The Lazy Health Nut
We share tips deals and hacks that allow us to savor and experience all that is wonderful about our The lazy health nut is information in tiny bite size pieces.
We believe that doing something small consistently and with joy will always allow you to get farther then white knuckle, breath holding, grunting, and painful determination driven actions. We are serious about health but we are willing to take a stroll and wander a bit rather then climb every mountain. We share tips, stories, deals, and hacks that allow us to savor and experience all that is wonde
Don't see the worst in people and expect them to see the best in you.......
We throw words around so easily, this defines a toxic person. We can all be toxic in certain situations but when someone who pretends to have your best interests at heart or has power over us in the role of a partner, parent, boss or sibling it can leave scars and damage us.
I constantly should myself, don't do it!