Three Geese Wild Goose Qigong

Three Geese Wild Goose Qigong

Wild Goose Qigong as taught by Dr. Hu is a complete exercise and healing system. Produced by Three Geese Productions

Wild Goose Gigong (Dayan), has a long tradition in China of over a thousand years. The videos posted here are the versions Dr. Hu taught until the death of his Grandmaster Yang, Mei-Jun in 2002. She was one of the true giants of modern qigong. Qigong is a reflection of Chinese culture and healing arts. Practice it to make your body stronger, you mind sharper, and your mood happier. Qigong is tradi

Wild Goose Qigong Training Series HD - Wild Goose Qigong Video Training with Dr Hu 05/05/2021

Vimeo's VHX TV is now the best place to watch Wild Goose Qigong video training online.

Wild Goose Qigong Training Series HD - Wild Goose Qigong Video Training with Dr Hu Dr. Hu is a medical qigong master and has been practicing for more than 50 years. His teacher, Grandmaster Yang, Mei-Jun was the 27th lineage holder of the wild goose tradition. She advised Dr. Hu to share all 72 sets of Wild Goose Qigong with his students instead of keeping them secret. Usually,...


I. What is Kunlun Bagua Qigong?

Using the easy left-right turns of the body, together with the circular and center-periphery movements, this qigong has created a delightful and effortlessly way in training the "walking the circle" in Kunlun Bagua steps, both in the clockwise and counter-clock-wise directions.

II. What are Kunlun Bagua Steps?

Kunlun Bagua steps are unique in that we practice them in a meditative and self-fulfilling state of mind. Since there is no potential enemy to guard against, we can shift our body weight for further relaxation. We can enjoy observing and sensing the qi-flow inside our body.

Kunlun bagua steps are important to every student of Wild Goose Qigong due to its potential power in balancing the yin and yang aspects of our body. We know that the yin-yang balance in our body is ever developing, with one receding and its opposite increasing. Therefore, one of the most natural ways to balance the yin and yang of our body is through the bagua circle, which represents the different shades of the yin-yang balance. This is what we call "walking the circle" in bagua steps.

Aside from balancing the yin and yang aspects of our body (Bagua itself is the sub-division of yin and yang), they are also used for inducing the qi to rise up from the bottom--both for relaxation and for balancing our nervous system.

Please also notice the coiling of the wrist movement at the beginning of each "walking the circle" in bagua steps. The turning over of the palms serves to further balance the yin and yang aspects of the body.

III. Health Benefits of practicing Kunlun Bagua Qigong?

1. Trains body and mind coordination; stimulates more neuron connections in the brain.

2. the left and right brain cells' activities through constant shifting of the body weight left and right.

3. Develops the core stability and the body center, and at the same time, offers an excellent agility training.

4. Opens up the conception and governing vessels, so as to nourish the internal organs.

IV. The Contents of Wild Goose III

This qigong consists of two parts, and can be divided into four sections:

Section 1. Hands and feet coordination (1-8)

Section 2. Whole body balancing (9-17)

Section 3. Introduction to Kunlun Bagua steps (8-19)

Section 4. Kunlun Bagua steps in 4 circles (20-24)

V. How to practice Wild Goose-III?

In this workshop, our training focus is on how to use an "initiating point" to make our circular movements smoother, and how to pivot our feet to make our body turn left and right easier.

1. What is the "initiating point"?

a. Whenever you are making any big circular movements, whether you are using one arm or two, you should try to have the image of a full circle in your mind.

b. The circle should have an "initiating point" where you push a little more forcefully.

c. After you have accented the "initiating point", you should relax yourself to complete the whole circle, till you accent the "initiating point" again and go on to finish the second circle, and so on.

2. Coordination between the ankle and waist movement

a. Review the coordination between the wrist and waist movements.

b. Observe and practice how to make the body turn toward the left and right easy through pivoting the outside foot.

Workshop Details

Arlington Community Church, 52 Arlington Ave., Kensington, CA map

Date and Time:
Saturday, December 7, 2019
10am to 4pm (with a 1-hour break for lunch)


Workshop: Body-Center Shift in Wild Goose Qigong

SUNDAY 1-6pm, November 4, 2018
Kensington, CA (Berkeley)

In this workshop, Dr. Hu is going to teach you a special kind of circular movement, which involves the shifting of our body-center.

