Brenda Voutour Life Coach

Brenda Voutour Life Coach

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Brenda Voutour Life Coach, Coach, .


✨ Relationships✨


✨Trusting Yourself!✨


✨Are you living Authentically? ✨

Take the QUIZ


✨ FREE Authenticity Quiz ✨

Are you feeling unhappy in one or more areas of your life?

You're not alone. Many people struggle with this because they're not living authentically. Instead, they follow what society deems acceptable rather than what truly matters to them.

💡 I created a FREE Quiz to help you discover if you're living authentically. Take a few minutes to gain some clarity and see where you stand.

Take the Authenticity Quiz here:

I hope this helps you on your journey to a more fulfilling life! 🌟


✨ God's Guidance✨

There are two realities in life: "this" one and "that" one, and I am not talking about relationships here.

If you've managed to leave "that" reality behind, do yourself a favor and never look back. 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️

God guided you through the shift for a reason. That old reality wasn't meant for you. 🙏✨

Trust that you are destined for a better life. Keep moving forward, embracing the life you want and deserve. 🌟

When we are going after our dream life, we can be thrown curveballs. ⚾ These challenges are meant to teach us and guide us. Learn to spend some time in silence, in nature, and listen to your inner voice—your intuition, if you will. 🌳🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️

Remember, if prayer is you talking to God, then your intuition is God talking to you. 💬✨

Trust that this shift is about transforming your entire way of living, and there will be moments when you feel like going back to a familiar lifestyle. Before you do, ask God for guidance, listen, and you will hear the answer. 🙏👂

Believe in the path God has set for you, and walk it with confidence and faith. Your best life is ahead of you! 🌠


🌟 Find Your Happy in the Hard 🌟

Life is full of challenges, but remember, we hold the power of choice within us. We can choose to stay in the struggle or move into happiness. Choosing happiness transforms our lives, bringing peace, joy, and fulfillment.

✨ Replace screen time with people time. Connect with loved ones and build meaningful relationships.

✨ Try something new together. Long walks, date nights with yourself, and exploring new activities can spark joy.

✨ Reach out to a family member. Reconnecting with someone you haven't spoken to in years can heal old wounds and bring unexpected joy.

✨ Disconnect from toxic media. Protect your mental space and fill it with positivity.

✨ Give your time to someone in need. Acts of kindness and support bring immense satisfaction.

✨ Exercise. Moving your body releases endorphins, making you feel happier and healthier.

✨ Listen to uplifting music. Dance, sing, and let the positive vibes uplift your spirit.

Remember, happiness is a choice we make every day. Choose to find your happy, even in the hard times.

Becoming Future You Calendar 08/05/2024

✨If you feel a strong desire for change, know that it's not by chance.

Deep within, there's a whisper of happiness and fulfillment waiting to burst out, echoing from your soul. Some call this your inner self, or higher self gently guiding you towards the path of your true desires.

But often, our journey is hindered by the weight of past hurts and self-imposed limitations. Yet, in letting go of these burdens, a beautiful transformation occurs—a reconnection with the core of who you truly are.

Your relationship with yourself become strong, you master your mind, you manage your emotions, and you align your energy with your deepest desires , and this is where the magic happens. ✨

This journey isn't just about self-discovery; it's about reclaiming your place in the universe and unlocking the doors to the life you were always meant to live.

🍃 It's a chance to let go of the doubt, anxiety, and fear that have held you back for too long to finally live your life with Inner Peace.

🌱 It's an opportunity to align your thoughts, body, and spirit, which I call a balance between your Character and your Spirit and your life begins to flow in the direction of your dreams.

👂 It's a place where you can connect, listen to and trust your intuition, finding comfort and clarity in life's uncertainties.

I have two spots for private coaching spots available. If your reading this far, then this was meant for you. ✨💗

You ARE ready to start your journey, and I invite you to take the first step.

Let's shed the layers of doubt and fear, and together, discover the confident, unstoppable version of yourself and embrace the life fully deserve 🌟

Book a FREE call today to learn more. Looking forward to meeting you.

Becoming Future You Calendar


🌿 Freedom from Anxiety and Depression 🌿

🌟 Ready to reclaim your inner peace and break free from anxiety and depression? Explore how connecting with your authentic self, nature's healing energy, and mindset shifts can lead to liberation and joy.

