidence + Trust 🪄

This will be the last Intuitive Development Course I’ll be running for a while, If you’d like to join in with the 80% discount I’m offering,

Enrol below …

Jessie x



Do you desire to advance your Intuitive Gifts through the tools of Oracle Cards?

I’m feeling like gifting 3 spots to my Oracle Advancement Course 🪽✨

Where we'll be calling in Spirit, Activating our cards as divine tools of communication,

Developing your intuition through activating and advancing each Clair...

Clairsentience - Feeling 🧘🏼‍♀️
Claircognizance - Knowing💡
Clairvoyance - Seeing 👁
Clairaudience - Hearing👂🏼

Tangibly practicing them individually, To understand how YOU experience them,
What it’s like to notice guidance coming through each of these intuitive senses...
..And allowing them to expand in their clarity / power by practicing Card Readings each week!

Once you reach this embodiment of your intuitive gifts,
You'll feel like a magical lil oracle on legs 🧝🏼‍♀️🔮🌙👁✨

🌙 Comment below sharing briefly why you’d love to join Oracle Advancement + Become a certified card reader

🌙 Tag 2 soul sisters you’d like to win the 3 spots with

We begin in 4 days 🦋

For full details,
Or if you’re feeling drawn to joining + securing one of the remaining spaces now,

Visit 💫

Jessie x


11 Personal & Soul Biz Uses For Oracle Cards ...

🌙 To communicate with your Spirit Guides

🌙 As a daily soul guidance download

🌙 To receive guidance for your full moon / new moon rituals

🌙 To assist in setting new year / Birthday intentions

🌙 Your no #1 go-to for making aligned decisions

🌙 To kick start a Reading, Cards act as activators for Intuitives

🌙 To enhance a coaching session, Getting straight to the most important thing your client needs to personally focus on!

🌙 As an additional service to expand your Reiki / healing business

🌙 To add extra magic to your yoga / meditation classes by pulling cards for the group

🌙 Building a social media platform with high engagement by providing live card pulls & Intuitive insights that amaze your audience

🌙 To nurture an online community (like I do with & my newsletter subscribers!)

Share with me which one/s you feel most drawn to!

We begin the Oracle Advancement Certification Course in 5 days,

Where I’ll be mentoring each soul sister in advancing their intuitive abilities to read cards (Going wayyyyy beyond the basic handbook descriptions!) 🪐🔮💫

If you’d love to join us, To be guided step by step and to practice with others, Growing your confidence ...

Enrol here for $111 or a payment plan of $44 ✨

Jessie x


7 spaces left 🩷

In 6 days we’ll be starting the Oracle Advancement Certification Course 🪽✨

With women who are enhancing their intuitive ability to read cards and deliver divine guidance,

Either for their own practice / Clarity / Direction, Or to offer this as a service in their soul business 🔮

If you’d like to join us, The full details can be found via the link below,

Where you’ll also receive the 80% discount which makes it just $111 for the full 6 week course

(or a payment plan of 3 x $44 💫)

PM me with any Q’s,
Jessie x

Oracle Advancement | jessicareidonline 18/09/2023

🔮 Become A Certified Oracle Card Reader 🔮

With clear, Intuitive senses to channel through the highest guidance 🪽✨

Beginning 25th September 🪄
For 6 weeks, With Module Trainings + Live Practice Sessions

(Lots of opportunities to exchange Readings with other intuitive sisters to enhance your confidence / trust!)

🫶🏼 Special Offer - 80% Off 🫶🏼

Join for just $111USD
Or with a payment plan of 3 x $44USD

If you’re feeling drawn, Full details are in the link below …

Or message me with any Q’s

We begin soon! 💫

Jessie x

Oracle Advancement | jessicareidonline While we make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent all the products and services reviewed on this website and their potential it should be noted that, as with the nature of coaching, there are no guarantees to the results you will experience.


🦋 Special Announcement 🦋

*see photo

Full details at 🫶🏼


The best way to develop your intuition is through activating and advancing each Clair...

Clairsentience - Feeling 🧘🏼‍♀️
Claircognizance - Knowing💡
Clairvoyance - Seeing 👁
Clairaudience - Hearing👂🏼

Tangibly practicing them individually, To understand how YOU experience them, What it’s like to notice guidance coming through each of these intuitive senses...
..And allowing them to expand in their clarity / power by TRUSTING their insights.

