

Dynamic Visual Brands & Harmonious Spaces. zenotica.com Our passion for harmony, beauty, and balance is the inspiration for Zenotica to be of service to you.


Here's for you:

Feng Shui products are now available on Amazon!

Shop Zenotica space-clearing spray, feng shui crystal ball kits, and crystal bracelets for children based on the zodiac + the elements just in time for back-to-school! 😃

Visit and Shop:

Good Shui Life™ is our lifelong mission to inspire and create more harmony, hope, and goodness in the world.

Stay in the loop & follow us @ IG


Happy 🦋🌎🌺


There’s still time to register for a virtual Feng Shui vision board workshop and receive a very special gift in the mail!

Sat and Sun 2/10 and 2/11 3-5pm EST

Create, ignite, and welcome the goodness that Wood Dragon brings in 2024!



What does Dragon mean to you?

I love this question. The dragon has many fantastic qualities and has been a very popular mythical creature across the globe for eons of time. The Western dragon is different than the Eastern dragon. The Western version is ferocious, domineering, powerful, and has wings. The Eastern version is benevolent, kind, compassionate, and flies without wings. It’s also a celestial guardian in Feng Shui and is considered a great protector.

All dragons command attention. They have great energy and are strong, wise, and magical in their way.

2024 is the year of Wood Dragon, full of great energy and potential for BIG growth. It’s considered a very powerful and prosperous year. The Wood element symbolizes flexibility, new beginnings, and vitality. Think of 2024 as a long Spring cycle!

Want to harness and equip yourself with the energy of Wood Dragon to influence good health and fortune and fly high with purpose?

Join me at a Feng Shui vision board workshop on February 10 and 11 to celebrate the Lunar New Year, design, and harmonize your vision for 2024 with Wood Dragon's energy for optimal growth and success! 💪🙌😀🐉⚡️☀️

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/high-vibe-feng-shui-vision-board-workshop-2024-year-of-wood-dragon-tickets-796464656227?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl


Here’s a few tips to harmonize each room of your home:

👟 Shoes off at the front door.

🚪 If you have an entryway with a long hallway, use rugs to sustain the energy within the environment. and your space.

🚰 If your sink is across from your stove, you can use a rug here as well as a barrier between fire and water.

🛏 No shoes under the bed, because it creates more anxiety!

💤 Make sure you have a headboard that gives you support and balance.

🌿 Plants bring life and cleansing energy to any space. Keep them in your office to promote a sense of peace and calm while you work.

Visit zenotica.com/blog for more tips on living in harmony.

Thank you for inviting me to your show, Lily Jang. It was such a pleasure to share Feng Shui tips with you and your audience!

🇪🇸 Tips para armonizar cada cuarto de tu hogar:

👟 No entrar a la casa con zapatos.

🚪 Si tienes una entrada con un pasillo largo, utiliza alfombras o espejos para sostener la energía del ambiente y tu espacio.

🚰 Si tu fregadero está directo a la estufa, puedes usar una alfombra como una barrera entre el fuego y el agua.

🛏 ¡No dejar zapatos debajo de la cama, porque genera más ansiedad!

💤 Asegúrate de tener una cabecera de cama que te brinde apoyo y equilibrio.

🌿 Las plantas dan vida y energía limpiadora a cualquier espacio. Manténlas en tu oficina para promover una sensación de paz y calma mientras trabaja.

Visita zenotica.com/blog para obtener más consejos sobre como vivir en armonía.


Nature plays a vital role in our wellbeing, yet many modern environments disconnect us from its abundant support. Biophilic design harmonizes constructed spaces with natural elements. Whether in an office or a hospital, incorporating the right elements can invigorate and soothe emotions, depending on the desired atmosphere.

