Jessica Karwat

Jessica Karwat

I love helping women create massive success in their lives while up-leveling their health!👸


Your dream life will show up once you stop focusing on things outside of you & start focusing on yourself first🥰


Right now, the “small things” are still stressing you out, and that’s why you’re not living your dream life yet.

You want a big life.

A life where you have it all.

And maybe you already have some of the things you’ve always wanted, but deep down, it still feels like parts are missing.

BUT, in this moment, the small things in your life—like that phone call you need to make, the important conversation you need to have, or the bill you need to pay—are stressing you out.

And that is exactly why the things you desire so deeply aren’t showing up in your life.

Having a big life means having more things to hold, to take care of.

Because the version of you that has it all is an elevated version—one that has the capacity to HOLD a lot more than you’re holding right now.

Having a bigger, more expansive life means having the capacity to handle ALL that life throws your way.

And no, the problems and challenges won’t stop. It’s all about how you deal with them.

So, in order to create that dream life, the new version of you needs to have a bigger capacity. That new version of you needs elevation.


You are here to be different, so stop being like everyone else. That is how you will create your dream life.


“How Feeling of ‘Not Enough’ Ruined My Life & How I Healed It—And No, It Wasn’t Through Positive Affirmations (Those Don’t Work for Me)”

I’d noticed throughout my life that this belief of not feeling good enough would creep in…

In relationships, at work, in business, in life… it would actually ruin my life (and I didnt even realise)

I knew that belief was there, so I did what I thought was right: repeating daily affirmations that I was good enough, while also talking about this feeling in therapy.

Well, nothing changed. Actually, things got worse.

I realized I was truly holding myself back from living the life I wanted.

I envied others for getting all the things they desired but couldn’t achieve that for myself. Sounds familiar?

I didn’t believe I deserved it.

So, I traveled back in time to heal this wound.

I asked myself—when was this belief formed?

I remembered, as a child in my family, I was the outsider.

My cousins were the center of attention; they’d get all the love, the money, the affection, the support—things I didn’t receive.

(This was something I wasn’t consciously aware of until I grew up).

And it clicked.

Back then, I tried to be good enough, but it wasn’t enough. Nothing would change. So I ended up repeating this pattern unconsciously in school, at work, in relationships.

I’d literally sabotage myself unwillingly in not being GREAT, but just good because I believed someone else was better or more talented than me.

(Damn, even writing this hurts that I believed this as a child.)

I realized a simple affirmation wouldn’t cut it for me.

I realised this required DEEPER work…

What I needed to address was my SELF IMAGE.

You have one too. Your self image is an image you hold of yourself in your mind, based on all your experiences, failures, successes, interactions, and what you believe about yourself today.

Your self image resides in your subconscious mind, which makes up 95% of who you are.

So while you’re trying to convince yourself that you’re good enough, you’re only reaching 5% of your conscious mind. The real shifts need to happen at a much deeper level.

The good news is you can change your self image.

The bad news is you can’t outwork your self image.

So, by DOING more, nothing will actually change in your life.

You need to change who you are BEING.

THIS is how your life will change and how you will truly alter the belief of not being good enough.
�Once I did this work, EVERYTHING in my life started to shift.

I landed the jobs I wanted, I made the money I desired, I attracted the clients I wanted to work with and I met my dream partner who never made me feel like I wasn’t good enough (and so much more happened).

HOW you can do that, too? I will share in my upcoming free masterclass, “Courageously Stepping into Your Dream Self.”

Link in comments!


"Just think positive thoughts"

is exactly why you are STUCK IN LIFE.

👉Have you ever confided in someone, sharing that you’re struggling in life, feeling down, or that something is really bothering you—only to be told to just stay positive and be grateful for what you have?

Yeah, I’ve been there too. My mom used to say that to me.

So, I started hiding what I was truly feeling.

That hiding turned into suppressing.

That suppressing grew into shame.

And that shame led to a disconnection from who I was as a woman.

Whenever something didn’t go my way or I felt lost, I’d try to brush it off and focus on the positive.

But eventually, I hit a breaking point.

This was not the life I wanted to live.

I realized the issue ran much deeper.

Instead of looking inward, I was searching outside myself for the solution.