🍃 Myth #1: "An Endless Battle"
Anxiety and depression are often perceived as lifelong adversaries, but they're more like whispers from our souls, urging us to delve deeper. They're not fleeting; they're profound invitations for personal growth. By embracing our authentic selves amidst these challenges, we cultivate resilience and uncover hidden strengths we never knew we had.

🌞 Myth #2: "Just Cheer Up"

The idea that healing from anxiety and depression can be achieved simply by "cheering up" oversimplifies the complexity of these conditions. It's not about putting on a happy face; it's about acknowledging and honoring the full range of our emotions.

To embark on the journey of healing, we must first embrace our feelings without judgment or suppression. This means allowing ourselves to experience sadness, anger, and fear when they arise, recognizing that these emotions are valid and worthy of our attention.

Mindfulness is key, helping us understand our inner world. By observing thoughts with curiosity and compassion, we cultivate resilience in facing life's challenges.

Self-compassion is vital too. Treating ourselves kindly, especially in tough times, fosters healing in a nurturing environment.

🌻 Myth #3: "All in Your Head"

True healing isn't just about fixing what's in our minds; it's about tending to our entire being—mind, body, and spirit. Nature provides a sanctuary where we can find solace and restoration. When we immerse ourselves in the beauty of the natural world, we align our energy with its natural rhythms, bringing a profound sense of peace and harmony.

By spending time outdoors, whether it's a stroll through the woods or a moment by the ocean, we reconnect with the essence of our being. Nature has a way of grounding us, reminding us of our interconnectedness with all living things. In this sacred space, we find refuge from the chaos of daily life, allowing our bodies to relax and our minds to be quiet.

🌿 By starting on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, embracing our authentic selves, harnessing the healing power of nature, and nurturing our mindset and emotional well-being, we can overcome anxiety and depression and step into a life of limitless possibility.

I know because this is how I personally did it over the past 29 years. 🌿

Are you ready to embrace your freedom? Ask me how. 🦋


✨The Power of Admitting Mistakes without Justifying them✨

Hey there, friends! Ever found yourself hiding your slip-ups like they're classified info? 😅 We've all been there!

But here's the scoop: Embracing our mistakes, offering sincere apologies, and growing from them isn't just about putting ourselves out there for criticism; it's about gaining respect, inner peace, and personal growth. ✨

Wouldn't it be nice to let go of all the tension and foster healthy relationships filled with respect and understanding? 💖

Let's stick to what matters most, be genuine, and stand tall in our integrity and owning our mistakes, no excuses!

It's all part of the journey towards becoming our best selves and being truly happy. 💫

Ask yourself this question:

Can you handle tough criticism without crumbling, getting triggered and over emotional?

Admitting faults isn't always easy, but it's the path to growth. Let's ditch the ego and embrace feedback as a chance to grow! 💥

If this resonated with you and you would like guidance I invite you to Join us on The SHIFT, its a 21 day journey delivered by email where we're turning missteps into milestones and embracing the journey to inner peace. 🌟

Click the link and watch the short video i did for you, to see if its a fit for. Hope to see you in there.



🌟 Embrace Your Emotions: They're Your Greatest Teachers 🌟

Ever notice how certain situations trigger strong emotional reactions within us? 🤔 Instead of brushing them off, why not see them as valuable lessons about ourselves? 💡 Pay attention to those feelings – they're trying to teach you something important!

Embracing your emotions isn't a sign of weakness; it's a path to self-discovery and growth. By understanding why we react the way we do, we gain clarity and resilience to navigate life's ups and downs. Plus, it helps us build deeper connections with others! 🌱💖

So, next time you feel overwhelmed by emotion, take a moment to listen. 🌬️ Approach with curiosity and compassion, and let them guide you towards greater understanding and inner peace. 🌟



Often we find ourselves living in a " Loop of Doom" we repeat the same patterns day after day.

We have dreams and goals but they seem so out of reach because we are afraid to step into doing things different, because we can't see the outcome.

We just continue to repeat the same patterns leaving us stuck with the emotions we no longer want to feel.

Feelings like Anger, Resentment, Jealousy, Sadness, Frustration, Anxiety.

Being stuck in these emotions can lead to choices that then cause us to have Regret, Guilt and Embarrassment and without knowing it we are Self sabotaging the life that is waiting for us, the life we deserve.

Life is about being free to choose what emotions you no longer want to experience and healing the cause that keeps you in that loop of doom.

Once you face this hidden fear, you WILL wake up every day feeling Empowered, Grateful, Happy, Confident, Inspired, Happy and Content.