Learn more about finding harmony with nature on my blog: https://zenotica.com/creating-harmony-in-our-lives-a-journey-of-self-care-and-intention/

La naturaleza desempeña un papel vital en nuestro bienestar, pero muchos entornos modernos nos desconectan de su abundante apoyo. El diseño biofílico armoniza los espacios construidos con elementos naturales. Ya sea en una oficina o en un hospital, incorporar los elementos adecuados puede vigorizar y calmar las emociones, dependiendo del ambiente deseado.


Our external environment reflects our internal state. Recognizing this connection allows us to make conscious changes in our lives. Every thought, emotion, and intention we hold can impact our lives.

When we understand and work with these energies, we can break free from repetitive patterns and create positive change in various aspects of our lives.


Nuestro ambiente externo refleja nuestro estado interno. Reconocer esta conexión nos permite realizar cambios conscientes en nuestras vidas. Cada pensamiento, emoción e intención que tenemos puede impactar nuestras vidas. Cuando entendemos y trabajamos con estas energías, podemos liberarnos de patrones repetitivos y crear cambios positivos en varios aspectos de nuestras vidas.


How do we tap into the energy centers in our bodies to create something in our lives through our environment? Something that’s deeply connected with patterns that we keep repeating in our lives, whether the pattern is a health issue, a relationship, or a career path. Everything is interconnected. We have come on this plane and this life to fulfill a mastery through those life experiences.

Learn more on my blog: https://zenotica.com/navigating-lifes-challenges-through-self-discovery-and-feng-shui/

Thank you for inviting me on your podcast to share my healing story, Liza Florida 🙏🏼💛🙏🏼

En español:

¿Cómo tocamos y aprovechamos los centros de energía en nuestros cuerpos para crear algo en nuestras vidas a través de nuestro ambiente? Esto está profundamente conectado con patrones que seguimos repitiendo en nuestras vidas, ya sea que el patrón sea un problema de salud, una relación o una carrera. Todo esta interconectado. Hemos venido a este plano y a esta vida para lograr una maestría a través de esas experiencias de vida.



Top 5 Tips for Better Sleep 💤

👞 1. No shoes in the bedroom. This helps avoid “stuck” energy and keeps the space clean.

📚 2. Be mindful of what you’re reading in bed. Read stuff that makes you feel peaceful, optimistic, and inspired. No need for stress and lack of sleep due to worry.

💊 3. Take out medicine or pain relievers from drawers. Don’t attract what you don’t want.

🛏 4. Get a headboard. Promotes security and whole body stability.

⬜️ 5. Mirrors should not face the bed. Avoid disruptive sleep, minimize restlessness.

For more ways to harmonize your energy with Feng Shui, visit https://zenotica.com/blog

[ en español ⬇️ ]

5 Tips para dormir mejor 💤

👞 1. No zapatos en el dormitorio. Esto ayuda a evitar energía "atascada" y mantiene el espacio limpio.

📚 2. Ten en cuenta lo que lees en la cama. Lee lo que te haga sentir paz, promueva optimismo o inspiración. No hay necesidad de estrés ni falta de sueño debido a preocupaciones.

💊 3. Saca de los cajones los medicamentos o analgésicos. No atraigas lo que no quieres.

🛏 4. Consigue una cabecera de cama. Promueve la seguridad y la estabilidad de todo el cuerpo.

⬜️ 5. Los espejos no deben reflejar la cama. Evita el sueño perturbador, minimiza la inquietud.

Para conocer más formas de crear energía armonizada con Feng Shui, visita: https://zenotica.com/blog


In my extensive 20+ years in the design industry, I've uncovered a fundamental truth about brand strategy: precision is the foundation of success. Just as Feng Shui is utilized to arrange the elements and shift the energy within a space to create harmony, my approach to brand strategy is about that level of attention to detail.

Let’s create your remarkable brand.
Learn more at Zenotica or book a complimentary connection call: zenotica.com/contact


Jaya Jaya Myra: I'm curious, what was one of the most impactful changes that you made in your own life that led to more harmony?