And I realized I needed to bring the focus back to me.

Here’s the thing👇🏼

To become unstuck in life, it’s not about forcing yourself to think toxic positive thoughts or doing more—it’s about reconnecting with WHO YOU ARE.

✨It’s about YOU becoming the person who creates the life you desire, not about DOING more to make it happen.✨

But we’re not taught how to do that. We’re told to work harder, achieve more, and ignore what our body or intuition is telling us.

👉🏼And that’s why most people are stuck in life.

They’ve completely disconnected from who they are as women.

They’ve stopped creating the life they desire.

So, in order to create the life of your dreams, you need to become YOUR DREAM SELF! And that takes courage!

And this is exactly what I’ll be teaching in my upcoming free masterclass!

Sign Up Here:


I got told, I wanted too much.

I got told, I should be grateful for what I have.

And while I was.. I knew I was meant for more, for better.

I knew I wanted an extraordinary life.

BUT, I felt guilty for feeling so.

Because this is what other people made me feel like.

I realised I was the weird, the crazy one.

The one that took risks.

The one that saw life differently.

But deep within I was holding myself back from going for it.

I wanted ALL the things:

✨A beautiful committed partner
✨A dream house in my dream country
✨A successful business that generates good money
✨A dog that I love like a child
✨Travelling the world
�I wanted it all.

And I got it all.

And this is what I did:

👉🏼I stopped caring what others had to say and how they lived their life. And more importantly I stopped listening to their advice. Instead I surrounded myself with people who already lived a life I wanted to live.

👉🏼Instead of working harder - I shifted WHO I was being. This is also called identity shifting. You currently have an identity that is tied to beliefs about yourself and what you think you are capable of doing. Many people try to outwork that by doing more instead of shifting what they believe about themselves on a deeper level.

👉🏼I took FULL responsibility for my life and what I wanted. That also meant doing the healing work and looking at the shift I was avoiding and realising that that was why I was stuck. If I didn’t heal from the past, my future was going to look the same.

👉🏼I stayed consistent. I showed up, every day, for myself. Even if I didn’t see the evidence that my life was changing, even when it was challenging, I didn’t give up. I learned from failures. I learned from situations instead of seeing them as a reason why it wasn’t meant for me-

My program DREAM LIFE is ALL about how you CAN HAVE IT ALL!

Join here:


You could be living your dream life soon but this is why you are not👇

✨You are still listening to opinions of people who are not where you want to be

✨You are still waiting for the “right moment” to start taking action. The right moment is NOW. It will never be better.

✨You haven’t let go of your old limiting beliefs, so they still define who you are.

✨You haven’t done the identity work.

✨You’re operating from your current state of scarcity rather than connecting with your future self, who embodies abundance.

✨You are still thinking too small. You are limiting yourself and what you are able to achieve.


🔥You got to start dreaming BIG!

🔥If you want a DREAM LIFE, it has to stop with being average.

🔥Stop listening to what other people have to say.

It is YOUR life.

🔥You got to start believing anything and everything is possible for you.

🔥You got to start thinking and acting FROM that place.

🔥You got to let go of everything that is not serving you, especially those limiting beliefs. They are a b*tch and are the reason you are stuck!

🔥You got to tune into the frequency of: ABUNDANCE. And stop focusing on everything that is NOT in your life.

🔥Once you do, you will notice how everything in your life starts to shift!

👉If you want to go deeper into this work, my program DREAM LIFE is the program for you.

👉Send me a DM or comment Dream Life for more info!


Rather than getting overwhelmed, ask yourself: What's one thing I can do today to move toward the amazing future I deserve? 💪🏼✨


You are stuck in life because you are taking advice from people you shouldn’t

You know you are meant for more in life but right now you don’t trust yourself enough to make the moves you are meant to make.

There is an inner voice holding you back and today is the day you realise that inner voice is not you but someone else from your life.

Right now you allow other people in your life like your mother or your husband or your sister tell you what they think is best for you while internally you know that you want better and more but you value their opinion because they must know what is best for you, right?

You currently wait for their approval.

You put their opinion on a pedestal.

You wait for THEM to move so that you can move.

You wait for them to take the lead.

And that is making you insecure and you are overthinking everything.