We all know that "circular movements" are widely used in WG Qigong. But do you know why? It is because when comparing circular movements with linear movements, the former can allow more joints to be involved in the movements. Or, in other words, circular movements can spread the Qi-flow over a larger area of one's body.

1) Your body will feel more relaxed (through shifting your body weight left-&-right).

2) Your movements will be much smoother (being able to direct your Qi from the back to the front).

3) Your breathing will be deeper (through the natural using of reverse abdominal breathing).

4) Your awareness will be sharper (through constantly connecting your "center" with your "periphery".

Registration Info

Arlington Community Church, 52 Arlington Ave., Kensington, CA

Wild Goose IV - Spiral and Tripod Qigong 06/10/2018

Functions of Reverse Abdominal Breathing
Wild Goose IV
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Kensington, CA (Berkeley)
Reverse Abdominal Breathing (RAB) is widely used in Wild Goose (WG) Qigong. But unfortunately, many learners sometimes misunderstand RAB as always being a type of forceful breathing. Since breathing-movement coordination is indispensable in learning WG Qigong, we hope this workshop can help learners improve their RAB by explaining in detail the exact situations where a RAB inhalation is called for.

1) RAB can help us expand our body and limbs. Therefore, when we need to stretch our body with ease, our first choice is using RAB.
Ex. a) Lifting up our arms
Ex. b) Stretching forward our arms
Ex. c) "Wild Goose is Flying", etc.

2) RAB inhaling can often be added after a normal abdominal inhalation, thus making our breathing much longer. Since this practice is gentle and meditative, we can safely use this technique to get rid of our bad habit of holding our breath unconsciously.
Ex. a) "Drawing an Arch Figure while Walking Sideways"

3) Unlike normal abdominal inhaling, when we use reverse abdominal breathing to inhale, our breath goes to our back right away. This shifting of our breathing space from our front to our back can naturally induce our body weight also to shift from front to back. As a WG Qigong learner, we already know how to shift our body weight front-and-back for the sake of relaxing our whole body without using both "arrow steps" and "empty steps". But if you use the RAB approach, it is simpler and more convenient.

4) When we practice movement-induced MCO, we also need to use RAB breathing. This is because our Qi needs to be coming up the Governing Vessel, from the "gate of life" acu-point to the crown, then it goes down to the Conception vessel in the front. Our whole body also needs to be relaxed.

5) Several WG movements, such as the "spiraling circular movements", are always done with RAB, so that we can feel they can be stretched with ease.
Ex. a) The conclusion of WG-4
Ex. b) "Dog Paddling"

6) In all kinds of "center-periphery" movements, we also use RAB.
Ex. a) "Chain-locked step" (selected from WG-2)
Ex. b) "Chin-locked steps with Fists" (selected from WG-8)

7) RAB also can be used together with the accented and strong movements, but it is used in a different way. In this workshop, we are only analyzing one example. In the second half of WG-10, there are many strong and forceful moments. To coordinate our breathing with our movements, we need to change our RAB into a short, staccato-like inhalation followed by a long and deep exhalation.

Registration Info

Arlington Community Church, 52 Arlington Ave., Kensington, CA map

Saturday, October 13, 2018

10am - 4pm (with a 1-hour break for lunch)

$85 pre-payment by mail by October 6
$95 after October 6 (pay at the door)

Information & Registration:
Email [email protected] or call 510 496 2728.

Wild Goose IV - Spiral and Tripod Qigong Learn the relaxing fourth set of movements in the Wild Goose Qigong. A favorite set of movements for many practitioners.


Welcome Wild Goose Qigong practitioners! Visitors from the wild goose qigong website will temporarily be forwarded to our page while it undergoes a redesign.
While most qigong masters only teach the first two sets of movements (first and second 64 movements) in the wild goose qigong system, Dr. Hu's training offers a rare chance to learn the first NINE sets in their entirety.
The training videos are now available on several platforms. The DVDs are available on Amazon. Renting and Streaming is also available on Amazon or through the VHX.TV service. Here are the links:
On Vimeo's VHX service you can rent or buy episodes or the entire set of training videos to stream:

On Amazon, the streaming versions are available on the same page as the DVDs:

Complete Set:
WG4 steaming or DVD
Flexibility Qigong

As always – Enjoy your practice!


