LKM Wellness Coaching

LKM Wellness Coaching

Women's Wellness & Empowerment Coach! Mindset Matters & Kids Wellbeing Coach. Soon to be certified C

I am a womens health, wellness & empowerment coach..I combine my womens wellness practitioner skills, with my health, nutrition & eating psychology qualifications together with my life & mindset coaching experience for a unique holistic approach to helping each woman become the best version of herself. So if you want to:
�lose weight
�tame those pesky hormones
�learn body positivity & love the bod

Timeline photos 04/05/2022

Emotional overeating is recognised as someone turning to food for comfort and escape during times of depression, stress, anxiety, low mood or when faced with difficult or overwhelming situations. There are both physical and psychological causes for emotional eating. When someone overeats emotionally, they are using food as an attempt to feel comforted.

When we are stressed, our brains release cortisol and other hormones, which are said to impede brain development and affect the way we perceive threats. In some, this will manifest in emotional issues such as anxiety or depression, which are linked to increased use of addictive substances as a coping strategy.


Be nutritionally conscience. Eating right is essential on so many levels, but you will find you are so much more motivated and productive if you’re feeding your body the right kind of fuel.

Get educated on what the best diet is for you and eat a variety of foods that are providing your body with the appropriate nutrients that it needs to function at an optimum level. Try to eat with the focus that food is for the proper functioning of your body and not just for your taste buds.

Of course, moderation is the key and having little treats now and then is acceptable, but make the majority of meals and snacks about providing your body the right fuel.


Reposted from The Food Addiction Coach

We are all barraged daily with images and messages emphasising thinness and the attainment of an ideal physique. ⠀

To counteract these messages, it is important to find messages that support body acceptance and the inclusion of a range of bodies.⠀

If you, a client or a friend is struggling with food addiction or body image it’s important not to be self-critical looking at images that make them feel awful. The primary focus is to get the body and the brain back into biochemical balance and a positive state of mind.


Are you making sure you're getting enough sleep on a regular basis??


Help settle the debate with houmous...

Original or Red Pepper?


Let's talk hormones....

Timeline photos 23/03/2022

Great page to check out more info on all things thyroid...

Did you know? Most people with Hashimoto’s are likely to have numerous signs of adrenal dysfunction as a result of chronic stress and anxiety. ⁠

🦋 Over the years, I have found that 90 percent of my clients that did adrenal testing, had some degree of adrenal fatigue.⁠

🦋 Treating hypothyroidism without treating the adrenals is one of the biggest reasons people continue to feel exhausted, despite receiving treatment with thyroid hormones.⁠

Do you - or does someone you know - have symptoms of adrenal fatigue? What was your experience like?⁠


Switch to non-toxic household cleaning products...

For more advice on cleaning products check out the lovely Christina Dickson - Norwex Independent Consultant for info on Norwex products


For any of you other ladies suffering from ADHD, very insightful...


6 Vegetable Juices Guaranteed To Give You Glowing Skin....there is nothing more radiant than that fresh clear skin....


Starting the week with a few reminders about Self Care...


Happy International Women's Day 2022 💋

Photos from Rethink with Play Therapy's post 04/03/2022
Period Flu – What You Need to Know 01/03/2022

Period Flu – What You Need to Know If you’ve ever felt flu like symptoms before or on your period, you may have been experiencing period flu. Find the causes and how to treat it in this article.


Following on in our theme of Self love this month, today we are talking 🎙 about "Building a better relationship with yourself 🥰💗" so listen up 👂 and take a few pointers ladies 💋


As kit's February our wellness theme for the month is all around self love...💗

🎙⏯👂 So listen in for 4 signs you need more self love 💋


Like with anything in life, whennwe do the same old day in day out it can become monotonous...trying spicing it up a little, with even such a simple thing as choosing to walk a new path!
This is figuritive but of course you can take it literally also if you so choose! Stop being blind to the beauty all around you, take a moment to stop & smell the roses as they say. When we live our lives on autopilot we risk missing so many great things & experiences!
Take time, slow down, be mindful!
Lisa 💋 27/01/2022

Start adding a good, quality probiotic to your daily routine. Incorporating cultured foods and drinks to your life, such as yogurt, miso, dairy or non-dairy kefir, kefir water, kombucha, cultured vegetables, and other cultured foods is a great
way to improve digestion and overall health.
These foods have been around for centuries.
By adding these foods or another high-quality probiotic to your lifestyle, you will lose weight, assimilate your nutrients better, have clearer skin, better sleep, and decrease your body’s inflammation. The Greek meaning of probiotic is ‘for life’.
So, give yourself the gift of a healthy life and get cultured.
"95% of your serotonin (the happy hormone) is
manufactured in your digestive system.
80% of your immune system is located in your
digestive system."
Lisa 💋 25/01/2022