Choose to Heal what hurt you, so that you can Shift into the life you dream of and deserve.

With Love & Gratitude 💗✨💗

Life Coach


What do you need support with today ?
Post below or send me a DM 🦋


🗓️ WOW It’s March 1st already – time really does fly, doesn’t it?

Two months have come and gone, leaving us with a moment to pause and reflect.

How’s your journey through 2024 been so far?

Have you been sticking to the plans you made when the year started , or have things gone a bit off track? 🤔

Let’s talk real talk for a moment. Life is a journey we navigate mostly on our own. But here’s the kicker: before we can really pursue what we want out of life, we need to build a solid relationship with ourselves.

Understanding who we are, what we want, and what we’re willing to do to get it is crucial. 🛤️

I’ve been there, too – facing doubts, wrestling with decisions, and wondering if I’m on the right path. But through it all, I’ve learned that the most important relationship we’ll ever have is the one we have with ourselves. It’s the foundation upon which we build our dreams. 🌟

Remember, it’s YOU vs YOU in this game of life.

It’s not about competing with others; it’s about challenging yourself to become the best version of you. So, what changes do you need to make to get where you want to be? What obstacles are holding you back? 🧗‍♂️

You don’t have to have a repeat of 2023 and you don’t have to navigate this journey alone.

Sometimes, a little guidance and support can make all the difference. That’s why I’m inviting you to hop on a FREE call with me.

Let’s chat about your goals, your challenges, and how you can overcome them.

Click the link in BIO to schedule your free call and let’s start making those changes together. 📞


🗓️ WOW It's March 1st already – time really does fly, doesn't it?

Two months have come and gone, leaving us with a moment to pause and reflect.

How's your journey through 2024 been so far?

Have you been sticking to the plans you made when the year started , or have things gone a bit off track? 🤔

Let's talk real talk for a moment. Life is a journey we navigate mostly on our own. But here's the kicker: before we can really pursue what we want out of life, we need to build a solid relationship with ourselves.

Understanding who we are, what we want, and what we're willing to do to get it is crucial. 🛤️

I've been there, too – facing doubts, wrestling with decisions, and wondering if I'm on the right path. But through it all, I've learned that the most important relationship we'll ever have is the one we have with ourselves. It's the foundation upon which we build our dreams. 🌟

Remember, it's YOU vs YOU in this game of life.

It's not about competing with others; it's about challenging yourself to become the best version of you. So, what changes do you need to make to get where you want to be? What obstacles are holding you back? 🧗‍♂️

You don't have to have a repeat of 2023 and you don't have to navigate this journey alone.

Sometimes, a little guidance and support can make all the difference. That's why I'm inviting you to hop on a FREE call with me.

Let's chat about your goals, your challenges, and how you can overcome them.

Click the link to schedule your free call and let's start making those changes together. 📞


🌟 Surround Yourself with Empowering Souls! 🌟

Your inner circle is your powerhouse 💪, your support system 🤗, and your cheer squad 🎉 all rolled into one! Here’s why surrounding yourself with empowering individuals is key to propelling you towards the life you want:

✨ Positive Influence: Their positivity can shape your mindset and outlook on life.

💬 Encouragement in Adversity: They’ll lift you up and help you bounce back from setbacks.

🔒 Accountability: They’ll keep you on track and motivated to achieve your goals.

🚀 Inspiration and Motivation: Their ambition will fuel your own drive and passion.

❤️ Emotional Support: They’ll be there for you through thick and thin, providing comfort and guidance.

🎉 Celebration of Success: They’ll celebrate your victories with genuine joy and pride.

🌱 Self-Discovery and Growth: They’ll inspire you to learn, grow, and become the best version of yourself.

Choose your inner circle wisely, for they have the power to uplift, motivate, and propel you towards greatness! Surround yourself with those who empower, believe, support, uplift, motivate, and appreciate you. Together, you’ll reach new heights! 🌟


🌟 Surround Yourself with Empowering Souls! 🌟

Your inner circle is your powerhouse 💪, your support system 🤗, and your cheer squad 🎉 all rolled into one! Here's why surrounding yourself with empowering individuals is key to propelling you towards the life you want:

✨ Positive Influence: Their positivity can shape your mindset and outlook on life.

💬 Encouragement in Adversity: They'll lift you up and help you bounce back from setbacks.

🔒 Accountability: They'll keep you on track and motivated to achieve your goals.