It is much easier for Amazon Prime Video users to the find the Wild Goose Qigong training videos now that there is a dedicated page just for streaming those titles. Enjoy your practice!

New Year's Retreat 15/10/2017

This years retreat includes movements from many Wild Goose selections including WG 1,2,3 and 9.

New Year's Retreat Technically speaking, the therapy is based on the effective use of the practitioner�s Qi. In learning Wild Goose Qigong, you first start using the physical movements, and then together with proper breathing and specific awareness, you succeed in moving your Qi all over your body. This is the first s...

Introduction to Meridians in Wild Goose Qigong 23/09/2017

Dr. Hu's next monthly Qigong workshop in Kensington will be on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2017 in Kensington, CA (next to Berkeley). The topic of this workshop is: "Leg Movement and Its Related Meridians".

We all know that "whole body movements" involve both arm movements and leg movements. But in our last workshop, we only emphasized the importance of training our arm movements. Why? It is because Wild Goose Qigong skillfully uses the "walking Qigong form" to naturally move our legs forward or backward.

Introduction to Meridians in Wild Goose Qigong In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chi moves continuously through our 12 meridians. Here is an introduction to those energy channels by Dr. Hu from Wild Goose ...

Browse - Wild Goose Qigong Video Training with Dr Hu 15/04/2017

VHX.TV is a new streaming service from Vimeo that offers the Wild Goose Qigong training videos.
With you can subscribe, rent, or purchase titles.

Browse - Wild Goose Qigong Video Training with Dr Hu Now in HD! Wild Goose I Qigong is well known for its lovely and graceful movements, which are suggestive of the image of an innocent and carefree wild goose. As a "movement-oriented" Qigong, Wild Goose style includes tai-chi and yoga like movements and postures to naturally open up our twelve me...

Wild Goose Qigong Video Training with Dr Hu 25/03/2017

What is "Tong" in Qigong?
April 8, 2017 in Kensington, CA (next to Berkeley)

Dr. Hu's coming one-day Qigong workshop in Kensington wiill be on Saturday, April, 8. The topic of this workshop Is "What is 'Tong' in Qigong"?

"Tong" is a Chinese character, which means "through" or "un-blocked". When it is used in Qigong practice, it usually describes how someone's body is in an un-blocked state. Or, to be more specific, the word "tong" describes that the Qi-flow in one's meridian lines is flowing smoothly and continuously inside one's body.

Why do we prefer to use the Chinese word "tong" instead of saying someone's Qi "is flowing in the right direction"? It is because the vibration of the sound "tong" is considered is be conducive to the vibration of the Qi-flow. Therefore, technically speaking, we use the word "tong" as a "mantra" to help improve the free flowing of our Qi and blood in our body. Just as we all know that in Wild Goose Qigong there is a basic mantra of "gong-cheng", which is for helping you to practice "micro-cosmic Orbit" (MCO). Now in this workshop, we are going to teach you how to use another mantra "tong", which is for helping you move your Qi in your specific meridian more freely.

Many Wild Goose lovers still have the wrong concept that "it is easy to learn the Wild Goose movements, but it is hard to feel the flowing of your own Qi inside your body." Personally, I do not agree with this statement. I believe that if you can do your Wild Goose Qigong movements correctly, you will naturally be able move your Qi inside your body correctly. A good example is the movement-induced MCO".

In this workshop, we will teach you how to add the mantra "tong" to the movements selected from Wild Goose Qigong -1,2,3 & 4, in order to open up your related meridians. In this way, I hope it will be easier for you to be able to feel the direction of your Qi-flow.

And you might like the Wild Goose Qigong training videos too!


Date: Saturday, April 8, 2017

Time: 10am-5:15pm (break for lunch 1-2:30)

Location: Arlington Community Church, 52 Arlington Ave., Kensington, CA map

Cost: $85 pre-payment by mail, postmarked by Sat, April 1 / $95 at the door

To get your discount, mail your check right away to:
Dr. Bingkun Hu
2114 Sacramento St.
Berkeley, CA 94702

For information & registration, please call 510-496-2728 or
Email [email protected]

Wild Goose Qigong Video Training with Dr Hu Wild Goose Qigong with Dr. Hu is the most comprehensive video based training available for this wonderful exercise and healing system. Dr. Hu is a medical qigong master and he has made nine sets of the wild goose system available to the general public, as well as special qigong video just for flexib...

