Missourians for Israel

Missourians for Israel

We acknowledge Israel's fundamental right to exist as a free and Jewish state and are committed to the common cause of a strong US-Israeli relationship.


I am the ONLY 100% pro-life candidate in this race. I can say that, because I’m the only candidate who has actually sponsored and led the fight to pass strong pro-life legislation! I’m the only candidate who has been mobbed in the Capitol hallways by abortion activists, because of the firm stances I’ve taken to protect life.

My opponents claim to be pro-life, but the proof is in the pudding and talk is cheap. To have the opportunity to sponsor bills to protect life, and to not do so, is action through inaction.

Throughout my time in the Legislature, I have been a staunch defender and fervent protector of the rights of the unborn. That is why I am honored to have the exclusive and singular endorsement of Missouri Right to Life Political Action Committees for my Senate re-election campaign!

Thank you Missouri Right to Life for your endorsement in this race! To protect life, Vote to Re-Elect Brattin for Senate on Aug. 6!


Here is some information regarding the proposed amendments to the Missouri Constitution that will be on the August ballot.


TWO MONTHS from today. Tuesday, Aug. 6! In Missouri, the election is in AUGUST!

Eigel says his antiestablishment stance is what Missouri needs in a governor 02/06/2024

Eigel says his antiestablishment stance is what Missouri needs in a governor The Weldon Spring Republican is one of three major GOP contenders to succeed Gov. Mike Parson.

Hundreds mourn gang killings of Haitian mission director and young US couple 28/05/2024

Hundreds mourn gang killings of Haitian mission director and young US couple A Haitian service for a a mission director also honored the lives of Davy and Natalie Lloyd, a married couple in their early 20s who were also ambushed by gunmen.


Tune in to Bott Radio this afternoon to hear Sen. Bill Eigel and Liberty Link Missouri President, Bev Ehlen, are on Encounter with Judy Redlich today at 2:00 p.m.

Christian talk radio with Judy RedlichBott Radio Network

The War on Truth - Unbiased January 6th Documentary 28/05/2024


The War on Truth - Unbiased January 6th Documentary Explore the full story of the January 6th Capitol unrest in 'The War on Truth'. This in-depth, unbiased documentary offers exclusive insights and expert analysis. Available now on Documentary Channel and other streaming services.

Photos from Missourians for Israel's post 27/05/2024

The failure of “IP Reform” which would have sent to the voters of Missouri a change in the way we amend the Missouri Constitution was a big disappointment. However, there were some good bills that passed and a few bad bills that did not pass during the 2024 Missouri General Assembly session. The Missouri General Assembly passed a total of 46 bills/joint resolutions. That number includes the 18 budget bills. Other than the school choice bill, SB727, none of the passed bills/joint resolutions were “omnibus” bills.

Notable bills/joint resolutions that were Truly Agreed and Finally Passed

SB 727, better known as “The School Choice Bill”, was sponsored by Sen. Andrew Koenig (R-District 15). SB 727 truly agreed to and passed in the Senate on Thursday, April 18. Gov. Parson signed it into law on Tuesday, May 7. https://www.senate.mo.gov/24info/BTS_Web/Bill.aspx?SessionType=R&BillID=244

HB 2634, sponsored by Rep. Cody Smith (R-District 163), specified in this bill that no public funds will be expended to any abortion facility, or affiliate thereof, including for Missouri HealthNet reimbursement. The Governor signed it into law on Thursday, May 9, and because it had an emergency clause, it went into effect immediately.

SJR 78, sponsored by Sen. Ben Brown (R-District 26), which, if approved by the voters, would basically ban “Ranked Choice Voting” from being used here in Missouri. The proposed amendment also provides that only citizens of the United States over the age of 18 who are residents of Missouri and of the political subdivision in which they offer to vote are entitled to vote at all elections.

Notable bills that did not make it over the finish line

SJR 74 et al handled by Sen. Mary Elizabeth Coleman (R-District 22) with over 100 hours of filibuster in the senate, was killed on Wednesday, May 15 when Sen. Coleman offered the amendment to ask the House to recede from its position and grant the Senate a conference to iron out the differences between what the changes the House had made to SJR74 et al and what the Senate had sent the House. This would have effectively killed “IP Reform” or changed it in such a way that passage by the voters in Missouri would have been extremely difficult. Thankfully, the House stood strong and refused to go to conference. The session ended with no “IP Reform” even after the Floor Leader Sen. Cindy O’Laughlin (R-District 18) had said earlier in the session it would pass even if it passed on the last day of session. The Senate adjourned early evening on Wednesday, May 15. Was basically in session for about an hour on Thursday and adjourned for the year on Friday almost immediately after gaveling in for business.

SB 735 sponsored by Sen. Bill Eigel (R-District 23), known as the “Constitutional Money Act,” or the “Gold and Silver Bill" passed the Senate on Monday, April 29. The House heard it on Wednesday, May 1. SB 735 was placed on the House calendar on Monday, May 13, but never came up for a vote in the House before the House adjourned on Friday, May 17.

HB 1955 sponsored by Rep. Bill Hardwick (R-District 121), the House version of “Constitutional Money Act,” was voted do pass on Thursday, April 4 and placed on House calendar on Wednesday, May 1, but never came up for a vote in the House before the House adjourned on Friday, May 17.