🚀 Inspiration and Motivation: Their ambition will fuel your own drive and passion.

❤️ Emotional Support: They'll be there for you through thick and thin, providing comfort and guidance.

🎉 Celebration of Success: They'll celebrate your victories with genuine joy and pride.

🌱 Self-Discovery and Growth: They'll inspire you to learn, grow, and become the best version of yourself.

Choose your inner circle wisely, for they have the power to uplift, motivate, and propel you towards greatness! Surround yourself with those who empower, believe, support, uplift, motivate, and appreciate you. Together, you'll reach new heights! 🌟


🌟 Shift Your Focus, Shape Your World! 🌟

Ever feel like you're living in a world that's just not quite aligning with your dreams? Well, here's a little secret: the world you see is created by what you focus on. 🌍✨

It's like wearing a pair of glasses — if you're constantly seeing the negative, that's all you'll perceive. But guess what? It's never too late to adjust your lens!

Imagine waking up every day and seeing the world through a lens of positivity, opportunity, and growth. 🌱 That's the power of shifting your focus.

Instead of dwelling on what's not working, start focusing on what could work, what you're grateful for, and the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

💫 Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Book a FREE coaching call with me, where we'll dive deep into your goals, challenges, and aspirations.

Whether you're seeking to improve your mindset, achieve your goals, overcome past traumas, enhance your relationships, get out of living everyday in the same Loop, or simply explore new possibilities. This coaching call is your opportunity to seek guidance to get moving out of your situation and it's completely FREE.

Together, we'll create a personalized roadmap to help you shift your focus, shape your world, and become the best version of yourself.

This is your chance to break free from limitations, unlock your full potential, and step into a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and joy.

Click the link below to schedule your FREE coaching call and take the first step towards becoming the person you've always wanted to be! 🔗✨


💖 Happy Valentine’s Day!

As we celebrate love today, let’s take a moment to appreciate the most essential relationship in our lives: the one we have with ourselves. 🌹

✨ Self-love isn’t selfish; it’s a superpower that fuels our happiness and success. Here’s why it’s so darn important:

💕 Confidence: When we love ourselves, flaws and all, we walk a little taller. Confidence radiates from within, empowering us to tackle challenges and chase our dreams fearlessly.

💕 Growth: Embracing self-love means embracing growth. We forgive our mistakes, learn from them, and keep moving forward. It’s the ultimate recipe for personal and professional development.

💕 Attracts Positivity: Ever notice how loving yourself attracts positivity like a magnet? When we treat ourselves with kindness and respect, we attract people who do the same. It’s like the universe’s way of saying, “You deserve all the good things.”

💕 Sets Boundaries: Loving ourselves means knowing our worth. We set boundaries and surround ourselves with people who lift us higher. It’s about prioritizing our well-being and saying “no” to anything that doesn’t serve us.

So, this Valentine’s Day, let’s make a pact to love ourselves a little louder, a little fiercer. Because when we fill our own cup, we have so much more love to share with the world. 💕

Here’s to being our own biggest fans! Cheers to self-love! 🥂✨


💖 Happy Valentine's Day!

As we celebrate love today, let's take a moment to appreciate the most essential relationship in our lives: the one we have with ourselves. 🌹

✨ Self-love isn't selfish; it's a superpower that fuels our happiness and success. Here's why it's so darn important:

💕 Confidence: When we love ourselves, flaws and all, we walk a little taller. Confidence radiates from within, empowering us to tackle challenges and chase our dreams fearlessly.

💕 Growth: Embracing self-love means embracing growth. We forgive our mistakes, learn from them, and keep moving forward. It's the ultimate recipe for personal and professional development.

💕 Attracts Positivity: Ever notice how loving yourself attracts positivity like a magnet? When we treat ourselves with kindness and respect, we attract people who do the same. It's like the universe's way of saying, "You deserve all the good things."

💕 Sets Boundaries: Loving ourselves means knowing our worth. We set boundaries and surround ourselves with people who lift us higher. It's about prioritizing our well-being and saying "no" to anything that doesn't serve us.

So, this Valentine's Day, let's make a pact to love ourselves a little louder, a little fiercer. Because when we fill our own cup, we have so much more love to share with the world. 💕

Here's to being our own biggest fans! Cheers to self-love! 🥂✨


Stop Caring what other people think and Embrace Authenticity✨

As a Life Coach, I’ve walked the path of self-discovery and liberation, just like you.

I remember when I used to hide my love for riding motorcycles, fearing judgment from those around me.