But let me ask you this, why would you take relationship advice from someone who has never been in a healthy relationship themselves?


You wouldn’t (I hope you wouldn’t.)

So why are you allowing someone else to dictate YOUR LIFE?

This is about taking YOUR power back.

This is about you realising that you can TRUST YOURSELF & that when you want a different life YOU will make decisions MOST people will not MAKE or understand.

And you got to be okay with that.

You got to be the first one to lead.

You got to be the first one to take decisions as the person that you WANT to be, not the person that you are right now.

When I quit my corporate job and started my business not many people in my life understood.

They told me I didn’t have enough experience.

They told me I was throwing away a great opportunity. But I did it anyway.

Now I have helped hundreds of women create their life of their dreams.

And I wouldn’t be here if I would have listened to what everyone else was telling me to do.


I used to blame my parents for all the hardships in my life.

They were my biggest triggers, especially my dad. He caused me a lot of pain and did many things that weren't right, leading to the breakup of our family.

For a long time, I didn't deal with that pain. I suppressed it, portraying myself as the strong one. I showed the world I wasn't in pain and could get through anything in life, but eventually, the pain caught up with me. Minor situations involving my parents and my partner would trigger me.

I realized I held a grudge against my father that prevented me from moving forward and living my life the way I wanted.

I understood that if I didn't take responsibility for my life and my healing, and if I continued suppressing and blaming my parents, I would never have a healthy and happy life. I'd never live life to the fullest.

So, I needed to:
1. Take responsibility: I realized the only person responsible for my healing was me. I didn't want to hide or be the strong one anymore. I wanted to face my wounds and take as much time as needed to heal.

1. Gain perspective: I heard a saying that helped me a lot: "It's my parents' first time living life too." They weren't born with a blueprint on how to do life, so they made mistakes. They have their own traumas, and not everyone is willing to do the healing work to get better. I had to be okay with that.

1. Live life for me: I wanted an incredible life. I decided to view all these hardships as lessons and gifts. I knew that if these things hadn't happened, I wouldn't be able to help others as I do now.

It took time, but when I embraced these changes, everything shifted. My digestive problems reduced and then disappeared, my sleep improved, my skin cleared, and I began to see myself in a new light. I finally learned to understand myself inside and out, rather than focusing on the outside world.

Where in your life are you stuck because you blame who you are today on other people and circumstances? Where are you not taking responsibility for your own healing?


When I first met my dream partner, I wasn’t interested…

Not because I didn’t find him attractive.

Not because I didn’t like him.

But because I felt nothing.

And I thought that was wrong.

Let me explain.

Before that, I was in a two-year relationship with a guy that was INTENSE.

When I say intense, I mean daily fights, daily highs, daily lows, daily panic attacks... that kind of relationship.

It mirrored the relationship my parents had, and I thought that’s what a relationship had to look like.
I believed it had to be intense and toxic.

I saw my parents unable to stay apart, yet also not good for each other.

So, when I met my current partner, and he was different—calm, kind, loving, and relaxed—I felt like it was wrong.

I thought I needed to feel anxious and have butterflies all the time.

I couldn’t believe I could fully trust him when he left the house. And because I didn’t, I created crazy stories and picked fights, because that’s what I knew a relationship to be.

For the first time, my nervous system could relax.
For the first time, I had a man by my side whom I could fully trust and surrender to.

But before I could do that, I had to heal all my issues.
Because in this new relationship, all my traumas and triggers resurfaced (just like in my business, but that’s for another post).

They surfaced so intensely that I am incredibly grateful to my partner for helping me heal.

And that’s what often happens.

You can heal alongside someone in a relationship.

When you do, you start to see things clearer.

You begin to know yourself better.

You become a better person for yourself and them.
And this healing work translates to all other areas of your life.

This is the healing work I’m talking about.

It’s about having awareness and then healing whatever needs to be healed.

If you are ready to heal, my program The Healed Woman is for you!

Send me a DM to join!


You know you are meant for more in life BUT...

✨You know you are meant for more in life but right now your past is still holding you back. That thing that was said to you when you were younger is stuck in your mind making you believe it is still true today.