Once you reach this embodiment of your intuitive potentials, It feels like you’re an oracle on legs 🧝🏼‍♀️🔮🪐🌙👁✨

I’ll be guiding us all through the advancement of our Intuitive Clairs, Along with the tangible tool of Oracle Cards for 6 weeks (In the Oracle Advancement Course)

If you’d love to join us in the Oracle Advancement Certification Course, We begin in 10 days,
So feel free to explore all details via the link below or connect with me via PM to request the 80% discount I currently have on offer for early enrolment 🤍🪽✨

(I cannot wait to see your magic shine through💫)

Jessie x


Did you know I started out as a Reiki + Reconnective Healing Practitioner? 🪽

But adding Readings to my business was the point where everything took off 🪐💫

I could finally facilitate all of the feelings, Insights & Messages I was receiving 👁💫

(As I found it hard to stay quiet while channeling energy because I was so intrigued by what my intuition was picking up on)

& my clients were ALL FOR IT 🌙✨

That’s when I really felt like I stepped into my magic, I fell head over heels in love with what I could really offer! 🧚🏼‍♂️

If you’re feeling a ni**le or an excitement to expand your abilities (& your business)...

Oracle Cards are the perfect tools for developing your gifts & facilitating Readings 🔮

(Having an Oracle Advancement certificate to represent your training will help you stand out too ✨)

So if you’d love to say YES to this expansion in your spiritual services,

Join us for the Oracle Advancement Course, I’ll guide you through every step & you’ll have plenty of experience up your sleeve by the time we’re complete 💓

We begin in 11 days 🪄

All of the details about this course can be found via the link below + If you join the waitlist (3 days left for this early enrolment) you’ll receive an 80% discount 🤍

Any Q’s just DM me,

Jessie x


Oracle Cards really are divine tools for communication between the realms 🌌

A tangible medium between Spirit & Humans 🪽

They open up the communication and begin the Reading 🔮

The cards activate the guidance on behalf of spirit,
Then we use our Intuition to tune in & receive the complete message 👁✨

They have such a beautiful effect of helping us to get out of our heads and into the magic 🌈🪐🧚🏼‍♂️

They’re definitely my fave lil assistants as a lightworker (alongside my crystals 💎!)

Would you love to work with these tools more often, With greater insight, clarity & confidence? 🧝🏼‍♀️🔮💫

We begin the Oracle Advancement Course in 12 days, Where I’ll guide you through the intuitive development process & you’ll be practicing with other soul sisters👯‍♀️✨

In the link below you’ll find all of the details and the option to join the waitlist which will get you an early enrolment 80% discount 🩷

PM me with any Q’s

Jessie x


Oracle Cards are amazing tools to activate insights, Guidance & messages from Spirit 🌙

We can begin with the suggested spreads and read the descriptions from the handbook,

But the most accurate and insightful readings happen when we intuit the cards - Beyond the handbook.

The energetics of relaying what the handbook says, Can feel a bit broad, Like the messages could apply to anyone (have you felt this before?),

However the energetics of intuiting what the real guidance is, For the individual,
Feels undoubtedly resonant, clear and powerful!🪽✨

Which is why I'm offering the
Oracle Advancement Certification Course 🔮

So if you'd love to spend 6 weeks together,
Advancing your ability to read what spirit is communicating through the cards,
As well as practicing and exchanging readings with the other soul sisters...

🌙 Early Enrolment is currently open with an 80% discount to those on the waitlist (link below to join)

🌙 We begin Sept 25th

🌙 The course will build your confidence to offer intuitive Oracle Card Readings

🌙 On completion you'll receive your certificate

🌙 Become a Spirit Girls Recommended Reader on our website! (optional)

PM me if you have Q’s 🩷
Jessie x


I’m going to do some free live card readings on the Instagram this morning (soon)
Go follow + Click for bell notifications to know when I’m on 🔔


Hi my lovelies 🤍🪽

A second round of Oracle Advancement is here 🫶🏼

For a few months my spirit guides have been suggesting that I run this course again (but I had been enjoying the intimacy of just 1:1 Readings for a while)

Now feels like the right time to open up as I’m missing the fun of working in group mentorship + Watching each person’s confidence soar 🪽✨

Oracle Advancement is for energy healers, Coaches, Guides who are wanting to bring Oracle Card Readings into their offerings …

Not just in a generic way where the message on the card is being relayed, We’re going way beyond face value, Enhancing our intuitive senses + letting our gifts shine through these beautiful tools🔮

I’m currently inviting those who are interested, To join the waitlist - Which will give you early access with a 80% discount 🦋

