Coach Megan Brown

Coach Megan Brown

I help Mumma’s get a lean body that bursts with energy without restricting or depriving themselves 💪

Photos from Coach Megan Brown's post 01/07/2024


I don’t actually like cooking and I’ve never had a “passion” for it.

In fact my parents would be the first to say they use to worry about me being able to look after myself when I’m older and they are shocked that I’ve turned into abit of an expert in the kitchen!


I love to eat 😂 and I like to look and feel good too! so over the years I’ve learnt what makes me solve all 3 of those things.

I’m extremely lazy in the kitchen so if there is a recipe with too much work and too many ingredients I won’t make it 🙅‍♀️.

The recipes that I’ve created in my own little recipe book are so tasty, packed full of nutrients and so simple that my kids are even getting better at making them then me 🤩🙌.

Comment ‘FitMum Food’ below and I’ll send you the link

♥️ - Mumma Megan x

Photos from Coach Megan Brown's post 14/03/2024

👉 These FitFam recipes have gotten Healthier and Tastier Meals on the Table IN Less Time Than You Think

EVEN... if you have two left hands and burn toast in the fridge!

Here's Proof Below Our FitFam Cookbook Recipes Have Helped Families Achieve Healthier Eating Habits.

Our Goal is to Get 1,000,000 Aussie Families Healthier by the End of 2024 with all of your Success Stories.

Photos from Coach Megan Brown's post 12/03/2024


Helen has lost 14.3kg over the last 6 months working with The Evolved.

Helen averaged 4 x sessions per week and ate 3 x high protein meals a day straight from our members cookbook.

She started on our 28 Day Transformation Program which introduces women to strength training back in Sep '23.

Within that first 4 weeks she had seen a 3kg weight loss, her strength had improved quickly and her energy levels were higher than they had been in years.

Helen linked up with our 6 week Body Transformation challenge in November and committed to our 12 week Evolved You Total Lifestyle Transformation in January.

Big changes start with small commitments & we are looking for 5 ladies to join our new 4-week challenge.

If you don’t lose 5kg, you don’t pay If you want more info, reply yes now

Photos from Coach Megan Brown's post 14/02/2024

Turns out, breaking a sweat does more than just sculpt your body—it’s a power-up for your brain too! 💪🧠

Regular exercise not only slashes stress levels and uplifts your mood but also sharpens your memory and cognition.

Who knew that the path from gym shy to gym confident could also lead to a stronger, happier mind?

Dive into a routine that transforms both body and brain.

Photos from Coach Megan Brown's post 13/02/2024

❤️ If the gym has you a little shy or you’re not sure where to start, we’re here to help!

Whether you come to train with us for 4 weeks or 4 years, we are passionate about lowering the barriers for women to learn the life long skill of strength training 💪

Here’s how we transform you from gym shy to gym confident 🤩

1) Belong from Day One: Join a community that welcomes you with open arms. Our female-only gym is the perfect place to start feeling at ease.

2) Personalize Your Path: Kick off with a 1:1 PT session. Let our expert female trainers tailor your fitness journey to your unique needs.

3) Build Your Strength: Dive into our 28-Day Transformation Challenge. Witness your own strength improve with each session.

4) Gain Knowledge: Learn the ropes of effective gym training with guidance from our female trainers whether you’re a beginner or advance we got you!

5) Celebrate Small Wins: Every workout is a step closer to confidence. Celebrate the small victories with our supportive community.

6) Consistent Confidence: With unlimited access to small group sessions, make consistency your new superpower.

DM the word ‘CONFIDENCE’ to learn more about how to get started training with us at The Evolved All Female Gym

Photos from Coach Megan Brown's post 05/02/2024

🏋️‍♀️ Pilates or Barbell Training: Which One Gets Better Results?