Yes, you heard me. Put down the smartphone, iphone or iPad. Turn off the TV, sit down, and just enjoy the activity of eating. Give yourself some quiet time so you can de-stress and digest! I know life gets busy.
Why? It is so simple: when the body is stressed, it cannot digest, properly function,
or effectively transform food into energy, or perform all of its other jobs and metabolic processes.
Start by taking just one minute out of your day to breathe and think of anything that makes you happy.

Lisa 💋


I'm not saying eat these and you don't need to worry about Covid, but it is in such times we should be doing all we can to boost our Immune systems...


💯Want to know one of the fastest ways to END your cravings?

🥳I’ve got a GREAT resource to help you do that – it’s my brand-new Crush Your Cravings Guide! And it's FREE!

👉🏾Learn the EXACT strategies you need to know to help prevent, manage, and CRUSH your cravings! As well help you reach your goals and feel energized along the way!

❌No more relying on willpower.

🍭Crush Your Cravings outlines simple strategies that help you …

✅Learn what to do (instead of eat) when stress and boredom kick in.
✅Find the EXACT foods that will keep you full and satisfied.
✅Understand the link between sleep, fatigue, and cravings.
✅Uncover a surprising cause of cravings (spoiler: your workouts)
✅How to set up your daily routine to prevent cravings!


Did you know???


Here's your daily reminder...💋


Habits are such a love / hate thing...we talk about breaking bad habits, when in reality, the science behind it proves its not about breaking bad habits i.e just stop doing something, its about replacing them with better ones if we want to be successful in maintaining them!.
They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit, in actuality it takes probably about 3 times this to really cement the new habit into our reality, to do it on autopilot. After 21 days we have formed the daily habit or ritual of actually doing that act, but we still need to consciously think about it. We are building & strengthening the new neuropathways each time we repeat the habit, but it is only after at least 40 days, more likely around 60 where it becomes a new natural reflex.
Most of these habits below to maintain a healthy body you should have heard of before & practice already to some degree. None should really be a foreign concept. But it is a reminder to improve & strengthen those habits!
Lisa 💋


Why is Self Care so important??
Just like that plane analogy again, the flight attendant tells you that you need to secure your own oxygen mask first befire attempting to help others. And we automatically think, f**k thats selfish what if there are kids, or old or vulnerable people struggling, I'm just supposed to be blind to it and go ahead and save myself, because obviously I'm more important. And right away you can feel your body contracting, you feel uncomfortable. You feel like a selfish bitch!
But now I want you to think about it logically, if you're going down, amd you run around trying to help as many as you can as quick as you can before putting on your own mask, before ensuring your own survival, eventually you're going to run out of steam, or puff (oxygen) as the case may have it then you're no goid to anyone, chamces are you won't make it back to your seat to get your own mask & I can't see that you'd wanna steal someone elses. So your nobility got you nowhere. Whereas if you had taken those 2 secs to do as instructed out on your own mask, you'd have your own supply of pxygen, you'd be able to think clearer, act faster and help more people.
With our perpetually bysy lives it's easy to neglecr our own wellbeing, esoecially if we are juggling multiple responsibilities. But cultivaring a self-care practice can better help us cope with life's stressors. It can not only aud our physical health, but improve our mental health, boost resilience, reduce anxiety and improve relationships.
Self care means teaching yourself that YOU matter! One small step at a time...Even if you only allow yourself the gift of a few minutes on a daily basis to practice self care, you'll be able to show up more for what matters in your life, from a stronger, happier place.
Lisa 💋


Monday Morning 🌞
A few words of wisdom to start the week....