Patsy: When I first learned about Feng Shui, I learned for the architectural and interior design aspects, which was very beautiful and also how to make things flow within the environment. But when I started working with Feng Shui for health, that was really a game changer for me, because it talks about how everything that's in your environment is reflecting within your emotional, spiritual, and physical aspects of yourself.

For simple shifts for balanced energy tips, read my blog: https://zenotica.com/simple-shifts-for-balanced-energy/

Thank you for invo=oting me to your podcast, Jaya Jaya Myra 💛🙏🏼

en español ⬇


Jaya Jaya Myra: Estoy curiosa, Cuál fue uno de los cambios más impactantes que hiciste en tu propia vida y que te llevó a una mayor armonía?

Patsy: Cuando aprendí por primera vez sobre Feng Shui, aprendí sobre el aspecto arquitectónico y de diseño de interiores, que era muy hermoso y cómo hacer que las cosas fluyan dentro del entorno. Pero cuando comencé a trabajar con Feng Shui para la salud, eso realmente cambió las reglas para mí, porque habla de cómo todo lo que está en tu entorno se refleja en tus aspectos emocionales, espirituales y físicos de ti mismo.


is the quality
of forming
a consistent &
pleasing whole.

It’s a pleasant vibration,
a pleasing rhythm
carrying a compatible
relation with itself &
with others.

This is .



In Feng Shui, the desk correlates to opportunities as it impacts your career and mission of life.

[ captions en español ↓ ]

Here are 5 easy Good Shui tips to setup your office for success:

Tip #1: Keep your desk organized, clutter free, and placed in a permanent location to support stability.

Tip #2: Put yourself in the “power position” by having ample view of the room to see “what’s coming”.

Tip #3: Make room for a live succulent plant to symbolize growth.

Tip #4: Organize drawers and cabinets to dissipate stagnation and stress.

Tip #5: Bring an element of Water such as artwork, water fountain, or wavy patterns to promote creativity, ease & flow.

Tag a friend and share. xoxo



En Feng Shui, el escritorio se relaciona con oportunidades, ya que impacta tu carrera y misión de vida.

Comparto 5 tips de Good Shui para preparar tu oficina para el éxito:

Tip #1: Mantén tu escritorio organizado, ordenado y colocado en un lugar permanente para respaldar la estabilidad.

Tip #2: Ponte en la “posición del poder” teniendo una vista amplia de la habitación para ver “lo que viene”.

Tip #3: Haz espacio para una planta suculenta real la cual simboliza el crecimiento.

Tip #4: Organiza cajones y gabinetes para disipar el estancamiento y el estrés.

Tip #5: Brinda un elemento de agua, como pinturas, una fuente de agua o diseños ondulados para promover la creatividad, felicidad y fluidez.

Haz un tag y comparte con tus amigos.


Embrace the Fall Equinox in the year of Water Rabbit.

Rabbit symbolizes peace, simplicity, fun, healing, contemplation, community, kindness, longevity, luck. So much goodness!

Rabbit reminds us that happiness comes in small packages. It can feel cozy, safe, and warm. Invite the energy of Rabbit this season to simplify your home, office, children’s rooms, and kitchen. Live with what you love. Less is more.



If there’s anything I want in life
is this moment,
a moment of grace,
a moment of stillness,
a moment of simple connection with nature.

~ Patsy Balacchi


RECOGNITION: An expression of appreciation, respect, realization.

Are you recognizing and honoring yourself for the contributions, gifts, and talents you share with the world?

In Feng Shui, the area of Recognition (sometimes called Fame) is associated with the Fire Element.

🔥is dynamic, high energy, passionate, creative, driven. It’s the most Yang of the Elements. Its season is Summer.

Why not add more zing and recognition for yourself this summer?

Do something to honor your lovely gifts and talents that may have been put on the side burner for a while.