Let’s take a 👀

Photos from Coach Megan Brown's post 10/01/2024

We do transformations differently

Every single, one of these women

👉 learnt to listen to their bodies
👉 they ate when they were hungry
👉 rested when they were lacking energy
👉 and, trained the house down when their bodies allowed for it

This is how you don’t burn out

This is how you permanently transform your body

The Evolved You Transformation Program begins 22nd January

Apply w

Photos from Coach Megan Brown's post 07/01/2024

Work Hard
Play Hard
2024 is for 👇
Loving you for who you ALREADY ARE
Working towards a BETTER VERSION OF YOU


🔥 The Muscle You Lose In Your 30s Is The Muscle You Could Have Used To Enjoy Travelling, Grandkids & Life in Your 60s

I have a report on sacropenia, why It matters to know about its effects that begin in your 30s and what you can do to overcome those effects now…

Drop a 💪 below and I’ll send it through


There’s 4 main metabolic blockers that will stop fat loss in its tracks. Most people have at least one. Drop a 🔥 below and I’ll send you the assessment I use to identify what’s blocking your metabolism


Ladies… Did you know Barbell & Dumbbell Training can help you build strength, muscle and support weight loss all in record time? I have a guide on how to start. Who would like it?

Photos from Coach Megan Brown's post 23/07/2023

There are SO MANY MORE benefits to 👇

- Lifting Barbells & Dumbells On A Regular Basis
- Eating Low Inflammatory Foods Consistently
- And, Ritualising Good Sleeping Habits

Client A - From Painful Periods to Barely Even Noticing Them

Clients B - From Low Iron to Increased Iron Levels in 28 Days

I have a few trials for The FitMum Method open for the end of the month, if you’d like results like these drop a ♥️ below and I’ll send more info


💜👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Imagine A Household With More Connection & Less Distraction!

Mum getting to bed earlier, waking up with more energy and being more motivated throughout the day

More patience at the end of the day, calmer conversations and no losing your 💩 to get things done

No brain dead zombies for kids, less aha and yeahs when trying to talk to hubby and a teenager that actually wants to have a conversation with you

A FitMumma client of mine sent this message through to us all in the FitMum Inner Circle on Sunday

She has had the whole family on a Family Screentime Challenge for the last 4 weeks

🫶🏼 The challenge is simple,

Every week they check their average screentime and the one with the most screentime for the week has to clean the bathrooms

And, guess who keeps losing?

DAD! Hahah! 😂

My FitMumma has reduced her screen time by 3-4 hours a day! Massive WIN...

Before this challenge my FitMumma was struggling to get her whole family onboard with the changes she was trying to implement

Now hubby is seeing the benefits and is making continuous efforts to reduce his screen time

And for this FitMumma, she is finally breaking through and seeing physical results from all her effort

Who would have thought so much positivity would come from a family challenge!!!

If you have been inspired by this story join us next month with our Family Screentime Challenge.

💖 This challenge is for you if you;

- Use your phone to wind down at the end of the night but end up going to bed way too late losing track of time scrolling
- Catch yourself checking your phone constantly when it's family time or a loved one is trying to talk to you
- Need more than 2 coffees a day just to work your way up to a normal level of energy for the day
- Constantly fight the kids or hubby about the amount of time they spend on their screens

🔥 This challenge begins on August 1st

We will cover;

- Healthy boundaries, screentime settings and using social media in a constructive way
- Activities to do that engage the whole family without screens
- And habits to practice to break-free from the dopamine distraction

Now do me one favour and check your screentime, even if you could shave that back by just 2 hours a day

Over a year you will WIN back 30 days of screentime, imagine what you all could do with that time!

Drop a '💜' to get onto the waitlist for the challenge

Photos from Coach Megan Brown's post 16/03/2023

If you are a Mum & you have low iron levels read and save this post, there is a missing piece to the puzzle you probably haven’t been told to address.


💪For most Mumma’s losing the first 5-10kg can be as simple as removing highly processed foods from their diets.

If the motivation and reason is strong enough it can be quite easy for most to lose that weight but as the weight comes off the changes are smaller and happen a lot slower.

That’s where a lot of Mumma’s can get unstuck, they go from being used to watching the weight fall off every week to nothing for weeks at a time.

It’s hard to keep up a routine when the thing that keeps you motivated isn’t there any more.

That’s why, every one of these ladies in this photo (including myself) were accountable to;

✅ A Coach
✅ A Photoshoot
✅ And, had the support of each other

There’s something special about doing a challenge like this with a team of ladies.

💖We all took turns in complaining about how hard it was, sometimes I would play the role of support and other times is was one of the other ladiessupporting me.