We may not always think it, but the best possible advice anyone could give you. We think, well that can't be right because being myself hasn't got me too far yet, or when I do that s**t always happens, people leave, I fail etc etc. We have this attachment to the fact that it can't be that easy, there has to be more & forever in a search for that 'missing piece of the puzzle' that 'magic key' that will like sonething out of Cinderella magickly transform everything.
But that's the problem you need to stop searching outside of yourself. Stop with all the comparisonitis, and mimicking everyine else because you think well they are influencers, they seem popular so people must like them, I wanna be like them.
The best thing you can do for you and the world around you, is just be 'YOU'...the world doesn't need another Kim Kardashin, Molly Mae, Mrs Hinch, Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie or whoever the f**k you are following...
The world needs you in all your glory. Authencity always trumps. Be you, speak your truth, show your flaws, learn from your failures & the world will open up in a way you never expected.
Lisa 💋


I am hearing more & more women now complain of hormonal issues, endometriosis, PCOS, and such...
Here are just a few things you can adapt in your daily life to help!
Things that don't cost a fortune, require you to visit a therapist for weekly treatments, or drink a vile concoction of crap, but that will make noticeable differences in your life.
Remember happy hormones = better mood, balanced weight, more energy, better fertility, better sleep and all round feeling better. Hormones play a big part in our lives whether we realise it or not. When we let these pesky things get out of control it can really wreak havoc in our lives!
Lisa 💋


Let us know your experiences 👇

Photos from LKM Wellness Coaching's post 15/01/2022

The Immune System, our bodies key defense against illness or more important than ever during a pandemic, in your fight for survival!

What is it..

How to boost yours this winter...

And 6 things that can actually weaken yours!


Digestion begins in your mouth. Remember when you were little (or maybe not so little) and your mother would tell you slow down and chew your food so that you would not choke?
That always annoys most kids, but she was making a great point.
When you do not chew your food, it sets the stage for poor digestion. Poor digestion opens the door to let in the unwanted: weight gain, acne, poor sleep, hormonal issues, adrenal fatigue, constipation, acne, IBS, low s*x drive, mood swings, and food allergies, to name a few. Serious health issues are not far behind.
Most importantly, when you do not digest properly your body cannot transform your food into energy.
I hear this from my new clients all the time. I WANT ENERGY!!!!
If you want more energy, then chew your food properly. I suggest 30 chews per bite. Technically not a difficult task per se, but given that we are so prone to just wolfing everything down as fast as we can & usually while on the go, then I'd say it will be tough enough of a task. But a rewarding one!
Lisa 💋



Let's get a few things straight from the outset and bust a few myths, all the bulls**t we tell ourselves to justify our lack of self care.
What it IS...

👉....getting to know yourself better, being more aware of what you're thinking & feeling.
👉...becoming your own biggest cheerleader rather than being your own worst critic.
👉 yourself space, having boundaries, putting yourself first & giving yourself the care & attention you need.
👉...taking responsibility for your life & your actions, this means no more pity party, no more poor me story, plating the victim to every circumstance, blaming everyone else for your failures, thinking the whole world is out to get you, it can be a bitter pill to swallow sometimes but such a rewarding one when you realise you can be anything you want to be. You & only you have the power to create your life, shape it, form it, mould it to whatever you desire.
👉...and most of all it's about being honest, getting real with yourself by taking a long hard look in the mirror & asking yourself what do I want, is this working, what's not working, why & most of all having the balls (or in this case ovaries 🤣) to step up and change it...yes change is scary, its uncomfortable, it was meant to be like that, after all its going against our old programming that once kept us safe, but it is a necessary evil, otherwise you will stay stuck & in your last few moments on this earth look back full of regret & what ifs.
What it is NOT..

👉...selfish! We are so often conditioned by society to believe self care is selfish, that putting ourselves first is greedy, wrong, shameful. We are taught to be a martyr, give, give, give until you can give no more. But this type of self sacrafice is only a one way road to resentment & burnout. Burnout leads to poor health, meaning you're no good to anyone. Self care is actually about bringing some of that love, care & attention back to yourself.

👉...Time Consuming! Another myth...self care can be anything you choose that brings you joy, that refills that cup and it can take only a few minutes of self care a day to have a real positive impact on your life. You don't need to have a full day at the spa, meditate for 2hr daily, journal 15 pages each & every single day inless you choose to. Even just a 5 min face mask, jotting down 3 things you are grateful for or a 3 min meditation are enough to get you on your way. You are the captain of this ship, you steer it in whatever direction you are called to go.

👉...An Indulgence! Contrary to all the naysayers, it's not all unicorns & rainbows as they say, or fluffy slippers & frivolity in this case. Taking steps to support our health & wellbeing is a basic necessity if we want to live a healthy happy life, it's not a treat or an indulgence.

And finally...