📸 print one of your favorite photos of yourself and put it in a new, shiny picture frame in your office, bedroom, or living room (not on the fireplace).

Fire is full-force. Do something fun, creative, and Shine your light.

More tips on my blog. Link in bio 🔺
or on my website. Zenotica.com.

Wishing you a happy month of June!

artwork credit: unknown 🙏🏼


Breathe easy.


Meet Benji, my little Buddha.

He’s always with me.
He’s here to remind me to take a pause, breathe easy, enjoy some sunshine, and just Be.

After I took this pic, I noticed that his shadow is in the shape of the head of the Buddha.

Thank you for the beautiful reminder, Benji.


You take care of me and I take care of you.

Happy Earth Day.

Photos from Zenotica's post 14/04/2023

Harmonizing with Feng Shui is about bringing the organic balance of the natural world back into our modern environments.

Check your surrounding and start with the most basic things.

• Is your chair stable or crooked?
• Are you happy at your desk?
• Is it too cluttered or distracting?

Sometimes you don’t even see the clutter or disorientation because you’re so used to having it around. But when you really think about it, these things have a negative impact on our ability to do what you are meant to do.

The closest things around you are what impact you the most.

Harmonizing with Feng Shui encompasses every aspect of your life, including career, family, work, relationships, knowledge, helpful people, and overall health.

Everything ties into the center of your overall wellbeing, which is why it's essential to ensure that all facets of your life are in harmony with one another. This can include making small changes such as adjusting the placement of furniture or bringing nature into your space.

Read my blog ⬇️ for more tips inspired by my lovely conversation with George Grombacher on the LifeBlood Podcast.


Thank you for inviting me to your show, George!

Photos from Zenotica's post 21/03/2023

Celebrating 22 years in business in 2023!

Today, my multi-disciplinary design company, Yantra Design Group Inc, commemorates 22 amazing years of designing, supporting, and serving a vast array of clientele, from the hospitality to the art industries, finance and non-profits organizations, holistic wellness, education, established businesses, and start-ups.

Yantra is the umbrella company of Zenotica®, the creative fusion of my brand identity, feng shui, and biophilic design services. It’s been a remarkable, courageous, and elevating journey thus far.

In retrospect, my vision and mission for my work remain constant and true. I enjoy shining light for others to prosper, to be of service to those seeking to materialize their visions, dreams, and ambitions; and last but not least, creating more zen, balance, and harmony in the world.

Today I honor all the wonderful helpful people, my clients, contractors, and service providers, some who are still working with me since the beginning .group . I have so much to be grateful for. There have been significant shifts and transformations through these couple of decades and I'm happy to be here and tell a little bit of the tale.

2023 is Yantra’s master builder number, 22, the year of the master architect. This is a year that creative ideas are materializing in tangible form. I welcome a new phase of growth, innovation, and expansion. So.... what’s next??? Stay tuned. 😉

Here’s to a splendid, joyful, and successful new beginning.
Salud! 🙌💛☀️



I had a dream with my late Abuela Rosa a couple of weeks ago. She was whispering fast in my left ear. I told her I didn’t understand what she was saying. At that moment, I saw visions of a majestic volcano, lush forests, and vibrant vegetation as if I was directing a movie.

Since I was a kid, I’ve been writing poems and love letters to the Mother Earth. I only write when I’m inspired or when I make time for it and that rarely happens.

When I went back to review previous Feng Shui vision boards, I placed this collage in the New Beginnings area, which in my Feng Shui practice, it correlates to the 2nd Chakra. Its element is Water.

2023 is the year of Water Rabbit. 🐰 A year full of creative flow potential and spiritual connection with nature.

My grandmother’s dream message ended with this message that loosely translates to:
“We are shining the light on the world. We are guiding… restoring.”

Practicing Feng Shui for me is a way of honoring what I hold dear in my heart: my home, my family, my health, and the connections I’m nurturing through my creative work and motivation to bring more harmony and beauty in the world.

