Smart life code by Mafe Keiko

Smart life code by Mafe Keiko

🔥 ➡️ Swipe: ENG & Spanish
💜 Lifestyle & Growth mindset
👩🏼‍🎓 Marketing designer |Pinterest VA


Enjoy your day. Trust your process. Hack your mind.

Photos from Smart life code by Mafe Keiko's post 04/12/2023

🎄 I'm constantly thinking about the different ways and strategies that I can use to push myself outside my confort zone.
💜 Christmas is that time of the year when my soul is always searching for new ways, even the most simple ones in order to expand my soul and mind to be more creative.
⭐ Some of my favorites are digital Art, writing and learning new skills such as languages.

🍓 What ways do you use to be a better version of yourself?
🎄 Estoy constantemente pensando en las diferentes formas y estrategias que puedo usar para alejarme de mi zona de confort.
💜 Navidad es la época del año en que mi alma siempre está buscando nuevas maneras, incluso las más simples para expandir mi alma y mi mente para ser más creativa.
⭐ Algunos de mis favoritos son el arte digital, la escritura y el aprendizaje de nuevas habilidades como los idiomas.

🍓 ¿Qué maneras usas para ser una mejor versión de ti mismo?


🎄 Best time of the year has started.
💌 Let's do our best to enjoy each moment, with gratitude and a Heart full of love and kindness.
🍓 It is not about a perfect month. It's all about enjoying the process of being a 1% better everyday.
🎄 La mejor época del año ha comenzado.
💌 Hagamos todo lo posible para disfrutar cada momento, con gratitud y un corazón lleno de amor y bondad.
🍓 No se trata de un mes perfecto. Se trata de disfrutar del proceso de ser un 1% mejor todos los días.


🎄 I'm happy to a be able to prepare for the most beautiful time of the year.


I'm grateful for all those moments of "focus mode", small daily routines, or habits are always the most productive, joyful and peaceful adventures.


Some amazing 💞 digital art made with artificial intelligence. We don't have autumn here, still this looks magical and inspiring 🍁

💌 I have been working on my shop to open as soon as possible. 💌

La MENTALIDAD DEL LEÓN!! | ¡Gobierna tu jungla mental COMO UN REY! Motivación 23/08/2023

La MENTALIDAD DEL LEÓN!! | ¡Gobierna tu jungla mental COMO UN REY! Motivación Despierta, amigo mío, ¡es hora de dominar tu jungla mental como un rey! No pongas excusas, no tengas miedo a los retos. Tienes que caminar por el barro para ...


Hi 😊
💕 Remember that you are amazing and you can do all the things you want.
😉 Just set your priorities for today and work on that with a clear intentions, a good emotion 😊 and activate your FOCUS MODE.
🔥 Try to be 1% better today than yesterday.
🧩 Consistent Baby steps are key


💁🏼‍♀️ We can improve 1% each day and become better at whatever we want by the end of the year. A total of 365% of improvement.

💎 Sounds good right?
🧘🏼‍♀️ Do your part today.
🔥 Keep the desire to grow & a good amount of elevated emotions like gratitude and joy.

Photos from Smart life code by Mafe Keiko's post 01/05/2023

📌 Having a Pinterest VA is a game changer.
😀 With my services I can help you increase the traffic of your website or blog. With creativity and strategy.
👀 Pinterest is a effective tool to put more eyes on your content.

✅ Follow for more content

✅ Check my products on .designer

Instagram Close Stories (Business & designers & Tech friends) 21/04/2023

I am glad to announce this! It is amazing to build a community of happy, learning, and growing people.
Instagram Close Stories (Business friends)
VIP Limited List (Don't lose your opportunity)
1-year access: (From June 2023 to June 2024)

Instagram Close Stories (Business & designers & Tech friends) This place will help us grow as a community. If you are creative business person who loves to learn, make projects & share knowledge. This is our happy place. If you are a Brand designer, UX/UI, front end developer, product designer, creative illustrator, Pinterest VA, or a digital....

Photos from Smart life code by Mafe Keiko's post 18/04/2023

🎉📌🙌 Calling all business owners, bloggers, creatives, professionals!

🚀📈 Did you know that hiring a Pinterest VA can skyrocket your online success?

💻 With a Pinterest VA, you can save time, increase traffic to your site, and boost your sales!

💰👀 Don't miss out on the chance to take your business to the next level!

💎🙋🏼‍♀️ Don't forget to read my blog.

✅ Follow me on for content related to:

📌 Pinterest VA
💡 Marketing Design
💖 UX/UI & Brand design

✅ Follow me on .shop for if you are looking for products that will enhance your business and your life.

🌟 Digital journals & stickers
⭐ Templates for social media
🌟 Workbooks to level up your brand & strategy
⭐ Canva pro designs

🌟👌 Contact me with the (learn more button) and let's get started.

Photos from Smart life code by Mafe Keiko's post 14/04/2023

🔔 Carousel Alarm (Swipe and read)

💎 Hey there! Are you ready to build your brand for success?

✅ Here are the main steps to start that process.

📌 Don't forget to like & save & share if you found value in the content.

💬 Leave in the comments: What is your current stage?

😉 Follow me on

➡️ swipe to read in Spanish too.
🔔 Alarma de carrusel (desliza y lee)
Luego del inglés está todo en español 👍🏻

💎 ¡Hola! ¿Estás listo para construir tu marca para el éxito?

✅ Estos son los principales pasos para iniciar ese proceso.

📌 No olvides dar me gusta, guardar y compartir si encuentras valor en el contenido.

💬 Deja en los comentarios: ¿Cuál es tu etapa actual?

😁 Sígueme para más contenido


Twitter 🐦
For those that might be interested on interact on Twitter ☝🏻 check out the blue highlights stories up on my profile.