✨You know you are meant for more in life but right now you believe that you are not good enough for that relationship, for starting that business, for that new job, for you to travel the world. You believe you still need to learn more or be more to have that thing.

✨You know you are meant for more in life but you are trying to control EVERYTHING. You have a hard time letting go and taking risks that would catapult you to the next level in life immediately.

✨You know you are meant for more in life but you are operating mainly from your masculine energy, making you work hard and push instead of surrender. The lack of your feminine energy is not allowing you to receive all the gifts that life has in store for you.

✨You know you are meant for more in life but you are waiting for the right moment. You are focused on the external world way too much and that is why things feel stuck. You are looking for signs or reasons but YOU are the sign. You are the reason.

✨You know you are meant for more in life but you care way too much about what other people have to say about you. You want to make sure that you don’t outshine anyone or make anyone angry with your decisions.

✨You know you are meant for more in life but you care about other people more than you care about yourself. You have a hard time putting yourself first because you have been taught that this is selfish and so you end up exhausting yourself making everyone else happy but yourself.

Once you get this:
YOU are the CHANGE, that’s when everything in your life will start to shift.


✨Heal so that you can slow down and rest without guilt.

✨Heal so that you can have a normal conversation with your family without it getting heated.

✨Heal so that you can start your business and make it as successful as you'd like.

✨Heal so that you have a healthy menstrual cycle without PMS, period pain or hormonal health issues.

✨Heal so that you can manifest your dream life with ease.

✨Heal so that you can put yourself first without the need to people please.

✨Heal so that you can feel your emotions without judging them or avoiding them through coping mechanisms.

✨Heal so that you can sit with yourself in silence and feel like you are the best company ever.

✨Heal so that you can have a healthy loving relationship and attract your dream partner.

👉Healing is NOT about fixing yourself.

👉Healing is about becoming the best version of yourself, EVER.

Everything you want to know, everything that feels stuck in life, everything that isn’t going your way, and everything you keep creating over and over again is because there are parts of you that need healing.

Parts of you are still sitting deep in your subconscious, needing to be brought to the surface so you can break through them.

When I felt stuck in my business, I tried to OUTWORK that "stuck-ness" by doing more, only to find myself even more stuck.

I realized there was a deep, deep belief and micro trauma making me believe I wasn’t the one who would have a successful business.

I always believed others could have it, but not me.

I didn’t realize how this belief played out in so many other areas of my life.

That belief was created based on a trauma I experienced early in childhood.

Only when I broke through that belief and healed the trauma did my business explode, and I started attracting amazing clients.

So ask yourself👇

💕What do you want to change in your life?

💕What part of yourself do you need to heal?

Ready to take it to the next step? Join The Healed Woman Program Here:


You feel stuck in life because you haven't done the identity work👇

Right now you are trying to “OUT-DO” feeling stuck by DOING MORE, by working more, by being more busy, by learning more, by finding more techniques or more habit changing tricks.

But nothing seems so stick.

You just feel even more tired and like you are running around in circles.

It’s because you have been taught that hard work is the only way to a successful and happy life.

But you have been lied to.

Yes, you got to take action, but if you take action without shifting your identity, nothing will change in your life.

I come from a family where it was all about staying busy, doing more, and resting was called laziness.

But then I’d always ask myself - why do some people have an easier time getting what they want and I am struggling and it always feels heavy and hard?

I felt it was unfair. I felt like I was not good enough. I felt like no matter how hard I worked my life wouldn’t be as expansive as I dreamt of.

But I was wrong. I learned that deep down my identity wasn’t aligned with the person I wanted to become. Let me explain.

Let’s say you want to lose weight. Your identity might be: Struggling Sally. Where, while being on a weight loss journey you decide that it is HARD to eat healthy, it is HARD to work out, everything is just HARD.

OR, you decide to be Superwoman Sally...

Superwoman Sally decides that losing weight is easy, that it is so worth it, that this is second nature, that bumps in the road are just bumps and not a reason to give up.

Who do you think will be more successful in the long run?
Superwoman Sally, exactly.

That is exactly why some people are stuck in life in so many areas and why some people make a decision to change and everything changes.

The question becomes: WHO do you need to BE to create the RESULT you want to create? NOT what do you need to do. As the doing will follow automatically once you ARE the person.