I may not be writing love letters but my practice is constant.

This message resonates with me so profoundly now as I’m refining my voice to express a higher, sensible vision of living in harmony on our New Earth.


Imagine your key areas of life in your own artist canvas.
What areas would you improve?
Where to begin?

A Feng Shui Vision Board will help you clarify your dreams and intentions in a balanced and energetically-aligned way.

Feng Shui organizes and links all the areas of your life in an energetic grid, called the Bagua.

The Bagua Map is utilized to identify nine sectors, each corresponding to a specific theme.

When I created my first Feng Shui vision board in 2019, my dream was to offer my knowledge and wisdom of Feng Shui to open, larger, and aligned audiences.

Following Feng Shui principles, I placed elements on my vision board which represented
🟠creativity in social centers
💠authentic expression.

Just two weeks after creating my vision board, I was invited to be a speaker at the Houston Vegan Society of Peace to present an evocative and enlightening topic, Living in Harmony with Feng Shui. It was astonishing to experience my dream come true in such a short time, and that was just the beginning.

This is the power of a magnetic Feng Shui vision board.

Sign up for a Feng Shui Vision Board workshop this February to Visualize to Materialize in 2023!



Swirls in the sky.



ARE YOU READY to create an abundant 2023?

The ancient art of Feng Shui teaches us visually accessible and practical ways to harmonize the energy of all the various aspects of our lives:


By creating a Feng Shui Vision board, you set the stage for balanced manifestation of all that you wish to materialize.

Visualize to Materialize in 2023!

Sign up for a Workshop with me to create a powerful and magnetic vision board and ACTIVATE your most abundant new year.

Saturday February 11th and Sunday 12th
3-5pm EST / 2-4pm CST / 12-2 pm PST

Register at:


If there’s anything in life that helps us BREATHE EASY is the simple perfection of nature.

It just IS. Simple. Comforting. Free.

Befriend Nature and live in harmony with all that you love. 💛



Photos from Stewart Title Fulshear's post 19/01/2023

‘Tis the season for GOOD SHUI! 🐰☯️ 🖼️

Our Story

Zenotica design studio creates spaces – both digital and physical—that welcome you home, and make you feel proud, inspired, and balanced.

Learn more about zenotica: https://zenotica.com/about/

Patsy Balacchi, our Feng Shui and Wellness Consultant, offers a unique combination of wholistic, empowering modalities, intrinsic wisdom, innate gifts, and hands-on experience that supports you, your family, and the environment you live in. In-person consultations are available in the Greater Houston area. Virtual consultations available worldwide in English and Spanish. Book a Connection Call.

Member of International Feng Shui Guild: https://www.ifsguild.org/FengShui/directory-consultant/listing/patsy-y-balacchi/

Videos (show all)

Wood Dragon Year 2024 #fengshui
Good Shui Life feng shui products
There’s still time to register for a virtual Feng Shui vision board workshop and receive a very special gift in the mail...
Harmonize each Room of Your Home with feng Shui
finding harmony with nature - zenotica
Feng Shui for the Body, Mind, and Soul
How do we tap into the energy centers in our bodies to create something in our lives through our environment? Something ...
Top 5 #GoodShui Tips for Better Sleep 💤👞 1. No shoes in the bedroom. This helps avoid “stuck” energy and keeps the space...
In my extensive 20+ years in the design industry, I've uncovered a fundamental truth about brand strategy: precision is ...
Jaya Jaya Myra: I'm curious, what was one of the most impactful changes that you made in your own life that led to more ...
Black Tourmaline crystal tips for inner and outer balance#blacktourmaline #fengshuitips
Revealing the effectiveness of Biophilic Design with Simply Oak™, a luxury wood flooring company.#branddesigner #harmony...


https://goodshuilife.com/, https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/8D2C78FC-92AA-44CC-BBD2-76494747BC9