To join the waitlist, Click the link below 🤍

If you have any Q’s just PM me 🧚🏼‍♂️

Jessie x


Do you feel drawn to offering Oracle Card Readings as a service? 🔮🪽✨

If you’d like to become a super intuitive, Certified Oracle Card Reader (trained by me) …

Join the waitlist for my second round of Oracle Advancement that I’ll be opening in September 🧚🏼‍♂️

You’ll receive early access + 80% off enrolment 🦋

Any Q’s just pm me,
Jessie 🫶🏼


Hello lovelies 🫶🏼

In the mood for a Reading? ✨

Next week’s availability:

I have 2 spaces for either a …

Soul Reading 🔮

Aphrodite Reading (love life) ❤️‍🔥

Spirit Baby Reading 👼🏼

Or 1:1 Intuitive Gifts Consult

PM me with any Q’s / which one you’d like to book,

Jessie x


How do we feel about the Lions Gate Portal opening 8/8? 🦁🔥

Comment below your interpretation + let’s see what’s coming through collectively 🫶🏼

If you’d like a Reading while in this energy, For clarity + Manifestation, I have availability this week for either :

Soul Reading 🔮

Aphrodite Reading ❤️‍🔥

Spirit Baby Reading 👼🏼

Jessie x


2 days left to enter + win a Spirit Baby Reading 🔮👼🏼✨


If you've been following along on instagram, I've been facilitating a lot of these Readings 1:1, Tuning into others' Spirit Babies, Multidimensional fertility (being Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally & Physically ready for their babies), Looking at generational healing, Soul contracts when beginning / expanding a family, Divine timing … Alllll the things!

If you're feeling drawn towards deeper insight, Healing, Clarity + Connection with your fertility, Pregnancy, Journey with motherhood, Spirit Babies etc. This is the opportunity for you 💕


These Readings are relative for past experiences, Future conception, Pregnancies + Even current children you'd like to understand at a soul level!

We'll be tapping into:

🔮 Your Spirit Babies, Your soul contracts, What they may have as guidance for you + What they may be planning from above

🔮 Your sacral chakra energy

🔮 What your womb space wants to express, Acknowledge & Share with you

🔮 Body scan, What the body is needing as a whole for nourishment & Physical fertility

🔮 Your Spiritual fertility

🔮 Your Mental & Emotional bodies - Any blocks, Walls, Resistances or initiations to becoming a mother (for the first time or again)

🔮 Any past life insights relative to fertility, Birth, Motherhood

🔮 Generational trauma that may need to be cleared before the next generation will come in to your lineage

🔮 Your partners alignment with becoming a father

🔮 Any messages for your relationship moving into parenthood / expanding your family

🔮 Guidance for conception, Pregnancy, Birth + Postpartum

🔮 Anything your spirit baby is asking of you as parents during their childhood / growing up

🔮 Spiritual connections with other family members / siblings

🔮 Any personal questions you have on this subject

So, If you feel drawn to having a Spirit Baby Reading,

You can enter the raffle (+ Manifest WINNING!) ⚡️💫✨

One entry per ticket ($5.55 each)

Winner drawn August 6th

Or if you're feeling 100% IN, You can book yourself a Spirit Baby Reading (Availability currently within 1 week!) 🧚

Good Luck 🍀

Jessie x



If you've been following along on instagram, I've been facilitating a lot of these Readings 1:1, Tuning into others' Spirit Babies, Multidimensional fertility (being Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally & Physically ready for their babies), Looking at generational healing, Soul contracts when beginning / expanding a family, Divine timing … Alllll the things!

If you're feeling drawn towards deeper insight, Healing, Clarity + Connection with your fertility, Pregnancy, Journey with motherhood, Spirit Babies etc. This is the opportunity for you 💕


These Readings are relative for past experiences, Future conception, Pregnancies + Even current children you'd like to understand at a soul level!

