An EU project that is tackling diet-related diseases and disorders by studying gut microbiome influe For more information please go to
The gut microbiome is the entire genome, which consists of all the DNA including all genes, of the gut microbiota ecosystem. The gut microbiota is a complex and dynamic ecosystem that contains tens of trillions of microorganisms living in our intestines. A large body of evidence supports the idea that the gut microbiota and the microbiome play a role in human development and physiology. Microbiome
-related functions depend on our lifestyle such as diet, eating habits, the way a baby is delivered at birth and other factors which influence the communication and function of the gut, brain and associated tissue connections (including the liver, pancreas, fat, etc.). This determines our health status and risk of developing diet- and brain-related disorders. The MyNewGut project will study and develop microbiome-based dietary recommendations and interventions to address diet- and brain-related
diseases; particularly, obesity, chronic-metabolic disorders and behavioural afflictions. The project brings together leading world experts in various scientific
disciplines from omic-technologies to systems biology in order to develop a multidisciplinary effort to overcome the fragmented and individualistic approach of research conducted in this area, until now.