Photos from The Naturalist's Notebook's post 17/02/2017
Qigong with Dr. Bingkun Hu 30/10/2016

New workshops posted:

Oppositional Pairs vs. 3-Beat Rhythm
Nov 19, 2016 in Kensington, CA (next to Berkeley)

Nov 26-27, 2016 in Soquel, CA (next to Santa Cruz)

Dr. Hu's coming monthly Qigong workshop in Kensington is on Nov. 19, Saturday. The topic of this workshop is "Oppositional Pairs vs. 3-Beat Rhythm".

As you may know, Wild Goose Qigong, in many places, uses a mixture of both 2-beat and 3-beat rhythm. The 2-beat rhythm, or "oppositional pairs" of movements, is mostly for balancing, while 3-beat rhythm, is basically for dynamics.

During this workshop, we will first use Wild Goose-1, or the "First 64 Movements" as an example to demonstrate and practice how this Qigong starts with the very balanced oppositional pairs of movements, and then gradually develops into the more dynamic 3-beat rhythm type of movements.

Also, during this workshop, we are going to analyze why we often come across 3-beat rhythm in Wild Goose movements. Some of the reasons include:
Wild Goose Qigong has more circular movements than linear movements, and circular movements fit more into the 3-beat rhythm
Ex.1. "Windmills" (selected from WG-8)
Ex.2. "Wild Goose is Playing" (selected from WG-2 and 8)
Circular movements also include "figure 8" movements and spiral movements. These movements all naturally fit well into the 3-beat rhythm.
Ex.3. "Circular and Figure 8 Movements" walking Qigong.
Ex.4. "Spiraling Movements (No. 22 and 23, WG-4)
Even in some center-peripheral movements, if we use 3-beat rhythm appropriately, it can add some delightfulness to our stretching
Ex. 5. "Dragon Steps" (selected from "Creating Flexibility" DVD)
Last but not least, let's conclude this workshop by practicing together Wild Goose-5, a short set well-known for its lively and continuous use of 3-beat rhythm. Prepared to be mesmerized by the enchanting rhythm; lifted by the high spirit of the innocent and care-free Wild Goose; and dance together to your heart's content.

Everyone who is interested in the lovely Wild Goose movements is welcome to attend this workshop. No pre-requisite is required.


Date: Saturday, November 19, 2016

Time: 10am-5:30pm (with a break for lunch)

Location: Arlington Community Church, 52 Arlington Ave., Kensington, CA map

Cost: $85 pre-payment (received by November 12) / $95 regular

For information & registration for Kensington, please call 510-496-2728 or
Email [email protected]

Qigong with Dr. Bingkun Hu Wild Goose Qigong is the safest way to make your body stronger, your mind sharper and your mood happier.

Healing Sounds Qigong Demonstration with Dr. Hu 25/10/2016

Some exciting footage of Dr. Hu demonstrating Healing Sounds Qigong from 2003! I've restored the video to HD for easier viewing, but I was not using a tripod so the first few minutes are a little shaky but improves for most of video.
Enjoy this found footage and enjoy your qigong practice!

Healing Sounds Qigong Demonstration with Dr. Hu Restored footage of Healing Sounds Qigong as demonstrated by Dr. Hu in 2003. This footage has been upscaled to HD for enhanced viewing but was shot without a...

Wild Goose Qigong Video Training with Dr Hu 29/08/2016

Now you can Download copies of the Wild Goose Qigong videos (as well as Stream and Rent)!
Although Amazon Video offers a great way to rent and stream the wild goose qigong videos, it does not allow downloading for offline viewing -- a feature many customers have requested.
As of today, you can now download (as well as stream and rent) all the the videos! The videos are available at VHX (which is now owned by Vimeo, the popular video sharing platform). Another feature of VHX is that you subscribe to the whole series (all 9 wild goose qigong videos) for a monthly or yearly subscription as well purchasing each title individually. Here is the link and as always; enjoy your Qigong practice!