You can share with me your thoughts about various topics, such as marketing, brand design and content strategy.

Also lifestyle topics, specially personal growth or self love.

I hope to see your own portfolio or personal brand stuff out there.

Each post or storie will have the original tweet 🐦 Link 🔗. Don't forget to read it and interact. 👍🏻

Follow me


Hello 🤗👋🏻
Today I want to introduce you my Instagram highlight stories (about my blog articles). 😎 🎉 ☝🏻You can found them up there on my profile.

On this category you will find some infographics that are designed to help you take notes of the main ideas of each blog post and the link 🖇️ that will direct you to the full article.

💎 This blog is about:

💡 Knowledge:
👉🏻 Marketing Design & UX/UI & Code

💜 Lifestyle:
👉🏻 self growth & mindset & habits

✅ Follow for more.

🎵 Music by J Hope from BTS

⭐ Leave in the comments below your favorite topics to Learn about or your feedback about my content. 👇🏻

🧐 Si quieres leer el contenido en español 👍🏻 dale a la opción abajo que dice *Traducir*



Mood: Unstoppable
Good vibes only
That's a life vision
That's energy and blessings

Photos from Smart life code by Mafe Keiko's post 24/03/2023

💜 La tierra es nuestro hogar. Nuestro planeta. 🌎
Hoy es un día especial. Apaga las luces hoy a las 8:30 PM y únete al mundo entero aportando un grano de arena a la conciencia de todos.

Una luz a la vez
Durante una hora

Los pequeños actos de amor generan una ola de buenas intenciones.

If you are reading this on Spanish
Clic 👇
On the translation option


This photo was taken while we were playing a game called *Bingo*.
Great memory 😉
Encuentro de graduados 2022

Photos from Smart life code by Mafe Keiko's post 10/11/2022

Moments from University on a local graduated meeting. It was such a blessing to be there.


"Sálvese quien pueda" by tells us all the changes and adaptations that all the careers would need to integrate
, and all the .
Something it's getting really clear.
Everyone would need to know how to interpret a big amount of data. Being a will be a precious superpower.

Photos from Smart life code by Mafe Keiko's post 09/07/2022

Remember. You are worthy 🌸. Your life it's a whole experience and you can redesign all the pieces 🧩 of each day. It's just a matter of good vibes and being focus on the right things and choices.
Here are some ideas of habits or routines.
👍🏻 Swipe to the next image.
What's your favorite habit?


Me siento muy bendecida por tener una madre exquisita, juntas tenemos un poder gigante para crear momentos de felicidad absoluta.
En esa foto yo estába en uno de esos momentos con vestimenta cómoda y unas medias divertidas en clima frío. Compartiendo un rato de lectura juntas. Que mágico es estar con mi madre. 🌻🌞💡 Su sabiduría, sonrisas y velitas aromáticas, mi mezcla favorita. 💜
🧠 Momento de aprender: HYGGE
"El concepto danés de hygge, o hyggelig (adj.), se refiere a encontrar comodidad, placer y calidez en cosas simples y relajantes, como un ambiente acogedor o el sentimiento de amistad. El término escandinavo abarca un sentimiento de comodidad, satisfacción y bienestar que se encuentra al apreciar las pequeñas cosas."AFAR]
”En esencia, hygge significa crear un ambiente cálido y disfrutar de las cosas buenas de la vida con buenas personas. El cálido resplandor de la luz de las velas es hygge. Acurrucarse con un ser querido para ver una película: eso también es hygge. Quizás hygge explica por qué los daneses son algunas de las personas más felices del mundo.”VisitDenmark]
I feel very blessed to have an exquisite mother, together we have a giant power to create moments of absolute happiness. In that photo I was in one of those moments with comfortable clothes and funny socks in cold weather. Sharing a reading time together. How magical it is to be with my mother. 🌻🌞💡 her wisdom, her smiles and scented candles, my favorite mix.💜
🧠 Time to learn: HYGGE
”The Danish concept of hygge, or hyggelig (adj.), refers to finding comfort, pleasure, and warmth in simple, soothing things such as a cozy atmosphere or the feeling of friendship. The Scandinavian term encompasses a feeling of coziness, contentment, and well-being found through cherishing the little things.” AFAR]

”In essence, hygge means creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people. The warm glow of candlelight is hygge. Cosying up with a loved one for a movie – that's hygge, too. ... Perhaps hygge explains why the Danes are some of the happiest people in the world.” VisitDenmark]


🌸 Existen varios / habilidades que nos llenan de poder para tomar las decisiones correctas.
La resiliencia es la capacidad de adaptación y superación de todo tipo de cambios y obstáculos. El poder de no ser herido por las circunstancias. 🌸.
🌷 There are several / abilities that empower us to make the right decisions.
Resilience is the ability to adapt and overcome all kinds of changes and obstacles. The power of not being hurt by circumstances. 🌷.
🌻 Il existe plusieurs /capacités qui nous permettent de prendre les bonnes décisions.
La résilience est la capacité à s'adapter et à surmonter toutes sortes de changements et d'obstacles. Le pouvoir de ne pas être blessé par les circonstances. 🌻..
💐 우리가 올바른 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 하는 몇 가지 #기술/능력이 있습니다.
회복탄력성은 모든 종류의 변화와 장애물에 적응하고 극복하는 능력입니다. 상황에 상처받지 않는 힘. 💐..
I'm trying to improve my English, learn french and Korean. If some of you have any correction or recommendations please tell me by DM or in the comments below. This it's just a little way to journal on various languages and increase my vocabulary.

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🌸 Existen varios #skills / habilidades que nos llenan de poder para tomar las decisiones correctas. .La resiliencia es l...