How could I reconcile being a “Life Coach” with being a “Biker”? It seemed like a contradiction.

But in the biker world, I found a community of amazing, loving, and caring individuals. Despite knowing the warmth within that community, I couldn’t shake off the stigma attached to being a biker. So, I hid that part of myself, pretending it didn’t exist.

However, once I learned to let go of the need for external validation, something incredible happened.

I felt a profound sense of authenticity wash over me. It was as if a heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and I could finally breathe freely.

Embracing my love for motorcycle riding made me feel whole, genuine, and unapologetically me.

If you resonate with the feeling of holding back who you truly are because of the fear of judgment, I invite you to join me in my FREE 5-day BECOMING Future You Challenge.

Together, we’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

I’ll show you how to break free from the shackles of other people’s opinions and embrace your true self with confidence and grace.

Are you ready to reclaim your Authenticity and live life on your own terms?

DM me now to secure your spot in the challenge. Your journey to freedom starts here. ✨🌟


Prioritize Life & Find Balance 🌱

Balancing life's demands isn't easy. Despite appearances, many people feel overwhelmed and exhausted, constantly juggling responsibilities while neglecting their own needs.

But there's hope. I have a growing community that is challenging the status quo, embracing a new way of living that prioritizes well-being, relationships, and inner peace.

From stay-at-home parents to professionals, people are reclaiming control and finding joy in everyday moments.

Ready to escape burnout and rediscover purpose?

Join 'BECOMING Future You' – where support, empowerment, and fulfillment await.

Request to join now! ✨


💫 Reflecting back on my Journey

"Reflecting on my journey that started 29 years ago, I remember feeling utterly lost, unloved, and trapped in a repetitive cycle.

It was a pivotal moment when I questioned if this was truly the purpose for which I was placed on this Earth by a higher power.

That's when the realization struck me: God gave me the gift of free will, along with an inner guidance system. It was my responsibility to listen to its whispers and chart my own path.

Once I embraced this truth and began to tap into my spiritual essence, and everything shifted.

Synchronicities began to unfold effortlessly, guiding me towards the vision of my ideal self – happy, fulfilled, and actively pursuing my dreams.

And now, I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to pay forward the wisdom I've gained by helping others undergo their own transformation.

Witnessing my clients achieve profound shifts in as little as 6 weeks is nothing short of miraculous.

I firmly believe that every individual deserves to experience the joy and fulfillment that life has to offer; it's our inherent birthright.

With boundless love and gratitude, I continue to walk this journey alongside those who seek to reconnect with their inner wisdom and manifest their dreams. 🌟

"If you find yourself feeling lost or stuck, never lose hope. You have the power within you to rediscover your purpose, unleash your potential, and live a life filled with joy and fulfillment. Keep faith in your journey, and remember, transformation is always within reach. 🌟”


🌟 So much to be thankful for! 🙏

🎉 New year, and I feel incredibly blessed to have spent 4 amazing months with my kids and grandkids! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦❤️

☀️ Escaping the cold months by enjoying the sunshine in Florida is such a joy! 🌴❄️

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Despite facing tough challenges, my children are thriving and doing exceptionally well. 💪🌟

🦋 Proud to have helped 5 clients since New Years, break free from unfulfilling lives, guiding them to discover inner happiness and self-love. ❤️🤝

🚀 Excited to announce the upcoming launch of a course that will empower many to embrace unconditional self-love and live a life filled with happiness and fulfillment! 🌟💖

🌟 Everyone deserves to live a life they're obsessed with, full of fulfillment and joy! 🌈✨


✨ Embrace the Privilege of a Lifetime! ✨

Dear dreamer,

In the grand tapestry of life, there exists a privilege so extraordinary, so profound, that it transcends all others – the privilege of becoming who you truly are. Your journey is not merely a series of steps; it's a transformation, a metamorphosis into the most authentic version of yourself. 🌟

Every experience, challenge, and triumph has sculpted you into a unique masterpiece. Now, it's time to unveil that masterpiece to the world. Embrace your quirks, your passions, and your dreams, for they are the threads that weave the canvas of your true self. 🎨

Join us on a journey of Self-Discovery,Empowerment & Manifestation . Join the "Becoming Future You" group! 🚀

This isn't just a community; it's a sanctuary for individuals who dare to dream, aspire, and evolve. Here, you'll find a tapestry of support, encouragement, and shared wisdom. ✨

Videos (show all)

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