АаД Агенција

АаД Агенција


Агенцијата АаД е формирана со цел за создавање самостојни, целосно формирани креативни индивидуалци. Агенцијата АаД ги насочува кандидатите да го изготват и претстават својот креативен потенцијал на интернационално релевантно ниво.


* Начелно курсевите овозмоуваа

Timeline photos 29/09/2016

SQUEEZE IT Contest - Franco Jesurun Award 2016
workshop + rappresentazione teatrale + stage di regia video

Tutti i giovani talenti europei sono invitati a partecipare alla seconda edizione di SQUEEZE IT, un nuovo concorso all'incrocio di teatro, arti visive e nuovi media!
Il Premio Franco Jesurun andrà a un giovane professionista o a uno studente al di sotto dei 30 anni e nato in uno dei paesi UE e InCE, Kosovo e Turchia (o a un gruppo).
La scadenza è il 16 ottobre 2016. La partecipazione è gratuita.

Ai concorrenti si chiede di progettare un’azione teatrale originale, inedita, di piccolo formato /a basso costo, della durata di non più di 16 minuti + un videoclip di presentazione.
I finalisti selezionati saranno invitati a Trieste per partecipare a uno speciale workshop con esperti dalle tre aree di interesse del concorso.
Il workshop si terrà in occasione della serata finale del concorso, in programma a fine novembre, nella quale saranno rappresentate le azioni teatrali finaliste e la giuria sceglierà il vincitore. Dall'azione teatrale vincitrice sarà poi prodotto un video con guest director Dalibor Martinis.


SQUEEZE IT Contest - Franco Jesurun Award 2016
express your talent > visit Italy and meet the experts

European young talents are invited to take part in the second edition of SQUEEZE IT, a new competition at the crossing of theatre, the visual arts and the new media!
Its Franco Jesurun Award will go to a young professional or a student under the age of 30 and born in the EU and CEI countries, Kosovo and Turkey (or to a group of them).
The competition deadline is the 16th of October 2016. The entry is free.

Contestants are asked to prepare an original small format /low budget theatrical action not longer than 16 minutes + a videoclip presenting it.
A number of finalists will be selected and invited in Trieste, Italy to take part in a special workshop with experts from the three areas of interest of the competition. The workshop will be held in conjunction with the competition's final evening, late November, in which the finalist actions will be performed in order that the jury decides the winner. Then the winning theatrical action will have Mr Dalibor Martinis guest director in producing a final video of it.


Photos from АаД Агенција's post 24/03/2016

We would like to congratulate Angela Lekoska for conditional offer at Manchester School of Architecture, BA course http://www.msa.ac.uk/ Here is some of the work we did together.

Продолжен рокот за пријавување за наградата ДЕНЕС 24/03/2016

Продолжен рокот за пријавување за наградата ДЕНЕС Центарот за современи уметности - Скопје и ФРУ – Факултет за работи што не се учат Битола/ Скопје го продолжи до 28 март, отворениот повик за наградата „ДЕНЕС“ за 2016, за млад визуелен уметник во Македонија до 35 години. Резултатите ќе бидат објавени на 31 март. Оваа значајна и независна награда

Summer School in Curatorial Studies Venice | applications open - ASEF culture360.asef.org 02/01/2016

Summer School in Curatorial Studies Venice | applications open - ASEF culture360.asef.org Applications are open for the Summer School in Curatorial Studies in Venice. The Summer School in Curatorial Practice will take place during the International Architecture Biennale of Venice (three modules: 7 June - 30 September 2016). With an interdisciplinary approach, the course provides practica…




The Politics of Food - OPEN CALL 05/10/2015

Добар отворен повик, Делфина е убав простор во центар на Лондон.

The Politics of Food - OPEN CALL Timeline Open Call: 17 September to 16 October 2015 Interviews with short-listed artists through Skype: November 2015 Announcement of Selection: mid November 2015 Residency: late June to mid Septem...


call-out for submissions
Young European Artist Trieste Contemporanea Award 2015

Submissions are now being accepted for the 2015 Young European Artist Award Trieste Contemporanea.

Closing date: Tuesday 20 October 2015
There is no entry fee.

Since 1999, the Trieste Contemporanea Committee assigns the Young European Artist Award Trieste Contemporanea to a young Central Eastern European artist with the aim of promoting his or her work on the international art scene.
Now the Award is biennial and open to any young artist aged under 30 (you have to be born in 1985 or later to be eligible) and born in one of the following countries: Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine.
There is no entry fee.
All applications have to be filled online and must be received by midnight (Italian time) of the 20th of October 2015.


Timeline photos 07/09/2015

Welcome to the new season 2015/16 at AaD Agencija.
075410130 / Gorgi Peskov 6, 1000 Skopje

Image: Sarah Islam, Book of Emotions, Photo by Viktor Naumovski

Photos from In Situ Art Fair - Skopje's post 20/06/2015

Паратисима Скопје во соработка со компанијата за специјални ефекти и анимација fx3x од Скопје, Македонија објави отворен повик за:

Графички дизајн на апликација на маица
Графички дизајн за апликација на транспортно комбе Mercedes-Benz Sprinter

На отворениот повик се пријавија единаесет (11) автори со креативни графички решенија од кои раководниот тим на fx3x го селектираше Томислав Акимовски како победничко решение. Предлог решението на Ана Рафаиловска влезе во селекцијата на три победнички решенија, заедно со графичкото решение на Ема Ошавков.