Wild Goose Qigong Video Training with Dr Hu Here you will find a rare complete teaching of 9 full sets of Wild Goose Qigong taught by Qigong master Dr. Hu for the first time outside of China (Most training in the west only includes Wild Goose Qigong sets 1 and 2). Qigong is one of the pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM); these a...


In this teaching segment from the Wild Goose I Qigong video, the first 36 movements (out of 64) are demonstrated and repeated. This shows how Dr. Hu teaches wild goose qigong both on video and in his classes. As always, enjoy your practice!

Wild Goose Qigong Promotions 10/08/2016

Wild Goose Qigong One, Two and Four Qigong DVDs are on sale!
As the world moves towards digital streaming, this is a great opportunity to own and learn these three foundational sets of movements in the wild goose system on the original DVDs. Wild Goose One and Four are $7.99 and Wild Goose Two is $9.99 for a limited time (until inventory runs out) at Amazon. Find out more at:

Enjoy your Qigong practice!

Wild Goose Qigong Promotions


Here is demonstration of much of Wild Goose Qigong Nine (which you will almost never see on video) with Dr. Hu's commentary. Practicing this advanced and powerful qigong in the Wild Goose system allows you to open up all your meridians, to mix your own Qi (hun yun Qi), and to start making the coveted "inner elixir" using the olfactory sense in addition to regular Qi energy.

If you are studying Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture or Acupressure you will want to learn this qigong. Find out more about learning this advanced qigong here:

As always we wish you great health and joy in practicing Wild Goose Qigong!


Wild Goose 8 Qigong demonstrates how martial arts and the five traditional Chinese elements are incorporated into soft Qigong movements to enhance Qi effects. Learn the secret of how quick and linear movements can stimulate Qi to permeate to the body surface, and how soft and gentle movements can stimulate Qi to run deep to nourish internal organs. This is an advanced Qigong in the the Wild Goose system.

This Wild Goose 8 Qigong video has been remastered and upscaled to HD size. Learn how to purchase or rent the video training for Wild Goose Qigong 8 here:

As always - Enjoy your practice!


A demonstration of part of Wild Goose Seven Qigong (Back Stretching Practice) to start your week! If you are interested in learning more about this set of qigong, you can find out more about it here:
As always - Enjoy your practice!

Timeline photos 24/07/2016

Feeling the Qi — amazing rainbow in the sky this evening.


Here is a demonstration two sitting qigongs from the "Creating Flexibility Through Qigong" video. Sitting qigongs relax the six major joints (the shoulders elbows and wrists, and the pelvis, knees and ankles) through circular and roundish movements. When you are sitting the center of your body weight will be lower and so your neck, shoulders and torso can be more relaxed than with the standing qigongs. When sitting, be sure to add as many support cushions as you need to be comfortable while performing these movements. As always, we wish you great health and joy in doing this practice!

The "Creating Flexibility through Qigong" video has been restored and remastered and is currently available to watch instantly at

The DVD has also been remastered and can be purchased here:

Enjoy your practice!


INTRODUCTION TO WILD GOOSE QIGONG — Since starting the process of remastering the Wild Goose Qigong training videos to HD, there have been many requests for an introduction to what wild goose qigong is as both an exercise and healing practice. So here is a new short video that explains the concepts of this wonderful qigong with clips from many of the Wild Goose Qigong videos.

Wild Goose Qigong is a complete exercise and healing system. Once taught only in secret, it was opened up to the public by the legendary Grand Master, Yang Mei-Jun in 1978. Comprised of 72 sets of both moving and still qigong, it is a safe and powerful way to make your body stronger, your mind sharper and your mood happier. We wish you great health and joy in doing this practice!

Watch Wild Goose Qigong VI - Patting along the Meridians with Dr. Hu (Remastered) () online -... 29/06/2016

Wild Goose Six Qigong is now remastered in HD and available to watch on Amazon Video! This Qigong is also widely known as patting along the meridians. Many practitioners enjoy the health benefits of this qigong without even knowing it is part of the Wild Goose system. It is useful to add this to the end of any qigong or energy moving practice to ensure that ones chi is returned to its natural flowing patterns. For all these reasons, Wild Goose Six Qigong stands out as one of the most popular qigong in China today.

Watch Wild Goose Qigong VI - Patting along the Meridians with Dr. Hu (Remastered) () online -...