SB 736 sponsored by Sen. Sandy Crawford (R-District 28), started out as a bill to modify provisions relating to the State Treasurer but amendments to add “Constitutional Money Act,” and ban Central Bank Digital Currency, (CBDC) were adopted in the perfection in the Senate. When SB735 was heard on April 2 in the House Financial Institutions Committee Sen. Crawford told the members of the committee they could take out those provisions. They did. SB 736 died because the House had made some changes to the bill so it had to go back to the Senate for their approval. Since the Senate basically was only in session for a few hours that last week in session, SB736 was left on the calendar.

HCR 30, sponsored by Rep. Dean Plocher (R-89), with this resolution the General Assembly commends Israel for its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with the United States of America and the state of Missouri since 1948 and more. HCR30 passed the House on May 6, and was scheduled to be heard in the Senate Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee on Monday, May 13, but Chairman Sen. Cindy O’Laughlin cancelled the hearing. Since the Senate basically was only in session for a few hours that last week in session, HCR30 died waiting for a hearing in the Senate.

SCS SCRs 24 & 25 was sponsored by Sen. Mary Elizabeth Coleman (R-District 22) and Sen Bill Eigel (R-District 23). This concurrent resolution urges the U.S. Congress to offer full and unequivocal support of Israel for as long as it takes for Israel to bring justice for the unprovoked attacks on innocent civilians by Hamas. The resolution further commends Israel for its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with this state and the United States, supports Israel's right to exist, and further recognizes Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel. Reported do pass in House Committee on May 9, it never came up for a vote in the House before the House adjourned on Friday, May 17.


Various bills that would prohibit state departments from spending money on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives (DEI) died an early death.

Various bills that would prohibit state contracts with companies that engage in economic boycotts based on environmental, social, or governance (ESG) criteria also died an early death.

Bills that we are not sad about not making it over the finish line

SB 782 sponsored by Sen. Jason Bean (R-District 25) would have created provisions relating to water exportation outside the state. While claiming to keep farmers in Missouri from exporting water outside of Missouri, it really would still allow a few chosen entities to do so, therefore ceding power to the state to choose which entities were allowed to export water out of Missouri.

SB 1351 sponsored by Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer (R-District 34), would have modified and created new provisions relating to water resources. It would have exempted the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Division of Geology and Land Survey, from the Sunshine Law. It is dangerous to exempt a governmental entity from the scrutiny of discloser in response to any request for records under chapter 610.

HB 2699 sponsored by Rep. Dane Diehl (R-District 126), would have exempted the DNR's Division of Geology and Land Survey from the Sunshine Law. It is dangerous to exempt a governmental entity from the scrutiny of disclosure in response to any request for records under chapter 610.

Various bills that would have restored the Presidential Preference Primary were loaded up with unpopular amendments, therefore leading to the death of those bills in the House.

The failure to pass strategic legislation with a Republican super majority in both the House and the Senate is a clarion call to every Missourian to work hard over the next few months to make sure honest conservative candidates, who understand the proper role of civil government, are elected. The civic office holder’s role is to protect the life, liberty, and property of the individual. Civil government, when done correctly, will truly serve the people.

Watch our page and sign up for our E Alerts here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/rAngfWI

We will post information on ways you can get involved in local, state, and the national campaigns in the next few weeks.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”


Israel's 76th "Birthday."


I didn't go into the Capitol on Wednesday. Instead I headed to St. Charles County, CD3 where there are individuals getting petitions signed to place the proposed amendment to enshrine the "right to abortion" into the Missouri Constitution. I didn't even have to get on the Highway as there were a couple petition pushers in Warrenton.
Since we are in a godless and selfish society the message about abortion isn't resonating as much as putting the thought into the heads of potential signers that their personal information on the petition may be used to steal their identification.


Listen to Former Senator John Lamping speak on SB727 "The School Choice Bill."
'You're spending $400 million dollars on a system that is not working."
The Marc Cox Morning Show
https://podcasts.apple.com/.../the-marc.../id1213933085... (7 minutes).


A jewish friend of mine said this in reply to my somber wish for a Happy Passover to him and his family.

"While things are indeed difficult for Israel and the Jewish People as we approach the Passover holiday, we're comforted by a statement that appears in the Haggadah -- the book containing (in part) the story of the Exodus that we read each year on Passover evening. The passage states, "It is this that has sustained us throughout the generations: In every generation there have been enemies seeking to destroy us ... but the Almighty has delivered us from their hand"

Times have changed, the names have changed (Hamas, Iran, Columbia University), but the story is still the same. God stated that we are an eternal People, and that promise has been fulfilled until today. And with the support and friendship of many who believe in the immutable word of God, like yourself, we will continue not only to survive but thrive, and together bring the light of God onto this very confused and dangerous world."

Isn't that beautiful?


Passover begins this evening.

Photos from Missourians for Israel's post 20/04/2024

I neglected to get a photo of Rabbi Ze'ev Smason testifying in the Senate Hearing on SB787 - the bill that would add sexual orientation and gender identity into our Missouri Non Discrimination Act (MONA).

Rabbi Ze’ev Smason is Chairman of Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV). It's so great to have him as a solid voice for Biblical Values.

Photos from Missourians for Israel's post 16/04/2024

Heroes on exposing SB782 for what it really is! Thank you for standing in the gap for the people Sen. Mike Moon, Sen. Jill Carter, Sen. Ben Brown, and Sen. Bill Eigel.

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