Едно од графичките решенија беше дисквалификувано поради употреба на мотиви од филмската сцена, согласно условите поставени во отворениот повик.

Со големо задоволство Ви ги претставуваме предлог решенијата кои конкурираа на отворениот повик.


Great opportunity!

CHIMERA ART AWARD / OPEN CALL Chimera-Project announces the launch of the second Chimera Art Award, this time with a focus on the Central-Eastern European region (CEE). The goal of the Chimera Art Award is to raise artists international visibility. Founder and name giver of the award is the Budapest based contemporary art galler…

fx3x Open Call – Paratissima Skopje 22/05/2015

fx3x Open Call – Paratissima Skopje ОТВОРЕН ПОВИК ЗА ГРАФИЧКИ ДИЗАЈН НА МАИЦА И АПЛИКАЦИЈА ЗА КОМБЕ Паратисима Скопје во соработка со компанијата за специјални ефекти и анимација fx3x од Скопје, Македонија објавува отворен повик за: Графички дизајн на апликација на маица Графички дизајн за апликација на транспортно комбе Mercedes-Be…

QS World University Rankings by Subject 2015 - Art & Design 01/05/2015

Very happy to announce that the director and tutor @ AaD Agencija in Skopje - Nada Prlja has MPhil diploma from No. 1 ranking university for Art and Design in the world for 2015 - Royal College of Art, London, UK.

QS World University Rankings by Subject 2015 - Art & Design Discover the world’s top universities for art & design, with the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2015. The rankings highlight the world’s top universities in 36 individual subjects, based on academic reputation, employer reputation and research impact (full methodology here). Use the interac…


Lecturer in the International Politics of Eastern Europe and Eurasia, University of Glasgow,... scholarship, research, uni job positions available, Lecturer in the International Politics of Eastern Europe and Eurasia, United Kingdom

msa | Welcome to the Manchester School of Architecture 18/04/2015

We would like to congratulate our pupil Nora Jakimovska for being offered a place at Manchester School of Architecture, her first choice university. Well done!

msa | Welcome to the Manchester School of Architecture The Manchester School of Architecture is a joint school of the University of Manchester and the Manchester Metropolitan University

Изложба на тројца млади креативци во Агенцијата за сериозни интереси - Stylist 27/03/2015

Stylist.mk pokanuva..

Изложба на тројца млади креативци во Агенцијата за сериозни интереси - Stylist Дела на тројца надежни креативци-средношколци ќе бидат изложени од 25 до 29 март во просториите на во просториите на Агенција за сериозни интереси Serious Interests Agency – SIA во Скопје. Станува збор за Ема Ошавков-талентиран илустратор и графички дизајнер, која е ученичка во гимназијата „Јосип Бр…

Вечер за уживање | A night to enjoy - skopjecasual 27/03/2015

Skopje Casual visited the opening the other night!

Вечер за уживање | A night to enjoy - skopjecasual Вечер за уживање | A night to enjoy Вчера имавме убава можност да присуствуваме на изложба на три супер млади таленти Виктор Наумовски, Сарах Ислам и Ема Ошаков. На настанот присуствувавме по покана...

Photos from АаД Агенција's post 26/03/2015

Неколку импресии од вчерашното отварање! Ви благодариме на сите што дојдовте и го направивте ова отварање преубаво.


Za site sto neuspeavte da ja vidite rabotata na Viktor Naumovski Photography Sarah Islam i Ema Osavkov vcera na otvaranjeto, izlozbata ke bide otvorena denes i utre od 11 do 17 casot i vo sabota 13 do 16 casot, vo prostoriite na Serious Interests Agency - SIA, povelete!

BA Architecture - BA Architecture - Undergraduate Degrees - School of Architecture - The... 07/03/2015

It is our pleasure to announce that our dear student Nora Jakimovska has been accepted to School of Architecture, The University of Sheffield. Bravo!

BA Architecture - BA Architecture - Undergraduate Degrees - School of Architecture - The... The BA Architecture is a three-year honours degree that brings together a balanced university education with a professionally orientated course. It combines lecture-based courses with a creative studio culture

Photos from АаД Агенција's post 07/03/2015

Some of Viktor Naumovski's fashion photographs, Viktor has been accepted to BA (Hons) Fashion Photography London College of Fashion - Official, University of Arts London. Bravo!
All images: Viktor Naumovski Fotography

BA (Hons) Fashion Photography 07/03/2015

Viktor Naumovski, our dear pupil, has been accepted to BA (Hons) Fashion Photography @ University of Arts London, London, London School of Fashion. Bravo!

BA (Hons) Fashion Photography Become a professional and original image maker through the practical and theoretical study of fashion photography.