We'll be tapping into:

🔮 Your Spirit Babies, Your soul contracts, What they may have as guidance for you + What they may be planning from above

🔮 Your sacral chakra energy

🔮 What your womb space wants to express, Acknowledge & Share with you

🔮 Body scan, What the body is needing as a whole for nourishment & Physical fertility

🔮 Your Spiritual fertility

🔮 Your Mental & Emotional bodies - Any blocks, Walls, Resistances or initiations to becoming a mother (for the first time or again)

🔮 Any past life insights relative to fertility, Birth, Motherhood

🔮 Generational trauma that may need to be cleared before the next generation will come in to your lineage

🔮 Your partners alignment with becoming a father

🔮 Any messages for your relationship moving into parenthood / expanding your family

🔮 Guidance for conception, Pregnancy, Birth + Postpartum

🔮 Anything your spirit baby is asking of you as parents during their childhood / growing up

🔮 Spiritual connections with other family members / siblings

🔮 Any personal questions you have on this subject

So, If you feel drawn to having a Spirit Baby Reading,

You can enter the raffle (+ Manifest WINNING!) ⚡️💫✨

One entry per ticket ($5.55 each)

Winner drawn August 6th

Or if you're feeling 100% IN, You can book yourself a Spirit Baby Reading (Availability currently within 1 week!) 🧚

Good Luck 🍀

Jessie x


As Promised ✨

'Healing The Masculine Wound' Meditation + Integration Process (1 Hour)

This is such a beautiful process for new ways of relating + Receiving …

🫶🏼 For your inner child to feel the full divine masculine presence that she needed

🫶🏼 For your shadow feminine to let her guard down + For your divine feminine to be met

🫶🏼 For your own inner masculine to finally take a break

🫶🏼 For your nervous system to feel a foundational sense of safety + Protection

🫶🏼 To heal imprints from the paternal lineage

🫶🏼 To bring closure to past relationships + Clear patterns

🫶🏼 To increase the magnetism of your soul mate (re-opening your heart)

🫶🏼 To finish looking for 'prince charming' + Being ready for a king

🫶🏼 To alchemise a current relationship + Receive more of the divine masculine providership

🫶🏼 To feel acknowledged, Valued, Respected + Supported by the divine masculine in life as a whole.

It is a long meditation (1 hour) but its worth it for how deep the integration is!

I've decided not to set a price for this Meditation + Have opened it to donations ✨

You can choose what you'd like to donate (angel numbers appreciated!) as an exchange and then you'll be re-directed to access the meditation. (I recommend you then download it or bookmark.)

Enjoy! 😘

Photos from Jessica Reid - Clairvoyant & Channel's post 09/06/2023


If you’ve been following along, I've been delving right into Spirit Babies, Spiritual Fertility, Conscious conception, Generational healing, Soul contracts when beginning / expanding a family, Natal lunar phases …

It's my THING right now, I'm leaning so deeply into it personally + I'm feeling so ready to offer these Spirit Baby Readings for others who are also in this initiation / Process

If you're feeling drawn towards deeper insight, Healing, Clarity + Connection with your fertility, Pregnancy, Journey with motherhood, Spirit Babies etc. This offer is now available!


We'll be tapping into:

🔮 Your Spirit Babies, Your soul contracts, What they may have as guidance for you + What they may be planning from above

🔮 Your sacral chakra energy

🔮 What your womb space wants to express, Acknowledge & Share with you

🔮 Body scan, What the body is needing as a whole for nourishment & Physical fertility

🔮 Your Spiritual fertility (soul level)

🔮 Your Mental & Emotional bodies - Any blocks, Walls, Resistances or initiations to becoming a mother (for the first time or again)

🔮 Any past life insights relative to fertility, Birth, Motherhood

🔮 Generational trauma that may need to be cleared before the next generation will come in to your lineage

🔮 Your partners alignment with becoming a father

🔮 Any messages for your relationship moving into parenthood / expanding your family

🔮 Guidance for conception, Pregnancy, Birth + Postpartum

🔮 Anything your spirit baby is asking of you as parents during their childhood / growing up

🔮 Spiritual connections with other family members / siblings

🔮 Any personal questions you have on this subject

So, If you feel drawn to having a Spirit Baby Reading, There are two options…

You can book for the Reading itself

(45mins $133)

Or you can double your session time by adding on the personalised Womb Ceremony for just $89, Where we will alchemise your Spiritual Fertility, Taking you much deeper into healing + Connecting with your baby.

($222 for 90mins)

Jessie 🌜✨


Hey everyone!

In this episode I'm interviewing Laila Taylor who is a Soul Guide, Intuitive & Akashic Records Reader, All about how she has come to work with her gifts, How she had her awakening after experiencing a lot of Anxiety and depression (As well as our insights upon what is happening here at a deeper level)

Along the interview Laila explains her view on why you may want to have a Psychic Reading vs Why you may feel drawn towards an Akashic Record Reading / What you can get out of each ...