💖That’s how we got through it and that’s how we all completed the year long challenge last year.

💖We lifted each other up to a new standard we all had never been to before.

Most ladies think “if I can lose ‘x’ amount of weight I should be able to do it myself or maintain that result”.

They’re wrong, it’s actually quite the opposite.

The leaner you get, the more support and accountability you need because each kg gets harder and harder to lose.

I’m getting ready to drop a FitMum Fast Track Program to my current clients, if your wheels have fallen down in the last couple of weeks and still want to make 2023 the year of your best body ever

Drop a 🚀 below and I’ll reach out to you with some details


Emma did one photoshoot with us and this is her transformation 👇

💖 What was the biggest habit holding you back? And, have you conquered it completely yet or are you still working on it?

👉 Not eating enough food !!!!!!! And being very critical of myself..
Ha, I think I’m still trying to overcome it ..

💖 What did you struggle with the most on this journey, and how did you overcome it?

👉 I struggled with getting my head around eating more food and not having to be in the gym for hours everyday..

💖 What did you find the easiest?

👉 Food Prep

💖 Favourite Motivation Quote?

👉 My favourite quote is “believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable”

💖 What advice would you give to someone who resonates with your story and might be struggling?

👉 I struggle with a lot of things... and I have learnt every day is a new day and you just have to keep going .. believe you can ...

💖 In bullet point form, list 3 ingredients that you feel are vital to a successful transformation?

1️⃣ Nutrition
2️⃣ Exercise
3️⃣ Mindset

💖 What did you learn from this experience?

👉 I have learnt to not be so hard on myself .. it’s not a race .. it’s about the rest of my life

💖 Tell us something about yourself?

👉 There isn’t anything really interesting to know about me 🤔🤔 umm ..
Mother of 2 boys .. ??
That’s about as exciting I get ha😳

🔥 Would you like to learn more about how I can help you?
I encourage all the Mumma's I work with to do as much research and absorb as much content of mine as possible before applying to work with me.

❤️ The ladies who do that always get the best results in the shortest amount of time ☺️

I work very closely with my clients.

Rather than simply tell you what to do, I'm much more interested in finding out what you actually do.

That way we can break/create habits one at a time to achieve the best possible result with the least amount of effort and keep those results permanently.

If you want some resources and free content comment 🎁 below and I’ll send you something special 😘


💖 Often it’s the ideas you conjure up in your minds that hold you back.

Ruth was already in pretty good shape when she came to me but she was always sick and run down.

Her goals at the time were to get leaner so in an attempt to get leaner she was eating boring and bland food because in her mind that was what you had to do to get lean 🤦‍♀️

Eating bland, boring food meant she had no enjoyment from the food she was eating every day so she suffered cravings for other foods and often binge when she did eat ‘off the plan’.

One thing Ruth admitted to me was she hated food prep, at first she wouldn’t cook from the cookbible because it was too hard.

I asked her one day what her values were when it came to raising a family.

She said “as a wife and a mother it’s important for me to be at home every night to have dinner on the table for my family”

This was one snapping point that totally shifted her mindset and eventually led to the body shape changes she wanted.

I suggested to make one meal out of the cookbible each night and enough for leftovers for the next day.

That's when the photos started to come through with her kids in the kitchen all smiles, instead of baking they started cooking delicious and nutritious food.

Ruth’s cravings eventually subsided and she stopped binging because enjoyed the food she was eating every day.

Most women feel as though they need to suffer in order to get the body they want but in reality that approach is counterproductive towards the overall goal.

When you unravel the misinformed ideas you have in your head & get down to the deeper reasons for wanting to get into shape everything aligns and the process of transforming your body because effortless.


Our mission is to collectively improve the eating habits of 1,000,000 children by helping their parents show them the tools and strategies the (the children) need, so they can have the best relationship with their body and food throughout childhood, their teenage years and into adulthood.

Grab Your Free Family Friendly High Protein Recipes and, save 5 hours in the kitchen & $80 p/week off your family food bill each week!