So today: ask yourself - based on where you want to go in life - what identity does this person have? how does she feel? how does she behave? and BE HER today and see how your life will change in front of your eyes.


You have a hard time dealing with challenges, because you haven’t experienced safety in your life and that’s why you feel anxious and like life is against you


You feel strong and powerful no matter what life throws at you, you know how to get through anything and take its lessons from it…

Why this is not the case right now is because you still make challenges mean something about you.

You believe life is against you.

You make a challenge mean that that thing you want is not meant for you. You believe that if that thing you want was meant for you, it wouldn’t happen. It would be smooth, it would be easy.

But actually the opposite is true.

When you want something, life will throw it challenges at you, as the universe wants to see if you are truly ready for that thing.

It’s like the universe saying: “are you sure you can handle that thing with all the responsibilities to come?”

You might have people telling you that what you want is a bad idea, that it is not meant for you.

You might get a huge check. You might need to end a relationship.

Now the truth is, surrendering to life doesn’t just come from staying positive but it is about creating a deep sense of security within yourself.

If in any capacity in your life you have experienced challenges or changes early on. Maybe you grew up in an unstable household, you haven’t learned a deep sense of safety, a knowing that everything will be okay.

And because of that you operate from a state of fight or flight, a state of always being alert, making sure that nothing can create danger.
�That is also when anxiety comes in. You feel anxious because things feel unsafe and uncertain, even though not real physical danger is around.

You need to learn how to connect with your body, calm your nervous system and get yourself back into a state of peace and safety.

Only then will you be able to see challenges as an opportunity as they won’t trigger a state of danger within you and your body.


You have been lied to.

As women, we have been told HOW to behave, HOW to NOT be, HOW to dress, NOT to be loud, NOT to be too much.

We have been told SO many lies.

We have heard SO many opinions.

And that led us to this.

To a life that might not feel 100% fulfilling.

To a feeling of not knowing how to move forward.

Of finding ourselves in the same unwanted situation again and again.


Because all that we have ever heard, we have internalized.

We have made that WHO WE ARE today.

BUT, that is NOT true.

You make it your truth.

So what we have to do is not only let that go but heal.

Heal so that you can be the woman you have always wanted to be.

So you can create a life that feels best for YOU!

So that you can be the most authentic version of yourself.


This is what I will teach in Thursday's FREE Masterclass, "The Healed Woman".

It will be explosive🔥

It will be transformational🔥

It will leave you speechless🔥

So, don't miss it, my friend.

Sign up here:


The real reason I never felt good enough👇

Growing up, I always heard my parents say,

"You can achieve anything you want,"
"If you work hard, you'll get everything you desire," and
"You're going to go far in life!"


I asked myself, even though I heard this for many years, why didn't I believe it?

I couldn't figure it out.

Until I realized my dad had big dreams and goals. He wanted to learn to play guitar, become really good at pool, and become a full-time photographer.

None of that happened.

And not because he didn’t know how or wasn’t good at it.

But because he never believed deep down that he could do it.

He watched his friends achieve all of HIS dreams and goals.

And it affected me.

I didn’t need to HEAR that I could achieve my dreams.

I needed to SEE it.

I never had anyone showing me it was possible. Instead, I saw my dad doubting himself, comparing himself to others, and never feeling good enough.

That’s where my self-doubts and feelings of not being good enough came from.

It clicked.

To not live the same life as my dad and to create what I want, I needed to break through that.

I needed to let go of those doubts. I needed to heal.

Because if I didn’t, I would stay stuck.

And that’s the thing.

I see this in SO many women—feeling stuck, not getting what they want, not realizing the block is on a much deeper subconscious level.

Healing isn’t just about letting go. It’s about creating the life you desire.

If you want to learn how, join my FREE Masterclass this week called "The Healed Woman."

Come and heal with me!

Sign up here:

With love,


Others look at her and say this about her: "quiet, always listening, super kind to everyone, and never a problem to anyone."

While actually:
"She is afraid to speak up about what she thinks. She fears judgment, constantly overthinks how others perceive her, and doubts that she is good enough or that what she has to say will add value to the conversation."

👉Healing isn’t just about dealing with past pain or emotions. It’s so much more.