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chi moves continuously through our 12 meridians. Here is an introduction to those energy channels by Dr. Hu from Wild Goose Six Qigong which is currently being remastered in HD and will be available soon! The original Wild Goose Six Qigong DVD available here:

Wild Goose Qigong 4: Spiral and Tripod Qigong 24/06/2016

The remaining stock of the Wild Goose IV - Spiral and Tripod Qigong DVD is currently on sale from amazon for $9.99!
This is often the first qigong in the wild goose system that new students learn. It has many of the foundational movements needed for a better understanding of the more traditional wild goose I and II qigong sets. This qigong is especially useful for learning to feel chi as you perform the movements.

Wild Goose Qigong 4: Spiral and Tripod Qigong Tripod & Spiral Qigong is one of those rare jewels which can be enjoyed by both Qigong beginners and advanced practioners alike. Tripod & Spiral Qigong is unique in providing a variety of training within one set of Qigong movements: ranging from postures, relaxation, stretching, the free flow of ...


Kunlun Baqua Steps or "wading through sticky mud steps"
If you have ever observed how a goose moves in a marsh or muddy field where it must walk instead of paddle or float, than you have seen the Baqua steps.
Through the simple turning over of the palms, and the natural left and right turn of the body, the delightful third set of Wild Goose Qigong trains ones upper and lower body coordination as well as how to shift body weight in an effortless way. Walking the circle steps in Kunlun Bagua is meditative and self-fulfilling. Together with the coiling of the wrists, it balances the yin and yang aspects of chi in our bodies.
Available now on Amazon video – Enjoy your practice!

Also on DVD through our on demand dvd printing service here:

Wild Goose Qigong III - Kunlun Bagua Qigong with Dr. Hu (Remastered) 5.0 out of 5 stars This DVD is a real treasure. It demonstrates and teaches a rarely seen Qigong form. The instructional sections offer plenty of guidance in the movements, and there is ample ...


Last chance: Zen Buddhist Aroma-Releasing Meditation with Dr. Bingkun Hu

Wild Goose meditation uses awareness, posture, mudra, and mantra to consolidate and refine qi-flow. Which is why we say meditation is for the nourishment of our Qi. In Wild Goose-Meditation 6 (also called Zen Buddhist Aroma-Releasing Meditation), postures are utilized to make a "whole body Qi field". Mudras and mantras stimulate a deeper level of qi-flow. And by calling on our subliminal olfactory sense, we can further relax our body and mind to induce micro-cosmic orbit naturally. Practicing Wild Goose Meditation-6 helps us:

* develop good body posture
* open up our crown and our 12 meridians
* self-detoxify through our Bubbling Spring (K1) acupoint

Come take advantage of this opportunity to learn a rarely taught and very special aspect of Qigong from Dr Bingkun Hu.

Saturday, June 25 - Wednesday June 29, 2016 (Weekend only registration available if space permits.)

Arlington Community Church, 52 Arlington Ave., Kensington, CA

Creating Flexibility through Qigong 20/06/2016

The Creating Flexibility through Qigong DVD is now updated with remastered content and audio for enhanced viewing. Our vendor, Createspace makes these DVDs on demand. The price is $18.99 and you can purchase it from the link below. Enjoy your practice!

Creating Flexibility through Qigong This title has been restored and remastered in 2016! Not everyone is born flexible, but everyone can learn to me more flexible. Creating Flexibility Through Qigong offers a comprehensive training of body and mind flexibility using relaxation, stretching, agility, and inner strength. This is done in…

Timeline photos 16/06/2016

Wild Goose Qigong III is also now available for download or rent in remastered HD.

Photos from Three Geese Wild Goose Qigong's post 16/06/2016

Watch Creating Flexibility Qigong in HD now:

Videos (show all)

Wild Goose I Qigong - Teaching Segment Demonstration
Wild Goose Qigong 8 - Five Elements Demonstration
Wild Goose Seven Qigong Demonstration
Flexibility Qigong - Sitting Demonstrations
Introduction to Wild Goose Qigong with Dr. Hu
Introduction to Meridians in Qigong
Creating Flexibility Through Qigong (HD) Trailer
Tulips in Capen Garden
Soft Palms Qigong -  Wild Goose Qigong V
Baqua & Wild Goose Qigong Commentary