Get the Hardcopy FitFam Cookbook with 52 Quick, Affordable, and Delicious High Protein Recipes the Whole Family Will Love

"The recipes are so simple I actually enjoy doing the food prep now & the food is so yummy" - Karisa E. Verified Buyer

Photos from Coach Megan Brown's post 14/03/2023

Simone did two photoshoots with us. This is her transformation 👇

💖 What was the biggest habit holding you back? And, have you conquered it completely yet or are you still working on it?

👉 I’m still working on it, my biggest habit is falling off the wagon and taking time to get back on it. The time between these episodes are getting less and less though 😊 The excuses I used to have are also becoming less and less. I’m making more time to meal prep and to train.

💖 What did you struggle with the most on this journey, and how did you overcome it?

👉 The biggest thing I struggle with and have is self doubt.

💖 What did you find the easiest?

👉 Actually training - I enjoy it, it definitely helps my anxiety and I’m sleeping a lot better than I used too as well.

💖 Favourite Motivation Quote?

👉 ‘Strive for progress not perfection’

💖 What advice would you give to someone who resonatesbwith your story and might be struggling?

👉 Keep going and Don’t give up.

💖 In bullet point form, list 3 ingredients that you feel are vital to a successful transformation?

1️⃣ Sleep
2️⃣ Motivation
3️⃣ Meal prep

💖 What did you learn from this experience?

👉 That it’s a journey, not a destination! Don’t give up because you’re not getting the results, putting in the effort everyday will eventually lead to the results you want.

💖 Tell us something about yourself?

👉 I’m a mum if 4 kiddies and a nurse by trade. My life is absolute chaos haha! Which leaves little time for myself 😩

❤️ If you’re looking for a bit of self love in the form of structure & support comment 🚀 below and I’ll send some details on how I can help you

Photos from Coach Megan Brown's post 14/03/2023

❤️ In the space of 18 months Nikki did three photoshoots and got married. This is her transformation 👇

💖 What's the best part of this journey so far?

👉 Reaching my goal weight and feeling like a million bucks for my wedding!

💖 What was the biggest habit holding you back? And, have you conquered it completely yet or are you still working on it?

👉 Social eating. I'm able to make better choices or just control my portion size most of the time, but.... I still have the occasional cookie monster eating frenzy.

💖 What did you struggle with the most on this journey, and how did you overcome it?

👉 Food FOMO - Over time I've gotten better at this by picking the cookbook meals I love the most so I look forward to my prepared meals instead of being jealous of what others have.

💖 What did you find the easiest?

👉 FIRE - I love these sessions, it's a real confidence boost being able to pick up heavy things competently and at the end I'm instantly rewarded with carby goodness 😋

💖 What's your favourite motivational quote?

👉 "You'll never know how much you can achieve until you try" & “Make the uncomfortable comfortable”

💖 What advice would you give to someone who resonates with your story and might be struggling?

👉 Identify one of the biggest habits holding you back from your goals. Break it down into manageable chunks.

Then just focus on replacing one poor habit cornerstone with a better one. Do this one at a time and before you know it you're achieving long lasting results which move you towards your goal everyday.

💖 In bullet point form, list 3 ingredients that you feel are vital to a successful transformation?

✅ Honesty
✅ Consistency
✅ Determination

💖 What did you learn from this experience?

👉 I learnt that a true transformation came from a change in mind set and habits more so than what I ate or did at the gym. I've always been health conscience but was never able to apply my knowledge or good intentions in a meaningful way. Those fall into place naturally once you set your house, mind and routine in order. Then you become what you constantly do.

💖 What advice would you give to someone who resonates with your story and might be struggling?

👉 Don't focus on being perfect, focusing on raising your average baseline.

That way when life gets hard and you fall off the wagon, you won't fall as far and you'll be able to get back on quicker.

❤️ If you’re looking for a bit of self love in the form of structure & support comment 🚀 below and I’ll send some details on how I can help you

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BOOST Immunity, Kill Cravings And Increase Energy Levels
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❗#FitMums Don't FOLLOW Restrictive Diets...Restrictive diets take the fun out of life...FitMum's are LEADERS, they lead ...
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👶You do this because you know it's important for your babies...If you don't focus on this FIRST, all of your good intent...
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🔥 5 Way Mumma's Can Speed Up Their Metabolism
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