Apply for the Holland scholarship between 16 February and 31 March 2015 19/02/2015

Apply for the Holland scholarship between 16 February and 31 March 2015 The scholarship amounts to € 5,000. You will receive this in the first year of your studies. Application criteria Your nationality is non-EEA. You are applying for a full-time bachelor’s or master’...

Courses - CASS 18/02/2015

It is our pleasure to announce that Ema Osavkov, graduate at Josip Broz Tito, was accepted to Graphic Design BA (Hons) and Illustration BA (Hons) at CASS, London. It was pleasure to work with such talented young illustrator! Some of her work will be posted here, soon.

Courses - CASS The extended degree route provides an intensive preparatory or 'Foundation' year prior to progression onto the BA Architecture (RIBA Part 1) or BA Interior Architecture and Design at...

The design of the house 04/02/2015

Residency program for international art critics
Deadline: May 16, 2015

The Austrian Section of the International Art Critics Association AICA is pleased to announce a residency program for international art critics.
The residency is located in a 120 square meter apartment in the 3rd district of Vienna, close to the city center with a great number of art museums. The apartment is part of the Kunst Haus Wien, Vienna´s museum which focuses on photography and holds the collection of Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928 – 2000).
Hundertwasser designed the building in 1991 in his own artistic style. "It is a house that does not follow the usual standards, an adventure of modern times, a journey into a country of creative architecture," Hundertwasser said. Please also see: http://www.kunsthauswien.com/en/about-us/design-of-the-house
The residency apartment used to be Hundertwasser´s private home, including an extraordinary 200 square meter roof top garden – the oldest one in Vienna.
The residency will be from mid-August until mid-September 2015. AICA AUSTRIA will pay for the flight and provide 1000,- Euros for the four weeks’ stay. The art critic should start the residency with an informal talk in English or German, presenting his/her local art scene in a semi-public talk. At the end AICA Austria expects an informal talk giving his/her impressions about the stay.
Applications: The art critic should have at least 5 years of experience in continuously publishing on contemporary art in art magazines or newspapers. Applicants should send 3 short reviews and 2 longer essays on contemporary art, a photograph, CV and a list of publications.
Please send applications to: [email protected]

The design of the house KUNST HAUS WIEN is a house of beauty barriers, where beauty holds the most efficient function, a place of not regulated irregularities, of uneven floors, of tree tenants and dancing windows. It is a house in which you have a good conscience towards nature.It is a house that does not follow the usual…

AA SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE - Lectures Online 03/02/2015

Is design art? lecture at AA.

AA SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE - Lectures Online The fluid, repeatedly changing relationship between art, design and architecture is examined by the influential author and journalist, Alice Rawsthorn, and by Sophie Hicks, dynamic AA-trained architect, designer and developer. In very different guises, architects, designers and artists have long exp…

VIKTOR NAUMOVSKI - Welcome 03/02/2015

We have been working with Viktor Naumovski Photography, setting up his portfolio and helping him to apply to few select universities in Europe.

World fame is awaiting this 19 year old fashion photography prodigy.

See his work on: http://www.viktornaumovski.com/

VIKTOR NAUMOVSKI - Welcome Viktor Naumovski - Photographer

Forum: Is the golden age of art schools over? - Apollo Magazine 03/02/2015

Forum: Is the golden age of art schools over? - Apollo Magazine With soaring fees for higher education in the UK, all the humanities are having to make a strong case for themselves,…

XXI CSAV - Artists Research Laboratory. Yvonne Rainer and Andrea Kleine 01/02/2015

Fondazione Antonio Ratti е најпрестижната резиденција во Европа за млади уметници, пријавете се до 29ти март 2015.

Open Call for Young Artists
The laboratory is free of charge. Accommodation expenses in Como are to be covered by the participants.
To apply, please fill in the form available online at the application form page. The application and all required materials must be sent by the 29th of March 2015.

XXI CSAV - Artists Research Laboratory. Yvonne Rainer and Andrea Kleine Apertura bando per giovani artistiMaterials For Performance6-31 luglio 2015CSAV – Artists Research Laboratory è un progetto che fa del confronto e dello scambio orizzontale tra artisti di generazioni e nazionalità diverse il nucleo di un’esperienza artistica e didattica unica nel suo genere.Il labor…

Photos from АаД Агенција's post 30/01/2015

Kој вика дека Британија не е cool?!

Поминавме напорни денови работејќи со нашите апликанти за Британските најреномирани креативни универзитети....AA Architectural Association, LCF London College of Fashion, LCC London College of Communication, Slade Faculy of Fine Art, итн.

Кога АаД агенција почна со работа бевме обесхрабрени дека нема интересенти за универзитетите во Англија, драго ни е дека се уверивме во спротивното и секако дека толку многу талентирани студенти ќе имаат шанса нивната работа да биде видена и оценета од страна на предавачите во овие реномирани универзитети.

Им посакуваме среќа на нашите апликанти!

Слики: Sarah Islam, неколку страни од мини портфолиото.