We also chat togather about what it's like being a Clairvoyant / Psychic 'behind the scenes' and how we feel a lot more 'earthly' than always leaving the body in search of cosmic experiences (like we might have in the past)

If you'd like to connect with Laila, Follow her on instagram .l.taylor or visit her website for all offerings

To listen on spotify click here:

To listen on apple podcasts click here:

Hope you loved this ep,
Jessie x


Hey Lovelies 🫶🏼

I've really been enjoying these raffles 🎫

It's so fun drawing / announcing the winners & Seeing what messages come through in the Readings (Understanding why they were the ones who won.)

So we're going to keep this train rolling,

If your love life is needing some nurture, Clarity, Expansion or even a breakthrough …

❤️‍🔥 WIN an Aphrodite Reading + Alchemic Integration Session with me (Worth $222USD) 🌹

Which is perfect if you felt intuitively drawn to having an Aphrodite Reading with me, But have had other priorities financially.

I love letting the universe decide who needs it most 💜
(while there's still an energetic exchange)

If you'd like to be the next winner, I'll share all of the details below …

❤️‍🔥🌹APHRODITE READING (45mins) 🔮🫶🏼

These sessions will explore past, Present & Future insights upon your love life,
Whether it is relative to being single or in a relationship.

We'll be tapping into:

🔮 Your heart chakra & Area of romance to explore the foundational energetics

🔮 Any blocks, Walls, Patterns, Resistances to receiving love & How to clear them

🔮 Approach to dating & What your Spirit guides are encouraging you to look for (if single)

🔮 Ex partners that may still be in your field / Needing closure & completion

🔮 Soul mate & twin flame connections

🔮 Past lives that relate to romance (or particular partners you may have soul history with)

🔮 Soul contract for this lifetime, Purpose of the relationship, Challenges for growth, The most aligned dynamic (for current or future relationships)

🔮 Understanding your romantic triggers (& your partners if in relationship)

🔮 Personal healing that needs to take place in order to manifest / nourish the relationship

🔮 Your attachment style & Love languages (how they function / affect relationships)

🔮 How the feminine & masculine embodiments are aligned or needing adjustment

🔮 Acknowledging parental imprints that are both positively / negatively affecting your love life

🔮 Having children together (for current or future relationships)

🔮 Your future together & What that lifestyle looks like

🔮 Any personal questions you have about your love life

PLUS - Another 45mins will be spent on our Alchemic Integration Session, Where we create a shift within, Relative to what inner work Spirit is guiding you towards (In order to have the relationship you desire)

🌈 lgbtqia+ Friendly 🌈

This includes a recording as I find that there is so much more to pick up on when you listen back again.

So, If you feel drawn to having an Aphrodite Reading + Alchemic Integration Session with me, There are two options …

You can book one right away (Availability within 1 - 2 weeks)

OR ✨ You can try your luck (Manifesting skills) at winning one via the raffle 🎫 🪄

One entry per ticket
(You can purchase as many as you like)

When you purchase a ticket, You'll enter your details, Be added to the draw & I'll announce the winner on the 7th May 💫

Can’t wait to see who wins,

Jessie x

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✨♌️ BIRTHDAY SALE LINKS 🔥✨Spirit Guides : The Course - 80% off
Spirit Girls Podcast Alert! 🎧 Podcast Episode 182: Lions Gate Portal & It’s Powerful Opportunities For You! 🦁 ♌️ ✨ Hey S...
Spirit Girls Podcast Alert! 🎧 Podcast Episode 181: Plant Spirits, Potions & Herbal Tonics w Kristy From The Bohemian Far...
Spirit Girls Podcast Alert! 🎧 Podcast Episode 180: Empowering The Womban w Lara Raybone Hey Spirit Girls! With the recen...
Spirit Girls Podcast Alert! 🎧 Podcast Episode 179: The Womb Priestess w Angela Marie Hey Spirit Girls! Are you ready to ...
Spirit Girls Podcast Alert! 🎧 Podcast Episode 178: Magic Of The Akashic w Lauren Zeiher ✨ Hey Spirit Girls! On this week...
I’ve decided to share some tips from Spirit Alchemy about how to become a Sales Pixie 🧚🏼‍♂️ (Watch video)We begin our 6m...
Time to swish your wand 🪄 If you feel like Spirit Alchemy is aligned with the vision of your soul business…Save 20% now ...
Spirit Girls Podcast Alert! 🎧 Podcast Episode 176: Spirit Alchemy - Strategy Alchemist Hello Honeys!  Wanna know how I i...
It’s alll about the channel baby 💫Without a clear, Energised Channel…All we’re left with is a bunch of ‘stuff’ keeping u...