👉...A one time only done & dusted thing! Like mindset, like eating, like drinking, or sleeping or you get the jist, self care is not a do it once and thats you sorted kinda deal. There's a reason it is referred to as a self care practice. We need to keep practising, keep commiting day after day to caring for ourselces and our needs. It may not always be perfect, but we are not aiming for perfection, we are simply aiming for action, for messy, consistent action!
Lisa 💋


We are all guilty of rushing. Rushing to eat, to squeeze in an errand, meet a deadline, get to an appointment; rushing. So, let us slow down. Start the process with your eating. Stop and actually sit down when you eat. Your body needs you to be calm to actually digest. If you are nervous, your digestive system is in "fight or flight" mode. It cannot work properly when it is stressed. Digestion is about transforming your food into fuel. When we get stressed, tired, or even nervous, our digestion does not function properly, and certainly not optimally.
It is important to slow down so you can have more energy, or fuel, and also to avoid indigestion, bloating, acid reflux, and gas. Before you eat, try and remember to take a deep breath. Be grateful for the food you are about to eat, and also check in with your own body. Try and focus on being present in the moment and have awareness.
Don't shove the food in your mouth as you are running out the door or eat while standing at the counter as we have all done, myself included, more times than I care to remember. Be mindful. Take the time to pause when life gets busy. You will be amazed at the immediate improvement you will see and feel.
Try this amazing exercise I learned during my time at nutrition school to develop your awareness and start to slow down. 👇

• Sit in a relaxed, comfortable position. Breathe through your nose, and notice how the air is slightly cooler going in and slightly warmer going out.
• Place one hand over our heart and one hand over your belly.
• Feel your heart beating, and thank your heart for being there for you all day every day, pumping your blood and keeping you alive.
• Feel your belly, noticing the rise on the inhale and the fall on the exhale.
• Thank your belly for digesting all the food you eat.
• Sit silently with your eyes closed, and allow yourself to be with yourself.
• When you feel ready, take a deep inhale and exhale, open your eyes, rise, and move back into your day.
Lisa 💋


Sounds too simple? I hear ya, saying in the background but Lisa you must be forgetting something, that magic pill you've been searching for, because it can't be this easy. It just can't otherwise why the f**k have I not been doing it already. Which kinda means you know it's no-one else's fault but your own. And yes while that is correct, you are not the victim of big conglamerate corporations and fast food monopolies, there is no point throwing a pity party or worse yet using this as just another excuse to beat yourself up and prove that you fail everytime.
But do try it, as in eat simple and eat clean! You will feel amazing, plus strip years off of how you look and feel. I promise, and I know this to be true because I ahve witnessed it for so many of my clients and friends. Now I'm not saying you need to go crazy and never touch another bite of chocolate, nibble of cheese, or cheeky glass of vino. Eating clean but being too rigorous and miserable is not the way, that's not the point. Eating simple and clean allows you to have those little indulgences every now and again.

💟95% of your serotonin (the happy hormone) is manufactured in your digestive system.

💟80% of your immune system is manufactured in your digestive system.
We are focusing on strengthening this part of your body, the gateway to your health. You will boost your immune system, lose weight with ease, feel less bloated, uncover hidden food allergies, and, most of all, digest with ease, which means looking and feeling fabulous!
Why wouldn't you want that for yourself?
Lisa 💋


Most people are dehydrated (especially in winter areas where you have to heat your home) so do drink 6-8 glasses of water daily.

It's the simple lifestyle changes that make the biggest impact on our health.

Need help, then join our free Water Intake Challenge, starting Monday 10th January, in the free fb group... Woman

Photos from LKM Wellness Coaching's post 07/01/2022

With so much hyper focus being put on the pandemic, a lot of our regular health care is definitely slipping...
After hearing of so many women finding lumps over the last few months...and smears not being kept up to date as most people can't see a GP...Here's just a little reminder...

Itchy breasts is something that is all too common, yet one of those embarrasing things no-one will ask..likewise with the signs of ovarian cancer we always overlook it or put it down to something else.
These are symptoms you should not ignore ladies...most of the time its nothing, but you never know when nothing will develop into something. So if in doubt check it out!
Lisa 💋

Videos (show all)

Building a better relationship with yourself🥰💗
4 signs you need more self love 💗
Most people are dehydrated (especially in winter areas where you have to heat your home) so do drink 6-8 glasses of wate...
The Benefits of a Bedtime Routine...🛏😴
The Importance of a Good Night's Sleep 😴💋
Tell me tell me...💋
50 Simple Stress Relief Strategies
#weightlosstipsQuick & easy one for you today...spice it up!
Stock up for the on-the-go days 💋
Lose weight by adding variety into your diet 💋
Take a Break Before Bed...weight loss tip series 💋
Kickstart your morning with a power breakfast
