Santa Rosa Meditation Group
Learn to meditate or deepen your meditation practice. We offer guided meditation at the start of each
Be Hopeful -
Be Hopeful To hope is to expect, to anticipate, or look forward to. Cultivate a hopeful attitude by assuming there is Power for good in this universe, and you are choosing to cooperate with it. Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian (Path of Wonder: A Meditator's Guide to Advent) In this time of the Christian tradit...
Attract Abundance -
Attract Abundance The belief “I need this or that to bring me happiness or security” affirms lack. Realize your wholeness now. Then watch what is added unto you from your abundance consciousness. Watch. Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian Our daily meditation practice makes us aware of the contents of our mind and ...
Meditation Inspiration -
Meditation Inspiration Work with love, steadiness, and full attention on your priority for today. Remember that divine order permeates all that is. Cooperate with it. Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian When I read this quote I thought about my priorities. As I made my list, I began to realize that my priority in life is what....
Meditation Inspiration -
Meditation Inspiration Be as simple as you can be; you will be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your life can become. Paramahansa Yogananda Most of the complications and stress in our life come from the uncontrolled interior monologue in our mind. A steady daily meditation practice helps us to control the con...
Experience Higher Consciousness Through Meditation -
Experience Higher Consciousness Through Meditation Meditation on a regular schedule provides frequent opportunities for physiological and psychological rest, while freeing attention to explore more refined states of consciousness and to effortlessly experience spontaneous unfoldment of innate, spiritual qualities. ~Roy Eugene Davis, An Easy Guide to...
Meditation Inspiration -
Meditation Inspiration There is always a way out of your trouble; and if you take the time to think clearly, to think how to get rid of the cause of your anxiety instead of just worrying about it, you become a master. ~Paramahansa Yogananda A steady meditation practice brings many gifts. We become accurate observers of...
Break The Chains -
Break The Chains Strong mental chains are forged from desire and habit. Each time action is taken to fulfill desire, another link is added. Use discernment and self-discipline and break the chain ~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian We all have experienced habits that keep us from living in the highest way. Those habits...
Meditation Inspiration -
Meditation Inspiration One of the most persistent obstacles we encounter to our own happiness, peace, and well-being is our tendency to argue with the way things are. Acceptance brings freedom and unleashes our power. ~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Meditation Inspiration -
Meditation Inspiration When intuitive insight flashes in our mind, when a powerful truth is spoken with our words, when compassion leads us beyond self-concern, we recognize it as grace—Spirit at work in our life. ~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian There are so many ways that we experience grace in our lives and often, we ...
Change Your Mind — Change Your Life -
Change Your Mind — Change Your Life Change your focus of attention, change your thinking, change your mind and change your life. It only takes a moment. This moment is a good one. ~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Your Life is Your Spiritual Practice -
Your Life is Your Spiritual Practice There are two kinds of work. The one is the expression of soul’s righteousness in the objective world and the other is the awareness and unfoldment of the innate divine attributes of the soul within one’s own subjective consciousness. Both of these are spiritual work. ~Lahiri Mahasaya
Meditation Inspiration -
Meditation Inspiration Through meditation I will stop the storm of breath, mental restlessness, and sensory disturbances raging over the lake of my mind. Through prayer and meditation I will harness my will and activity to the right goal. ~Paramahansa Yogananda This affirmation is by the man who who became a great Yoga ...
Meditation Inspiration -
Meditation Inspiration Success with prayer or meditation isn’t about our skill. It is about how sincere we are. ~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian As a teacher of meditation for many years, I have often heard students state that they that they are not achieving what they think that they should be achieving in meditation be...
Meditation Inspiration -
Meditation Inspiration Stillness of the breath is stillness of the mind. ~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian The pathway to all the transformative benefits of meditation involves stillness of the mind. A powerful way to quiet the mind is to focus on the breath, which naturally slows as we reach a sustained level of concentrat...