👉Healing is about speaking up.

👉It’s finding the courage to share your thoughts and needs, knowing your voice matters.

👉Healing is about showing up confidently.

👉It’s about believing that what you have to say is important and that you deserve to be heard.

👉Healing is about being your true self.

👉It’s about letting go of who you think you should be and embracing who you really are.

👉Healing is about setting boundaries.

👉It’s knowing your limits and standing firm on what you need to stay healthy and balanced.

So many women feel stuck, wanting change but unsure of what’s holding them back.

Often, the missing piece is this deeper healing.

Sometimes, the very qualities that make you likable or accepted can also be what’s keeping you stuck.

What helped you fit in might now be holding you back.

Healing means recognizing these patterns and finding a way to move past them.

It’s about becoming more aligned with your true self and letting go of what no longer serves you.

If this post resonates with you, join my FREE masterclass this week called The Healed Woman. Join here:


I’d be the girl who was always busy, defining myself by it.

I’d wake up early no matter what to get a workout in.

I’d try to be perfect in every aspect of life.

I absolutely hated resting!

I’d also have sleeping problems…

Until one day…

I thought eating as healthy as possible and working out a lot was the solution to all my problems.

But this made me even more miserable and unhealthy.

I realized what I needed was to slow down.
And not only that, but to let go of all my learned behaviors.

I defined myself by my busyness because this was all I had! I was only as worthy as I was busy! And I realized that this was a LEARNED behavior that I needed to unlearn, a behavior I needed to let go.

I realized that the need to do high-intensity workouts every day came from always needing to push myself because otherwise, it wasn’t a good workout. I’d literally get bored doing yoga.

I realized that the reason why I couldn’t sleep was because my nervous system was on OVERLOAD and I needed to learn how to calm it.

And so much more.

I realized that a healthy woman is not defined by how much she does but by how much she honors and understands herself and her body.

Because once she does, not only will SHE feel better, but her life will start to change in every aspect.

I call her the HEALED WOMAN.
The woman who embodies both hard work and rest.

The woman who knows she is more than her work and that she is enough right now.

She also knows how to embody balance and live by it every single day.

This is the HEALED WOMAN. And I will be holding a FREE Masterclass next week on the healed woman.

It will absolutely change your life.

Sign Up here:


I remember when I was 19, I started experiencing major stomach cramps. At that time, I either thought I was pregnant (which I was not) or that I might have some serious health problems (like cancer).

I got everything checked, and the doctors found nothing. I didn't understand. I considered myself healthy back then—exercising regularly and eating well—but every day I would wake up with severe stomach cramps.

I went back to my doctor, telling him that the tests showed nothing. He knew what was going on at home: my family was falling apart, my dad was acting out, and I was preparing for my graduation exams.

I didn’t realize that all of this was causing an enormous amount of stress, while I tried to keep it together for my exams. During this time, I was heavily suppressing my emotions and feelings. I didn’t allow myself to feel sad or angry because I had to focus on my exams.

These stomach cramps eventually turned into digestive issues. Again, without realizing it, I continued living my life suppressing my emotions. This also worsened my eating disorder—I struggled with bulimia for many years.

Eventually, things got so bad that these issues held me back from being happy and living the life I wanted. I knew something needed to change.

So, I decided to learn how to feel my emotions, to allow them to come up, to process all the pain from the years, and to heal my relationship with food. And I healed.

Today, I see so many women going through similar situations in life, not recognizing that the very reason they feel stuck, unhappy, confused, or anxious is because they are suppressing the very thing that makes them human.

And that is exactly why I am holding a FREE Workshop called "The Healed Woman" next week.

This workshop is for you if:
👉You have tried self-development work, therapy, or yoga, but still feel like something is missing.
👉You believed that working out harder, eating healthier, and staying busy would lead to happiness and success, but found it made you more miserable.
👉You are a woman struggling to achieve your health goals, despite knowing what to do.
👉You feel stuck and unable to detect the underlying issues holding you back.
👉You recognize the importance of a holistic approach to well-being.
👉You are ready to embrace duality, understanding that extremes don’t work.
👉You want to heal and create the life you desire by inviting balance and harmony into your life.

Sign up here:

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